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    365 research outputs found

    Analisis Pemasaran Ikan Konsumsi Keramba Jaring Apung Waduk Jatiluhur Zona 1, Kecamatan Purwakarta, Kabupaten Purwakarta

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    Purwakarta Regency has aquaculture production reaching 94.5 thousand tons only from KJA cultivation, making it the area with the highest aquaculture production in West Java. One that has high potential to produce abundant fish cultivation production is the Jatiluhur Reservoir. However, the abundant production of food fish cultivation in the Jatiluhur Reservoir will suffer losses if it is not accompanied by a fast and precise marketing process. This research was carried out in Jatiluhur Reservoir zone 1, Purwakarta District, Purwakarta Regency with research time from October 2023 to February 2024. The aim of this research is to analyze curiosity channel patterns, marketing costs, profits, margins, farmer's share, benefit cost ratio and marketing efficiency of consumption fish cultivated using the KJA cultivation system in Jatiluhur Reservoir zone 1. Sampling in this research used purposive sampling and snowball sampling methods, meanwhile data was analyzed using qualitative and quantitative descriptive methods. The results of this research are that the marketing channels for consumption fish are divided into three with marketing channel III being the most efficient, marketing for carp is more efficient than tilapia and the marketing business for consumption fish can be said to be feasible because it has an average BCR value of >1.Kabupaten Purwakarta memiliki hasil produksi perikanan budidaya mencapai 94,5 ribu ton hanya dari hasil budidaya Keramba Jaring Apung (KJA) sehingga menjadi daerah dengan produksi budidaya tertinggi di Jawa Barat. Salah satu yang berpotensi tinggi untuk menghasilkan produksi budidaya ikan konsumsi yang melimpah adalah Waduk Jatiluhur. Namun, hasil produksi budidaya ikan konsumsi yang melimpah di Waduk Jatiluhur akan mengalami kerugian apabila tidak disertai dengan proses pemasaran yang cepat dan tepat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Waduk Jatiluhur zona 1, Kecamatan Purwakarta, Kabupaten Purwakarta dengan waktu riset dari bulan Oktober 2023 – Februari 2024. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis pola saluran pemasaran, biaya pemasaran, keuntungan, margin, farmer's share, benefit cost ratio dan efisiensi pemasaran dari ikan konsumsi yang dibudidayakan dengan sistem budidaya KJA di Waduk Jatiluhur zona 1. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan snowball sampling, sementara itu data dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu saluran pemasaran ikan konsumsi terbagi menjadi tiga dengan saluran pemasaran III yang paling efisien, pemasaran ikan mas lebih efisien dibandingkan ikan nila serta usaha pemasaran ikan konsumsi dapat dikatakan layak untuk dijalankan karena memperoleh nilai rata-rata BCR >1

    Fortifikasi Tepung Daun Pepaya pada Pakan untuk Stimulasi Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    One of the fundamental problems in tilapia aquaculture is the decline in water quality in the hatchery. The seed stage is more vulnerable to environmental changes that can reduce the gowth process of seeds and will further cause death. This study aims to determine the effect of fortification of papaya leaf flour (Carica papaya L.) to stimulate tilapia gowth. This study used an experimental method to treat different doses of papaya leaf flour mixed into the feed, namely 0%, 2%, 4%, and 6%, with the test animals used as tilapia seeds measuring 1.4 gams with a length of 3.2 cm. The proximate test results showed that the moisture, ash, crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber, and BETN content were suitable for tilapia fish needs. After 30 days of rearing with the test feed, there was an effect on the specific gowth rate parameters on day 15 and day 30 and the average absolute gowth. The best specific gowth rate (SG) at a dose of 2% was obtained at 6.606% on day 15 and 4.400% on day 30. The best average absolute gowth was obtained at 2% dose feeding with tilapia weight of 6.606 gams and length of 4.400 cm

    Perubahan Mata Pencaharian Petani sebagai Dampak Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian : (Kajian Penelitian di Kecamatan Bacukiki Kota Parepare)

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    The population of Parepare City, South Sulawesi, has increased yearly. It causes a high need for housing. Unsurprisingly, land that is strategic for agriculture is then used as housing. The economic level of society also influences the conversion of agricultural land. People who cannot meet their daily needs through sales of agricultural activities, which are generally low, try to find other forms of business that can improve their welfare. This research aims to determine the pattern of changes in farmers' livelihoods due to the conversion of agricultural land. This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach. The samples taken were 52 farmers who had sold their agricultural land. Then, the next stage of analysis uses the Wilcoxon test analysis. The research results show that 26.92% of farmers whose land has been converted still work in the agricultural sector, 65.39% in the non-agricultural sector, and 7.69% do not. The conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural land was expected to improve farmers' economic conditions. However, these conditions are not what is happening in society. The research results show no real influence between the farmers' income before and after the land is converted


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    The addition of multi-amino acids to the culture media for Portunus pelagicus crab larvae accelerates the metamorphosis rate from the zoea to megalopa stages. The research aims to examine the effect of adding multiple amino acids to the rearing media and determine the best dosage on the rate of acceleration of metamorphosis (stage transfer) of P. pelagicus crab larvae from zoea to megalopa stages. Test samples are taken daily to see the development of larvae or larval stage index. The test animals used in this research were zoea-1 stage crab larvae stocked at 100 individuals/L density. The container used in this research was a black plastic basin with a water volume of 30 liters. Treatment doses of amino acids were 0, 150, 200, and 250 ppm with 3 repetitions each. The research results show that administering multi-amino acids in the rearing media can accelerate the transfer rate of crab larvae stages. The fastest rate of acceleration of metamorphosis from zoea to megalopa was produced at a treatment dose of 250 ppm for 10 days, and the longest was produced at a dose of 0 ppm for 13 days. Stage transfer between sub-zoea takes 2-3 days for metamorphosis, and zoea to megalopa takes 10-13 days.Penambahan multi asam amino pada media pemeliharaan larva rajungan Portunus pelagicus untuk laju percepatan metamorfosis stadia zoea hingga megalopa. Nurul Mutmainnah 0904089501; 2023; Program Studi Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Pertanian, Peternakan dan Perikanan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh penambahan multi asam amino terhadap laju percepatan metamorphosis (perpindahan stadia) larva rajungan P.pelagicus. Pengambilan sampel uji dilakukan setiap hari untuk melihat perkembangan larva atau larva stage indeks. Hewan uji yang digunakan pada penelitan ini ialah larva rajungan stadia zoea-1 yang ditebar dengan kepadatan 100 ekor/L. Wadah yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ialah baskom plastic berwarna hitam dengan volume air 30 liter dan penelitian ini menggunakan  perlakuan dosis asam amino dengan masing-masing 3 ulangan. Keempat dosis tersebut ialah 0, 150, 200 dan 250 ppm. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan pemberian multi asam amino dapat mempercepat laju perpindahan stadia larva rajungan. Laju percepatan metamorphosis tercepat dihasilkan pada dosis perlakuan  250 ppm selama 10 hari dan terlama dihasilkan pada dosis 0 ppm selama 13 hari

    Kajian Sifat Fisik Tanah pada Lahan Kering Beriklim Kering di Kecamatan Wulla Waijelu Kabupaten Sumba Timur

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    Dry land with a dry climate (LKIK) is suboptimal land that has the potential to be developed. A higher evapotranspiration rate than rainfall characterizes this land, so this land is in a condition of water shortage. One of the areas with LKIK conditions is Wulla Waijelu District, East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, which is one of the areas with LKIK conditions. This area has not utilized its land potential because the land's condition, especially the soil's physical properties, has yet to be discovered. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the physical properties of the land so that its use was based on the capabilities of the land. This research was conducted in Wulla Waijelu District in June-August 2023. This research used survey methods and sampling at predetermined points for four land uses. The observation variables are soil texture, permeability, porosity, bulk weight, and field capacity water content. The research results show that the research results provide varying values between land use and observation variables. Soil texture consists of clay, sandy clay, dusty clay, sandy loam, and dusty clay. Permeability criteria are medium, medium to fast, and fast, with soil porosity ranging from 22.8-70.3%. Soil bulk weight is between 0.96-1.6 gr/cm3, with field capacity water content varying from 22.8% to 70.3%

    Pemanfaatan Kapur Cangkang Keong Mas pada Air Rawa Media Pemeliharaan Ikan Lele dengan Model Budikdamber

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    One of the currently developing urban farming models is budikdamber, which is a mutually beneficial combination of aquaculture and hydroponic systems with a bucket as a medium for cultivation. This research aims to find out the best dosage of golden snail shells lime for increasing the swamp water pH for rearing catfish (Clarias sp.) and kale using the budikdamber model. This research applied a completely randomized design with six treatments and three replications. The dosages of golden snail shells lime used as treatment consist of 0.00 mg L-1 equivalent to CaO (P0), 10 mg L-1 equivalent to CaO (P1), 20 mg L-1 equivalent to CaO (P2), 30 mg L-1 equivalent to CaO (P3), 40 mg L-1 equivalent to CaO (P4) and 50 mg L-1 equivalent to CaO (P5). The results of this study indicate that the best dose of golden snail shell lime is 20 mg L-1 equivalent to CaO (P2), which can optimize the swamp water pH from 4.80 to 6.78, survival rate 84 %, absolute weight growth of 18.44 g, absolute length growth of 6.15 cm and feed efficiency 132.49 %, and the total weight of the kale plant 11.33 g.  Satu dari beberapa model urban farming yang berkembang yaitu budikdamber, merupakan kombinasi sistem akuakultur dengan media ember sebagai wadah budidaya dan hidroponik yang saling menguntungkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dosis terbaik kapur cangkang keong mas dalam upaya meningkatkan pH air rawa lebak terhadap pemeliharaan ikan lele (Clarias sp.) dengan model budikdamber budidaya ikan dengan tanaman kangkung. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan enam perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan perbedaan dosis kapur cangkang keong mas yaitu 0,00 mg L-1 setara CaO (P0), 10 mg L-1 setara CaO (P1), 20 mg L-1 setara CaO (P2), 30 mg L-1 setara CaO (P3), 40 mg L-1 setara CaO (P4) dan 50 mg L-1 setara CaO (P5). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dosis terbaik pada pemberian kapur cangkang keong mas yaitu dosis 20 mg L-1 setara CaO (P2), yang mampu mengoptimalkan pH air rawa lebak 4,80 menjadi 6,78, kelangsungan hidup 84 %, pertumbuhan bobot mutlak 18,44 g, pertumbuhan panjang mutlak 6,15 cm dan efisiensi pakan 132,49 %, serta menghasilkan panen total tanaman kangkung sebanyak 11,33 g

    Processing Rice Land to Increase Rice Food Security in Semarang City: (Location study Purwosari Village)

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    This research aims to understand the influence of five production factors, namely land area, urea fertilizer, NPK fertilizer, labor, and pesticides, on the amount of rice production in Purwosari Village, Semarang. The method used is a case study involving 61 rice farmers in the village. Data analysis was carried out using the Cobb-Douglas production function, production scale, and economic efficiency. The research results show that all production factors together have a very significant influence on the amount of rice production. However, when analyzed individually, only land area, urea fertilizer, and NPK fertilizer had a significant effect. Labor and pesticides did not show a significant effect on rice production. The scale of rice production in Purwosari shows an increasing trend. The economic efficiency of using production factors shows that the use of land, urea fertilizer, and NPK fertilizer has not reached optimal levels (NPM/BKM >1). On the other hand, the use of labor and pesticides is classified as inefficient (NPM/BKM <1). In conclusion, this research recommends increasing land use, urea fertilizer, and NPK fertilizer to increase rice production in Purwosari. On the other hand, the use of labor and pesticides needs to be optimized to achieve better efficiency

    Uji Viabilitas, Vigor, dan Pendugaan Aksi Gen Varietas Tebu (Saccharum Officinarum L.) Berdasarkan Karakter Agronomi

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    Sugarcane seeding is a conventional initial seed stage that begins based on the juvenile phase for the formation of the three main components of the plant, namely roots, stems, and leaves. Conventional sugar cane nurseries use explants from either bud chips or mules to grow buds. Initial testing is based on viability characteristics, and seed vigor index. In addition, explant growth is influenced by the genetic aspects of each material used. This research aims to (1) determine the viability, and index of sugarcane seeds, and (2) estimate the action of genes that influence each observed character. This research was carried out in June – July 2023. The research used a complete randomized block design with the treatment of sugar cane varieties, namely AMS Agribun (V1), AAS Agribun (V2), and Kidang Kencana (V3). The results showed that the agronomic characters for the number of leaves, and leaf length were significantly different from ? 5%, with standard deviation, and coefficient of variation values, respectively, reaching 0.0697, and 21.144 for the number of leaves, and 4.743, and 29.776 for leaf length characters. The characters for the number, and length of leaves have skewness, and kurtosis values of 0.816, and (-0.3079), and 0.416, and (-0.811), respectively. The AMS Agribun variety showed the best performance for plant height, leaf length, leaf greenness, and number of roots. The AAS Agribun variety showed the best performance for the character's number of leaves, leaf width, and leaf area. Meanwhile, the Kidang Kencana variety showed the best performance regarding vigor index, growth speed, germination capacity, and root length

    Efektivitas Tepung Daun Mangrove untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Vibriosis pada Larva Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei)

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    Shrimp production in several Asian countries, including Indonesia, accounts for more than 85% of world production, thus control of shrimp larval diseases must be strengthened to increase production. This study aimed to test the effectiveness of mangrove leaves, Rhizopora sp, in controlling larval vibriosis of the vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei).  The study began with in vitro tests to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of mangrove leaf flour against Vibrio sp bacteria at doses of 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 mg/L, 5% amoxicillin antibiotic (K+) and without mangrove flour (K).  In the in vivo test, vannamei shrimp larvae (mysis-3) were immersed in a solution containing mangrove leaf flour with the three best doses of in vitro test results; 800, 900, and 1000 mg/L water, plus K-, for 15 minutes according to the treatment dose and maintained for 8 days before being challenged with Vibrio spp. The parameters observed were total hemocyte count (THC), differential hemocyte count (DHC), and survival rate (SR), which were observed on days 1 and 8, respectively, with the SR parameter observed on day 7 following the challenge test.  The results showed that the Mangrove leaf diet at 800 and 900 mg/L significantly improved larval resistance to the pathogen V. harveyi (P < 0.05). The high resistance was triggered by THC immunological response and the high proportion of semi-granular and hyaline at doses of 800 and 900 mg/L (P<0.05). Mangrove leaf powder can therefore suppress vibriosis disease in vanamei shrimp larvae using the immersion method at 800 and 900 mg/L concentrations.Produksi udang di beberapa negara di Asia termasuk Indonesia merupakan penyumbang >85% produksi global, oleh karena itu pengendalian penyakit larva udang dalam rangka peningkatan produksi perlu ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas daun mangrove, Rhizopora sp untuk mengendalikan penyakit vibriosis pada larva udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei).  Penelitian diawali dengan uji in vitro untuk mengevaluasi aktivitas antimikroba tepung daun mangrove terhadap bakteri Vibrio sp dengan dosis 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 mg/L, antibiotik amoksilin 5% (K+) dan tanpa tepung mangrove (K).  Pada uji in vivo, larva udang vanamei (mysis-3) direndam pada larutan mengandung tepung daun mangrove dengan 3 dosis terbaik hasil uji in vitro yaitu 800, 900, 1000 mg/L air, ditambah K-, selama 15 menit sesuai dosis perlakuan dan dipelihara selama 8 hari dan di uji tantang dengan Vibrio sp. Parameter yang diamati adalah Total haemocyte count (THC), Differential haemocyte count  (DHC) dan Survival rate (SR), diamati pada hari ke-1 dan 8, sedangkan parameter SR diamati pada hari ke-7 pasca uji tantang.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tepung daun mangrove dapat meningkatkan resistensi larva terhadap penyakit patogen V. harveyi dengan dosis terbaik 800 dan 900 mg/L (P?0,05). Tingginya resistensi ini diinisiasi oleh respon imun THC dan DHC khususnya persentase semi granular dan hyalin yang tinggi pada dosis 800 dan 900 mg/L (P?0,05). Dengan demikian maka tepung daun mangrove dapat digunakan untuk mengendalikan penyakit vibriosis pada larva udang vaname melalui metode perendaman dengan dosis 800 dan 900 mg/L

    Pemanfaatan Biochar Sekam Padi, Tongkol Jagung dan Cangkang Kelapa untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Bawang Merah (Allium cepa)

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    Agricultural waste becomes a major post-harvest problem if not processed correctly. Post-harvest agricultural waste processing into biochar can be the right post-harvest handling solution and can be used to improve soil nutrient structure. This study aimed to determine the use of agricultural waste biochar to increase shallot production. This study was in the form of an experiment using a Randomized Block Design (RAK) with treatments including rice husk biochar (BSP), corn cob biochar (BTJ), coconut shell biochar (BCK), rice husk biochar + corn cob biochar (BSP + BTJ), rice husk biochar + coconut shell biochar (BSP + BCK), corn cob biochar + coconut shell biochar (BTJ + BCK), and rice husk biochar + corn cob biochar + coconut shell biochar (BSP + BTJ + BCK). The results showed that using rice husk biochar, corn cob, and coconut shell individually or in combination could increase shallot production. The highest output of shallots was demonstrated in the treatment of rice husk biochar + corn cob biochar + coconut shell biochar.Limbah pertanian menjadi masalah besar pasca panen jika tidak diolah dengan tepat. Pengolahan limbah pertanian pasca panen menjadi biochar dapat menjadi solusi penanganan pasca panen yang tepat dan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memperbaiki struktur hara tanah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan biochar limbah pertanian untuk meningkatkan produksi bawang merah. Penelitian ini dalam bentuk eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan perlakuan meliputi biochar sekam padi (BSP), biochar tongkol jagung (BTJ), biochar cangkang kelapa (BCK), biochar sekam padi + biochar tongkol jagung (BSP+BTJ), biochar sekam padi + biochar cangkang kelapa (BSP+BCK), biochar tongkol jagung + biochar cangkang kelapa (BTJ+BCK), dan biochar sekam padi + biochar tongkol jagung + biochar cangkang kelapa (BSP+BTJ+BCK). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemanfaatan biochar sekam padi, tongkol jagung, dan cangkang kelapa secara tunggal atau kombinasi mampu meningkatkan produksi bawang merah. Produksi bawang merah tertinggi ditunjukkan pada perlakuan biochar sekam padi + biochar tongkol jagung + biochar cangkang kelapa


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