36 research outputs found

    Culturally congruent and linguistically correct translations of proms as a basis for communication in healthcare

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    Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are questionnaires used in clinical settings to provide information of a patient’s health status. In encounters with ethnic minority patients, translations of these are needed. However, producing linguistically correct and culturally congruent translations of PROMs is complicated. The aim of the study was to investigate the challenges of translating PROMs according to standard translatory rules. The methods were literature research, forward-and-back translations, discussions with those doing the translations, and in-depth interviews with other translators. Thematic analysis. The findings showed that forward-and-back translation was not found to result in meaningful translations for patients. One key issue was poor/incorrect translations; this often occurred due to translators being unfamiliar with biomedical terminology, the exact concepts do not exist as such in the target language, the professional terms are not used in every day/oral language, and/or the patient's level of education made understanding the PROMs difficult. Successful medical treatment depends on PROMs being understood and correctly filled in. Poor/incorrect translations may cause important background information to be missed, which can potentially result in insufficient treatment or even misdiagnosis.publishedVersio

    Culturally congruent and linguistically correct translations of proms as a basis for communication in healthcare

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License.Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are questionnaires used in clinical settings to provide information of a patient’s health status. In encounters with ethnic minority patients, translations of these are needed. However, producing linguistically correct and culturally congruent translations of PROMs is complicated. The aim of the study was to investigate the challenges of translating PROMs according to standard translatory rules. The methods were literature research, forward-and-back translations, discussions with those doing the translations, and in-depth interviews with other translators. Thematic analysis. The findings showed that forward-and-back translation was not found to result in meaningful translations for patients. One key issue was poor/incorrect translations; this often occurred due to translators being unfamiliar with biomedical terminology, the exact concepts do not exist as such in the target language, the professional terms are not used in every day/oral language, and/or the patient's level of education made understanding the PROMs difficult. Successful medical treatment depends on PROMs being understood and correctly filled in. Poor/incorrect translations may cause important background information to be missed, which can potentially result in insufficient treatment or even misdiagnosis.publishedVersio

    Coping with moral distress on acute psychiatric wards: A qualitative study

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    Background: Nurses working within acute psychiatric settings often face multifaceted moral dilemmas and incompatible demands. Methods: Qualitative individual and focus group interviews were conducted. Ethical considerations: Approval was received from the Norwegian Social Science Data Services. Ethical Research Guidelines were followed. Participants and research context: Thirty nurses working within acute psychiatric wards in two mental health hospitals. Results: Various coping strategies were used: mentally sorting through their ethical dilemmas or bringing them to the leadership, not ‘bringing problems home’ after work or loyally doing as told and trying to make oneself immune. Colleagues and work climate were important for choice of coping strategies. Discussion: Nurses’ coping strategies may influence both their clinical practice and their private life. Not facing their moral distress seemed to come at a high price. Conclusions: It seems essential for nurses working in acute psychiatric settings to come to terms with distressing events and identify and address the moral issues they face. As moral distress to a great extent is an organisational problem experienced at a personal level, it is important that a work climate is developed that is open for ethical discussions and nourishes adaptive coping strategies and moral resilience.publishedVersio

    Public space in an age of austerity

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    Through an overview of the decade 2008 to 2017, and looking comparatively across four northern European cities, this paper reflects on the changing nature of public space during these austerity years and on the processes of shaping public spaces. The paper draws from the experiences of London, Copenhagen, Malmo and Oslo to explore processes of the design, development, use and management of public spaces during this period. The evidence suggests that we have witnessed a period of significant innovation, side by side with major challenges to the collective approach to public spaces. This has led to distinct forms of public spaces that for good or ill have multiplied as a result of the trends discussed in the paper, spaces of; expectation; the private/public sphere; spectacle; respite; infrastructure; diversion; income generation; security; the ephemeral city; community control; occupation; disadvantage; and decline. Episodes of changing practice are set out in the paper and cumulatively reveal distinct and significant changes during the austerity era, although not necessarily in the manner that might have been expected. Instead, in these four cities, the impact of austerity seems to have been eclipsed by other evolving and competing public policy goals, and by the evolving range of public space types

    OK potet - Bakterier. Overvåking og kartlegging av lys og mørk ringråte i norsk produksjon av mat- og industripotet. Sesong 2021

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    Lys ringråte på potet, forårsaket av bakterien Clavibacter sepedonicus (Cms), har gjort mye skade i norsk potetproduksjon siden første påvisning i landet i 1964. Den er også grunnen til at man ikke kan eksportere poteter fra Norge. Siden 1965 har Norge hatt sitt eget, nasjonale regelverk for bekjempelse av bakterien. Man har tidligere ( før 1980) flere ganger uten hell forsøkt å utrydde sykdommen fra flere deler av landet. Dette fordi mangelen på en påvisningsmetode med tilstrekkelig sensitivitet den gangen gjorde det vanskelig å skaffe de nødvendige mengder sykdomsfrie settepoteter til utskiftingen. I 1999 startet Statens Landbrukstilsyn, nå Mattilsynet, opp et 4-årig prosjekt, som skulle gi norske matpoteter bedre plantehelse. I løpet av årene 1999-2002 ble forekomsten av lys ringråte i kommersiell potetdyrking kartlagt i alle landets fylker. Prøvene som ble tatt ble analysert med moderne, anerkjente serologiske og molekylære deteksjonsmetoder. Alle dyrkere som fikk påvist sykdommen på virksomheten fikk pålegg om strenge saneringstiltak. Prosjektet ble fortsatt i årene 2003-2008 og 2011 - 2015. Alle dyrkere som tidligere hadde fått påvist smitte, eller hvor det var mistanke om smitte, i tillegg nye dyrkere, og stikkprøver fra øvrige dyrkere, ble prøvetatt i hvert fylke. I 2019 ble arbeidet med kartlegging på ny gjenopptatt, basert på Mattilsynets risikovurderinger for uttak av prøver rundt i landet. Laboratoriet har vært akkreditert av Norsk Akkreditering for testing på lys ringråte med metodene IFAS og biotest på eggplanter siden 2009, og for realtime PCR siden 2014. En ny realtime PCR med primer og probe for et annet genområde ble akkreditert i løpet av 2021 og kan i fremtiden brukes som bekreftende metoder ved påvisninger. Mørk ringråte er en karantenesykdom på potet og angriper også andre planter i søtvierfamilien. Den er forårsaket av bakterien Ralstonia solanacearum. Angrep av mørk ringråte fører til at potetplantens ledningsvev blir ødelagt og tilstoppet slik at riset visner, og det senere blir en brunfarget, ringformet råte i knollene. Skadegjøreren har ikke blitt påvist i Norge. Det er hvert år betydelig import av mat- og industripotet til Norge fra land hvor sykdommen forekommer. I sesong 2016 utførte NIBIO på oppdrag fra Mattilsynet et OK program på importpotet. 160 prøver fra 13 forskjellig land og 47 forskjellige sorter ble analysert med den internasjonalt anerkjente metoden realtime PCR. Det ble ikke påvist smitte av mørk ringråte i noen av prøvene. Metoden realtime PCR (to forskjellige oppsett) ble akkreditert for testing av mørk ringråte sommeren 2020. I sesong 2021 ble alle prøver av norsk matpotet levert inn for testing av lys ringråte også testet for mørk ringråte. Det ble i 2021 mottatt 360 potetprøver for testing. Det ble ikke påvist hverken lys eller mørk ringråte i noen av prøvene. Resultatene fra 2021 viser at status for lys ringråte i Norge iht. ISPM 8 fortsatt er å anse som: present, not widely distributed and under official control Resultatene fra 2021 viser at status for mørk ringråte i Norge iht. ISPM 8 fortsatt er å anse som: absent, pest not recorded.OK potet - Bakterier. Overvåking og kartlegging av lys og mørk ringråte i norsk produksjon av mat- og industripotet. Sesong 2021publishedVersio

    Fostering Coexistence Between People and Large Carnivores in Africa: Using a Theory of Change to Identify Pathways to Impact and Their Underlying Assumptions

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    Coexistence with large carnivores poses challenges to human well-being, livelihoods, development, resource management, and policy. Even where people and carnivores have historically coexisted, traditional patterns of behavior toward large carnivores may be disrupted by wider processes of economic, social, political, and climate change. Conservation interventions have typically focused on changing behaviors of those living alongside large carnivores to promote sustainable practices. While these interventions remain important, their success is inextricably linked to broader socio-political contexts, including natural resource governance and equitable distribution of conservation-linked costs and benefits. In this context we propose a Theory of Change to identify logical pathways of action through which coexistence with large carnivores can be enhanced. We focus on Africa’s dryland landscapes, known for their diverse guild of large carnivores that remain relatively widespread across the continent. We review the literature to understand coexistence and its challenges; explain our Theory of Change, including expected outcomes and pathways to impact; and discuss how our model could be implemented and operationalized. Our analysis draws on the experience of coauthors, who are scientists and practitioners, and on literature from conservation, political ecology, and anthropology to explore the challenges, local realities, and place-based conditions under which expected outcomes succeed or fail. Three pathways to impact were identified: (a) putting in place good governance harmonized across geographic scales; (b) addressing coexistence at the landscape level; and (c) reducing costsand increasing benefits of sharing a landscape with large carnivores. Coordinated conservation across the extensive, and potentially transboundary, landscapes needed by large carnivores requires harmonization of top-down approaches with bottom-up community-based conservation. We propose adaptive co-management approaches combined with processes for active community engagement and informed consent as useful dynamic mechanisms for navigating through this contested space, while enabling adaptation to climate change. Success depends on strengthening underlying enabling conditions, including governance, capacity, local empowerment, effective monitoring, and sustainable financial support. Implementing the Theory of Change requires ongoing monitoring and evaluation to inform adaptation and build confidence in the model. Overall, the model provides a flexible and practical framework that can be adapted to dynamic local socio-ecological contexts. large carnivore conservation, African semi-arid, community-based conservation, human wildlife conflict, community-based natural resource management, adaptive co-management, rangeland management, climate change adaptationpublishedVersio

    Medvirkning i byplanlegging i Norge

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     Rapporten presenterer funn fra en studie som har sett på medvirkning fra lokalsamfunnet i byplanlegging. Formålet har vært å få et generelt overblikk over kontakt, samarbeid og medvirkning i reguleringsplaner, med et spesielt fokus på lokalsamfunnsaktører. I denne rapporten presenteres funn fra de to kvantitative undersøkelsene i prosjektet . Undersøkelsen ble gjennomført i 2007. Tilknyttet prosjekt Styringsformer i byutviklin

    Communication as a non-technical skill in the operating room: A qualitative study

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to explore how operating room nurses (ORNs) experience operating room (OR) team communication concerning non-technical skills. Design: Based on the Scrub Practitioners List of Intraoperative Non-Technical Skill (SPLINTS), qualitative individual in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 ORNs in a Norwegian university hospital. Braun and Clarke's six analytic phases for thematic data analysis were used. Results: Surgeons being unprepared or demanding different instruments than the preoperative information indicates, cause stress and frustration. So does noise and brusquely or poor communication. Ensuring good information flow within the entire team is important. When silence is required, the ORNs communicate with gestures, looks and nods. Creating a positive and secure team culture facilitates discussions, questions and information sharing. Conclusion: Inappropriate dynamics, inaccurate and/or disrespectful communication and noise may reduce patient safety. Interdisciplinary team training may bring attention to the value of communication as a non-technical skill

    Kartlegging av Xanthomonas fragariae i jordbær. Sesong 2018

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    Bakterien Xanthomonas fragariae kan gjøre stor skade på jordbærplanter. Den ødelegger bladene, og kan i tillegg gi stygge, skjemmende flekker på begerbladene slik at kvaliteten på bærene blir dårlig. Sykdommen har før denne sesongen ikke blitt påvist i Norge. I mange land med stor jordbærproduksjon har sykdommen mange ganger ført til store tap. For å dokumentere status for Xanthomonas fragariae i Norge ble det på oppdrag av Mattilsynet gjennomført en landsomfattende kartleggingsundersøkelse i 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 og 2017. Oppfølging av OK programmet i 2018 bestod av testing hos virksomheter med felt etablert med importerte jordbærplanter. Det ble sendt inn og analysert totalt 258 prøver fra Mattilsynets kontorer for Region Midt og Region Stor Oslo. Alle prøver ble undersøkt med den internasjonalt anbefalte og anerkjente analysemetoden real-time PCR. I august 2018 påviste vi latent smitte av bakterien Xanthomona fragariae i jordbærplanter av sorten 'Malwina' hos en jordbærdyrker på Østlandet. Påvisningen ble gjort i et felt etablert i 2017 med planter importert fra Nederland. Ingen av prøvene som ble tatt ut hos dyrkeren hadde synlige symptomer, men ved oppflgingsuttak av prøver hos dyrkeren var igjen en av prøvene, sort 'Malwina', positiv ved PCR. Det kan ikke utelukkes at også andre dyrkere kan ha fått latent smitte av Xanthomona fragariae i sine jordbærplanter

    Coping with moral distress on acute psychiatric wards: A qualitative study

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    Background: Nurses working within acute psychiatric settings often face multifaceted moral dilemmas and incompatible demands. Methods: Qualitative individual and focus group interviews were conducted. Ethical considerations: Approval was received from the Norwegian Social Science Data Services. Ethical Research Guidelines were followed. Participants and research context: Thirty nurses working within acute psychiatric wards in two mental health hospitals. Results: Various coping strategies were used: mentally sorting through their ethical dilemmas or bringing them to the leadership, not ‘bringing problems home’ after work or loyally doing as told and trying to make oneself immune. Colleagues and work climate were important for choice of coping strategies. Discussion: Nurses’ coping strategies may influence both their clinical practice and their private life. Not facing their moral distress seemed to come at a high price. Conclusions: It seems essential for nurses working in acute psychiatric settings to come to terms with distressing events and identify and address the moral issues they face. As moral distress to a great extent is an organisational problem experienced at a personal level, it is important that a work climate is developed that is open for ethical discussions and nourishes adaptive coping strategies and moral resilience