15 research outputs found

    Melanin targeting for intracellular drug delivery: Quantification of bound and free drug in retinal pigment epithelial cells

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    Melanin binding affects drug distribution and retention in pigmented ocular tissues, thereby affecting drug response, duration of activity and toxicity. Therefore, it is a promising possibility for drug targeting and controlled release in the pigmented cells and tissues. Intracellular unbound drug concentrations determine pharmacological and toxicological actions, but analyses of unbound vs. total drug concentrations in pigmented cells are lacking. We studied intracellular binding and cellular drug uptake in pigmented retinal pigment epithelial cells and in non-pigmented ARPE-19 cells with five model drugs (chloroquine, propranolol, timolol, diclofenac, methotrexate). The unbound drug fractions in pigmented cells were 0.00016–0.73 and in non-pigmented cells 0.017–1.0. Cellular uptake (i.e. distribution ratio Kp), ranged from 1.3 to 6300 in pigmented cells and from 1.0 to 25 in non-pigmented cells. Values for intracellular bioavailability, Fic, were similar in both cells types (although larger variation in pigmented cells). In vitro melanin binding parameters were used to predict intracellular unbound drug fraction and cell uptake. Comparison of predictions with experimental data indicates that other factors (e.g. ion-trapping, lipophilicity-related binding to other cell components) also play a role. Melanin binding is a major factor that leads to cellular uptake and unbound drug fractions of a range of 3–4 orders of magnitude indicating that large reservoirs of melanin bound drug can be generated in the cells. Understanding melanin binding has important implications on retinal drug targeting, efficacy and toxicity.Peer reviewe

    Binding of Small Molecule Drugs to Porcine Vitreous Humor

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    Pharmacokinetics in the posterior eye segment has therapeutic implications due to the importance of retinal diseases in ophthalmology. In principle, drug binding to the components of the vitreous, such as proteins, collagen, or glycosaminoglycans, could prolong ocular drug retention and modify levels of pharmacologically active free drug in the posterior eye segment. Since drug binding in the vitreous has been investigated only sparsely, we studied vitreal drug binding of 35 clinical small molecule drugs. Isolated homogenized porcine vitreous and the drugs were placed in a two compartment dialysis system that was used to separate the bound and unbound drug. Free drug concentrations and binding percentages were quantitated using LC-MS/MS. Drug binding levels varied between 21 and 74% in the fresh vitreous and 0 and 64% in the frozen vitreous. The vitreal binding percentages did not correlate with those in plasma. Our data-based pharmacokinetic simulations suggest that vitreal binding of small molecule drugs has only a modest influence on the AUC of free drug or drug half-life in the vitreous. Therefore, it is likely that vitreal binding is not a major reason for interindividual variability in ocular drug responses or drug-drug interactions.Peer reviewe

    Microscale Thermophoresis as a Screening Tool to Predict Melanin Binding of Drugs

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    Interactions between drugs and melanin pigment may have major impacts on pharmacokinetics. Therefore, melanin binding can modify the efficacy and toxicity of medications in ophthalmic and other disease of pigmented tissues, such as melanoma. As melanin is present in many pigmented tissues in the human body, investigation of pigment binding is relevant in drug discovery and development. Conventionally, melanin binding assays have been performed using an equilibrium binding study followed by chemical analytics, such as LC/MS. This approach is laborious, relatively slow, and limited to facilities with high performance quantitation instrumentation. We present here a screening of melanin binding with label-free microscale thermophoresis (MST) that utilizes the natural autofluorescence of melanin. We determined equilibrium dissociation constants (Kd) of 11 model compounds with melanin nanoparticles. MST categorized the compounds into extreme (chloroquine, penicillin G), high (papaverine, levofloxacin, terazosin), intermediate (timolol, nadolol, quinidine, propranolol), and low melanin binders (atropine, methotrexate, diclofenac) and displayed good correlation with binding parameter values obtained with the conventional binding study and LC/MS analytics. Further, correlation was seen between predicted melanin binding in human retinal pigment epithelium and choroid (RPE-choroid) and Kd values obtained with MST. This method represents a useful and fast approach for classification of compounds regarding melanin binding. Thus, the method can be utilized in various fields, including drug discovery, pharmacokinetics, and toxicology

    Microscale Thermophoresis as a Screening Tool to Predict Melanin Binding of Drugs

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    Interactions between drugs and melanin pigment may have major impacts on pharmacokinetics. Therefore, melanin binding can modify the efficacy and toxicity of medications in ophthalmic and other disease of pigmented tissues, such as melanoma. As melanin is present in many pigmented tissues in the human body, investigation of pigment binding is relevant in drug discovery and development. Conventionally, melanin binding assays have been performed using an equilibrium binding study followed by chemical analytics, such as LC/MS. This approach is laborious, relatively slow, and limited to facilities with high performance quantitation instrumentation. We present here a screening of melanin binding with label-free microscale thermophoresis (MST) that utilizes the natural autofluorescence of melanin. We determined equilibrium dissociation constants (Kd) of 11 model compounds with melanin nanoparticles. MST categorized the compounds into extreme (chloroquine, penicillin G), high (papaverine, levofloxacin, terazosin), intermediate (timolol, nadolol, quinidine, propranolol), and low melanin binders (atropine, methotrexate, diclofenac) and displayed good correlation with binding parameter values obtained with the conventional binding study and LC/MS analytics. Further, correlation was seen between predicted melanin binding in human retinal pigment epithelium and choroid (RPE-choroid) and Kd values obtained with MST. This method represents a useful and fast approach for classification of compounds regarding melanin binding. Thus, the method can be utilized in various fields, including drug discovery, pharmacokinetics, and toxicology

    Release of functional dexamethasone by intracellular enzymes: A modular peptide-based strategy for ocular drug delivery

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    Tissue barriers limit drug delivery in the eye. Therefore, retinal diseases are treated with intravitreal injections. Delivery systems with reduced dosing frequency and/or cellular drug delivery properties are needed. We present here a modular peptide-based delivery system for cell targeted release of dexamethasone in the retinal pigment epithelial cells. The peptide–dexamethasone conjugates consist of cell penetrating peptide, enzyme cleavable linker and dexamethasone that is conjugated with hydrazone bond. The conjugates are chemically stable in the vitreous, internalize into the retinal pigment epithelial cells and release dexamethasone intracellularly by en- zymatic action of cathepsin D. In vitro binding assay and molecular docking confirm binding of the released dexamethasone fragment to the human glucocorticoid receptor. In vivo rabbit studies show increased vitreal retention of dexamethasone with a peptide conjugate. Modular peptide conjugates are a promising approach for drug delivery into the retinal cells.Peer reviewe

    Food Additives as Inhibitors of Intestinal Drug Transporter OATP2B1

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    Food additives are compounds that are added to food and beverage to improve the taste, color, preservation, or composition. Generally, food additives are considered safe for human use due to safety evaluations conducted by food safety authorities and high safety margins applied to permitted usage levels. However, the interaction potential of food additives with simultaneously administered medication has not received much attention. Even though many food additives are poorly absorbed into systemic circulation, high concentrations could exist in the intestinal lumen, making intestinal drug transporters, such as the uptake transporter organic anion transporting polypeptide 2B1 (OATP2B1), a possible site of food additive-drug interactions. In the present work, we aimed to characterize the interaction of a selection of 25 food additives including colorants, preservatives, and sweeteners with OATP2B1 in vitro. In human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells transiently overexpressing OATP2B1 or control, uptake of dibromofluorescein was studied with and without 50 mu M food additive at pH 7.4. As OATP2B1 displays substrate- and pH-dependent transport functions and the intraluminal pH varies along the gastrointestinal tract, we performed the studies also at pH 5.5 using estrone sulfate as an OATP2B1 substrate. Food additives that inhibited OATP2B1-mediated substrate transport by >= 50% were subjected to dose-response studies. Six colorants were identified and validated as OATP2B1 inhibitors at pH 5.5, but only three of these were categorized as inhibitors at pH 7.4. One sweetener was validated as an inhibitor under both assay conditions, whereas none of the preservatives exhibited >= 50% inhibition of OATP2B1-mediated transport. Extrapolation of computed inhibitory constants (K-i values) to estimations of intestinal food additive concentrations implies that selected colorants could inhibit intestinal OATP2B1 also in vivo. These results suggest that food additives, especially colorants, could alter the pharmacokinetics of orally administered OATP2B1 substrate drugs, although further in vivo studies are warranted to understand the overall clinical consequences of the findings.Peer reviewe

    Characterization of artificially re-pigmented ARPE-19 retinal pigment epithelial cell model

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    Melanin pigment has a significant role in ocular pharmacokinetics, because many drugs bind at high extent to melanin in the retinal pigment epithelial cells. Most retinal pigment epithelial cell lines lack pigmentation and, therefore, we re-pigmented human ARPE-19 cells to generate a pigmented cell model. Melanosomes from porcine retinal pigment epithelium were isolated and co-incubated with ARPE-19 cells that spontaneously phagocytosed the melanosomes. Internalized melanosomes were functionally integrated to the cellular system as evidenced by correct translocation of cellular Rab27a protein to the melanosomal membranes. The pigmentation was retained during cell cultivation and the level of pigmentation can be controlled by altering the amount of administered melanosomes. We used these cells to study melanosomal uptake of six drugs. The uptake was negligible with low melanin-binders (methotrexate, diclofenac) whereas most of the high melanin-binders (propranolol, chloroquine) were extensively taken up by the melanosomes. This cell line can be used to model pigmentation of the retinal pigment epithelium, while maintaining the beneficial cell line characteristics, such as fast generation of cultures, low cost, long-term maintenance and good reproducibility. The model enables studies at normal and decreased levels of pigmentation to model different retinal conditions.Peer reviewe

    Role of retinal pigment epithelium permeability in drug transfer between posterior eye segment and systemic blood circulation

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    Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a major part of blood-retinal barrier that affects drug elimination from the vitreous to the blood and drug distribution from blood circulation into the eye. Even though drug clearance from the vitreous has been well studied, the role of RPE in the process has not been quantified. The aim of this work was to study the role of RPE clearance (CLRpE) as part of drug elimination from the vitreous and ocular drug distribution from the systemic blood circulation. We determined the bidirectional permeability of eight small molecular weight drugs and bevacizumab antibody across isolated bovine RPE-choroid. Permeability of small molecules was 10(-6) -10(-5)cm/s showing 13-15 fold range of outward and inward permeation, while permeability of bevacizumab was lower by 2-3 orders of magnitude. Most small molecular weight drugs showed comparable outward (vitreous-to-choroid) and inward (choroid-to-vitreous) permeability across the RPEchoroid, except ciprofloxacin and ketorolac that had an over 6 and 14-fold higher outward than inward permeability, respectively, possibly indicating active transport, Six of seven tested small molecular weight drugs had outward CLRPE values that were comparable with their intravitreal clearance (CLIvr) values (0.84-2.6 fold difference). On the contrary, bevacizumab had an outward CLRPE that was only 3.5% of the CLIvt, proving that its main route of elimination (after intravitreal injection) is not RPE permeation. Experimental values were used in pharmacokinetic simulations to assess the role of the RPE in drug transfer from the systemic blood circulation to the vitreous (CLBv). We conclude that for small molecular weight drugs the RPE is an important route in drug transfer between the vitreal cavity and blood, whereas it effectively hinders the movement of bevacizumab from the vitreous to the systemic circulation.Peer reviewe

    Subsequent Event Risk in Individuals with Established Coronary Heart Disease:Design and Rationale of the GENIUS-CHD Consortium

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    BACKGROUND: The "GENetIcs of sUbSequent Coronary Heart Disease" (GENIUS-CHD) consortium was established to facilitate discovery and validation of genetic variants and biomarkers for risk of subsequent CHD events, in individuals with established CHD. METHODS: The consortium currently includes 57 studies from 18 countries, recruiting 185,614 participants with either acute coronary syndrome, stable CHD or a mixture of both at baseline. All studies collected biological samples and followed-up study participants prospectively for subsequent events. RESULTS: Enrollment into the individual studies took place between 1985 to present day with duration of follow up ranging from 9 months to 15 years. Within each study, participants with CHD are predominantly of self-reported European descent (38%-100%), mostly male (44%-91%) with mean ages at recruitment ranging from 40 to 75 years. Initial feasibility analyses, using a federated analysis approach, yielded expected associations between age (HR 1.15 95% CI 1.14-1.16) per 5-year increase, male sex (HR 1.17, 95% CI 1.13-1.21) and smoking (HR 1.43, 95% CI 1.35-1.51) with risk of subsequent CHD death or myocardial infarction, and differing associations with other individual and composite cardiovascular endpoints. CONCLUSIONS: GENIUS-CHD is a global collaboration seeking to elucidate genetic and non-genetic determinants of subsequent event risk in individuals with established CHD, in order to improve residual risk prediction and identify novel drug targets for secondary prevention. Initial analyses demonstrate the feasibility and reliability of a federated analysis approach. The consortium now plans to initiate and test novel hypotheses as well as supporting replication and validation analyses for other investigators

    Statins for the prevention of proliferative vitreoretinopathy: cellular responses in cultured cells and clinical statin concentrations in the vitreous

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    Correction: Volume11, Issue1 Article Number: 15327 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-92615-z Published: JUL 22 2021Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) is a complex inflammatory ocular disease. Statins are widely used cholesterol-lowering drugs with putative anti-inflammatory properties. In this study, we have explored their efficacy in controlling post-surgical PVR formation. Simvastatin (SIM), atorvastatin (ATV), or rosuvastatin (RSV) were added to cultures of human retinal pigment epithelial cells (ARPE-19) prior to exposure with the bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1) was examined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In addition, the concentrations of simvastatin, atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, and their metabolites were measured from the vitreal samples of 20 patients undergoing vitrectomy (16 of them receiving oral statin therapy) using an ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometer technique. All statins alleviated LPS-induced inflammation at 5 µM concentration in the ARPE-19 cell cultures. Statin levels in the vitreous samples ranged from 6 to 316 pg/mL (ca. 0.1–7 M−10). Vitreal statin concentrations were similar to the typical steady-state unbound statin concentrations in plasma, indicating that only the unbound drug distributes from the blood circulation into the vitreous. Pharmacokinetic simulations of the intravitreal delivery of statins indicate that the measured clinical statin concentrations could be maintained with existing drug delivery technologies for months. Our results suggest that intravitreal statin therapy may have the potential in alleviating the risk of post-surgical PVR.Peer reviewe