29 research outputs found


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    This research aims to find out and analyze further about what factors can influence Indonesia's natural rubber exports in the last 10 years, from 2012 to 2022. The factors analyzed include rubber exports, Indonesia's GDP (Gross Domestic Product), production, the average international price of rubber, the exchange rate of the rupiah (exchange rate) against the US dollar, inflation and the area of Indonesian rubber plantations. The method used is the Error Correction Model (ECM) and the classical assumption test. Based on the analysis that has been done, it is obtained that the results of GDP, production, the average international rubber price and the rupiah exchange rate have a significant effect on rubber exports both in the short and long term. Land area in the short term has a significant effect while in the long term it has no significant effect. Inflation has no effect on Indonesia's rubber exports. Keywords: Export, Error Corection Model (ECM), Price, Rubber INTISARIPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi ekspor karet alam Indonesia 10 tahun terakhir yaitu dari tahun 2012 hingga 2022. Faktor-faktor yang dianalisis meliputi ekspor karet, PDB (Produk Domestik Bruto) Indonesia, produksi, harga rata-rata karet Internasional, nilai tukar rupiah (kurs) terhadap dollar AS, inflasi dan luas lahan karet Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah Error Correction Model (ECM) dan uji asumsi klasik. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan diperoleh hasil PDB, produksi, harga rata rata karet internasional dan nilai tukar rupiah berpengaruh siginifikan terhadap eskpor karet baik dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Luas lahan dalam jangka pendek berpengaruh signifikan sedangkan dalam jangka panjang tidak berpengaruh nyata. Inflasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap ekspor karet Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Ekspor, Error Corection Model (ECM), Harga,  Kare


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    This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the Local Food Industry Development program in West Sumatra. The data was collected through FGD with the stakeholders involved and then compared between the Technical Guidelines and Technical Guidelines for the West Sumatra Local Food Industry Development Program with the implementation in the field. The results obtained will be evaluated whether they are in accordance with the Technical Guidelines and Guidelines or not. Based on the results of the study, it was found that in general it had been implemented in accordance with the required technical guidelines and guidelines. Even so, there are several points that are not in accordance with the technical guidelines and technical guidelines due to several problems encountered in the field. However, this activity can continue to be carried out in order to further promote the use of local food in the community and further reduce the dominance of rice in people's food consumptionSalah satu usaha yang dilakukan dalam mewujudkan ketahanan pangan adalah penganekaragaman konsumsi pangan masyarakat dalam mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap satu jenis bahan pangan khususnya beras. Untuk itu  perlu dilakukan pengoptimalan pemanfaatan sumberdaya pangan lokal, karena pangan lokal merupakan penyedia pangan alternatif sumber karbohidrat pendamping beras dan dapat diusahakan sebagai menambah pendapatan bagi industri pengelola rumah tangga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan program Pengembangan Industri Pangan Lokal di Sumatera Barat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui FGD pada stakeholder yang terlibat dan kemudian dibandingkan antara Juklak dan Juknis Program Pengembangan Industri Pangan Lokal Sumatera Barat dengan pelaksanaan dilapangan. Hasil yang didapatkan dievaluasi apakah sudah sesuai dengan Juklak dan Juknis atau belum. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan temuan bahwa dalam pelaksanaannya secara umum sudah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan Juklak dan Juknis yang disyaratkan. Walaupun begitu terdapat beberapa point yang tidak sesuai dengan juklak dan juknis karena kendala beberapa masalah yang ditemui di lapangan. Walaupun begitu kegiatan ini dapat terus dilaksanakan demi makin digalakkan nya pemanfaatan pangan lokal di masyarakat dan makin mengurangi dominasi beras dalam konsumsi pangan masyaraka

    Pelatihan Perancangan Website Untuk Siswa SMK Global Persada Mandiri Bekasi

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    The development of technological advances is currently very fast because most human activities cannot be separated from information technology. Especially during a pandemic like now, almost all community activities have shifted from offline to online which forces people to be technology literate, one of which is a website. The increasing number of people's needs in information systems, and database processing, causing the creation of websites to be increasingly needed. Therefore, Bhayangkara University Jakarta Raya supports SMK Global Persada Mandiri Bekasi providing training for its students to be able to compete with the outside world by having special skills regarding website design with the theme "INTRODUCTION AND TRAINING IN WEBSITE DESIGN TO IMPROVE SOFTSKILL STUDENTS OF GLOBAL PERSADA MANDIRI BEKASI SMK"Perkembangan kemajuan teknologi saat ini sudah sangat cepat dikarenakan sebagian besar kegiatan manusia tidak terlepas dari teknologi informasi. Apalagi di masa pandemik seperti sekarang, hampir semua kegiatan masyarakat beralih dari offline ke online yang memaksa masyarakat melek dengan teknologi, salah satunya berupa website. Semakin banyaknya kebutuhan masyarakat dalam sistem informasi, dan pengolahan basis data sehingga menyebabkan pembuatan website semakin dibutuhkan. Oleh karena itu, Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya mendukung SMK Global Persada Mandiri Bekasi memberikan pelatihan bagi para siswanya agar dapat bersaing dengan dunia luar dengan memiliki keterampilan khusus mengenai perancangan website dengan bertemakan “PENGENALAN DAN PELATIHAN PERANCANGAN WEBSITE UNTUK MENINGKATKAN SOFTSKILL SISWA SMK GLOBAL PERSADA MANDIRI BEKASI


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    Salah satu subsektor pertanian yang dijadikan sebagai fokus untuk dikembangkan oleh negara adalah pada bidang tanaman pangan khususnya beras. Dalam pelaksanaannya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas padi sebagai mana yang direncanakan maka dilaksanakan intensifikasi lahan dengan menerapkan penemuan dari tehnologi baru. Pada penelitian ini pemerintah telah melakukan introdusir tehnologi baru dimana dibudidayakan varietas padi unggulan yang diusahakan dengan pendekatan Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (PTT) dimana program ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan sistem teknologi tanam yang baru yang dinamakan dengan sistem legowo. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka didapatkan hasil perhitungan pendapatan dan keuntungan. Dimana komponen biaya yang dibayarkan terdiri dari pembelian benih, pembelian pupuk, upah TKLK, dan sewa alat (traktor). Sedangkan biaya yang diperhitungkan adalah penyusutan peralatan tetap,  biaya TKDK dan bunga modal. Dari data didapatkan bahwa pendapatan petani yang menerapkan legowo adalah sebesar Rp14.322.183,33/luas lahan/MT dan keuntungan sebesar Rp 13.916.759,33 atau bila dikonversikan per hektar maka didapatkan pendapatan sebesar Rp 23.135.719,44/Ha dan keuntungan sebesar Rp 16.286.159,07/Ha


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    Crude Palm Oil (CPO) is one of important commodity for Indonesia. Indonesia is the biggest producers of CPO in the world, and the second exporter after Malaysia.  Despite the fact that Indonesia and Malaysia are mayor CPO exporters, CPO traders determine CPO price in spot market. As a result, Indonesian and Malaysian producers often face price volatilites. Indonesian traders do not have bargaining power in the price determination. On other hands, domestik demands for CPO grow up.  For that reason,  The Indonesian goverment must take a policy to guarantee the fulfilment of CPO needs.  The objective of research are (1) to describe the Indonesian policy in CPO trade that integrated with World market in Rotterdam and Malaysian Market and (2) to formulate the policy implication of CPO price formation in Indonesia. The research showed that Indonesia act as price taker, this is because Indonesian goverment has no bargaining power to determine price in domestic - and international market. To solving the problem is important for goverment to develop CPO’s future market and create product diversification for CPO. Keywords: Crude Palm Oil, Goverment Policy, Price, Integration market 

    The Effect of Media Exposure and Slack Resources on Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure

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    This study aims to examine the effect of media exposure and slack resources on corporate social responsibility disclosure. This research analysis was carried out using multiple linear regression analysis methods with unbalanced panel data involving 137 high-profile companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and publishing sustainability reports in 2019-2020.  The results of this study indicate that media exposure and slack resources simultaneously influence corporate social responsibility disclosure. Partially, media exposure positively affected the disclosure of corporate social responsibility. Meanwhile, slack resources do not affect the disclosure of corporate social responsibility. This result indicates that media exposure can lead to a greater commitment to CSR.Keywords: CSR, media exposure, slack resources, high profile.

    ANALISIS USAHA BUBUK KOPI MAK AMBIK DI KECAMATAN GUNUANG OMEH KABUPATEN LIMA PULUH KOTA SUMATERA BARAT (Analysis Of Mak Ambik Coffee Powder Business In Gunuang Omeh District Lima Puluh Kota West Sumatera)

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    This study aims to describe the profile of the Mak Ambik coffee powder business in Gunuang Omeh District and to analyze the business conditions from the operational, marketing and financial aspects as well as knowing the business profits. This research uses a descriptive method with the type of case study research and financial calculations using the variable costing method. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection was carried out by means of direct interviews with the head of the Mak Ambik coffee powder processing business, as well as literature related to research. This research was conducted on August 1, 2022 to August 31, 2022. The results showed that Mak Ambik's coffee powder business, seen from the human resource aspect, Mak Ambik's coffee powder business has 5 workers, seen from the marketing aspect of the Mak Ambik coffee powder business, price by calculating the capital that has been issued, promotion is done by way of personal selling and sales promotion. On the financial aspect, the initial capital of this business is Rp. 15,000,000 taken from personal funds, this business still keeps financial records manually and simply. During the study period, the business earned a profit of Rp. 9,466,410 with a percentage of 14.8%. This shows that this business has achieved profits from its business

    Manajemen Retribusi Pasar Sentral Palakka Dalam eningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Bone

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan fungsi-fungsi manajemen dalam pemungutan retribusi pasar sentral Palakka pada Dinas Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Bone. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan terdiri dari reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan serta pengujian kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Perencanaan dalam hal penentuan target dan perumusan strategi yang telah disusun sudah optimal. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari telah ditentukan dan dilaksanakannya tahap-tahap penentuan terget yang dilakukan setiap tahun, namun pencapaian target tidak pernah terpenuhi akibat kurang tegasnya pemerintah dalam mengoptimalkan kendaraan umum yang menyebabkan kurangnya pembeli dan menjadi alasan wajib retribusi tidak membayar retribusi karena janji pemerintah yang belum terpenuhi. Pengorganisasian dalam hal jumlah kolektor dan staf serta pembagian tugasnya belum efektif karena jumlah staf yang berlebihan dan juga tidak dilakukan pembagian wilayah kerja seperti dengan pembagian wilayah kerja kolektor. Memimpin dalam hal mendorong motivasi kerja pegawainya sudah efektif karena pemberian gaji dan insentif yang lancar dapat meningkatkan semangat kerja pegawai. Pengendalian dalam hal perbandingan rencana dan realisasi belum efektif. Dimana, selain faktor wajib retribusi yang tidak sadar akan pentingnya membayar retribusi juga pengelolaan pedagang yang kurang baik karena tidak diketahuinya jumlah pedagang yang aktif menyebabkan target dalam artian rencana dengan realisasi terkadang meningkat dan menurun serta target tidak pernah tercapai

    The Role of Rice’s Price in the Household Consumption in Indonesia

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    The purpose of the study was to analyze the role of rice’s price in household consumption patterns in Indonesia. The method used was the Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS). The data used were obtained from the National Social Economy Survey in 2016. The results show that when the price of rice increases by one percent, the demand for other carbohydrates, eggs-milk-beans, fruits also Cigarette and processed foods will be increase. Meanwhile, in other groups, when the price of rice rises, the demand will go down. Thus, it can be concluded that households still prioritize rice consumption in their daily consumption patterns compared to other commodity groups. Therefore, the government should develop policies that encourage people to consume more diverse food groups

    Analisis Elastisitas Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Indonesia

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    Demand for food products is inevitable, this condition is related to food products as a staple food for the sustainability of human life. In Indonesia, the demand for food depends very much on the needs of the people. The purpose of this study is to analyze food demand in Indonesia which is divided into 4 categories of regions: rich cities, poor cities, rich villages, and poor villages need through research that can be obtained about getting assistance in accordance with the consumption demand of people in Indonesia. The research method used secondary data with panel data types obtained from SUSENAS data. The analytical method used to estimate the demand system was through econometrics demand, namely the QUAIDS model and then the data were processed using the SAS program. The results showed a comparison of the total number of households allocated specifically for food if sorted out, namely poor villages were higher then followed by poor cities, rich cities, and rich villages. When there is a change in income, poor rural households and poor cities when the public still responds by allocating a large part of their budgets to very basic trade such as other food and tobacco, rice, other oils, and household fats in rich villages and rich cities provide more responses to allocating their incomes to the trade in meat, fruits, vegetables, fish, eggs, milk, and processed foods.   Keywords: Quadaric Almost Ideal System, income elasticity, consumption, demand foo