441 research outputs found

    The long noncoding RNA neuroLNC regulates presynaptic activity by interacting with the neurodegeneration-associated protein TDP-43

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    The cellular and the molecular mechanisms by which long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) may regulate presynaptic function and neuronal activity are largely unexplored. Here, we established an integrated screening strategy to discover lncRNAs implicated in neurotransmitter and synaptic vesicle release. With this approach, we identified neuroLNC, a neuron-specific nuclear lncRNA conserved from rodents to humans. NeuroLNC is tuned by synaptic activity and influences several other essential aspects of neuronal development including calcium influx, neuritogenesis, and neuronal migration in vivo. We defined the molecular interactors of neuroLNC in detail using chromatin isolation by RNA purification, RNA interactome analysis, and protein mass spectrometry. We found that the effects of neuroLNC on synaptic vesicle release require interaction with the RNA-binding protein TDP-43 (TAR DNA binding protein-43) and the selective stabilization of mRNAs encoding for presynaptic proteins. These results provide the first proof of an lncRNA that orchestrates neuronal excitability by influencing presynaptic function

    Evolutionary trajectories in rugged fitness landscapes

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    We consider the evolutionary trajectories traced out by an infinite population undergoing mutation-selection dynamics in static, uncorrelated random fitness landscapes. Starting from the population that consists of a single genotype, the most populated genotype \textit{jumps} from a local fitness maximum to another and eventually reaches the global maximum. We use a strong selection limit, which reduces the dynamics beyond the first time step to the competition between independent mutant subpopulations, to study the dynamics of this model and of a simpler one-dimensional model which ignores the geometry of the sequence space. We find that the fit genotypes that appear along a trajectory are a subset of suitably defined fitness \textit{records}, and exploit several results from the record theory for non-identically distributed random variables. The genotypes that contribute to the trajectory are those records that are not \textit{bypassed} by superior records arising further away from the initial population. Several conjectures concerning the statistics of bypassing are extracted from numerical simulations. In particular, for the one-dimensional model, we propose a simple relation between the bypassing probability and the dynamic exponent which describes the scaling of the typical evolution time with genome size. The latter can be determined exactly in terms of the extremal properties of the fitness distribution.Comment: Figures in color; minor revisions in tex

    Evidence for structural and electronic instabilities at intermediate temperatures in κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_{2}X for X=Cu[N(CN)2_{2}]Cl, Cu[N(CN)2_{2}]Br and Cu(NCS)2_{2}: Implications for the phase diagram of these quasi-2D organic superconductors

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    We present high-resolution measurements of the coefficient of thermal expansion α(T)=lnl(T)/T\alpha (T)=\partial \ln l(T)/\partial T of the quasi-twodimensional (quasi-2D) salts κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2X with X = Cu(NCS)2_2, Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br and Cu[N(CN)2_2]Cl. At intermediate temperatures (B), distinct anomalies reminiscent of second-order phase transitions have been found at T=38T^\ast = 38 K and 45 K for the superconducting X = Cu(NCS)2_2 and Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br salts, respectively. Most interestingly, we find that the signs of the uniaxial pressure coefficients of TT^\ast are strictly anticorrelated with those of TcT_c. We propose that TT^\ast marks the transition to a spin-density-wave (SDW) state forming on minor, quasi-1D parts of the Fermi surface. Our results are compatible with two competing order parameters that form on disjunct portions of the Fermi surface. At elevated temperatures (C), all compounds show α(T)\alpha (T) anomalies that can be identified with a kinetic, glass-like transition where, below a characteristic temperature TgT_g, disorder in the orientational degrees of freedom of the terminal ethylene groups becomes frozen in. We argue that the degree of disorder increases on going from the X = Cu(NCS)2_2 to Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br and the Cu[N(CN)2_2]Cl salt. Our results provide a natural explanation for the unusual time- and cooling-rate dependencies of the ground-state properties in the hydrogenated and deuterated Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br salts reported in the literature.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    From Vicious Walkers to TASEP

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    We propose a model of semi-vicious walkers, which interpolates between the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process and the vicious walkers model, having the two as limiting cases. For this model we calculate the asymptotics of the survival probability for mm particles and obtain a scaling function, which describes the transition from one limiting case to another. Then, we use a fluctuation-dissipation relation allowing us to reinterpret the result as the particle current generating function in the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process. Thus we obtain the particle current distribution asymptotically in the large time limit as the number of particles is fixed. The results apply to the large deviation scale as well as to the diffusive scale. In the latter we obtain a new universal distribution, which has a skew non-Gaussian form. For mm particles its asymptotic behavior is shown to be ey22m2e^{-\frac{y^{2}}{2m^{2}}} as yy\to -\infty and ey22mym(m1)2e^{-\frac{y^{2}}{2m}}y^{-\frac{m(m-1)}{2}} as yy\to \infty .Comment: 37 pages, 4 figures, Corrected reference

    Pivoting in Linear Complementarity: Two Polynomial-Time Cases

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    We study the behavior of simple principal pivoting methods for the P-matrix linear complementarity problem (P-LCP). We solve an open problem of Morris by showing that Murty’s least-index pivot rule (under any fixed index order) leads to a quadratic number of iterations on Morris’s highly cyclic P-LCP examples. We then show that on K-matrix LCP instances, all pivot rules require only a linear number of iterations. As the main tool, we employ unique-sink orientations of cubes, a useful combinatorial abstraction of the P-LCP

    Considerations for determining optimal mouse caging density

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    At the 2006 National Meeting of the American Association of Laboratory Animal Science, a panel discussed the question of what constitutes optimal or acceptable housing density for mice. Though there is a consensus that present guidelines are somewhat arbitrarily defined, scientific research has not yet been able to provide clear recommendations for amending them. Speakers explored the many factors that influence decisions on mouse housing, including regulatory requirements, scientific data and their interpretation, financial considerations and ethical concerns. The panel largely agreed that animal well-being should be the measure of interest in evaluating housing density and that well-being includes not only physical health, but also animals\u27 behavior, productivity and preference

    Genetics of intellectual disability in consanguineous families

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    Autosomal recessive (AR) gene defects are the leading genetic cause of intellectual disability (ID) in countries with frequent parental consanguinity, which account for about 1/7th of the world population. Yet, compared to autosomal dominant de novo mutations, which are the predominant cause of ID in Western countries, the identification of AR-ID genes has lagged behind. Here, we report on whole exome and whole genome sequencing in 404 consanguineous predominantly Iranian families with two or more affected offspring. In 219 of these, we found likely causative variants, involving 77 known and 77 novel AR-ID (candidate) genes, 21 X-linked genes, as well as 9 genes previously implicated in diseases other than ID. This study, the largest of its kind published to date, illustrates that high-throughput DNA sequencing in consanguineous families is a superior strategy for elucidating the thousands of hitherto unknown gene defects underlying AR-ID, and it sheds light on their prevalence

    Scientific merits and analytical challenges of tree-ring densitometry

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    R.W. was supported by NERC grant NE/K003097/1.X-ray microdensitometry on annually-resolved tree-ring samples has gained an exceptional position in last-millennium paleoclimatology through the maximum latewood density parameter (MXD), but also increasingly through other density parameters. For fifty years, X-ray based measurement techniques have been the de facto standard. However, studies report offsets in the mean levels for MXD measurements derived from different laboratories, indicating challenges of accuracy and precision. Moreover, reflected visible light-based techniques are becoming increasingly popular and wood anatomical techniques are emerging as a potentially powerful pathway to extract density information at the highest resolution. Here we review the current understanding and merits of wood density for tree-ring research, associated microdensitometric techniques, and analytical measurement challenges. The review is further complemented with a careful comparison of new measurements derived at 17 laboratories, using several different techniques. The new experiment allowed us to corroborate and refresh ?long-standing wisdom?, but also provide new insights. Key outcomes include; i) a demonstration of the need for mass/volume based re-calibration to accurately estimate average ring density; ii) a substantiation of systematic differences in MXD measurements that cautions for great care when combining density datasets for climate reconstructions; and iii) insights into the relevance of analytical measurement resolution in signals derived from tree-ring density data. Finally, we provide recommendations expected to facilitate future inter-comparability and interpretations for global change research.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Partial volume correction strategies for quantitative FDG PET in oncology

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    Purpose: Quantitative accuracy of positron emission tomography (PET) is affected by partial volume effects resulting in increased underestimation of the standardized uptake value (SUV) with decreasing tumour volume. The purpose of the present study was to assess accuracy and precision of different partial volume correction (PVC) methods. Methods: Three methods for PVC were evaluated: (1) inclusion of the point spread function (PSF) within the reconstruction, (2) iterative deconvolution of PET images and (3) calculation of spill-in and spill-out factors based on tumour masks. Simulations were based on a mathematical phantom with tumours of different sizes and shapes. Phantom experiments were performed in 2-D mode using the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) NU2 image quality phantom containing six differently sized spheres. Clinical studies (2-D mode) included a test-retest study consisting of 10 patients with stage IIIB and IV non-small cell lung cancer and a response monitoring study consisting of 15 female breast cancer patients. In all studies tumour or sphere volumes of interest (VOI) were generated using VOI based on adaptive relative thresholds. Results: Simulations and experiments provided similar results. All methods were able to accurately recover true SUV within 10% for spheres equal to and larger than 1 ml. Reconstruction-based recovery, however, provided up to twofold better precision than image-based methods. Cl