608 research outputs found


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    Pramono Hadi, 2013. Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Kegiatan Tanggungjawab Sosial Perusahaan (Kasus PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk Cilacap Plant). Desertasi. Pembimbing I: Prof. Dr. Ir. Totok Mardikanto, M.S, II: Prof. Dr. Ir. Djoko Purnomo, M.P, III: Dr. Drajat Tri Kartono, M.Si. Progran Studi Penyuluhan Pembangunan/Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Program Pasca Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Menganalisis konsep CSR yang dikembangkan PT Holcim; (2) Menganalisis kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat yang telah dilakukan PT Holcim; (3) Menganalisis persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat tentang kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat PT Holcim; (4) Menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberdayaan penilaian manfaat pemberdayaan; dan (5) Merumuskan model yang dapat dilakukan dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui CSR perusahaan. Penelitian ini di rancang secara kuanlitatif deskritif yang bersifat explanatory study dan korelasional. Dilengkapi penggalian data dan informasi yang mendalam. Sampel ditetapkan dengan cara acak kelompok banyak tahap. Populasi sebanyak 612 dengan 250 responden dan uji analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) CSR perusahaan telah mempunyai konsep keberadaan planet, people dan profit yang sudah terpadu (2) Perusahaan telah membentuk satu divisi khusus tentang pemberdayaan masyarakat yang mengakomodasi kebutuhan masyarakat; (3) Persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat oleh perusahaan berjalan baik; (4) Faktor-faktor yang mampu membangun keberdayaan penilaian manfaat pemberdayaan melalui kegiatan CSR perusahaan meliputi keberdayaan penilaian hasil pemberdayaan, partisipasi masyarakat, persepsi tentang ragam penerima manfaat pemberdayaan, persepsi tentang dinamika kelompok, persepsi tentang CSR, dukungan dalam perusahaan, dukungan pemerhati perusahaan, persepsi tentang dukungan pemerintah, persepsi tentang kinerja CSR dan informasi CSR; (5) Rumusan model pemberdayaan masyarakat oleh perusahaan mempunyai konsep dasar CSR yaitu planet, people, social investment dan profit. Visi, misi, kebijakan dan aturan yang relevan pada konsep dasar. Sehingga berdampak pada keberdayaan penilaian manfaat pemberdayaan dengan melalui faktorfaktor seperti; keberdayaan penilaian hasil pemberdayaan, partisipasi masyarakat, persepsi tentang ragam penerima manfaat pemberdayaan, persepsi tentang ragam kegiatan pemberdayaan, persepsi tentang dinamika kelompok, persepsi tentang CSR, dukungan dalam perusahaan, dukungan pemerhati perusahaan, persepsi tentang dukungan pemerintah, persepsi tentang kinerja CSR dan informasi CSR. Kata kunci: persepsi, partisipasi, pemberdayaan masyarakat, pemberdayaan masyarakat oleh perusahaa

    Maleo on Buton

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    Self-tuning regulators for a group of turbogenerators

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    ABSTRAK With the need to improve the transient stability of existing generating units, multivariable self tuning regulators are proposed in this paper with particular emphasis on their application to large disturbances. This work involves the identification of a group of turbogenerator parameters and the determination of regulator parameters. By simulation and implementation, the use of certain recur¬sive identification techniques shows better parameter tracking, under the transient as well as the dynamic conditions. The use of optimal control or pole-shifting strategy utilizing, respectively, suitable weighting matrices and shifting factor, increasing the flexibility when applied to varying operating conditions encountered in any power system. Comparative results of studies, based on alternate self-tuning regulator algorithm and conventional fixed parameter regulator, show some improvement in the response perform- ed by the adaptive algorithm. Key words: self-tuning, regulato

    The role of environmental performance to strengthen firm values to financial performance

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    Firm value is very closely related to financial performance, which reflects management's achievements in generating profits. For investors, financial performance is an important aspect in determining investment. In addition to financial results, a company's environmental compliance is also important information to attract and influence investors' perceptions, which can add value to the company. Tobin's Q is used to measure the value of the corporate. ROA and ROE measure financial performance, while environmental performance is measured by PROPER. The study results show that ROE positively affects firm value, while ROA has no effect. Environmental performance can strengthen the impact of ROA on firm value, while the relationship between ROE and firm value cannot be strengthened. However, at an alpha level of 0.1, financial results can increase the impact of ROE on firm value

    Penerapan Keadilan Restoratif Pada Tindak Pidana Ringan di Kejaksaan Negeri Yogyakarta

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    Restorative justice practices are used to resolve criminal cases with minor or minor losses that do not have to be resolved through court but can be resolved at the Police and Prosecutor's Office stages. The resolution of the case can be carried out in a fair and balanced manner for the victim and the perpetrator, which is achieved through restorative justice by prioritizing restoration to its original state and improving community relations. Based on this, this article will discuss further the application of restorative justice to minor crimes at the Yogyakarta District Prosecutor's Office. This research uses a normative empirical method which refers to secondary data originating from the law and primary data originating from interviews with informants. The data processing process is carried out systematically and logically and processed in order to get a concise picture. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the failure factor in implementing restorative justice at the Yogyakarta Police or Police level is caused by the parties attending the mediation meeting, but not proposing and/or not responding to the results of the agreement, one of the parties violating the agreement and community factors that have not removed the stigma of crime. what the perpetrator did. The resolution of minor crimes through restorative justice at the Yogyakarta District Prosecutor's Office is carried out with peace efforts by the Public Prosecutor so that an agreement is reached between the suspect and the victim

    High Power efficiency in optical logic X-OR gate structure

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    A High Power Efficiency of Optical Waveguide for Logic X-OR gate has been investigated numerically by means of FD-BPM (Finite Difference Beam Propagation Method). The proposed structure is designed by using of three Y-branches. Two of Y-branches structure is parallel combined in the input section and the other one is located with the opposite direction of the output section. The whole guiding structure is called 2x3 channel which having two-input ports and three-output ports. One of the gap between three output arms in the cladding region is assumed to be a nonlinear materials which will produce the phase shifting between its output optical fields. The magnitude of phase shifting is depending on the nonlinearity of material and the optical input power. Y-branch leg angle is also a significant parameter to increase efficiency of optical power switch. The numerical schemes showed that the proposed structure is suitable for optical switching especially for logic X-OR gate

    Effect of Artificial Aging Temperature on Mechanical Properties and Micro Structure of Al-Mg-Si Composite

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    Temperature determination used in artificial aging process will affect hardness after quenching process and mechanical properties of Al-Mg-Si composite. Thus, the aim of this research is determining temperature used in aging process to obtain mechanical properties optimum. It was done by the procedures as follows: initially, solution heat treatment of Al-Mg-Si composite was set at 400°C then quenching process on water medium followed by aging treatment at various temperatures (130°C, 180°C, 230°C, 280°C and 330°C) for 1.5 hours of HT. After the process, products were analyzed by hardness test to observe the micro-structure change of the samples. The result shows that hardness value of material increased with temperature process (130-280°C) about 10%. The hardness value rises from 48.05 HV before artificial aging to 53.13 HV

    Pengaruh Leverage, Likuiditas, Ukuran Perusahaan, dan Fixed Assets Intensity Terhadap Revaluasi Aset Tetap (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Aneka Industri yang Terdaftar di BEI Tahun 2014-2018)

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of leverage, liquidity, firm size, and fixed assets intensity on fixed assets revaluation. The sample in this study was a company manufacturing various industry sectors listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange during 2014-2018 period. Methods of data collection using purposive sampling. The analytical method of research used logistic regression analysis method. These results indicate that the variable leverage has a negative effect on fixed assets revaluation and firm size positive effect on fixed assets revaluation. While fixed assets intensity and liquidity have not effect on fixed asset revaluation

    Varieties Of Tomato (Lycopersicum Esculentum) By Using Lower Trunk Innovation

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    The research entitled “Varieties of Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) by Using Lower TrunkInnovation.” The research aims at knowing the age of switching, varieties of growth, and the highestyield on tomato. This research conducted in October 2013 – December 2014 in Kedunggalar village,District of Ngawi. The method of the research is factorial method by using Randomized Complete Design,which consist of two treatment factors; treatment factor is based on the age of cepokak covering threetreatments and treatment factor is based on varieties of tomato covering two treatments. From those twotreatments, the research finds six combined treatments and each combination of treatment should repeatthree times. The treatment based on the age of switching shows a real affect toward parameter ofsuccessful observation , the amount of shoots, the length of shoots, the amount of flower, fruit, weight offresh fruit, and weight of dried stover. The treatment which based on several varieties shows significantlyreal affect as well toward the success of switching, the amount of shoots, the length of shoots, the amountof flower, the amount of fruit, the weight of fresh fruit, and the weight of dried stover. The interactionboth in the treatment based on the age and varieties show significantly real affect toward the success ofswitching, the amount of shoots, the length of shoots, the amount of flower, the amount of fruit, theweight of fresh fruit, and the weight of dried stover. The result of the research shows that the highest yieldfalls into the weight of fresh fruit based on the treatment of M3V2/six week of tomato switching. Whilethe lowest yield falls into treatment M3V1/six week tomato switching
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