14 research outputs found

    Money, income and causality: An open economy reexamination

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    The positive relationship between the rate of growth of the money supply and the rate of growth of aggregate income is a widely accepted principle in macroeconomics. However, the direction of the causality between these two variables has been an enduring subject of controversy. Recent developments in time series analysis, particularly those relating to the concepts of integration and cointegration, and the stationary nature of economic time series, promise to help settle the debate on the statistical relationship between money supply growth and income growth. Most of the recent work on this issue, however, has been confined to a closed economy framework and has dealt only with US data. This dissertation extends the scope of the recent work on money-income causality to an open economy framework. Three distinctly different economies are investigated: the United States (large economy), Canada (smaller, fairly open economy), and the Netherlands (small, very open economy). The impact of two international variables (world money supply and world aggregate income) on the direction of causality between domestic money supply and domestic income are explicitly examined, using monthly data over the period 1960-1990 and optimally selected lags for the model specifications. Money-income causality is tested over the full sample (1960-1990), and over sample periods corresponding to alternative exchange rate regimes. For all three economies, the exchange rate regime is found to be a critical factor in the direction of the causality between domestic money supply and domestic income. In most cases, however, the two international variables (world money supply and world income) do not appear to have a significant impact on the direction of the causality. The empirical results from this study support the predictions of the standard open economy macroeconomic theory (the Mundell-Fleming model) in one half of the cases. This dissertation also confirms earlier findings on the sensitivity of Granger causality tests to lag length selection

    International Franchise Assessment Model: Entry and Expansion in the European Union

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    Kidogo: Addressing the Childcare Needs of Low-Income Families in East Africa

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    In this white paper, authors Jill Howard, Fiona Wilson, and E. Hachemi Aliouche explore how Kidogo, an innovative East African social enterprise, is harnessing the power of social sector franchising. By discussing Kidogo’s combination of best-practice early childhood Centres of Excellence with a social franchising method that supports the quality improvement and growth of local childcare micro-businesses, the authors provide insight into Kidogo’s expansion and success and look forward to the future of the organization

    Mitigating risks in internationalization decisions : the choice of the optimal entry mode

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    Version of RecordIn this paper we propose an innovative prescriptive model for internationalization strategy based on decision analysis theory that allows for optimal decision making regarding the choice under uncertainty between alternative international entry and/or expansion modes. Based on a case study of McDonalds’ expansion in a developed market and in an emerging market, we discuss the decision making implications by emphasizing the inclusion of risk and uncertainty and the importance of sensitivity analysis on the evaluation of the model results. The analysis compares the internationalization choices of franchising and foreign direct investment, as two distinct levels of foreign commitment. The findings suggest that in relatively stable environments it is relatively easier to mitigate the risks through tactics such as cost control, so that a higher level of commitment is justified under favorable macro-environment conditions. In less stable or unfamiliar countries, the risks of day-to-day operation may be too high to be mitigated, such that a lower risk alternative is always optimal, and discrete improvements of the political and economic climate are irrelevant.Samii, M., Aliouche, E. H., & Wright, R. (2008). Mitigating risks in internationalization decisions: The choice of the optimal entry mode. Retrieved from http://academicarchive.snhu.ed

    Providing Clean Energy Solutions to India’s Bottom of the Pyramid Population

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    Despite a scheme launched by the Indian government in 2017 that has declared achieving close to 100 percent electrification in the country, studies have shown that only 65 percent of rural enterprises in India report having electricity grid connection. While millions of households have been positively impacted by access to electricity, small businesses and smallholder farmers (those with holdings of less than 2 acres) in rural India have been left out of the equation or receive very unreliable power supply. Byproducts of the energy poverty experienced by India’s Bottom of the Pyramid population include an enormous carbon footprint produced by the use of traditional fossil fuels such as diesel and kerosene, and economic stagnation as a result of the agrarian crisis in India. Working to address each of these challenges is Oorja Development Solutions, a social enterprise established in 2016 with a mission to “substantially and cost-effectively scale last-mile distribution of integrated energy solutions to revitalize the agrarian economy, alleviate poverty, and fight climate change in rural India.” In this white paper, authors Jill Howard, Fiona Wilson, and E. Hachemi Aliouche discuss Oorja Development Solutions’ creation as well as the business model by which it operates. While Oorja does not currently have any franchisees, this case study explores why the company has considered implementing a franchising system as well as the reasons why it is not currently moving forward with the model. By also detailing the ingredients to Oorja’s success and opportunities for future growth, this case study aims to provide insight into a successful social enterprise as well as the logic for choosing whether or not to execute a social sector franchising system

    Institutional Environments And The Internationalization Of Franchise Chains: The Contrasting Cases Of Three North African Countries

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    Franchising has become a dominant model of retailing in the Western world and is rapidly expanding in emerging countries. This paper is an attempt to explain the significant  differences in the development of franchising in three emerging countries: Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. Explanations can be found in the general institutional environment in these countries, including the political and economic environments; governments' willingness to modernize the distribution structures; and the legal and regulatory environments specific to franchising. Our analytical framework is based on institutional theory (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983), a framework that provides further insights beyond the approaches based on economic efficiency (agency theory and the resource scarcity perspective). Based on an analysis of the documents in the major public databases in the three countries, supplemented with field research, we propose an analytical framework that helps explain the uneven developments of franchising in the three North African countries based on the specific institutional environment of each country. This study thus provides empirical evidence supporting the institutional theory of franchise expansion. It appears that institutional theory complements agency theory and resource scarcity theory in explaining the development of franchising in emerging markets: while agency theory and resource scarcity theory explain the motivation of firms to expand internationally through franchising, institutional theory helps explain the success or failure of these firms in the emerging markets they expand to

    The behavior of franchisor stocks

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    Does franchising create value? An analysis of the financial performance of US public restaurant firms

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    Author's OriginalIt is commonly believed that the franchising method of distribution provides strategic and operational benefits to the companies that adopt it. These benefits should result in superior financial performance as compared to that of firms that do not use franchising. Yet, the empirical evidence of the effects of franchising on financial performance is sparse and mixed. The purpose of this paper is to further examine the empirical evidence of the impact of franchising on a firm’s financial performance by using performance metrics (Economic Value Added and Market Value Added) that are extensively used in corporate finance. This study focuses on the US public restaurant sector. The results provide some evidence that franchising firms create more market and economic value than do non-franchising firms. A revised version of this paper has since been published in the International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration. Please use this version in your citations.Aliouche, E. & Schlentrich, U. (2009). Does Franchising Create Value? An Analysis of the Financial Performance of US Public Restaurant Firms. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 10(2), 93-10