71 research outputs found

    A sensory and nutritional comparison of mussels (Mytilus sp.) produced in NW Iberia and in the Armona offshore production area (Algarve, Portugal)

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    A biometric, nutritional and sensory analysis of raw and cooked mussels comparing Mytilus sp. from the north-west coast of Portugal and Spain (Minho and Galicia, respectively) and the new offshore production site of Armona (Algarve, south Portugal) was carried out. In addition, multiple factorial analysis was performed to explore potential relationships between sensory attributes and nutritional content properties between the different mussels. Results showed that, at similar times of sale, biometrics of mussels from Armona and Vigo were similar and bigger than the remaining. Nonetheless, despite some similarities in proximate composition, mussels presented differences in lipid classes, fatty acid content and free amino acids profiles. These differences were not fully reflected in the sensory assessment by the panel, which were able to distinguish different production sites in raw specimens but displayed problems in discrimination these in cooked mussels. Some nutritional components were related to specific sensory sensations

    Crustacean amphipods from marsh ponds: a nutritious feed resource with potential for application in Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture

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    Coastal protection, nutrient cycling, erosion control, water purification, and carbon sequestration are ecosystem services provided by salt marshes. Additionally, salt ponds offer coastal breeding and a nursery habitat for fishes and they provide abundant invertebrates, such as amphipods, which are potentially useful as a resource in aquaculture. Fishmeal and fish oil are necessary food resources to support aquaculture of carnivorous species due to their omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFA). Currently, aquaculture depends on limited fisheries and feed with elevated n-3 LC-PUFA levels, but the development of more sustainable food sources is necessary. Amphipods appear to be a potential high quality alternative feed resource for aquaculture. Hence, a nutritional study was carried out for several main amphipod species—Microdeutopus gryllotalpa, Monocorophium acherusicum, Gammarus insensibilis, Melita palmata and Cymadusa filosa—in terrestrial ponds in the South of Spain. These species showed high protein content (up to 40%), high n-3 PUFA and phospholipid levels, and high levels of phophatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and triacylglycerols (TAG), the latter being significantly high for M. acherusicum. M. gryllotalpa and M. acherusicum showed the highest proportion of lipids (19.15% and 18.35%, respectively). Isoleucine, glycine and alanine were the dominant amino acids in all species. In addition, amphipods collected from ponds showed low levels of heavy metals. Furthermore, the biochemical profiles of the five species of amphipods have been compared with other studied alternative prey. Therefore, pond amphipods are good candidates to be used as feed, and are proposed as a new sustainable economic resource to be used in aquaculture. G. insensibilis may be the best for intensive culture as an alternative feed resource because it shows: (1) adequate n-3 PUFA and PL composition; (2) high levels of glycine, alanine, tyrosine, isoleucine and lysine; (3) high natural densities; (4) large body size (≥1 cm), and (5) high concentration of calcium. Moreover, a combined culture of amphipods and fishes in these marsh ponds seems a promising and environmentally sustainable way to develop Integrate Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) in these ecosystems.Junta de Andalucía Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa P11-RNM-704

    Assessment of Full-Fat Tenebrio molitor as Feed Ingredient for Solea senegalensis: Effects on Growth Performance and Lipid Profile

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    Tenebrio molitor (TM) is considered as one of the most promising protein sources for replacing fish meal in aquafeeds, among other things because it is rich in protein, a good source of micronutrients and has a low carbon footprint and land use. However, the main drawback of TM is its fatty acid profile, in particular its low content of n-3 PUFA. This study evaluates the effects of partially replacing plant or marine-derived with full-fat TM meal at two different levels on growth performance and lipid profiles of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). For this purpose, a control diet (CTRL) and four experimental isoproteic (53%) and isolipidic (16%) diets were formulated containing 5 and 10% TM meal replacing mostly fish meal (FM5 and FM10), or 10 and 15% TM meal replacing mostly plant meal (PP10 and PP15). Fish (215 g) were fed at 1% of their body weight for 98 days. The final body weight of fish fed the experimental diets containing TM meal was not different from that of fish fed the CTRL diet (289 g). However, the inclusion of TM meal resulted in a gradual improvement in growth rate and feed efficiency in both cases (replacement of fish or plant meals), and significant differences in specific growth rate (SGR) were observed between fish fed the CTRL diet (SGR = 0.30% day−1) and those fed diets with the highest TM meal content (PP15; SGR = 0.35% day−1). The experimental groups did not show any differences in the protein content of the muscle (19.6% w/w). However, significant differences were observed in the total lipid content of the muscle, with the FM10, PP10, and PP15 groups having the lowest muscle lipid contents (2.2% ww). These fish also showed the lowest neutral lipid content in muscle (6.6% dw), but no differences were observed in the total phospholipid content (2.6% dw). Regarding the fatty acid profile, fish fed FM10, PP10 and PP15 had lower levels of linoleic acid (18:2n-6) and higher levels of oleic acid (18:1n-9) in liver and muscle compared to fish fed CTRL. However, no differences were found between fish fed CTRL and TM-based diets for docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3) and total n-3 PUFA in liver and muscle. In conclusion, our study demonstrated that full-fat TM inclusion up to 15% in S. senegalensis diets had no negative effects or even some positive effects on fish survival, growth performance, nutrient utilization and flesh quality

    Método para preparar un liofilizado de crustáceos caprélidos (Caprella ssp)

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    La presente invención tiene por objeto un método para preparar un liofilizado de crustáceos caprélidos Caprella spp que comprende las etapas de recolección, congelación y liofilización. Se obtiene así un producto natural, rico en proteínas, ácidos grasos Omega-3 y calcio. La invención pertenece al sector técnico de la acuariofilia y/o acuicultura pues se propone su uso como alimento base o complemento nutricional en la alimentación de peces y otros animales tanto ornamentales como de interés para consumo. Este producto soluciona la falta de productos naturales alternativos y de elevado valor nutricional.Españ

    SEAWINES: Use of macroalgae as biostimulants against fungal diseases in grapevines

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    The outlook for climate change foresees major impacts on vineyards worldwide, shifting pathogens distribution and dynamics demanding more intense plant protection measures in certain regions, increasing viticulture's dependence on phytochemicals and pesticides. However, the European Commission is applying restrictions on their use, encouraging the development of more sustainable strategies efficient for disease control. Seaweeds represent an ecological alternative for a more sustainable production. Previous studies have shown that algae extracts contain compounds capable of reducing the abundance of plant fungal pathogens. Despite it, little is known about the molecular mechanism underlying this response. SEAWINES project is evaluating the efficacy of the foliar application of Ulva ohnoi and Rugulopteryx okamurae extracts to control powdery and downy mildew, in addition to testing their effect on grape and wine quality. To our knowledge, this is the first study evaluating R. okamurae biostimulant capacity and fungicidal effect in viticulture. This macroalgae is relevant since it is an invasive species in our coasts, causing incalculable economic and environmental burdens. We aim to 1- Reduce the usage of chemicals in grapevines; 2- Reduce fungal diseases in viticulture; 3- Valorize polysaccharides from seaweeds; 4- Increase the added-value to wines (ecological and quality); and 5- Provide an alternative use to seaweed biomass, contributing to bio-circular economy and reducing its accumulation in our coasts

    Effect of varying dietary levels of LC-PUFA and vegetable oil sources on performance and fatty acids of Senegalese sole post larvae: Puzzling results suggest complete biosynthesis pathway from C18 PUFA to DHA

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    Lipid nutrition of marine fish larvae has focused on supplying essential fatty acids (EFA) at high levels to meet requirements for survival, growth and development. However, some deleterious effects have been reported suggesting that excessive supply of EFA might result in insufficient supply of energy substrates, particularly in species with lower EFA requirements such as Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). This study addressed how the balance between EFA and non-EFA (better energy sources) affects larval performance, body composition and metabolism and retention of DHA, by formulating enrichment emulsions containing two different vegetable oil sources (olive oil or soybean oil) and three DHA levels. DHA positively affected growth and survival, independent of oil source, confirming that for sole post-larvae it is advantageous to base enrichments on vegetable oils supplying higher levels of energy, and supplement these with a DHA-rich oil. In addition, body DHA levels were generally comparable considering the large differences in their dietary supply, suggesting that the previously reported ∆4 fatty acyl desaturase (fad) operates in vivo and that DHA was synthesized at physiologically significant rates through a mechanism involving transcriptional up-regulation of ∆4fad, which was significantly up-regulated in the low DHA treatments. Furthermore, data suggested that DHA biosynthesis may be regulated by an interaction between dietary n - 3 and n - 6 PUFA, as well as by levels of LC-PUFA, and this may, under certain nutritional conditions, lead to DHA production from C18 precursors. The molecular basis of putative fatty acyl ∆5 and ∆6 desaturation activities remains to be fully determined as thorough searches have found only a single (∆4) Fads2-type transcript. Therefore, further studies are required but this might represent a unique activity described within vertebrate fads

    Dietary Phospholipids Enhance Growth Performance and Modulate Cold Tolerance in Meagre (Argyrosomus regius) Juveniles

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    Meagre (Argyrosomus regius) is a fast-growing species currently produced in aquaculture. This species is highly sensitive to low environmental temperatures which results in high mortality events during production cycles. In this study, the effects of dietary phospholipids (PLs) on growth and cold tolerance were evaluated. For this purpose, control (CTRL) and PL-enriched diets (three-fold higher levels than CTRL) were supplied to meagre juveniles (12.9 ± 2.5 g) for 60 days, and growth was determined using a longitudinal approach. Weight gaining and SGR reduction were significantly different between dietary treatments. Animals fed with the PL-enriched diet were 4.1% heavier and grew 3.2% faster than those fed with the CTRL diet. Survival was higher than 98% in both groups. After finishing the growth trial, animals were submitted to two cold challenges and cold tolerance was evaluated as temperature at death (Tdeath), risk to death and lethal doses (LD) 50 and 90 using the cumulative degree cooling hours 6 h (CD6H). Tdeath ranged between 7.54 and 7.91 °C without statistical differences between dietary treatments. However, risk to death was significantly smaller (0.91-fold lower) and LD50 and LD90 were higher in animals fed with the PL-enriched than those supplied the CTRL diet. To assess the fatty acid (FA) composition of liver and brain in animals fed both diets after a cold challenge, FA profiles were determined in juveniles maintained at 14 °C and challenged at 7 °C. FA amounts increased in the liver of animals challenged at 7 °C. In contrast, several FAs reduced their levels in the PL-enriched diet with respect to CTRL indicating that these animals were able to mobilize efficiently lipids from this organ mitigating the negative effects of lipid accumulation during the cold challenge. In brain, the PL-enriched diet increased DHA level during the cold shock indicating a role in maintaining of brain functions. These results open a new research line that could improve the cold tolerance of meagre through dietary supplementation before winter

    Common and species-specific effects of phosphate on marine microalgae fatty acids shape their function in phytoplankton trophic ecology

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    The use of fatty acids (FA) to infer structure of phytoplankton assemblages and as indicators of microalgae nutritional value is acquiring relevance in modern phytoplankton ecology and new advances concerning factors influencing FA variability among microalgae are demanded. In this regard, the relationship between phosphorus and FA remains particularly little studied in marine phytoplankton. In the present study, we focus on phosphate effects on FA from a diversified set of marine microalgae and provide new insights into the applicability of FA in phytoplankton trophic ecology. Phosphate deprivation mainly induced monounsaturated FA production in eight out of nine microalgae and their changes were species-specific, with palmitoleic acid exhibiting extreme variation and discriminating between haptophyte classes. The important phosphate-induced and interspecific variability found for oleic acid was perceived as a concern for the current application of this FA as a trophic position indicator in grazers. Chloroplast C-16 and C-18 polyunsaturated FA were more affected by phosphate than C-20 and C-22 highly unsaturated FA (HUFA). The relative stability of stearidonic acid to phosphate in cryptophytes and haptophytes pinpointed this FA as a suited marker for both microalgae groups. Taken all species together, phosphate deprivation and taxonomy accounted for 20.8 and 50.7% of total FA variation, respectively. HUFA were minimally affected by phosphate indicating their suitability as indicators of phytoplankton trophic value. The asymptotic relationship between HUFA and phosphorus cell content suggested mineral composition (phosphorus) could be more important than HUFA content as attribute of marine microalgae nutritional value at the species level
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