142 research outputs found

    Importance of reactive halogens in the tropical marine atmosphere: A regional modelling study using WRF-Chem

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    This study investigates the impact of halogens on atmospheric chemistry in the tropical troposphere and explores the sensitivity of this to uncertainties in the fluxes of halogens to the atmosphere and the chemical processing. To do this the regional chemistry transport model WRF-Chem has been extended, for the first time, to include halogen chemistry (bromine, chlorine and iodine chemistry), including heterogeneous recycling reactions involving sea-salt aerosol and other particles, reactions of Br with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), along with oceanic emissions of halocarbons, VOCs and inorganic iodine. The study focuses on the tropical East Pacific using field observations from the TORERO campaign (January-February 2012) to evaluate the model performance. Including all the new processes, the model does a reasonable job reproducing the observed mixing ratios of BrO and IO, albeit with some discrepancies, some of which can be attributed to difficulties in the model’s ability to reproduce the observed halocarbons. This is somewhat expected given the large uncertainties in the air-sea fluxes of the halocarbons in a region where there are few observations of seawater concentrations. We see a considerable impact on the Bry partitioning when heterogeneous chemistry is included, with a greater proportion of the Bry in active forms such as BrO, HOBr and dihalogens. Including debromination of sea-salt increases BrO slightly throughout the free troposphere, but in the tropical marine boundary layer, where the sea-salt particles are plentiful and relatively acidic, debromination leads to overestimation of the observed BrO. However, it should be noted that the modelled BrO was extremely sensitive to the inclusion of reactions between Br and the VOCs, which convert Br to HBr, a far less reactive form of Bry. Excluding these reactions leads to modelled BrO mixing ratios greater than observed. The reactions between Br and aldehydes were found to be particularly important, despite the model underestimating the amount of aldehydes observed in the atmosphere. There are only small changes to Iy partitioning and IO when the heterogeneous reactions, primarly on sea-salt, are included. Our model results show that the tropospheric Ox loss due to halogens is 31%. This loss is mostly due to I (16%) and Br (14%) and it is in good agreement with other estimates from state-of-the-art atmospheric chemistry models

    Sources and Secondary Production of Organic Aerosols in the Northeastern United States during WINTER

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    Most intensive field studies investigating aerosols have been conducted in summer, and thus, wintertime aerosol sources and chemistry are comparatively poorly understood. An aerosol mass spectrometer was flown on the National Science Foundation/National Center for Atmospheric Research C‐130 during the Wintertime INvestigation of Transport, Emissions, and Reactivity (WINTER) 2015 campaign in the northeast United States. The fraction of boundary layer submicron aerosol that was organic aerosol (OA) was about a factor of 2 smaller than during a 2011 summertime study in a similar region. However, the OA measured in WINTER was almost as oxidized as OA measured in several other studies in warmer months of the year. Fifty‐eight percent of the OA was oxygenated (secondary), and 42% was primary (POA). Biomass burning OA (likely from residential heating) was ubiquitous and accounted for 33% of the OA mass. Using nonvolatile POA, one of two default secondary OA (SOA) formulations in GEOS‐Chem (v10‐01) shows very large underpredictions of SOA and O/C (5×) and overprediction of POA (2×). We strongly recommend against using that formulation in future studies. Semivolatile POA, an alternative default in GEOS‐Chem, or a simplified parameterization (SIMPLE) were closer to the observations, although still with substantial differences. A case study of urban outflow from metropolitan New York City showed a consistent amount and normalized rate of added OA mass (due to SOA formation) compared to summer studies, although proceeding more slowly due to lower OH concentrations. A box model and SIMPLE perform similarly for WINTER as for Los Angeles, with an underprediction at ages \u3c6 hr, suggesting that fast chemistry might be missing from the models

    Ozone depletion due to dust release of iodine in the free troposphere

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    Iodine is an atmospheric trace element emitted from oceans that efficiently destroys ozone (O3). Low O3 in airborne dust layers is frequently observed but poorly understood. We show that dust is a source of gas-phase iodine, indicated by aircraft observations of iodine monoxide (IO) radicals inside lofted dust layers from the Atacama and Sechura Deserts that are up to a factor of 10 enhanced over background. Gas-phase iodine photochemistry, commensurate with observed IO, is needed to explain the low O3 inside these dust layers (below 15 ppbv; up to 75% depleted). The added dust iodine can explain decreases in O3 of 8% regionally and affects surface air quality. Our data suggest that iodate reduction to form volatile iodine species is a missing process in the geochemical iodine cycle and presents an unrecognized aeolian source of iodine. Atmospheric iodine has tripled since 1950 and affects ozone layer recovery and particle formation.Fil: Koenig, Theodore K.. State University of Colorado at Boulder; Estados Unidos. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences; Estados UnidosFil: Volkamer, Rainer. State University of Colorado at Boulder; Estados Unidos. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences; Estados UnidosFil: Apel, Eric C.. National Center for Atmospheric Research; Estados UnidosFil: Bresch, James F.. National Center for Atmospheric Research; Estados UnidosFil: Cuevas, Carlos A.. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Química Física; EspañaFil: Dix, Barbara. State University of Colorado at Boulder; Estados Unidos. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences; Estados UnidosFil: Eloranta, Edwin W.. University of Wisconsin; Estados UnidosFil: Fernandez, Rafael Pedro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Básicas. - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Básicas; ArgentinaFil: Hall, Samuel R.. National Center for Atmospheric Research; Estados UnidosFil: Hornbrook, Rebecca S.. National Center for Atmospheric Research; Estados UnidosFil: Pierce, R. Bradley. National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service; Estados UnidosFil: Reeves, J. Michael. National Center for Atmospheric Research; Estados UnidosFil: Saiz López, Alfonso. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Química Física; EspañaFil: Ullmann, Kirk. National Center for Atmospheric Research; Estados Unido

    Missing peroxy radical sources within a summertime ponderosa pine forest

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    Organic peroxy (RO<sub>2</sub>) and hydroperoxy (HO<sub>2</sub>) radicals are key intermediates in the photochemical processes that generate ozone, secondary organic aerosol and reactive nitrogen reservoirs throughout the troposphere. In regions with ample biogenic hydrocarbons, the richness and complexity of peroxy radical chemistry presents a significant challenge to current-generation models, especially given the scarcity of measurements in such environments. We present peroxy radical observations acquired within a ponderosa pine forest during the summer 2010 Bio-hydro-atmosphere interactions of Energy, Aerosols, Carbon, H<sub>2</sub>O, Organics and Nitrogen – Rocky Mountain Organic Carbon Study (BEACHON-ROCS). Total peroxy radical mixing ratios reach as high as 180 pptv (parts per trillion by volume) and are among the highest yet recorded. Using the comprehensive measurement suite to constrain a near-explicit 0-D box model, we investigate the sources, sinks and distribution of peroxy radicals below the forest canopy. The base chemical mechanism underestimates total peroxy radicals by as much as a factor of 3. Since primary reaction partners for peroxy radicals are either measured (NO) or underpredicted (HO<sub>2</sub> and RO<sub>2</sub>, i.e., self-reaction), missing sources are the most likely explanation for this result. A close comparison of model output with observations reveals at least two distinct source signatures. The first missing source, characterized by a sharp midday maximum and a strong dependence on solar radiation, is consistent with photolytic production of HO<sub>2</sub>. The diel profile of the second missing source peaks in the afternoon and suggests a process that generates RO<sub>2</sub> independently of sun-driven photochemistry, such as ozonolysis of reactive hydrocarbons. The maximum magnitudes of these missing sources (~120 and 50 pptv min<sup>−1</sup>, respectively) are consistent with previous observations alluding to unexpectedly intense oxidation within forests. We conclude that a similar mechanism may underlie many such observations

    Atmospheric Acetaldehyde: Importance of Air-Sea Exchange and a Missing Source in the Remote Troposphere.

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    We report airborne measurements of acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) during the first and second deployments of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom). The budget of CH3CHO is examined using the Community Atmospheric Model with chemistry (CAM-chem), with a newly-developed online air-sea exchange module. The upper limit of the global ocean net emission of CH3CHO is estimated to be 34 Tg a-1 (42 Tg a-1 if considering bubble-mediated transfer), and the ocean impacts on tropospheric CH3CHO are mostly confined to the marine boundary layer. Our analysis suggests that there is an unaccounted CH3CHO source in the remote troposphere and that organic aerosols can only provide a fraction of this missing source. We propose that peroxyacetic acid (PAA) is an ideal indicator of the rapid CH3CHO production in the remote troposphere. The higher-than-expected CH3CHO measurements represent a missing sink of hydroxyl radicals (and halogen radical) in current chemistry-climate models

    Tropospheric HONO distribution and chemistry in the southeastern US

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    Here we report the measurement results of nitrous acid (HONO) and a suite of relevant parameters on the NCAR C-130 research aircraft in the southeastern US during the NOMADSS 2013 summer field study. The daytime HONO concentration ranged from low parts per trillion by volume (pptv) in the free troposphere (FT) to mostly within 5-15 pptv in the background planetary boundary layer (PBL). There was no discernible vertical HONO gradient above the lower flight altitude of 300m in the PBL, and the transport of ground surface HONO was not found to be a significant contributor to the tropospheric HONO budget. The total in situ HONO source mean (+/- 1 SD) was calculated as 53 (+/- 21) pptv h(-1) during the day. The upper-limit contribution from NOx-related reactions was 10 (+/- 5) pptv h(-1), and the contribution from photolysis of particulate nitrate (pNO(3)) was 38 (+/- 23) pptv h(-1), based on the measured pNO(3) concentrations and the median pNO(3) photolysis rate constant of 2.0 x 10 4 s(-1) determined in the laboratory using ambient aerosol samples. The photolysis of HONO contributed to less than 10% of the primary OH source. However, a recycling NOx source via pNO(3) photolysis was equivalent to similar to 2.3 x 10(-6) molm(-2) h(-1) in the air column within the PBL, a considerable supplementary NOx source in the low-NOx background area. Up to several tens of parts per trillion by volume of HONO were observed in power plant and urban plumes during the day, mostly produced in situ from precursors including NOx and pNO(3). Finally, there was no observable accumulation of HONO in the nocturnal residual layer and the nocturnal FT in the background southeastern US, with an increase in the HONO / NOx ratio ofPeer reviewe

    Missing Peroxy Radical Sources Within a Rural Forest Canopy

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    Organic peroxy (RO2) and hydroperoxy (HO2) radicals are key intermediates in the photochemical processes that generate ozone, secondary organic aerosol and reactive nitrogen reservoirs throughout the troposphere. In regions with ample biogenic hydrocarbons, the richness and complexity of peroxy radical chemistry presents a significant challenge to current-generation models, especially given the scarcity of measurements in such environments. We present peroxy radical observations acquired within a Ponderosa pine forest during the summer 2010 Bio-hydro-atmosphere interactions of Energy, Aerosols, Carbon, H2O, Organics and Nitrogen - Rocky Mountain Organic Carbon Study (BEACHON-ROCS). Total peroxy radical mixing ratios reach as high as 180 pptv and are among the highest yet recorded. Using the comprehensive measurement suite to constrain a near-explicit 0-D box model, we investigate the sources, sinks and distribution of peroxy radicals below the forest canopy. The base chemical mechanism underestimates total peroxy radicals by as much as a factor of 3. Since primary reaction partners for peroxy radicals are either measured (NO) or under-predicted (HO2 and RO2, i.e. self-reaction), missing sources are the most likely explanation for this result. A close comparison of model output with observations reveals at least two distinct source signatures. The first missing source, characterized by a sharp midday maximum and a strong dependence on solar radiation, is consistent with photolytic production of HO2. The diel profile of the second missing source peaks in the afternoon and suggests a process that generates RO2 independently of sun-driven photochemistry, such as ozonolysis of reactive hydrocarbons. The maximum magnitudes of these missing sources (approximately 120 and 50 pptv min1, respectively) are consistent with previous observations alluding to unexpectedly intense oxidation within forests. We conclude that a similar mechanism may underlie many such observations

    The convective transport of active species in the tropics (Contrast) experiment

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    The Convective Transport of Active Species in the Tropics (CONTRAST) experiment was conducted from Guam (13.5degN, 144.8degE) during January-February 2014. Using the NSF/NCAR Gulfstream V research aircraft, the experiment investigated the photochemical environment over the tropical western Pacific (TWP) warm pool, a region of massive deep convection and the major pathway for air to enter the stratosphere during Northern Hemisphere (NH) winter. The new observations provide a wealth of information for quantifying the influence of convection on the vertical distributions of active species. The airborne in situ measurements up to 15-km altitude fill a significant gap by characterizing the abundance and altitude variation of a wide suite of trace gases. These measurements, together with observations of dynamical and microphysical parameters, provide significant new data for constraining and evaluating global chemistry climate models. Measurements include precursor and product gas species of reactive halogen compounds that impact ozone in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere. High-accuracy, in situ measurements of ozone obtained during CONTRAST quantify ozone concentration profiles in the upper troposphere, where previous observations from balloon-borne ozonesondes were often near or below the limit of detection. CONTRAST was one of the three coordinated experiments to observe the TWP during January-February 2014. Together, CONTRAST, Airborne Tropical Tropopause Experiment (ATTREX), and Coordinated Airborne Studies in the Tropics (CAST), using complementary capabilities of the three aircraft platforms as well as ground-based instrumentation, provide a comprehensive quantification of the regional distribution and vertical structure of natural and pollutant trace gases in the TWP during NH winter, from the oceanic boundary to the lower stratosphere