1,987 research outputs found

    Childhood leukemia and environmental factors

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    One of the Consulted experts: Paula Ambrósio, Lab. de Doenças Hematológicas Malignas, Unidade de Citogenética, Departamento de Genética, Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Lisboa, Portugal (P. 129)Every year, about 80 children in Belgium and 140 children in the Netherlands are diagnosed with leukaemia. A longstanding question is which role environmental factors play in the occurrence of this disease. An extensive evaluation of the scientific knowledge on a wide range of possible factors, jointly undertaken by the Belgian Superior Health Council and the Dutch Health Council within the framework of the European Science Advisory Network for Health (EuSANH), shows in general limited evidence for causal links with leukaemia in children. The possibilities for protective measures are therefore also limited, especially given the complex interplay between genetic susceptibilities and environmental exposures, both natural and man-made. It is highly likely that most cases of leukaemia cannot be prevented, and it will probably never be possible to explain individual cases of childhood leukaemia

    Comment on "Toxicological relevance of emerging contaminants for drinking water quality" by M. Schriks, M.B. Heringa, M.M.E. van der Kooi, P. de Voogt and A.P. van Wezel [Water Research 44 (2010) 461-476]

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Water Research. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2011 Elsevier B.V.No abstract available

    Wetland-based passive treatment systems for gold ore processing effluents containing residual cyanide, metals and nitrogen species

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    Gold extraction operations generate a variety of wastes requiring responsible disposal in compliance with current environmental regulations. During recent decades, increased emphasis has been placed on effluent control and treatment, in order to avoid the threat to the environment posed by toxic constituents. In many modern gold mining and ore processing operations, cyanide species are of most immediate concern. Given that natural degradation processes are known to reduce the toxicity of cyanide over time, trials have been made at laboratory and field scales into the feasibility of using wetland-based passive systems as low-cost and environmentally friendly methods for long-term treatment of leachates from closed gold mine tailing disposal facilities. Laboratory experiments on discrete aerobic and anaerobic treatment units supported the development of design parameters for the construction of a field-scale passive system at a gold mine site in northern Spain. An in situ pilot-scale wetland treatment system was designed, constructed and monitored over a nine-month period. Overall, the results suggest that compost-based constructed wetlands are capable of detoxifying cyanidation effluents, removing about 21.6% of dissolved cyanide and 98% of Cu, as well as nitrite and nitrate. Wetland-based passive systems can therefore be considered as a viable technology for removal of residual concentrations of cyanide from leachates emanating from closed gold mine tailing disposal facilities

    Local Newspaper Index

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    A local newspaper index for the Grand Rapids Press, Holland City News (HCN), Holland Sentinel (HES), and Ottawa County Times (OCT), 1872-1991


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    Humans are exposed via the environment and via food to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), mixtures considered carcinogenic by IARC. A quantitative cancer risk assessment for oral exposure is hampered by the absence of adequate data. The need for experimental data is substantiated by the fact that daily oral doses exceed inhaled doses for some potent carcinogenic PAH compounds, e.g. benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), by one order of magnitude, and the fact that epidemiological studies are not expected to provide useful data in this respect. For this reason we have performed a carcinogenicity study in rats; treatment (by gavage) for 2 years with the reference PAH B[a]P resulted in tumour-formation in a wide spectrum of organs and tissues, with liver and forestomach as major target-organs. Liver tumours in female rats were used for estimating a Virtually Safe Dose (VSD), i.e. the daily dose representing a one per million risk upon lifetime exposure, via methodology adopted by the Dutch Health Council (HCN, 1994-1996). Based on available data on occurrence and carcinogenic potency of PAH in Dutch diet it is suggested to apply a correction-factor of 10 for conversion to a VSD for B[a]P as indicator for all dietary PAH. With the resulting VSD of 0.5 ng B[a]P/kg bodyweight per day, cancer risks associated with PAH encountered in Dutch diet are estimated to be around acceptable risk levels. Parallel rat studies indicated that B[a]P-induced DNA adducts per se are not sufficient for tumour-development; induced local cell proliferation seems an additional critical factor. The possible implications of these findings are discussed.Polycyclische Aromatische Koolwaterstoffen (PAK) komen zowel wijdverbreid in het milieu als in voedsel voor, beide als gevolg van menselijk handelen. PAK worden beschouwd als kankerverwekkend voor de mens (IARC, 1983). Dit is gebaseerd op zowel dierexperimenteel werk als op epidemiologische studies. De mens staat continu bloot aan deze groep verbindingen via de inhalatoire alsook de orale route (via voedselconsumptie), en in sommige gevallen via de huid. Een kwantitatieve schatting van het risico op kanker als gevolg van de inhalatoire blootstelling aan PAK in het milieu laat zien dat deze de acceptabel geachte grens, 1 extra kankergeval per miljoen levenslang blootgestelden, ruimschoots overschrijdt. Schatting van het risico op kanker als gevolg van blootstelling aan PAK via het voedsel wordt belemmerd door gebrekkige dierexperimentele en epidemiologische gegevens. De noodzaak om dit risico te kwantificeren wordt ge6llustreerd door het feit dat de dagelijkse blootstelling via deze route in grootte een orde hoger geschat wordt dan die via inhalatoire blootstelling voor een aantal belangrijke carcinogene PAK, zoals benzo[a]pyreen (B[a]P). Omdat niet verwacht wordt dat epidemiologische studies hier op termijn uitkomst kunnen bieden, is grote behoefte aan goed uitgevoerd dierexperimenteel onderzoek. Om bovengenoemde reden is een carcinogeniteitsstudie uitgevoerd waarbij ratten levenslang oraal zijn blootgesteld aan B[a]P, algemeen beschouwd als een representatieve modelstof voor carcinogene PAK. De in het instituut gekweekte Wistar ratten (52 dieren per dosis en per sexe) zijn per maagsonde vijf dagen per week blootgesteld aan in soja-olie opgeloste B[a]P, in doseringen van 0 (kontrole), 3, 10 en 30 mg/kg lichaamsgewicht. Deze behandeling resulteerde in een dosis-gerelateerde toename in tumorincidentie in diverse organen en weefsels. Veruit de hoogste incidenties tumoren werden gevonden in lever en voormaag, beide organen met een lage spontane tumorincidentie in deze rattenstam. Levertumoren vormden daarnaast de belangrijkste doodsoorzaak in de hoogste dosis-groep in beide sexen. De tumorvorming in dit orgaan in vrouwtjes ratten is vervolgens gebruikt voor het berekenen van de carcinogene risico's volgens een door de Gezondheidsraad aanbevolen methode. Dit resulteerde in een "acceptabele dagelijkse dosis" (ADI) van 5 ng B[a]P per kg lichaamsgewicht, d.w.z. overeenkomend met 1 extra kankergeval per miljoen levenslang blootgestelden. Op basis van de beschikbare gegevens over de carcinogene potentie en het voorkomen van diverse PAK in het voedsel in Nederland wordt voorgesteld een conversie-factor van 10 te gebruiken voor totale PAK-belasting in voedsel, ofwel een ADI van 0.5 ng B[a]P per kg lichaamsgewicht, met B[a]P als indicator voor in voedsel voorkomende PAK. Dit 'onverwacht' lage risico, althans in vergelijking met de bovenvermelde risico's van PAK bij inhalatoire blootstelling, en de onzekerheden in de database en gebruikte methodiek, worden bediscussieerd. De vorming van DNA addukten door B[a]P is ook in deze species bestudeerd onder dezelfde blootstellings condities. DNA addukten (bepaald met de 32P-postlabelings-methodiek, die stabiele DNA addukten met grote gevoeligheid kan detecteren) konden in alle onderzochte organen en weefsels worden aangetoond. Omdat tumoren slechts in een beperkt aantal hiervan werden gevonden, kan worden geconcludeerd dat de vorming van stabiele DNA addukten op zichzelf niet voldoende is voor tumorvorming. Ook de totale hoeveelheid DNA addukten (ofwel de dichtheid), of de vorming van specifieke DNA addukten kon niet aan de localisatie van tumorvorming gerelateerd worden. Daarentegen suggereren waarnemingen in de range-finding en sub-chronische studies dat lokale celproliferatie een kritische additionele factor in tumor-vorming zou kunnen zijn. De mogelijke implicaties van deze bevindingen worden bediscussieerd

    A Single Tri-Epitopic Antibody Virtually Recapitulates the Potency of a Combination of Three Monoclonal Antibodies in Neutralization of Botulinum Neurotoxin Serotype A.

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    The standard of treatment for botulism, equine antitoxin, is a foreign protein with associated safety issues and a short serum half-life which excludes its use as a prophylactic antitoxin and makes it a less-than-optimal therapeutic. Due to these limitations, a recombinant monoclonal antibody (mAb) product is preferable. It has been shown that combining three mAbs that bind non-overlapping epitopes leads to highly potent botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) neutralization. Recently, a triple human antibody combination for BoNT/A has demonstrated potent toxin neutralization in mouse models with no serious adverse events when tested in a Phase I clinical trial. However, a triple antibody therapeutic poses unique development and manufacturing challenges. Thus, potentially to streamline development of BoNT antitoxins, we sought to achieve the potency of multiple mAb combinations in a single IgG-based molecule that has a long serum half-life. The design, production, and testing of a single tri-epitopic IgG1-based mAb (TeAb) containing the binding sites of each of the three parental BoNT/A mAbs yielded an antibody of nearly equal potency to the combination. The approach taken here could be applied to the design and creation of other multivalent antibodies that could be used for a variety of applications, including toxin elimination

    Interferon-γ acutely augments inhibition of neocortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons

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    BACKGROUND: Interferon-γ (IFN-γ, a type II IFN) is present in the central nervous system (CNS) under various conditions. Evidence is emerging that, in addition to its immunological role, IFN-γ modulates neuronal morphology, function, and development in several brain regions. Previously, we have shown that raising levels of IFN-β (a type I IFN) lead to increased neuronal excitability of neocortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons. Because of shared non-canonical signaling pathways of both cytokines, we hypothesized a similar neocortical role of acutely applied IFN-γ. METHODS: We used semi-quantitative RT-PCR, immunoblotting, and immunohistochemistry to analyze neuronal expression of IFN-γ receptors and performed whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in layer 5 pyramidal neurons to investigate sub- and suprathreshold excitability, properties of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated current (Ih), and inhibitory neurotransmission under the influence of acutely applied IFN-γ. RESULTS: We show that IFN-γ receptors are present in the membrane of rat's neocortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons. As expected from this and the putative overlap in IFN type I and II alternative signaling pathways, IFN-γ diminished Ih, mirroring the effect of type I IFNs, suggesting a likewise activation of protein kinase C (PKC). In contrast, IFN-γ did neither alter subthreshold nor suprathreshold neuronal excitability, pointing to augmented inhibitory transmission by IFN-γ. Indeed, IFN-γ increased electrically evoked inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) on neocortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons. Furthermore, amplitudes of spontaneous IPSCs and miniature IPSCs were elevated by IFN-γ, whereas their frequency remained unchanged. CONCLUSIONS: The expression of IFN-γ receptors on layer 5 neocortical pyramidal neurons together with the acute augmentation of inhibition in the neocortex by direct application of IFN-γ highlights an additional interaction between the CNS and immune system. Our results strengthen our understanding of the role of IFN-γ in neocortical neurotransmission and emphasize its impact beyond its immunological properties, particularly in the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric disorders

    Publications of the exobiology program for 1984: A special bibliography

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    A bibliography of NASA exobiology programs is given. Planetary environments; chemical evolution; organic geochemistry; extraterrestrial intelligence; and the effect of planetary solar and astrophysical phenomena on the evolution of complex life in the universe are among the topics listed