62 research outputs found

    Therapeutic affordances of online support group use in women with endometriosis

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    Background: The Internet has provided women living with endometriosis new opportunities to seek support online. Online support groups may provide a range of therapeutic affordances which may benefit these women. Objective: To examine the presence of therapeutic affordances as perceived by women who use endometriosis online support groups. Methods: Sixty-nine women (aged 19 to 50 years; Mean = 34.2; 65.2% UK; 21.7% USA) participated in an online interview exploring online support group use. Participants had been using online support groups on average 2 years and 4 months (Range = 1 month to 14 years, 9 months). Responses were analysed using inductive thematic analysis. Results: The analysis revealed 4 therapeutic affordances related to online support group use; i) “connection” i.e. the ability to connect in order to support each other, exchange advice, and to try to overcome feelings of loneliness; ii) “exploration” i.e. the ability to look for information, learn and bolster their knowledge; iii) “narration” i.e. the ability to share their experiences, as well as read about the experiences of others; and iv) “self-presentation” i.e. the ability to manage how they present themselves online. The associated outcomes of use were predominantly positive, such as reassurance and improved coping. However, a number of negative aspects were revealed including: concerns about the accuracy of information, arguments between members, over-reliance on the group, becoming upset by negative experiences or good news items and confidentiality of personal information. Conclusions: Our findings support the SCENA model (Self-presentation, Connection, Exploration, Narration and Adaptation) proposed by Merolli et al., (2014) and reveal a range of positive aspects that may benefit members, particularly in relation to reassurance and coping. However, negative aspects need to be addressed in order to maximise the potential benefit of support groups. Some of these can be addressed relatively easily through making privacy policies clearer, including health professionals to moderate content and structuring forums to encourage the sharing of positive stories

    Metabolic responses to high pCO2 conditions at a CO2 vent site in juveniles of a marine isopod species assemblage

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    We are starting to understand the relationship between metabolic rate responses and species' ability to respond to exposure to high pCO2. However, most of our knowledge has come from investigations of single species. The examination of metabolic responses of closely related species with differing distributions around natural elevated CO2 areas may be useful to inform our understanding of their adaptive significance. Furthermore, little is known about the physiological responses of marine invertebrate juveniles to high pCO2, despite the fact they are known to be sensitive to other stressors, often acting as bottlenecks for future species success. We conducted an in situ transplant experiment using juveniles of isopods found living inside and around a high pCO2 vent (Ischia, Italy): the CO2 'tolerant' Dynamene bifida and 'sensitive' Cymodoce truncata and Dynamene torelliae. This allowed us to test for any generality of the hypothesis that pCO2 sensitive marine invertebrates may be those that experience trade-offs between energy metabolism and cellular homoeostasis under high pCO2 conditions. Both sensitive species were able to maintain their energy metabolism under high pCO2 conditions, but in C. truncata this may occur at the expense of [carbonic anhydrase], confirming our hypothesis. By comparison, the tolerant D. bifida appeared metabolically well adapted to high pCO2, being able to upregulate ATP production without recourse to anaerobiosis. These isopods are important keystone species; however, given they differ in their metabolic responses to future pCO2, shifts in the structure of the marine ecosystems they inhabit may be expected under future ocean acidification conditions

    Market Exchange and the Rule of Law:Confidence in predictability

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    Law and economics is a significant field of analysis in legal studies and in economics, although there have been a number of controversies about how best to understand the relationship between economic relations and the regulatory role of law. Rather than surveying this field and offering a criticism of various theories and engaging in the dispute between different perspectives on the relationship between the two, in this article I take an approach rooted in neither mainstream economics nor in formal legal philosophy. Rather drawing on a recent well-rounded statement of behavioural economics and a synthesis of previous work on the narrative of the rule of law, I seek to explore how and why contemporary capitalism seems to have become so tied up with the rule of law, and what this might tell us more generally about the role of law in market relations. This analysis goes beyond the relatively commonplace observation that capitalism requires property rights, contract law and market institutionalisation to function, to ask ‘what exactly is it about the rule of law that seems so necessary to establishing and maintaining market exchange(s)?

    The importance of nerve microenvironment for schwannoma development

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    Schwannomas are predominantly benign nerve sheath neoplasms caused by Nf2 gene inactivation. Presently, treatment options are mainly limited to surgical tumor resection due to the lack of effective pharmacological drugs. Although the mechanistic understanding of Nf2 gene function has advanced, it has so far been primarily restricted to Schwann cell-intrinsic events. Extracellular cues determining Schwann cell behavior with regard to schwannoma development remain unknown. Here we show pro-tumourigenic microenvironmental effects on Schwann cells where an altered axonal microenvironment in cooperation with injury signals contribute to a persistent regenerative Schwann cell response promoting schwannoma development. Specifically in genetically engineered mice following crush injuries on sciatic nerves, we found macroscopic nerve swellings in mice with homozygous nf2 gene deletion in Schwann cells and in animals with heterozygous nf2 knockout in both Schwann cells and axons. However, patient-mimicking schwannomas could only be provoked in animals with combined heterozygous nf2 knockout in Schwann cells and axons. We identified a severe re-myelination defect and sustained macrophage presence in the tumor tissue as major abnormalities. Strikingly, treatment of tumor-developing mice after nerve crush injury with medium-dose aspirin significantly decreased schwannoma progression in this disease model. Our results suggest a multifactorial concept for schwannoma formation-emphasizing axonal factors and mechanical nerve irritation as predilection site for schwannoma development. Furthermore, we provide evidence supporting the potential efficacy of anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of schwannomas

    International Consensus Statement on Rhinology and Allergy: Rhinosinusitis

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    Background: The 5 years since the publication of the first International Consensus Statement on Allergy and Rhinology: Rhinosinusitis (ICAR‐RS) has witnessed foundational progress in our understanding and treatment of rhinologic disease. These advances are reflected within the more than 40 new topics covered within the ICAR‐RS‐2021 as well as updates to the original 140 topics. This executive summary consolidates the evidence‐based findings of the document. Methods: ICAR‐RS presents over 180 topics in the forms of evidence‐based reviews with recommendations (EBRRs), evidence‐based reviews, and literature reviews. The highest grade structured recommendations of the EBRR sections are summarized in this executive summary. Results: ICAR‐RS‐2021 covers 22 topics regarding the medical management of RS, which are grade A/B and are presented in the executive summary. Additionally, 4 topics regarding the surgical management of RS are grade A/B and are presented in the executive summary. Finally, a comprehensive evidence‐based management algorithm is provided. Conclusion: This ICAR‐RS‐2021 executive summary provides a compilation of the evidence‐based recommendations for medical and surgical treatment of the most common forms of RS

    Complex mortgage loans as a case study for consumer law and economics

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    W artykule przeanalizowano wyzwanie dla orzecznictwa, jakie stanowią walutowe kredyty hipoteczne, ryzykowne rodzaje kredytĂłw hipotecznych, ktĂłre byƂy oferowane w Europie ƚrodkowo-Wschodniej w ciągu ostatnich 15 lat. Istnieją dowody wskazujące, ĆŒe walutowe kredyty hipoteczne stanowią „ciemny rozdziaƂ” w historii europejskiego finansowania hipotecznego. Staramy się pokazać, ĆŒe analiza behawioralna moĆŒe posƂuĆŒyć jako pomocne narzędzie w wyjaƛnieniu niektĂłrych powodĂłw, dla ktĂłrych kredytobiorcy konsumenci zdecydowali się na tego typu ryzykowne produkty hipoteczne.This contribution analyses the challenge to courts posed by foreign currency mortgage loans, risky type of mortgages that were broadly marketed in the Central and Eastern Europe in the last 15 years. There is considerable evidence that foreign currency mortgage loans constitute a “dark chapter” in the history of European mortgage financing. We attempt to show that behavioural analysis can be used as a helpful tool in explaining at least some of the reasons why consumer borrowers opted to choose this type of risky mortgage products

    The host phylogeny determines viral infectivity and replication across Staphylococcus host species

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    This is the author accepted manuscriptVirus host shifts, where a virus transmits to and infects a novel host species, are a major source of emerging infectious disease. Genetic similarity between eukaryotic host species has been shown to be an important determinant of the outcome of virus host shifts, but it is unclear if this is the case for prokaryotes where anti-virus defences can be transmitted by horizontal gene transfer and evolve rapidly. Here, we measure the susceptibility of 64 strains of Staphylococcaceae bacteria (48 strains of Staphylococcus aureus and 16 non-S. aureus species spanning 2 genera) to the bacteriophage ISP, which is currently under investigation for use in phage therapy. Using three methods – plaque assays, optical density (OD) assays, and quantitative (q)PCR – we find that the host phylogeny explains a large proportion of the variation in susceptibility to ISP across the host panel. These patterns were consistent in models of only S. aureus strains and models with a single representative from each Staphylococcaceae species, suggesting that these phylogenetic effects are conserved both within and among host species. We find positive correlations between susceptibility assessed using OD and qPCR and variable correlations between plaque assays and either OD or qPCR, suggesting that plaque assays alone may be inadequate to assess host range. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the phylogenetic relationships between bacterial hosts can generally be used to predict the susceptibility of bacterial strains to phage infection when the susceptibility of closely related hosts is known, although this approach produced large prediction errors in multiple strains where phylogeny was uninformative. Together, our results demonstrate the ability of bacterial host evolutionary relatedness to explain differences in susceptibility to phage infection, with implications for the development of ISP both as a phage therapy treatment and as an experimental system for the study of virus host shifts.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)Wellcome Trus
