1,064 research outputs found

    CANGAROO-III Search for Gamma Rays from SN 1987A and the Surrounding Field

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    Optical images of SN 1987A show a triple ring structure. The inner (dust) ring has recently increased in brightness and in the number of hot spots suggesting that the supernova shock wave has collided with the dense pre-existing circumstellar medium, a scenario supported by radio and X-ray observations. Such a shocked environment is widely expected to result in the acceleration of charged particles, and the accompanying emission of very high energy gamma-rays. Here, we report the results of observations made in 2004 and 2006 which yield upper limits on the TeV gamma-ray flux, which are compared with a theoretical prediction. In addition, we set upper limits on the TeV flux for four high energy objects which are located within the same field of view of the observation: the super-bubble 30 Dor C, the Crab-like pulsar PSR B0540-69, the X-ray binary LMC X-1, and the supernova remnant N157B.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap


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    Kayu gergajian merupakan salah satu produk yang dihasilkan oleh sektor kehutanan Indonesia. Terkait aktivitas pemenuhan kebutuhan kayu gergajian, beberapa dampak seperti penggunaan energi, potensi emisi GRK dan penggunaan lahan terlihat berhubungan dengan aktivitas tersebut. Keberadaan dampak ini membuat tujuan penelitian dirumuskan menjadi penyediaan informasi tentang hubungan antara konsumsi kayu gergajian dengan tanah, energi, dan potensi emisi GRK. Penelitian dilakukan di Kota Solok dalam rangka meminimalkan kendala selama pelaksanaan penelitian. Wawancara dan survei kemudian digunakan sebagai teknik pengumpulan data dengan metode JE serta beberapa metode lain (seperti yang disampaikan oleh IPCC, KLH, WBCSD dan WRI) dipergunakan pada analisis data. Hasil pelaksanaan penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pemenuhan kebutuhan 1 m kayu gergajian bagi masyarakat Kota Solok berhubungan dengan keterjadian terhadap penggunaan lahan JE dan potensi emisi GRK (PEGtotal) dengan model yang dihasilkan berupa Y = 0,008 PEGtotal + 0,002 JE + 0,003. Kata kunci : Energy, Jejak Ekologi, Kayu gergajian, Kota Solok, Potensi emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) Sawn timber was one of the products produced by the Indonesian forestry sector. Several impacts such as energy use, the potential for greenhouse gas emissions and land use appear to be associated with activities to meet the needs of sawn timber. The existence of this effect makes research objectives formulated into the provision of information about relationship between the consumption of sawn timber with land use, energy, and the potential for GHG emissions. Research conducted in Solok City to minimize research constraints. Interview and surveys then used as data collection techniques by JE methods as well as some other methods (such as those presented by the IPCC, KLH, WBCSD and WRI) used in the data analysis. Results showed that the fulfillment of 1 m3 of sawn timbber for Solok City associated with the occurrence of JE land use and the potential for GHG emissions (PEGtotal) with model showed as Y = 0,008 PEGtotal + 0,002 JE + 0,003. Keywords : Energy, Ecological Footprint, Greenhouse Gases Emissions Potential, Sawn Timber, Solok Cit

    Concerns about the widespread use of rodent models for human risk assessments of endocrine disruptors.

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    International audienceFetal testis is a major target of endocrine disruptors (EDs). During the last 20 years, we have developed an organotypic culture system that maintains the function of the different fetal testis cell types and have used this approach as a toxicological test to evaluate the effects of various compounds on gametogenesis and steroidogenesis in rat, mouse and human testes. We named this test rat, mouse and human fetal testis assay. With this approach, we compared the effects of six potential EDs ((mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP), cadmium, depleted uranium, diethylstilboestrol (DES), bisphenol A (BPA) and metformin) and one signalling molecule (retinoic acid (RA)) on the function of rat, mouse and human fetal testis at a comparable developmental stage. We found that the response is similar in humans and rodents for only one third of our analyses. For instance, RA and MEHP have similar negative effects on gametogenesis in the three species. For another third of our analyses, the threshold efficient concentrations that disturb gametogenesis and/or steroidogenesis differ as a function of the species. For instance, BPA and metformin have similar negative effects on steroidogenesis in human and rodents, but at different threshold doses. For the last third of our analyses, the qualitative response is species specific. For instance, MEHP and DES affect steroidogenesis in rodents, but not in human fetal testis. These species differences raise concerns about the extrapolation of data obtained in rodents to human health risk assessment and highlight the need of rigorous comparisons of the effects in human and rodent models, when assessing ED risk

    La théâtralité de l'écriture romanesque : Le paysan parvenu de Marivaux

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Quelle(s) relation(s) de discours pour les structures énumératives ?

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    International audienceLes structures énumératives, que nous nous proposons d'étudier dans cet article, sont des structures hiérarchiques au plan textuel et sont fréquemment associées à des marques de surface typo- dispositionnelles. Notre étude vise à explorer la contribution d'une source d'information quelque peu négligée (même si nous n'étudierons pas directement les marques typo-dispositionnelles) à l'établissement de la cohérence discursive, et plus particulièrement la contribution de cette source d'information au repérage de la relation d'Elaboration, une tâche notoirement difficile

    Life cycle assessment of completely recyclable concrete

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    Since the construction sector uses 50% of the Earth. s raw materials and produces 50% of its waste, the development of more durable and sustainable building materials is crucial. Today, Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) is mainly used in low level applications, namely as unbound material for foundations, e.g., in road construction. Mineral demolition waste can be recycled as crushed aggregates for concrete, but these reduce the compressive strength and affect the workability due to higher values of water absorption. To advance the use of concrete rubble, Completely Recyclable Concrete (CRC) is designed for reincarnation within the cement production, following the Cradle-to-Cradle (C2C) principle. By the design, CRC becomes a resource for cement production because the chemical composition of CRC will be similar to that of cement raw materials. If CRC is used on a regular basis, a closed concrete-cement-concrete material cycle will arise, which is completely different from the current life cycle of traditional concrete. Within the research towards this CRC it is important to quantify the benefit for the environment and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) needs to be performed, of which the results are presented in a this paper. It was observed that CRC could significantly reduce the global warming potential of concrete

    Net zero emission buildings: next generation of benchmarks and calculation rules

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    The definition of ambitious life cycle-based benchmarks and target values to limit the GHG emissions of buildings is seen as one of the most important steps in pushing the construction and real estate sector in significantly reducing its contribution to global warming. Especially target values are no longer only developed from a bottom-up perspective. There is now an interest by governments and sustainability assessment system providers in supplementing bottom-up approaches with science-based top-down approaches as part of their responsibility to respect planetary boundaries. The creation of GHG emission budgets in combination with target values, as well as the introduction of strict enough legal binding requirements already today is critical for achieving a climate-neutral building stock. Achieving these tasks requires tackling still open methodological issues. Following the work of IEA EBC Annex 72 and current developments in Germany, the paper presents main questions, key steps, modelling aspects that can cause variation and uncertainties, as well as clarifies key terms and definitions. It is highlighted that although a net zero emission requirement is a universal benchmark, information on system boundaries and calculation rules are still necessary to provide evidence of its fulfilment

    Le nom propre en débat au tournant du siècle (Whitney - Bréal -Saussure)

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    International audienceLa réflexion théorique relative aux noms propres s’est principalement axée, du point de vue de l’histoire des idées linguistiques, autour de la question de la référence. Cela a davantage été le fait, depuis le XIXe siècle, des logiciens et des philosophes que des linguistes. Au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles par exemple, la question du sens des noms propres se trouve au centre du débat opposant Frege et Russell. Cette même question se retrouve chez trois des plus grands linguistes de ce temps : Whitney, Bréal et Saussure. C’est ce débat moins connu que cet article se propose d’examiner. Parce que le nom propre cristallise les problématiques de la signification et de la référence, la comparaison de son traitement dans l’œuvre de ces trois penseurs apparaît pertinente. On verra ainsi que sur le problème du sens des noms propres, Whitney et Bréal adoptent des positions radicalement opposées. Il sera démontré en quoi ces options éclairent la nature du conventionnalisme de l’un ainsi que les implicites et les influences de la théorie sémantique de l’autre. Il sera également porté attention au traitement pour le moins paradoxal du nom propre chez Saussure. Bien qu’absent de la théorie du signe développée dans le Cours de linguistique générale, il est examiné sous différents aspects dans les écrits autographes du linguiste. Cette disparité soulignera la nécessité d’interroger le rôle du nom propre dans l’élaboration des concepts saussuriens