432 research outputs found

    Chandra spectroscopy of the hot star beta Crucis and the discovery of a pre-main-sequence companion

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    In order to test the O star wind-shock scenario for X-ray production in less luminous stars with weaker winds, we made a pointed 74 ks observation of the nearby early B giant, beta Cru (B0.5 III), with the Chandra HETGS. We find that the X-ray spectrum is quite soft, with a dominant thermal component near 3 million K, and that the emission lines are resolved but quite narrow, with half-widths of 150 km/s. The forbidden-to-intercombination line ratios of Ne IX and Mg XI indicate that the hot plasma is distributed in the wind, rather than confined near the photosphere. It is difficult to understand the X-ray data in the context of the standard wind-shock paradigm for OB stars, primarily because of the narrow lines, but also because of the high X-ray production efficiency. A scenario in which the bulk of the outer wind is shock heated is broadly consistent with the data, but not very well motivated theoretically. It is possible that magnetic channeling could explain the X-ray properties, although no field has been detected on beta Cru. We detected periodic variability in the hard (hnu > 1 keV) X-rays, modulated on the known optical period of 4.58 hours, which is the period of the primary beta Cep pulsation mode for this star. We also have detected, for the first time, an apparent companion to beta Cru at a projected separation of 4 arcsec. This companion was likely never seen in optical images because of the presumed very high contrast between it and beta Cru in the optical. However, the brightness contrast in the X-ray is only 3:1, which is consistent with the companion being an X-ray active low-mass pre-main-sequence star. The companion's X-ray spectrum is relatively hard and variable, as would be expected from a post T Tauri star.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 19 pages, 15 figures, some in color; version with higher-resolution figures available at http://astro.swarthmore.edu/~cohen/papers/bcru_mnras2008.pd

    Relativistic Continuum Hartree Bogoliubov Theory for Ground State Properties of Exotic Nuclei

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    The Relativistic Continuum Hartree-Bogoliubov (RCHB) theory, which properly takes into account the pairing correlation and the coupling to (discretized) continuum via Bogoliubov transformation in a microscopic and self-consistent way, has been reviewed together with its new interpretation of the halo phenomena observed in light nuclei as the scattering of particle pairs into the continuum, the prediction of the exotic phenomena -- giant halos in nuclei near neutron drip line, the reproduction of interaction cross sections and charge-changing cross sections in light exotic nuclei in combination with the Glauber theory, better restoration of pseudospin symmetry in exotic nuclei, predictions of exotic phenomena in hyper nuclei, and new magic numbers in superheavy nuclei, etc. Recent investigations on new effective interactions, the density dependence of the interaction strengthes, the RMF theory on the Woods-Saxon basis, the single particle resonant states, and the resonant BCS (rBCS) method for the pairing correlation, etc. are also presented in some details.Comment: 79 pages. Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. (2005) in pres

    Comparing composition and structure in old-growth and harvested (selection and diameter-limit cuts) northern hardwood stands in Quebec

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    Single-tree selection cutting is sometimes believed to be similar to the natural gap disturbance regime of hardwood forests, but few studies have specifically compared the compositional and structural characteristics of old-growth hardwood stands, undergoing natural gap dynamics and hardwood stands previously subjected to partial cuts. This study characterized and compared the composition (saplings and trees) and structure (gaps, foliage distribution, tree diameter and density, snags and coarse woody debris) of old-growth stands (OG), 12-year-old selection cuts (SC), and 28-33-year-old diameter-limit cuts (DLC) in sugar maple (Acer saccharum)-dominated northern hardwood stands. Results showed marked structural differences between OG and harvested stands, with stronger differences between DLC and OG than between SC and OG. The synchronized formation of numerous canopy openings in harvested stands induced a massive post-harvest recruitment of advance regeneration in both SC and DLC that created a dense foliage layer in the understory. Large living trees (dbh > 39.1 cm) and defective trees were less numerous in SC than OG, which can have a detrimental impact on species dependent on these structural elements, and on the future availability and characteristics of coarse woody debris. Relatively few compositional differences were noticed among stand types, although a greater proportion of mid-tolerant species was found in the post-harvest recruitment cohorts of harvested stands compared to OG, and a lower proportion of beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) saplings was observed in DLC compared to OG and SC. We argue that even if selection cutting is closer to the natural disturbance regime of hardwood forests than diameter-limit cutting, and therefore representing progress toward the development and implementation of a natural-disturbance-based management, a recurring application of selection cutting might lead to a homogenization of forest structure and composition, a reduction of key structural features and a reduction in biological diversity at both the stand and landscape scales. Some management recommendations are proposed

    The MeerKAT international GHz tiered extragalactic exploration (MIGHTEE) survey

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    The MIGHTEE large survey project will survey four of the most well-studied extragalactic deep fields, totalling 20 square degrees to µJy sensitivity at Giga-Hertz frequencies, as well as an ultra-deep image of a single ∼1 deg2 MeerKAT pointing. The observations will provide radio continuum, spectral line and polarisation information. As such, MIGHTEE, along with the excellent multi-wavelength data already available in these deep fields, will allow a range of science to be achieved. Specifically, MIGHTEE is designed to significantly enhance our understanding of, (i) the evolution of AGN and star-formation activity over cosmic time, as a function of stellar mass and environment, free of dust obscuration; (ii) the evolution of neutral hydrogen in the Universe and how this neutral gas eventually turns into stars after moving through the molecular phase, and how efficiently this can fuel AGN activity; (iii) the properties of cosmic magnetic fields and how they evolve in clusters, filaments and galaxies. MIGHTEE will reach similar depth to the planned SKA all-sky survey, and thus will provide a pilot to the cosmology experiments that will be carried out by the SKA over a much larger survey volume

    The Evolutionary Map of the Universe Pilot Survey

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    We present the data and initial results from the first pilot survey of the Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU), observed at 944 MHz with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) telescope. The survey covers 270 deg2 of an area covered by the Dark Energy Survey, reaching a depth of 25–30 μJy beam−1 rms at a spatial resolution of ∼11–18 arcsec, resulting in a catalogue of ∼220 000 sources, of which ∼180 000 are single-component sources. Here we present the catalogue of single-component sources, together with (where available) optical and infrared cross-identifications, classifications, and redshifts. This survey explores a new region of parameter space compared to previous surveys. Specifically, the EMU Pilot Survey has a high density of sources, and also a high sensitivity to low surface brightness emission. These properties result in the detection of types of sources that were rarely seen in or absent from previous surveys. We present some of these new results here

    The Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey I: Design and First Results

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    The Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS) is the first large-area survey to be conducted with the full 36-antenna Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) telescope. RACS will provide a shallow model of the ASKAP sky that will aid the calibration of future deep ASKAP surveys. RACS will cover the whole sky visible from the ASKAP site in Western Australia, and will cover the full ASKAP band of 700−1800700-1800 MHz. The RACS images are generally deeper than the existing NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) and Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey (SUMSS) radio surveys and have better spatial resolution. All RACS survey products will be public, including radio images (with ∼15\sim 15 arcsecond resolution) and catalogues of about three million source components with spectral index and polarisation information. In this paper, we present a description of the RACS survey and the first data release of 903 images covering the sky south of declination +41∘+41^\circ made over a 288 MHz band centred at 887.5 MHz.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figures, 4 tables. For associated data see https://data.csiro.au/collections/domain/casdaObservation/results/PRAS110%20-%20The%20Rapid%20ASKAP%20Continuu

    Dysglycemias in pregnancy: from diagnosis to treatment. Brazilian consensus statement

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    There is an urgent need to find consensus on screening, diagnosing and treating all degrees of DYSGLYCEMIA that may occur during pregnancies in Brazil, considering that many cases of DYSGLYCEMIA in pregnant women are currently not diagnosed, leading to maternal and fetal complications. For this reason the Brazilian Diabetes Society (SBD) and the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Societies (FEBRASGO), got together to introduce this proposal. We present here a joint consensus regarding the standardization of clinical management for pregnant women with any degree of Dysglycemia, on the basis of current information, to improve medical assistance and to avoid related complications of Dysglycemia in pregnancy to the mother and the fetus. This consensus aims to standardize the diagnosis among general practitioners, endocrinologists and obstetricians allowing the dissemination of information in basic health units, public and private services, that are responsible for screening, diagnosing and treating disglycemic pregnant patients
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