1,488 research outputs found

    Trust, Criticality, & the Open Web: Three Approaches to Teaching Lateral Reading

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    Presentation presented at 2021 ACRL conference. Learning objectives: Become familiar with the practice and importance of lateral reading (LR) and the skills and mindsets it involves. Become familiar with different approaches to teaching LR and challenges of learning and teaching about it. Reflect on the potential relevance and applications of LR in your own teaching context. Description: Lateral reading - the process of moving off of a webpage to see what others say about it - has become critical for effectively evaluating online sources. While lateral reading appears simple, teaching it reveals layers of complexity, which include deciding where to place one’s trust; how some voices are privileged while others are marginalized; and the impulse of many online readers to focus more on surface features of web sources over more critical questions and analysis. Presenters from three institutions will share about their varied experiences teaching lateral reading to undergraduate students: in a credit-bearing information literacy course that explored information ethics and social justice in relation to networked media systems; through a scaffolded online tutorial through which students practice source evaluation with lateral reading; and in flipped information literacy instruction sessions designed for first-year writing classes on investigating sources and finding better coverage for news stories

    Gluon dipole penguin contributions to ϵ/ϵ\epsilon'/\epsilon and CP violation in Hyperon decays in the Standard Model

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    We consider the gluon dipole penguin operator contributions to ϵ/ϵ\epsilon'/\epsilon and CP violation in hyperon decays. It has been proposed by Bertolini et al. that the contribution to ϵ/ϵ\epsilon'/\epsilon may be significant. We show that there is a cancellation in the leading order contribution and this contribution is actually suppressed by a factor of order O(mπ2,mK2)/Λ2m_\pi^2, m_K^2)/\Lambda^2. We find that the same operator also contributes to CP violation in hyperon decays where it is not suppressed. The gluon dipole penguin operator can enhance CP violation in hyperon decays by as much as 25\%.Comment: 11pages, Revte

    Thermal stability of aqueous polyurethanes depending on the applied catalysts

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    The thermal stability of aqueous polyurethanes has been measured applying the thermogravimetric analysis. The aqueous polyurethanes (aqPUR) with catalysts of different selectivity have been studied by use of the dynamic method. To obtain degradations of 0.025, 0.05, and 0.10, employing the dynamic method, the heating rates of 0.5, 1, 2, 5, and 10 degrees C min(-1) have been used in the range of 30-500 degrees C. Using the more selective catalysts in the aqueous polyurethanes, the total resulting time of the decompositon has been on the increase at all degrees of the degradation and at the particular starting temperature. This paper shows that the dynamic method based on the thermogravimetric analysis can be used to assess the thermal stability of the aqueous polyurethanes using the catalysts of different selectivity

    Isospin Structure of Penguins And Their Consequences in BB Physics

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    Isospin structure of gluon mediated or strong penguin is significantly altered when the full electroweak corrections are included. This has the consequence that some previous analyses which relied on a simple isospin structure in charmless BB decays become inapplicable. We present the general Hamiltonian in next-to-leading order QCD, and illustrate our conclusion quantitatively for BππB\rightarrow \pi\pi and BKπB\rightarrow K\pi decays in the factorization approximation. Some remarks on CP asymmetries in BB decays are also made.Comment: Revtex, 11 pages, typos in eq.(17) were correcte

    ΔMs/ΔMd\Delta M_s/\Delta M_d, sin2β\sin 2\beta and the angle γ\gamma in the Presence of New ΔF=2\Delta F=2 Operators

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    We present formulae for the mass differences ΔMd\Delta M_d and ΔMs\Delta M_s in the \BBds systems and for the CP violation parameter ϵ\epsilon which are valid in minimal flavour violation models giving rise to new four-fermion ΔF=2\Delta F=2 operators. Short distance contributions to ΔMs\Delta M_s, ΔMd\Delta M_d and ϵ\epsilon are parameterized by three {\it real} functions FttsF^s_{tt}, FttdF^d_{tt} and FttϵF^\epsilon_{tt}, respectively (Ftts=Fttd=FttϵF^s_{tt} = F^d_{tt} = F^\epsilon_{tt} holds only if the Standard Model (VA)(VA)(V-A) \otimes (V-A) operators dominate). We present simple strategies involving the ratio ΔMs/ΔMd\Delta M_s/\Delta M_d, sin2β\sin2\beta and γ\gamma that allow to search for the effects of the new operators. We point out that their sizable contributions to the ratio ΔMs/ΔMd\Delta M_s/\Delta M_d would in principle allow γ\gamma to be larger than 9090^\circ. Constraints on the functions FttiF^i_{tt} imposed by the present (and future) experimental data are also discussed. As an example we show that for large tanβˉv2/v1\tan\bar\beta\equiv v_2/v_1 and H+H^+ not too heavy, FttsF^s_{tt} in the MSSM with heavy sparticles can be substantially smaller than in the SM due the charged Higgs box contributions and in particular due to the growing like tan4βˉ\tan^4\bar\beta contribution of the double penguin diagrams involving neutral Higgs boson exchanges. As a result the bounds on the function FttsF^s_{tt} can be violated which allows to exclude large mixing of stops. In this scenario the range of sin2β\sin2\beta following from ϵ\epsilon and ΔMd\Delta M_d is identical to the SM ones (0.5<sin2β<0.80.5<\sin 2\beta<0.8). On the other hand γ\gamma following from ΔMs/ΔMd\Delta M_s/\Delta M_d is lower.Comment: 39 pages, 13 figures, uses axodraw.sty. V2: new BaBar and Belle results on \sin2\beta incorporated; some explanations of the details of calculation of \tan^4\bar\beta terms adde

    Standard Model Confronting New Results for epsilon'/epsilon

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    We analyze the CP violating ratio \epe=epsilon'/epsilon in the Standard Model in view of the new KTeV results. We review the present status of the most important non-perturbative parameters B_6, B_8, B_K and of the strange quark mass m_s. We also briefly discuss the issues of final state interactions and renormalization scheme dependence. Updating the values of the CKM parameters, of m_t and Lambda (MSbar) and using Gaussian errors for the experimental input and flat distributions for the theoretical parameters we find \epe substantially below the NA31 and KTeV data: \epe= (7.7^{+6.0}_{-3.5}) 10^{-4} and \epe= (5.2^{+4.6}_{-2.7}) 10^{-4} in the NDR and HV renormalization schemes respectively. A simple scanning of all input parameters gives on the other hand 1.05 10^{-4} < \epe < 28.8 10^{-4} and 0.26 10^{-4} < \epe < 22.0 10^{-4} respectively. Analyzing the dependence on various parameters we find that only for extreme values of B_6, B_8 and m_s and suitable values of CKM parameters and Lambda(MSbar), the ratio \epe can be made consistent with data. We analyze the impact of these data on the lower bounds for Im(V_{td}V_{ts}^*), Br(K_L to pi^0 nu barnu), Br(K_L to pi^0e^+e^-)_{dir} and on tan(beta) in the Two Higgs Doublet Model II.Comment: main latex-file, 4 figures and related latex files, 47 page

    Establishing broad generality of DNA catalysts for site-specific hydrolysis of single-stranded DNA

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    We recently reported that a DNA catalyst (deoxyribozyme) can site-specifically hydrolyze DNA on the minutes time scale. Sequence specificity is provided by Watson-Crick base pairing between the DNA substrate and two oligonucleotide binding arms that flank the 40-nt catalytic region of the deoxyribozyme. The DNA catalyst from our recent in vitro selection effort, 10MD5, can cleave a single-stranded DNA substrate sequence with the aid of Zn2+ and Mn2+ cofactors, as long as the substrate cleavage site encompasses the four particular nucleotides ATG^T. Thus, 10MD5 can cleave only 1 out of every 256 (44) arbitrarily chosen DNA sites, which is rather poor substrate sequence tolerance. In this study, we demonstrated substantially broader generality of deoxyribozymes for site-specific DNA hydrolysis. New selection experiments were performed, revealing the optimality of presenting only one or two unpaired DNA substrate nucleotides to the N40 DNA catalytic region. Comprehensive selections were then performed, including in some cases a key selection pressure to cleave the substrate at a predetermined site. These efforts led to identification of numerous new DNA-hydrolyzing deoxyribozymes, many of which require merely two particular nucleotide identities at the cleavage site (e.g. T^G), while retaining Watson-Crick sequence generality beyond those nucleotides along with useful cleavage rates. These findings establish experimentally that broadly sequence-tolerant and site-specific deoxyribozymes are readily identified for hydrolysis of single-stranded DNA