485 research outputs found

    Methodologies in Identification, Analysis, and Measurement of Visual Pollution: The Case Study of Intramuros

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    The problem of visual pollution in the Philippines has been increasingly evident, and people are becoming aware of it. But to create effective solutions, a deep understanding of the problem should first be established. This paper was aimed to identify, analyze, and measure the visual pollution present in Intramuros, a heritage city in the Philippines that encapsulates the Philippine colonial architecture in the 1890s. The site is known for its preservation of its city image but also modern landscape changes. To achieve the goal, the application of the Indirect and Direct Method of Landscape Evaluation was executed. These methods led to two results: (1) the identification of components— which are landscape attributes and indicators, that make up a visual landscape; and (2) the understanding of how it is perceived by the observer through a survey and interviews, which are quantified by ratings. To further understand the relationship of indicators and ratings with each other, a series of correlational studies was done. This resulted to the establishment of Disturbance, Stewardship, and Image Rating as the primary descriptors of visual pollution. A weighted average formula was then established, which quantified the visual pollution of Intramuros through indicator values and response ratings. It was concluded that visual pollution in Intramuros, through research-based methodology, can be identified, analyzed, and measured. Specific viewpoints in the district were identified as unacceptably visually-polluted. Magallanes St. cor. Victoria St. in Intramuros had the highest VP Score at -4.886. Elements that contributed to visual pollution were also identified

    Research on the ceramic materials factory of Ciudad Real. A case study in industrial heritage management in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)

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    El control arqueológico aplicado a una gran infraestructura como es el Aeropuerto de Ciudad Real ha supuesto un avance en la investigación arqueológica e histórica sobre la Fábrica de Cerámica de Ciudad Real. El estudio que presentamos tiene como objetivo la exposición de los resultados de la investigación histórica realizada sobre esta excepcional Fábrica de Cerámica, uno de los inmuebles industriales más singulares de La Mancha de comienzos del siglo XX. Los datos aportados proceden del estudio arqueológico llevado a cabo sobre los elementos y estructuras del complejo antes de su demolición. Por ello en sí mismos constituyen un testimonio de gran valor histórico, pues la mayor parte de este complejo industrial acaba de desaparecer. El trabajo concluye con una reflexión acerca de la conservación preventiva del patrimonio industrial en Castilla-La Mancha, partiendo del caso expuestoThe archeological works applied on a major infraestructure such as Ciudad Real Airport let improve on historical research knowledge about ceramic factories in the early twentieth century.The present study aims at the presentation of the results of the historical research done on this construction pieces factory, a main industrial building of La Mancha heritage.The data provided and reported come from the archaeological study on the elements and structures of the industrial complex before its demolition. So themselves are a testimony of great historical value, because most of this industrial complex is just disappeared.This paper concludes with a reflection on preventive conservation of our industrial heritage in Castilla-La Mancha, based on the presented cas

    Convergent habitat segregation of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus (Diptera : Culicidae) in southeastern Brazil and Florida

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    During the rainy season of 2001, the incidence of the dengue vectors Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus was examined in different habitats of two cities (Rio de Janeiro and Nova Iguacu) in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, and in two cities (Palm Beach and Boca Raton) in Florida. Oviposition trap collections were performed in urban, suburban, and rural habitats in both areas. Our hypothesis that the abundances and frequencies of occurrence of Ae. aegypti and Ae albopictus are affected in opposite ways by increasing urbanization was only partially supported. City, habitat, and their interaction significantly affected the abundance of both species. Cities with high abundance of Ae. aegypti also had a high abundance of Ae. albopictus. The two species were most abundant in the cities of Rio de Janeiro state and the lowest in Boca Raton. Habitat bad a significant but opposite effect on the abundances of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. In general, Ae. aegypti was most prevalent in highly urbanized areas and Ae. albopictus in rural, suburban, and vegetated urban areas in Rio de Janeiro state and Florida. However, abundances of the two species were similar in most suburban areas. Analyses of frequencies of occurrence showed an unexpected high level of co-occurrence of both species in the same oviposition trap. Despite the different geographical origins of Ae. albopictus in Brazil and the United States, the habitats used by this recent invader are remarkably similar in the two countries

    Trastornos ácido base en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del hospital “Víctor Lazarte Echegaray”: incidencia, estancia hospitalaria y mortalidad

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    Introducción: Los trastornos Acido Base (TAB) son una patología Frecuente de los pacientes de las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCIs), por ello es importante evaluar la morbimortalidad de este trastorno en estas unidades. Objetivo: determinar la incidencia de los Trastornos Acido Base (TAB) y su relación con la estancia hospitalaria y mortalidad en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI).  Material y métodos:  Resultados: durante el período del estudio se hospitalizaron 131 pacientes. En 100 la edad promedio fue 66.9 ± 18, 9 años, el puntaje APACHE II promedio fue 18,07 ± 7,62 puntos, la estancia hospitalaria en UCI fue 6,42 ± 7,78 días y la mortalidad dentro de la UCI fue del 24% (24 pacientes). Los valores gasométricos fueron pH 7,39 ± 0.11, paCO2 37.79 ± 10,08 mmHg. BE- 1,40 ± 6,93 mEq/Lt y bicarbonato 23.78 ± 5,92 mEq/Lt. Los TAB más frecuentes fueron acidosis metabólica (21%) y los trastornos mixtos primariamente metabólicos (20%). No se encontró TAB en 14% de los pacientes. El TAB con mayor estancia hospitalaria en UCI fue la acidosis respiratoria (9,14 ± 6,1 días) y los trastornos mixtos primariamente respiratorios (9,75 ± 8,0 días). El mayor porcentaje de mortalidad se observó en los grupos con acidosis metabólica (28,6%) y acidosis respiratoria (27%).  Conclusiones: la incidencia de los TAB fue alta (86%). Los trastornos metabólicos (acidosis y mixto) fueron los de mayor incidencia; los trastornos respiratorios (acidosis y mixto) estuvieron asociados a mayor estancia en UCI y la acidosis (metabólica y respiratoria) estuvieron asociadas a mayor mortalidad.

    Ficus insipida subsp. insipida (Moraceae) reveals the role of ecology in the phylogeography of widespread Neotropical rain forest tree species

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    Aim: To examine the phylogeography of Ficus insipida subsp. insipida in order to investigate patterns of spatial genetic structure across the Neotropics and within Amazonia. Location: Neotropics. Methods: Plastid DNA (trnH-psbA; 410 individuals from 54 populations) and nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS; 85 individuals from 27 populations) sequences were sampled from Mexico to Bolivia, representing the full extent of the taxon's distribution. Divergence of plastid lineages was dated using a Bayesian coalescent approach. Genetic diversity was assessed with indices of haplotype and nucleotide diversities, and genetic structure was examined using spatial analysis of molecular variance (SAMOVA) and haplotype networks. Population expansion within Amazonia was tested using neutrality and mismatch distribution tests. Results: trnH-psbA sequences yielded 19 haplotypes restricted to either Mesoamerica or Amazonia; six haplotypes were found among ITS sequences. Diversification of the plastid DNA haplotypes began c. 14.6 Ma. Haplotype diversity for trnH-psbA was higher in Amazonia. Seven genetically differentiated SAMOVA groups were described for trnH-psbA, of which two were also supported by the presence of unique ITS sequences. Population expansion was suggested for both markers for the SAMOVA group that contains most Amazonian populations. Main conclusions: Our results show marked population genetic structure in F. insipida between Mesoamerica and Amazonia, implying that the Andes and seasonally dry areas of northern South America are eco-climatic barriers to its migration. This pattern is shared with other widespread pioneer species affiliated to wet habitats, indicating that the ecological characteristics of species may impact upon large-scale phylogeography. Ficus insipida also shows genetic structure in north-western Amazonia potentially related to pre-Pleistocene historical events. In contrast, evident population expansion elsewhere in Amazonia, in particular the presence of genetically uniform populations across the south-west, indicate recent colonization. Our findings are consistent with palaeoecological data that suggest recent post-glacial expansion of Amazonian forests in the south

    Melatonin bioengineered: A New Possible Strategy for Treatment of Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer is an important public health problem, with an estimated 3.2 million new cases by the year 2050. Diet plays a key role in the etiology of breast cancer and breastfeeding is associated with a lower incidence of breast cancer. On the other hand, the improvement of the therapeutic properties of bioactive compounds through their incorporation into microcarriers is an important strategy in obtaining new therapies, since cyclical changes in concentration are eliminated; there is biological availability of the compound as well as the reduction in toxicity, number dose and suppression of adverse reactions. Studies using hormones such as melatonin extracted from human milk adsorbed onto polyethylene glycol (PEG) microspheres showed that the controlled release of this compound was able to reduce viability and induce apoptosis in MCF-7 cell lines. Colostrum differs from most of the secretions because it contains viable leukocytes during the first days of lactation with a quantity and activity comparable to blood leukocytes, and has several defense components such as antibodies and hormones, such as melatonin (MLT). This review details the influence of the soluble and cellular components present in human colostrum, such as the MLT hormone, as the modified release systems influence the action of MLT and the possible mechanisms involved that contribute to the hypothesis of reduction of breast cancer in women who breastfed

    Chalcolithic in the Upper Guadiana Basin (Ciudad Real, Spain). Craftsmen of beads in the inland of Iberian Peninsula: Los Parrales (Arenas de San Juan, Ciudad Real)

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    Doscientos noventa colgantes se han recuperado en un yacimiento arqueológico que se sitúa sobre un alto junto al río Cigüela, uno de los principales afluentes del río Guadiana. El lugar se llama Los Parrales y se localiza en el término municipal de Arenas de San Juan (Ciudad Real). La relevancia del hallazgo se deriva del elevado número de cuentas prehistóricas encontradas, de su asociación a cerámica campaniforme, del tipo de enclave en el que han aparecido y de las circunstancias del hallazgo: no han aparecido durante una excavación estratigráfica, sino en superficie. Los contactos culturales entre comunidades que habitaron los diversos sectores de la cuenca del río Guadiana, acreditados para otros momentos de la Prehistoria, constituyen una variable que puede ayudar a explicar este hallazgoTwo hundred ninety beads have been found in an archaeological site located over a hill beside Cigüela river, tributary of Guadiana river. The place, in Arenas de San Juan (Ciudad Real), is called Los Parrales. Its significance is relevant because of the high number of elements found together, associated with Bell Baker pottery and the discovery’s customs: not in an archaeological stratigraphy but in surface survey. Cultural contacts between people who lived in different sections of Guadiana river, confirmed in other prehistoric periods, can help to explain this fin

    Forest fire history in Amazonia inferred from intensive soil charcoal sampling and radiocarbon dating

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    This study was supported by funding from the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC, NE/N011570/1 and NE/R017980/1) and a radiocarbon dating allocation (allocation 2122.0818) from the NERC-funded NEIF Radiocarbon Laboratory.Fire has a historical role in tropical forests related to past climate and ancient land use spanning the Holocene; however, it is unclear from charcoal records how fire varied at different spatiotemporal scales and what sampling strategies are required to determine fire history and their effects. We evaluated fire variation in structurally intact, terra-firme Amazon forests, by intensive soil charcoal sampling from three replicate soil pits in sites in Guyana and northern and southern Peru. We used radiocarbon (14C) measurement to assess (1) locally, how the timing of fires represented in our sample varied across the surface of forest plots and with soil depth, (2) basin-wide, how the age of fires varies across climate and environmental gradients, and (3) how many samples are appropriate when applying the 14C approach to assess the date of last fire. Considering all 14C dates (n = 33), the most recent fires occurred at a similar time at each of the three sites (median ages: 728–851 cal years BP), indicating that in terms of fire disturbance at least, these forests could be considered old-growth. The number of unique fire events ranged from 1 to 4 per pit and from 4 to 6 per site. Based upon our sampling strategy, the N-Peru site—with the highest annual precipitation—had the most fire events. Median fire return intervals varied from 455 to 2,950 cal years BP among sites. Based on available dates, at least three samples (1 from the top of each of 3 pits) are required for the sampling to have a reasonable likelihood of capturing the most recent fire for forests with no history of a recent fire. The maximum fire return interval for two sites was shorter than the time since the last fire, suggesting that over the past ∼800 years these forests have undergone a longer fire-free period than the past 2,000–3,500 years. Our analysis from terra-firme forest soils helps to improve understanding of changes in fire regime, information necessary to evaluate post-fire legacies on modern vegetation and soil and to calibrate models to predict forest response to fire under climate change.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Soil quality impacts of current South American agricultural practices

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    Increasing global demand for oil seeds and cereals during the past 50 years has caused an expansion in the cultivated areas and resulted in major soil management and crop production changes throughout Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and southern Brazil. Unprecedented adoption of no-tillage as well as improved soil fertility and plant genetics have increased yields, but the use of purchased inputs, monocropping i.e., continuous soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), and marginal land cultivation have also increased. These changes have significantly altered the global food and feed supply role of these countries, but they have also resulted in various levels of soil degradation through wind and water erosion, soil compaction, soil organic matter (SOM) depletion, and nutrient losses. Sustainability is dependent upon local interactions between soil, climate, landscape characteristics, and production systems. This review examines the region’s current soil and crop conditions and summarizes several research studies designed to reduce or prevent soil degradation. Although the region has both environmental and soil resources that can sustain current agricultural production levels, increasing population, greater urbanization, and more available income will continue to increase the pressure on South American croplands. A better understanding of regional soil differences and quantifying potential consequences of current production practices on various soil resources is needed to ensure that scientific, educational, and regulatory programs result in land management recommendations that support intensification of agriculture without additional soil degradation or other unintended environmental consequences.EEA ParanáFil: Wingeyer, Ana Beatriz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Paraná; ArgentinaFil: Amado, Telmo Jorge Carneiro. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Centro de Ciências Rurais; BrasilFil: Pérez Bidegain, Mario. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Agronomía; UruguayFil: Studdert, Guillermo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; ArgentinaFil: Perdomo Varela, Carlos Honorio. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Agronomía; UruguayFil: García, Fernando O. International Plant Nutrition Institute. Americas and Oceania Group. Latin America - Southern Cone; ArgentinaFil: Karlen, Douglas L. United States. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Service; Estados Unido