14 research outputs found

    Increased Risk of Recurrence After Hormone Replacement Therapy in Breast Cancer Survivors

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    Background Hormone replacement therapy (HT) is known to increase the risk of breast cancer in healthy women, but its effect on breast cancer risk in breast cancer survivors is less clear. The randomized HABITS study, which compared HT for menopausal symptoms with best management without hormones among women with previously treated breast cancer, was stopped early due to suspicions of an increased risk of new breast cancer events following HT. We present results after extended follow-up. Methods HABITS was a randomized, non-placebo-controlled noninferiority trial that aimed to be at a power of 80% to detect a 36% increase in the hazard ratio (HR) for a new breast cancer event following HT. Cox models were used to estimate relative risks of a breast cancer event, the maximum likelihood method was used to calculate 95% confidence intervals (CIs), and χ2 tests were used to assess statistical significance, with all P values based on two-sided tests. The absolute risk of a new breast cancer event was estimated with the cumulative incidence function. Most patients who received HT were prescribed continuous combined or sequential estradiol hemihydrate and norethisterone. Results Of the 447 women randomly assigned, 442 could be followed for a median of 4 years. Thirty-nine of the 221 women in the HT arm and 17 of the 221 women in the control arm experienced a new breast cancer event (HR = 2.4, 95% CI = 1.3 to 4.2). Cumulative incidences at 5 years were 22.2% in the HT arm and 8.0% in the control arm. By the end of follow-up, six women in the HT arm had died of breast cancer and six were alive with distant metastases. In the control arm, five women had died of breast cancer and four had metastatic breast cancer (P = .51, log-rank test). Conclusion After extended follow-up, there was a clinically and statistically significant increased risk of a new breast cancer event in survivors who took H

    Epidemiology of malaria in a village in the Rufiji River Delta, Tanzania: declining transmission over 25 years revealed by different parasitological metrics

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    Background: Assessments of the epidemiology of malaria over time are needed to understand changes in transmission and guide control and elimination strategies. Methods: A longitudinal population study was established in 1985 in Nyamisati village in the Rufiji River Delta, Tanzania. A physician and research team lived in the village 1984–2000. Parasite prevalence by microscopy and two PCR methods, spleen rates and haemoglobin levels were measured in repeated cross-sectional surveys between 1985 and 2010. Passive surveillance of malaria cases was maintained until end 1999. Bed nets were distributed after the surveys 1993, 1999 and 2010. Results: In 1985, overall parasite prevalence by microscopy was 70% (90% in children ages two to nine years). The prevalence decreased gradually by microscopy (38.9% 1994, 26.7% 1999) and msp2-PCR (58.7% 1994, 44.8% 1999), whereas real-time PCR prevalence remained higher throughout the 1990s (69.4% 1994, 64.8% 1999). In 2010, parasite prevalence was 17.8% by real-time PCR and 16.3% by msp2-PCR, and estimated to 4.8% by microscopy. Spleen rates in children ages two to nine years decreased earlier than parasite prevalence, from \u3e75 to 42% in the 1980s, to nil during the 1990s. The prevalence of severe and moderate anaemia decreased from 41.1 to 13.1%. No deaths at the time of acute malaria were recorded when the research team lived in the village. Conclusions:A marked decline in malaria transmission was observed over 25 years. The decrease was detected after the arrival of the research team and continued gradually both before and after distribution of bed nets. Spleen rates and microscopy identified early changes when transmission was still intense, whereas real-time PCR was a more sensitive metric when transmission was reduced. The study provides historical data on malaria within a closely monitored rural village and contributes to the understanding of changing epidemiology in sub-Saharan Africa

    Oxytocin receptor antagonists as a novel pharmacological agent for reducing smooth muscle tone in the human prostate

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    Pharmacotherapies for the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) are targeted at reducing cellular proliferation (static component) or reducing smooth muscle tone (dynamic component), but response is unpredictable and many patients fail to respond. An impediment to identifying novel pharmacotherapies is the incomplete understanding of paracrine signalling. Oxytocin has been highlighted as a potential paracrine mediator of BPH. To better understand oxytocin signalling, we investigated the effects of exogenous oxytocin on both stromal cell proliferation, and inherent spontaneous prostate contractions using primary models derived from human prostate tissue. We show that the Oxytocin Receptor (OXTR) is widely expressed in the human prostate, and co-localises to contractile cells within the prostate stroma. Exogenous oxytocin did not modulate prostatic fibroblast proliferation, but did significantly (p < 0.05) upregulate the frequency of spontaneous contractions in prostate tissue, indicating a role in generating smooth muscle tone. Application of atosiban, an OXTR antagonist, significantly (p < 0.05) reduced spontaneous contractions. Individual tissue responsiveness to both exogenous oxytocin (R2 = 0.697, p < 0.01) and atosiban (R2 = 0.472,p < 0.05) was greater in tissue collected from older men. Overall, our data suggest that oxytocin is a key regulator of inherent spontaneous prostate contractions, and targeting of the OXTR and associated downstream signalling is an attractive prospect in the development of novel BPH pharmacotherapies

    En kartlÀggning över ungdomars attityd till rusmedel : En kvantitativ enkÀtstudie

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    Abstrakt För att man i skolor och övriga samhĂ€llet skall kunna pĂ„verka ungdomars rusmedelsanvĂ€ndning behövs mer kunskap om ungdomars attityd till rusmedel. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att kartlĂ€gga ungdomars attityd till olika rusmedel. Studien genomfördes med hjĂ€lp av enkĂ€ter med slutna frĂ„gor, som ungdomarna anonymt fyllde i under lektionstid. Informanterna var totalt 67 ungdomar i Ă„ldern 16–18 Ă„r, ungdomarna som deltog studerar vid tvĂ„ olika skolor i Österbotten. Analysmetoden som anvĂ€ndes för de bundna frĂ„gorna var statistisk analys. FrĂ„n resultatet av studien kan man se att 4,5% av ungdomarna nĂ„gon gĂ„ng prövat anvĂ€nda narkotiska preparat, och att 92% av ungdomarna har en negativ attityd till narkotika. Det framkom Ă€ven att 83,5 % av ungdomarna nĂ„gon gĂ„ng anvĂ€nt sig av alkohol. Trots, att en stor del av informanterna var minderĂ„riga hade 83% en positiv attityd till alkoholkonsumtion vid speciella tillfĂ€llen. NikotinanvĂ€ndningen var relativt lĂ„g bland ungdomarna, 64,4% av dem hade en negativ attityd till olika nikotinpreparat. MinderĂ„riga ungdomar har en positiv attityd till alkoholkonsumtion, och 15,3% av ungdomarna anvĂ€nde alkohol regelbundet

    Improvement of quality and safety in health care as a new interprofessional learning module – evaluation from students

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    Background: Interprofessional teamwork is in many ways a norm in modern health care, and needs to be taught during professional education. Description: This study is an evaluation of a newly introduced and mandatory learning module where students from different health profession programs used Improvement of Quality and Safety as a way to develop interprofessional competence in a real-life setting. The intention of this learning module was to integrate interprofessional teamwork within the students' basic education, and to give students a basic knowledge about Improvement of Quality and Safety. This report focuses on evaluations from the participating students (n=222), mainly medical and nursing students. Materials and methods: To evaluate this new learning module, a questionnaire was developed and analyzed using a mixed methods design, integrating both qualitative and quantitative methods. The evaluation addressed learning concepts, learning objectives, and interprofessional and professional development. Results and conclusion: A majority of students responded positively to the learning module as a whole, but many were negative towards specific parts of the learning module and its implementation. Medical students and male students were less positive towards this learning module. Improvements and alterations were suggested.

    Membrane Integrated Asymmetric Dual E-plane Probe Ortho Mode Transducer at 424 GHz

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    We present a practical low loss GaAs membrane integrated ortho mode transducer (OMT) at 424 GHz composed of two orthogonal open ended E-plane probes in a circular waveguide. The proposed structure is suitable for building compact dual polarisation receivers in the lower THz range (~100 GHz – 1 THz) and is readily integrated directly to the first receiver element, in this case a subharmonic GaAs Schottky diode mixer, without any additional penalty in terms of loss or manufacturability.A 3-port OMT split block aluminium module, with rectangular WR-2.2 waveguide interfaces for the separated V/H polarisations and 375 ÎŒm diameter circular waveguide for the common V/H port has been designed and fabricated. The simulated nominal response of the membrane OMT reaches X-pol levels below 20 dB over 10% bandwidth with a worst case insertion loss of 0.3 dB. The simulated inter probe leakage (isolation) and circular waveguide reflected X-pol levels where around 20 dB. For the particular OMT test additional E-plane probe transitions were integrated on-chip to be able to couple the separated V/H polarisations to the rectangular waveguide test ports.Measurements on two circular waveguide interconnected back to back OMT modules using VDI WM-570 (WR-2.2) VNAX frequency extenders, show X-pol and isolation levels below 10 dB and return loss levels below 15 dB including effects of standing waves. Translated to a single OMT transition this corresponds to a X-pol and isolation of about 15 dB. The loss of a single OMT probe transition including the membrane circuit and circular waveguide loss was estimated to about 0.2 dB. The results look promising and the next step will be to test the integrated OMT concept in a 424.7 GHz dual polarization receiver currently being pre-developed by Omnisys Instruments AB for the ISMAR instrument

    Comparison of a new digital KM screen test with conventional Hess and Lees screen tests in the mapping of ocular deviations

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the digital KM screen computerized ocular motility test and to compare it with conventional nondigital techniques using the Hess and Lees screens.METHODS: Patients with known ocular deviations and a visual acuity of at least 20/100 underwent testing using the digital KM screen and the Hess and Lees screen tests. The examination duration, the subjectively perceived difficulty, and the patient's method of choice were compared for the three tests. The accuracy of test results was compared using Bland-Altman plots between testing methods.RESULTS: A total of 19 patients were included. Examination with the digital KM screen test was less time-consuming than tests with the Hess and Lees screens (P < 0.001 and P = 0.003, resp., compared with the digital KM screen). Patients found the test with the digital KM screen easier to perform than the Lees screen test (P = 0.009) but of similar difficulty to the Hess screen test (P = 0.203). The majority of the patients (83%) preferred the digital KM screen test to both of the other screen methods (P = 0.008). Bland-Altman plots showed that the results obtained with all three tests were similar.CONCLUSIONS: The digital KM screen is accurate and time saving and provides similar results to Lees and Hess screen testing. It also has the advantage of a digital data analysis and registration

    Teknologiska innovationssystem inom energiomr\ue5det: En praktisk v\ue4gledning till identifiering av systemsvagheter som motiverar s\ue4rskilda politiska \ue5taganden

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    Syftet med denna rapport \ue4r att illustrera hur ett praktiskt inriktat ramverk, tekno- logiska innovationssystem (TIS), kan anv\ue4ndas av analytiker och beslutsfattare vid departement och myndigheter f\uf6r att analysera strategiskt viktiga teknikomr\ue5den \u10fc11\u10fc05\u10fc07\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc0a\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc0c\u10fc06\u10fc0a\u10fc1f\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc22\u10fc11\u10fc06\u10fc0e\u10fc07\u10fc11\u10fc10\u10fc05\u10fc0d\u10fc14\u10fc0e\u10fc06\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc19\u10fc07\u10fc04\u10fc07\u10fc19\u10fc06\u10fc0a\u10fc10\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc0f\u10fc03\u10fc11\u10fc08\u10fc0a\u10fc09\u10fc15\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc12\u10fc19\u10fc09\u10fc0a\u10fc06\u10fc0a\u10fc11\u10fc08\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc18\u10fc06\u10fc05\u10fc0d\u10fc05\u10fc0c\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc0c\u10fc25\u10fc04I rapporten analyseras fem TIS centrerade kring havsbaserad vindkraft, marin energi, \u10fc11\u10fc19\u10fc09\u10fc1e\u10fc0e\u10fc09\u10fc09\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc24\u10fc04\u10fc0e\u10fc09\u10fc0e\u10fc08\u10fc06\u10fc03\u10fc0a\u10fc1f\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc04\u10fc06\u10fc0b\u10fc0c\u10fc0d\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc1a\u10fc19\u10fc03\u10fc15\u10fc19\u10fc0c\u10fc04\u10fc19\u10fc1e\u10fc14\u10fc04\u10fc2f\u10fc0a\u10fc19\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc1a\u10fc1f\u10fc0c\u10fc05\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc0a\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc25\u10fc04\u10fc01\u10fc02\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc10\u10fc05\u10fc03\u10fc23\u10fc0e\u10fc04\u10fc2e\u10fc16\u10fc17\u10fc04\u10fc0a\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc0c\u10fc06\u10fc0a\u10fc1f\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc11\u10fc04 systemsvagheter som bromsar omr\ue5dets vidare utveckling, vilka som kan \ue5tg\ue4rdas av systemets akt\uf6rer och vilka som motiverar s\ue4rskilda politiska \ue5taganden. Rapporten utg\uf6r d\ue4rmed ett underlag f\uf6r att formulera \ue5tg\ue4rder f\uf6r att \ue5stadkomma \uf6kad innova- tion, teknikspridning och industrialisering inom ovan n\ue4mnda teknikomr\ue5den.Studien har \ue4ven m\uf6jliggjort en j\ue4mf\uf6rande analys av likheter och skillnader \u10fc07\u10fc0e\u10fc09\u10fc09\u10fc05\u10fc0c\u10fc04\u10fc20\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc06\u10fc0e\u10fc08\u10fc0c\u10fc0a\u10fc08\u10fc19\u10fc07\u10fc03\u10fc18\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc0c\u10fc24\u10fc04\u10fc19\u10fc1e\u10fc14\u10fc04\u10fc15\u10fc0f\u10fc03\u10fc07\u10fc0e\u10fc15\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc06\u10fc0f\u10fc03\u10fc08\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc07\u10fc02\u10fc23\u10fc09\u10fc0a\u10fc0d\u10fc14\u10fc0e\u10fc06\u10fc0e\u10fc0c\u10fc04\u10fc05\u10fc06\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc15\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc09\u10fc0b\u10fc06\u10fc11\u10fc05\u10fc06\u10fc11\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc1a\u10fc02\u10fc03\u10fc04 \u10fc2f\u10fc18\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc04\u10fc05\u10fc0c\u10fc05\u10fc09\u10fc22\u10fc06\u10fc0a\u10fc08\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc19\u10fc1e\u10fc14\u10fc04\u10fc2f\u10fc0e\u10fc11\u10fc09\u10fc0b\u10fc06\u10fc11\u10fc1a\u10fc05\u10fc06\u10fc06\u10fc05\u10fc03\u10fc0e\u10fc25\u10fc04\u10fc34\u10fc0e\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc1a\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc07\u10fc0d\u10fc18\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc06\u10fc22\u10fc15\u10fc09\u10fc0a\u10fc0d\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc05\u10fc06\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc1f\u10fc0c\u10fc0c\u10fc11\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc06\u10fc19\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc08\u10fc0a\u10fc09\u10fc09\u10fc0c\u10fc05\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc04 mellan omr\ue5dena – de \ue4r starka respektive svaga av olika orsaker. Detta visar att \u10fc06\u10fc0e\u10fc08\u10fc0c\u10fc0a\u10fc08\u10fc11\u10fc12\u10fc0e\u10fc1e\u10fc0a\u10fc1f\u10fc08\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc05\u10fc0c\u10fc05\u10fc09\u10fc22\u10fc11\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc24\u10fc04\u10fc09\u10fc0a\u10fc08\u10fc11\u10fc19\u10fc07\u10fc04\u10fc06\u10fc0e\u10fc08\u10fc0c\u10fc0a\u10fc08\u10fc11\u10fc12\u10fc0e\u10fc1e\u10fc0a\u10fc1f\u10fc08\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc18\u10fc06\u10fc0d\u10fc0f\u10fc03\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc24\u10fc04\u10fc0f\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc07\u10fc19\u10fc06\u10fc0a\u10fc10\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc25Samtidigt har omr\ue5dena gemensamma drag. Systemets akt\uf6rer, d\ue4r \ue4ven politiska \u10fc2f\u10fc0e\u10fc11\u10fc09\u10fc0b\u10fc06\u10fc11\u10fc1a\u10fc05\u10fc06\u10fc06\u10fc05\u10fc03\u10fc0e\u10fc04\u10fc0a\u10fc0c\u10fc0d\u10fc18\u10fc03\u10fc24\u10fc04\u10fc14\u10fc05\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc06\u10fc25\u10fc0e\u10fc13\u10fc25\u10fc04\u10fc10\u10fc05\u10fc03\u10fc0a\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc2f\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc12\u10fc18\u10fc04\u10fc05\u10fc06\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc06\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc1a\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc07\u10fc04\u10fc0c\u10fc22\u10fc04\u10fc08\u10fc0b\u10fc0c\u10fc11\u10fc08\u10fc05\u10fc12\u10fc04\u10fc0d\u10fc0e\u10fc0c\u10fc19\u10fc07\u10fc04\u10fc1a\u10fc19\u10fc03\u10fc11\u10fc08\u10fc0c\u10fc0a\u10fc0c\u10fc0d\u10fc04 \u10fc19\u10fc1e\u10fc14\u10fc04\u10fc0e\u10fc13\u10fc12\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc0a\u10fc07\u10fc0e\u10fc0c\u10fc06\u10fc0e\u10fc09\u10fc09\u10fc04\u10fc0b\u10fc06\u10fc10\u10fc0e\u10fc1e\u10fc08\u10fc09\u10fc0a\u10fc0c\u10fc0d\u10fc24\u10fc04\u10fc10\u10fc0a\u10fc09\u10fc08\u10fc0e\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc03\u10fc0e\u10fc11\u10fc0b\u10fc09\u10fc06\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc0a\u10fc04\u10fc0c\u10fc22\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc06\u10fc0e\u10fc08\u10fc0c\u10fc0a\u10fc08\u10fc09\u10fc02\u10fc11\u10fc0c\u10fc0a\u10fc0c\u10fc0d\u10fc05\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc19\u10fc1e\u10fc14\u10fc04\u10fc08\u10fc0b\u10fc0c- skapsn\ue4tverk. Men de har varit s\ue4mre p\ue5 att skapa tidiga nischmarknader som ger utrymme f\uf6r fortsatt l\ue4rande och kostnadsreduktion. S\ue5dana nischer kan ibland skapas av marknadens akt\uf6rer, men ofta kr\ue4vs politiska styrmedel. De beh\uf6vs f\uf6r att investeringar i kunskapsutveckling ska kunna nyttigg\uf6ras och f\uf6r att en bred industriell utveckling inom nya omr\ue5den skall g\uf6ras m\uf6jlig i Sverige.Vidare presenteras l\ue4rdomar kring vad en aktiv teknikpolitik inneb\ue4r. Tv\ue5 huvud- \u10fc05\u10fc03\u10fc0d\u10fc0b\u10fc07\u10fc0e\u10fc0c\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc19\u10fc07\u10fc04\u10fc1a\u10fc02\u10fc03\u10fc11\u10fc04\u10fc1a\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc07\u10fc04\u10fc0f\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc05\u10fc06\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc1a\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc07\u10fc10\u10fc0f\u10fc13\u10fc06\u10fc0e\u10fc0c\u10fc04\u10fc05\u10fc10\u10fc04\u10fc0c\u10fc22\u10fc04\u10fc06\u10fc0e\u10fc08\u10fc0c\u10fc0a\u10fc08\u10fc04\u10fc0f\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc0e\u10fc0c\u10fc04\u10fc1e\u10fc0e\u10fc0c\u10fc06\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc09\u10fc04\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc09\u10fc04\u10fc05\u10fc10\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc05\u10fc07- h\ue4llsbygget och d\ue4rf\uf6r b\uf6r vara ett politikomr\ue5de bland m\ue5nga samt att den skarpa \u10fc0b\u10fc12\u10fc12\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc09\u10fc0c\u10fc0a\u10fc0c\u10fc0d\u10fc0e\u10fc0c\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc19\u10fc07\u10fc04\u10fc0a\u10fc2f\u10fc09\u10fc05\u10fc0c\u10fc15\u10fc04\u10fc0d\u10fc02\u10fc03\u10fc11\u10fc04\u10fc07\u10fc0e\u10fc09\u10fc09\u10fc05\u10fc0c\u10fc04\u10fc43\u10fc06\u10fc0e\u10fc08\u10fc0c\u10fc0a\u10fc08\u10fc11\u10fc12\u10fc0e\u10fc1e\u10fc0a\u10fc1f\u10fc08\u10fc05\u10fc43\u10fc04\u10fc19\u10fc1e\u10fc14\u10fc04\u10fc43\u10fc06\u10fc0e\u10fc08\u10fc0c\u10fc0a\u10fc08\u10fc0c\u10fc0e\u10fc0b\u10fc06\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc09\u10fc05\u10fc43\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc06\u10fc22\u10fc03- \u10fc07\u10fc0e\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc09\u10fc04\u10fc2f\u10fc02\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc05\u10fc10\u10fc15\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc07\u10fc05\u10fc06\u10fc0a\u10fc11\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc11\u10fc25\u10fc04\u10fc16\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc06\u10fc0f\u10fc09\u10fc09\u10fc0e\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc2f\u10fc0e\u10fc1f\u10fc0c\u10fc0c\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc0a\u10fc0d\u10fc04\u10fc05\u10fc09\u10fc09\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc06\u10fc22\u10fc03\u10fc07\u10fc0e\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc09\u10fc04\u10fc12\u10fc18\u10fc04\u10fc0e\u10fc0c\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc08\u10fc05\u10fc09\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc07\u10fc0e\u10fc09\u10fc09\u10fc05\u10fc0c\u10fc04 \u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc11\u10fc11\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc06\u10fc10\u10fc18\u10fc04\u10fc0e\u10fc13\u10fc06\u10fc03\u10fc0e\u10fc07\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc19\u10fc1e\u10fc14\u10fc04\u10fc19\u10fc09\u10fc0a\u10fc08\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc06\u10fc22\u10fc12\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc05\u10fc10\u10fc04\u10fc07\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc12\u10fc0e\u10fc1e\u10fc0a\u10fc1f\u10fc08\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc19\u10fc1e\u10fc14\u10fc04\u10fc07\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc0c\u10fc0e\u10fc0b\u10fc06\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc09\u10fc05\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc06\u10fc02\u10fc15\u10fc04\u10fc2f\u10fc0e\u10fc14\u10fc02\u10fc10\u10fc11\u10fc04\u10fc0a\u10fc04 olika faser av innovationssystemets utveckling.F\uf6r att lyckas med en aktiv teknikpolitik beh\uf6vs en h\uf6g grad av koordinering \u10fc07\u10fc0e\u10fc09\u10fc09\u10fc05\u10fc0c\u10fc04\u10fc07\u10fc22\u10fc0c\u10fc15\u10fc0a\u10fc0d\u10fc14\u10fc0e\u10fc06\u10fc0e\u10fc03\u10fc04\u10fc19\u10fc1e\u10fc14\u10fc04\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc12\u10fc05\u10fc03\u10fc06\u10fc0e\u10fc07\u10fc0e\u10fc0c\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc05\u10fc07\u10fc06\u10fc04\u10fc11\u10fc12\u10fc0e\u10fc1e\u10fc0a\u10fc1f\u10fc08\u10fc04\u10fc08\u10fc0b\u10fc0c\u10fc11\u10fc08\u10fc05\u10fc12\u10fc04\u10fc19\u10fc07\u10fc04\u10fc1a\u10fc03\u10fc05\u10fc07\u10fc10\u10fc0f\u10fc13\u10fc05\u10fc0c\u10fc15\u10fc0e\u10fc04 teknikomr\ue5den s\ue5 att ”r\ue4tt” typ av \ue5tg\ue4rder kan s\ue4ttas in vid ”r\ue4tt” tidpunkt av ”r\ue4tt” akt\uf6r. TIS-ramverket lyfts h\ue4r fram som en metod f\uf6r att skapa ett s\ue5dant underlag. Slutligen presenteras en metod f\uf6r projektbed\uf6mningar som syftar till att st\uf6tta handl\ue4ggare i utv\ue4rderingar av projekt inom nya teknikomr\ue5den.Rapporten i sin helhet riktar sig s\ue4rskilt till beslutsfattare och handl\ue4ggare vid myndigheter, departement och politiker, men \ue4ven andra organisationer och indi- vider med intresse av att h\uf6gt st\ue4llda klimatm\ue5l ska kunna n\ue5s samtidigt som en positiv n\ue4ringslivsutveckling m\uf6jligg\uf6rs