86 research outputs found

    Micropropagation of Helianthemum lippii L. var Sessiliforuim (Cistaceae) an important pastoral plant of North African arid areas

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    Helianthemum lippii L. is a perennial, little brush distributed in sandy regions of southern Tunisia as well as of Mediterranean basin. It presents an important ecological, economical and pastoral interest. All these characteristics encourage us to try the in vitro propagation because it is a feasible alternative for the rapid multiplication and the preservation of plants. A very high frequency of sprouting and shoot differentiation were observed in the primary cultures of nodal explants of H. lippii on MS medium, without growth regulators or with a lower concentration of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP, 0.5 mg L-1 or 1.0 mg L-1 BAP). In vitro proliferated shoots were multiplied rapidly by culture of shoot tips on MS medium free or with BAP (0.5 to 2.0 mg L-1) which produced the greatest multiple shoot formation. BAP had a positive effect on multiplication and on growth, but a concentration that exceeds 2.0 mg L-1 decreased the growth. A high frequency of rooting (71%) with development of healthy roots was observed with shoots cultured on MS/8 medium hormone-free. After in vitro rooting, and transfer to soil, a number of plantlets suitable for reintroduction in nature were produced.Key words: Helianthemum lippii, axillary buds, micropropagation, plant conservation

    Understanding changes in mangrove forests and the implications to community livelihood and resource management in Kenya

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    Mangrove forests support the livelihoods of many coastal communities in developing countries. Mangrove forests around the world are being lost due to a combination of human and natural pressures. There is an intricate relationship between resource use and degradation and resource-dependent communities. Dependency on resources can lead to an ecosystem's degradation if management disregards local people's needs. Degraded mangroves are more vulnerable to environmental changes and may be less able to provide the ecosystem services and goods that are crucial to the livelihood of local people. The key outcome of sustainable resource management is to identify ways to improve both environmental quality and the living conditions of the local communities. Therefore, the sustainable management of mangrove forests requires an understanding of: (a) how mangroves are used by local communities; (b) the local perceptions of changes happening in the mangrove areas and (c) how changes in mangroves are affecting local livelihoods including adaptation options. Focussing on coastal Kenya and using Lamu as a case study, this multi-method research used systematic literature review, household surveys, participatory consultation workshops, land use land cover change analysis, and ecosystem services modelling to understand local mangrove uses, perceptions of change in mangroves and the implications to uses and users, including adaptation options. The thesis first provides an overview of mangrove ecosystem services and the global utilization of mangrove resources. The contribution of mangroves to fisheries is the most researched ecosystem service followed by habitat use and carbon sequestration and storage. The review indicates that wood used for construction and fuel is the mangrove resource most often mentioned in the literature, and it is often associated with the loss of mangrove forests. A survey conducted in 592 households in five locations in Lamu county noted high levels of dependency on mangrove forests and varying perceptions about changes in mangrove areas and drivers of change. The variation is noted across gender, occupation, and location of respondents. Most of the respondents indicated a perceived increase in mangrove cover in the last decade. In contrast, an analysis of land cover data shows a decrease in mangrove cover in Lamu county and Kenya at a very slow rate (0.01% annual average between 2010-2019), with areas closer to settlements exhibiting higher deforestation rates. Mangrove loss also increases the exposure of local areas to coastal hazards. Analysis using the InVEST coastal vulnerability model indicates that 16% of the country’s coastline is currently at a relatively higher risk of exposure to coastal hazards. This may increase to 25% with the loss of mangroves and to 41% if coral reefs are also lost. Although coral reefs contribute the most to reducing the proportion of the country’s coastline to exposure, mangroves contribute the most in Lamu and Tana River counties. Stakeholders’ consultations conducted in Lamu, Kwale and Kilifi counties identified differences between communities regarding perceived key threats and the adaptation options being employed. The threats identified during these consultations were dominantly related to human use and climate change was a lower concern. Although overharvesting of wood resources was identified as a common threat, coping strategies for this threat differ along the coast. While some counties are using an alternative source of wood, others are switching to alternative methods of construction (bricks, cement) and fuel (LPG gas). Subsidies for communities to use alternatives to mangrove products and seasonal or rotational closure of mangrove areas are some of the proposed interventions for mangrove resource sustainability. In addition, while the ban on mangrove harvesting was noted to be beneficial in Kwale county as it supported conservation efforts in place, it was observed to be detrimental in Lamu county due to traditionally depending on mangrove harvesting and use. To be effective and sustainable, the management needs to take into account local perceptions and needs and recognize differences across neighbouring communities. A framework that provides key steps that can be taken to assess adaptation needs and alternatives was developed in this study. The study also identified the need for long-term alternatives for the livelihoods of those depending on mangroves. These alternatives can only be realized if the management of mangrove areas includes opportunities to build local skills and capacity while recognising that needs vary across locations

    How PV systems can be cost-competitive for mobile BTS in remote areas of Algeria

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    Solar electricity for telecom infrastructure has became one of the main contributors of electrical energy to the energy system in the future, but solar technology needs support to find its way to the market. Since photovoltaic (PV) electricity always involves  very high costs compared to electricity from other sources, a striking question is: how can PVs achieve competitiveness? There are  different strategies for promoting applied PV electricity generation around the world. Here, we simulated and designed a 40 KWp injected PV power, to evaluate the energy of the incident photon flux, that produced by PV panels and the energy injected into the electricity grid, and judge whether the installation is profitable, and if the technology is economical. The results reveal that the site of Tamanrasset (in the extreme south of Algeria) could produce an annual energy production 73879 kWh, which justify the reason the German Academy has chosen such site for the famous desert project, lastly launched between the two countries

    De la nécessité d’un nouveau design de l’offre de financement au Maroc pour la PME marocaine en présence d’un contexte de multi-crises

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    Moroccan SMEs are of undeniable importance in the economic fabric in which they represent 95% according to the statistics of the confederation of SMEs. They constitute a neuralgic axis of our economy with 40% of the production and 13% of exports. They are present in all sectors of economic activity. In spite of the turbulence of the environment, the SME are pretentious to grow and to develop through the investment which requires a strong capital to be concretized. Nevertheless, the company's own funds remain insufficient in the face of the ambitions of these small firms. There remains only one demand which is the recourse to bank financing which remains laborious to obtain. Nevertheless, the investment is conducted in a context of uncertain future which is rewarded by a risk premium, which explains the high cost of bank financing to SMEs. It is therefore imperative to call for a change in the managerial culture of SMEs, mainly newly created structures, and to encourage banks to make scalable financing proposals ensuring prosperity and sustainability for SMEs. The objective of our article is thus to well identify the conditions of granting of credit for the SME especially in period of crisis and to demonstrate the role of the intervention of the State as intermediary between the establishments of credit and the SME by the means of the guarantees. Thus, our article focuses on a narrative literature review that seeks to focus on the design of the financing offer for the benefit of Moroccan SMEs in an economic context of crisis.   Keywords: Financing offer, growth, Moroccan SMEs, financial failure JEL Classification: G17, H12. Paper type: Theoretical Research.Les PME Marocaines sont ornées d’une importance incontestable dans le tissu économique dans lequel elles représentent 95% selon les statistiques de la confédération de la PME. Elles constituent un axe névralgique de notre économie avec 40% de la production et 13% des exportations. Elles sont présentes dans tous les secteurs d’activités économiques. Malgré les turbulences de l’environnement, les PME sont prétentieuses de croitre et de se développer à travers l’investissement qui nécessite un capital fort pour être concrétisé. Néanmoins, les fonds propres de l’entreprise restent insuffisants face aux ambitions de ces petites firmes. Il ne reste alors qu’une seule revendication qui est le recours au financement bancaire qui demeure laborieux à obtenir. Néanmoins, l’investissement est mené dans un contexte d’avenir incertain, ce qui est récompensé par une prime de risque, ce qui explique la cherté de l’offre de financement bancaire au PME. Il est donc impératif d'appeler à un changement de la culture managériale des PME, principalement des structures nouvellement créées, et d'inciter les banques à faire des propositions extensibles de financement assurant la prospérité et la pérennité pour les PME. L’objectif de notre article est donc de bien cernée les conditions d’octroi de crédit pour les PME surtout en période de crise et de démontrer le rôle de l’intervention de l’État comme intermédiaire entre les établissements de crédit et les PME par le moyen des garanties. Donc notre article porte sur une revue de littérature narrative qui cherche à mettre le point sur le design de l’offre de financement au profit des PME marocaines dans un contexte économique enragé de crise .   Mots clés : L’offre de financement, croissance, PME marocaine, défaillance financière. Classification JEL :  G17, H12. Type de l’article : Article théoriqu

    Effectiveness of the Decision-Making Program in Developing the Psychological Happiness of the Students of the Faculty of Education, Al-Jouf University

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    هدفت الدراسة للكشف عن معرفة طبيعة العلاقة بين القدرة على اتخاذ القرار والسعادة النفسية، وإعداد برنامج لتنمية القدرة على اتخاذ القرار، وبيان مدى تأثير البرنامج على تطوير القدرة على اتخاذ القرار والسعادة النفسية. تم بناء برنامج للأنشطة الترويحية تكونت من (25) جلسة، تمثل مجتمع الدراسة في طالبات كلية التربية، وتكونت عينة الدراسة من (100) طالبة، تم تطبيق أدوات الدراسة عليهن، ومن ثم تم اختيار (12) طالبة، ممن حصلن على أقل الدرجات، وطبق البرنامج عليهن. أما أدوات جمع البيانات فكانت عبارة عن استبيان لقياس القدرة على اتخاذ القرار، وتكون من (40) فقرة، تكون مقياس السعادة النفسية من (65) فقرة من إعداد الباحثتين، تم استخدام معامل ارتباط بيرسون، واختبار (ت) للمجموعتين المستقلتين، وأظهرت النتائج وجود علاقة ارتباطية طردية دالة إحصائيا بين اتخاذ القرار والسعادة النفسية، ووجود فروق دالة بين التطبيقين لصالح التطبيق البعدي، في مقياس القدرة على اتخاذ القرار، ووجود فروق دالة بين التطبيقين لصالح البعدي في مقياس السعادة النفسية، بمعني أن البرنامج فعال في تحسين السعادة النفسية. الكلمات المفتاحية: اتخاذ القرار، السعادة النفسية، وبرنامج القدرة.The study aimed at discovering the nature of the relationship between the ability to make decision and psychological happiness, the preparation of a program for the development of decision-making capacity, and the extent of the impact of the program on the development of decision-making ability and psychological happiness. A program of recreational activities consisting of (25) sessions was developed. It followed the experimental method, and represented the population of the study in the Faculty of Education. The sample of the study consisted of (100) students, to whom the study tools were administered. Then, (12) students, who scored the lowest scores, were selected to whom the program was administered. The researchers developed two data collection tools: a questionnaire to measure the decision-making capacity, consisting of (40) items, and a scale of psychological happiness, consisting of (65) items. In terms of statistical methods, the Pearson correlation coefficient was used and the T-test was used for the two groups. The study showed that there was a significant correlation between the decision-making and psychological happiness. There were significant differences between the two applications in favor of the post-application in the decision-making scale. There were also significant differences between the two applications in favor of the post-application in the psychological happiness scale. This indicates that the program is effective in improving the psychological happiness. Keywords: Decision-making, Psychological happiness, Guidance program

    Ethnobotanical survey about the management of diabetes with medicinal plants used by diabetic patients in Region of Fez-Meknes, Morocco

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus is a major public health problem in Morocco with more than 1.6 million cases of diabetes in 2017 with an expectation to rise to over 2.7 million cases in 2045. The aim of this work is to provide ethnobotanical information on some of the medicinal plants used by diabetic patients to treat their illness in the region of Fez-Meknes (Morocco). Methods: A semi-structured and simple questionnaire was carried out. A total of 422 interviews were conducted with diabetic patients presented to diagnosis in the Hassan II Hospital center in Fez in Morocco. The data were analyzed through use value (UV) and relative frequency of citations (RFC). Results: In total, 50 plant species belonging to 27 families were reported. Lamiaceae (14%), Apiaceae (12%) and Fabaceae (12%) were reported as the most represented families. Among the collected species, 6 plants were reported for the first time as antidiabetic plants in Morocco. The most frequently cited plant species are Trigonella foenum graecum (8.41%), Olea europaea (7.71%) and runus amygdalus var. amara (7.71%). Almost 67% and 33% of diabetic patient use medicinal plants as a complement and alternatives to their medication respectively. Conclusion: This study showed the importance of medicinal plants in the healthcare system for treating diabetes. Knowledge of the use of medicinal plants that are used to manage diabetes may contribute to their preservation and to undertake further pharmacological studies.Peer reviewe

    Assessment of awareness of orthodontic emergencies and psychosocial wellbeing of patients during novel coronavirus pandemic through teledentistry

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    Introduction: At the end of December 2019, the novel coronavirus began to spread in central China and soon became a pandemic. Unfortunately, all elective dental treatments including orthodontic visits were postponed and patients could not be counselled on how to manage orthodontic emergencies that they could encounter at home. Teledentistry can play a major role in providing instructions to patients during quarantine. Objective: : The study aimed to assess the awareness of orthodontic patients regarding the management of orthodontic emergencies and their psychosocial well-being during the novel coronavirus pandemic through Teledentistry. Materials and Methods: A questionnaire-based study was conducted on two groups during the lockdown period in which their anxiety, psychological status, and their ability to manage orthodontic emergencies at home during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown were assessed through teledentistry. Results: A total of 170 patients participated in our study, Independent sample t-test was used to compare the means of the group's control and experimental. Statistically, a significant difference was determined between the two groups regarding their psychosocial well-being (social media embarrassment p=0.049, awareness of how to manage orthodontic emergencies p=0.00). The participants displayed a better understanding of how to deal with orthodontic emergencies at home after having instructions. 48.2% of the patients selected voice call as a preferred mode of instruction for managing orthodontic emergencies at home. Conclusion: Experimental group of patients was more aware of how to manage orthodontic emergencies and they were less anxious. Teledentistry has proven to be an important tool for providing instructions to anxious patients as well as reducing the spread of coronavirus due to lack of contact. Voice call was the preferred mode of instruction. Keywords: Anxiety, COVID-19, Orthodontic emergencies, Tele-dentistry

    Phenazopyridine-Induced MethaemoglobinaemiaThe Aftermath of Dysuria Treatment

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    Introduction: Phenazopyridine is an over-the-counter urinary analgesic commonly used to alleviate the burning and urgency associated with lower urinary tract infections. Methaemoglobinaemia is an uncommon adverse effect of phenazopyridine use. We report a case of methaemoglobinaemia in a patient prescribed daily phenazopyridine to treat urethral and bladder irritation caused by a chronic indwelling Foley catheter.Case description: A 55-year-old female resident of a long-term acute care facility with a chronic Foley, tracheostomy and ventilator-dependent respiratory failure was observed to have generalized dusky skin and hypoxia. Pulse oximetry was reading in the high 80s despite administration of 100% FiO2. ABG revealed paO2 of 451, oxyhaemoglobin level 75% and methaemoglobin level 22%. Medication review indicated that the patient was prescribed phenazopyridine 400 mg TID for the previous 2 months. This medication was discontinued. Considering she was chronically taking mirtazapine, she can increase risk of serotonin syndrome should she be administered first-line treatment with methylene blue. Vitamin C was thus instead administered as a second-line agent. Serial ABGs showed a rapid decline in methaemoglobin levels and an increase in oxyhaemoglobin within 2 days.Discussion: Acquired methaemoglobinaemia is a rare adverse effect of treatment with phenazopyridine. This risk increases when drug dosage and duration exceed manufacturer specifications. Treatment typically includes cessation of the offending drug and administration of methylene blue in severe cases. A thorough medication reconciliation should be performed prior to methylene blue initiation, as patients taking serotonergic medications (for example, MAOIs, SSRIs, SNRIs, TCAs) are at increased risk of serotonin toxicity with co-administration of methylene blue. In these instances, ascorbic acid/vitamin C can be chosen as an alternative treatment agent.Conclusion: Work-up of refractory hypoxia should involve a thorough review of medications as even some over-the-counter drugs can cause the fatal side effect of methaemoglobinaemia. Treatment with vitamin C should be considered over methylene blue if serotonergic medications have been recently prescribed in order to avoid risk of serotonin syndrome

    Le glaucome congénitale et la neurofibromatose type 1

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    Le glaucome congénital constitue une complication ophtalmologique dans la neurofibromatose type 1 ou maladie de von Recklinghausen. Nous rapportons un cas de glaucome congénitale dans le cadre d'une neurofibromatose de type 1, à travers lequel on va discuter les mécanismes étiopathogénique, les difficultés thérapeutiques et les facteurs pronostiques du glaucome congénital au cours la maladie de von Recklinghausen avec revue de la littérature.Keywords: Glaucome congénitale,neurofibromatose type 1, étiopathogéniqu