28 research outputs found

    Suspension culture of microorganisms (Algae and Cyanobacteria) under phototrophic conditions

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    Global net primary production of biomass has faded dramatically over the past few decades as a consequence of the increasing population and its infrastructure demands. Photosynthetic microorganisms constitute the substructure of the water based food chain and are characterized by a five-to tenfold higher surface area productivity in comparison to traditional terrestrial crops. Based on their larger areal productivity they are an expandable and so far sparsely utilized resource in terms of biotechnology. In addition, extended utilization in a sustainable form decreases anthropogenic carbon dioxide emission. Furthermore, the production of valuable compounds, for example, for pharmaceutical and cosmetically applications without genetic modification, is broadly possible by simple modification of cultivation parameters. For application of these benefits to the preservation of the livelihood of mankind, sustainable (phototrophic) production and utilization paths need to be designed beyond arable land use for food production. The present chapter describes the basics of microalgal biology as well as basic and advanced process design aspects. Industrially relevant open and closed cultivation systems, namely, open ponds and photobioreactors, are elucidated and compared in terms of design, costs, and process stability as well as performance, energy consumption, and potential products. The conclusion gives an overview of prospects and future challenges

    Análise da eficácia do laser de baixa potência no tratamento da dor tendínea em ratos imunossuprimidos Analysis of low-level laser therapy efficacy on tendon pain treatment in immunosuppressed rats

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    O comprometimento do sistema imune, que pode ser apresentado por indivíduos com doenças crônicas, leva à baixa resposta imunológica. Um dos tratamentos utilizados para lesões agudas em tendões é o laser de baixa potência, contudo há uma lacuna em relação ao seu uso em imunodepressão. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar se o laser de baixa potência é eficaz para o tratamento da dor em ratos imunodeprimidos submetidos a trauma tendíneo. Foram utilizados 23 ratos, machos, da linhagem Wistar, divididos aleatoriamente em três grupos: grupo controle, placebo e laser. Os animais foram imunodeprimidos (por administração de Ciclosporina A) e submetidos à lesão no tendão calcâneo direito, com impacto de cerca de 0,40 J. Para o tratamento, utilizou-se laser de baixa potência, 670 nm, 30 mW e dose de 2 J/cm², durante 3 dias. A avaliação da dor foi realizada pelo teste de incapacidade funcional e por filamento de Von Frey digital. Os resultados apresentaram valores significativos para o grupo laser, com diminuição de dor funcional e da dor à pressão na superfície plantar e no local lesionado (tendão calcâneo direito). Portanto, concluiu-se que o laser de baixa potência é eficaz para reduzir a dor em ratos imunodeprimidos submetidos a trauma tendíneo.<br>The commitment of immune system, which may be presented by individuals with chronic diseases, leading to a low immune response. One of the treatments used for acute injuries in tendons is the low-power laser, however there is a gap in relation to its use in immunosuppression. The objective of this study was to analyze if low-level laser therapy is effective for the treatment of pain in immunosuppressed rats subjected to trauma tendon. We used 23 male rats of Wistar strain, divided randomly in three groups: control group, placebo and laser. The animals were immunosuppressed (by administration of Cyclosporin A) and underwent right Achilles tendon injury, with impact of about 0.40 J. For treatment, we used low-level laser, 670 nm, 30 mW and 2 J/cm², during 3 days. Pain assessment was performed by the functional incapacitation test and von Frey filament digital. The results showed a reduction of functional pain and pressure pain on the plantar surface and the injured site (right Achilles tendon) for the laser group. Therefore, we concluded that the low-power laser is effective for reducing pain in immunosuppressed rats subjected to trauma tendon