91 research outputs found

    Sounds of the Reich: Nazi Party Radio and Speeches

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    Radio broadcasts and speeches were key aspects of Nazi regime propaganda. From March 1927 to when the Nazi party won power in March 1933, Hitler made 455 public appearances, reaching close to 4.5 million people. Radio was the leading medium during the Great Depression and during all of WWII. Nazi propaganda focused on the effectiveness of the message, not the means through which it was relayed. Nazis liked simplistic and straightforward ideas with no underlying interpretations. Studies have shown that campaigns do not change the opinions of the masses. Rather, they confirm what the people already believe. In the case of the German Third Reich, Nazi propaganda was centered around the conspiracy theory of superior Germans who were wrongfully tormented by supposedly lesser Jews and non-Aryans. Antisemitic propaganda was sprinkled into radio listening, beginning with Volk-style broadcasts in the 1920’s. These enforced an ideology of a united people and memories of a time when Germany was strong, feelings that the Nazi party would later hijack and use to explain their own racist ideas. Nazis adopted the term Volksgemeinschaft in 1920 to pull people towards the idea of living space and German culture, both of which were heavily emphasized in Volk broadcasts. Hitler’s speeches were less vague than broadcasts, clearly stating that if a war broke out, it would be the result of the Jews and that they would be annihilated as a result

    Promised Lands: The Anabaptist Immigration to Paraguay and Bolivia and its Unintended Consequences for the Environment

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    There is a human dimension to the slaughter of the Amazon that does not always make its way into the conventional deforestation narrative. This note examines the destruction of the Amazon through the very human experience of the Anabaptists: religious outliers who fled Europe for the Americas, seeking freedom from persecution and a promise of greener pastures. They have since indelibly transformed the landscape of the Amazon in Bolivia and Paraguay, and their efforts have caught the attention of huge agricultural conglomerates, whose bottom lines have little respect for forest life. The environmental regulations of these countries fall short of the sweeping reforms needed to halt the agricultural conversion of the remaining forests. And so it shall fall on the international community to mitigate the damage – the level of which must have been inconceivable to the first Anabaptist pioneers who arrived on Paraguayan soil almost 100 years ago. From a spark, grows a flame

    Promised Lands: The Anabaptist Immigration to Paraguay and Bolivia and its Unintended Consequences for the Environment

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    There is a human dimension to the slaughter of the Amazon that does not always make its way into the conventional deforestation narrative. This note examines the destruction of the Amazon through the very human experience of the Anabaptists: religious outliers who fled Europe for the Americas, seeking freedom from persecution and a promise of greener pastures. They have since indelibly transformed the landscape of the Amazon in Bolivia and Paraguay, and their efforts have caught the attention of huge agricultural conglomerates, whose bottom lines have little respect for forest life. The environmental regulations of these countries fall short of the sweeping reforms needed to halt the agricultural conversion of the remaining forests. And so it shall fall on the international community to mitigate the damage – the level of which must have been inconceivable to the first Anabaptist pioneers who arrived on Paraguayan soil almost 100 years ago. From a spark, grows a flame

    Relationship Between Teacher Inquiry Science Instruction Self-Efficacy and Student Achievement

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    Standardized test data indicate that student achievement in science is a problem both nationally and locally. At the study site, only a small percentage of fifth-grade students score at the advanced level on the Maryland state science assessment (MSA). In addition, the performance of African American, economically disadvantaged, and special education students is well below that of the general student population. Some studies have shown that teacher self-efficacy affects student achievement. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between fifth-grade teacher inquiry science instruction self-efficacy scores and the scores of their students on the MSA. Bandura\u27s work on the effect of self-efficacy on human behavior provided the theoretical basis for this study. The research questions examined the relationship between teacher inquiry science instructional self-efficacy scores and students\u27 science MSA scores as well as the relationship by student subgroups. A correlational research design was used. The Teaching Science as Inquiry survey instrument was used to quantify teacher self-efficacy, and archival MSA data were the source for student scores. The study included data from 22 teachers and 1,625 of their students. A 2-tailed Pearson coefficient analysis revealed significant, positive relationships with regard to overall student achievement (r20 = .724, p \u3c .01) and the achievement of each of the subgroups (African American: r20 = .549, p \u3c .01; economically disadvantaged: r20 = .655, p \u3c .01; and special education: r18 = .532, p \u3c .05). The results of this study present an opportunity for positive social change because the local school system can provide professional development that may increase teacher inquiry science instruction self-efficacy as a possible means to improve overall science achievement and to reduce achievement gaps

    Western Zika Virus in Human Fetal Neural Progenitors Persists Long Term with Partial Cytopathic and Limited Immunogenic Effects

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    SummaryThe recent Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreak in the Western hemisphere is associated with severe pathology in newborns, including microcephaly and brain damage. The mechanisms underlying these outcomes are under intense investigation. Here, we show that a 2015 ZIKV isolate replicates in multiple cell types, including primary human fetal neural progenitors (hNPs). In immortalized cells, ZIKV is cytopathic and grossly rearranges endoplasmic reticulum membranes similar to other flaviviruses. In hNPs, ZIKV infection has a partial cytopathic phase characterized by cell rounding, pyknosis, and activation of caspase 3. Despite notable cell death, ZIKV did not activate a cytokine response in hNPs. This lack of cell intrinsic immunity to ZIKV is consistent with our observation that virus replication persists in hNPs for at least 28 days. These findings, supported by published fetal neuropathology, establish a proof-of-concept that neural progenitors in the developing human fetus can be direct targets of detrimental ZIKV-induced pathology

    ¿Qué significa tener derecho a la vida?

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    Todos los derechos son parte esencial del diario vivir de la sociedad debido a que estos permiten que las personas nos desempeñemos de la mejor manera para lograr trazar paso a paso nuestros respectivos proyectos de vida y así permitir que la sociedad avance cada vez más, de esta manera, podemos afirmar que todos los derechos giran en torno a uno principal, sin él los demás no tendrían razón de ser y serían imposibles de efectuar, estamos hablando del derecho a la vida “El derecho a la vida es inviolable” (Const., 1991, art.1

    The Ohio State University Dream Team: Innovation for Well-being fellowship and coaching program

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    Abstract Background: Nearly 70% of faculty experience very high levels of stress. Integrative Nurse Coaching (INC) can help by assisting clients in establishing goals and embarking on new lifestyle behaviors that help to decrease perceived stress, achieve work life integration, and enhance life satisfaction. Our goal was to evaluate a faculty coaching and fellowship program to support faculty well-being while developing innovation competency. Methods: We employed an INC paradigm to coach five faculty to build confidence and competence in innovation and enhance well-being. We offered monthly group and individual coaching and used a qualitative research thematic analysis to determine themes important for the fellow and group experiences, identify outcomes, and create recommendations for the future. Results: We identified the following themes as outcomes for our program: (1) enhanced connection, comradery, and support; (2) increased confidence and competence in navigating academia; (3) shift from a fixed mindset to an innovation mindset; and (4) increased ability to identify and manage stress and burnout. Fellows also experienced a shift from focusing on individual needs to addressing the needs of the community at the college. Conclusion: Nurse coaching is an effective strategy to address faculty stress and burnout. Additional research is needed to evaluate the Innovation for Well-being faculty fellowship program and its impact on the academic community

    Zika Virus: What Have We Learnt Since the Start of the Recent Epidemic?

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    Zika is a viral disease transmitted mainly by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes. In recent years, it has expanded geographically, changing from an endemic mosquito-borne disease across equatorial Asia and Africa, to an epidemic disease causing large outbreaks in several areas of the world. With the recent Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreaks in the Americas, the disease has become a focus of attention of public health agencies and of the international research community, especially due to an association with neurological disorders in adults and to the severe neurological and ophthalmological abnormalities found in fetuses and newborns of mothers exposed to ZIKV during pregnancy. A large number of studies have been published in the last 3 years, revealing the structure of the virus, how it is transmitted and how it affects human cells. Many different animal models have been developed, which recapitulate several features of ZIKV disease and its neurological consequences. Moreover, several vaccine candidates are now in active preclinical development, and three of them have already entered phase I clinical trials. Likewise, many different compounds targeting viral and cellular components are being tested in in vitro and in experimental animal models. This review aims to discuss the current state of this rapidly growing literature from a multidisciplinary perspective, as well as to present an overview of the public health response to Zika and of the perspectives for the prevention and treatment of this disease
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