385 research outputs found

    Resolution of diaschisis contributes to early recovery from post-stroke aphasia

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    Diaschisis is a phenomenon observed in stroke that is defined as neuronal dysfunction in regions spared by the infarction but connected to the lesion site. We combined lesion network mapping and task-based functional MRI in 71 patients with post-stroke aphasia to investigate, whether diaschisis and its resolution contribute to early loss and recovery of language functions. Language activation acquired in the acute, subacute and chronic phase was analyzed in compartments with high and low normative resting-state functional connectivity to the lesion site on an individual basis. Regions with high compared to regions with low lesion connectivity showed a steeper increase in language reactivation from the acute to the subacute phase. This finding is compatible with the assumption of resolution of diaschisis. Additionally, language performance in the subacute phase and improvement from the subacute to the chronic phase significantly correlated with the diaschisis effect and its resolution, respectively, suggesting a behavioral relevance of this effect. We therefore assume that undamaged but functionally connected regions become dysfunctional due to missing input from the lesion contributing to the aphasic deficit. Since these regions are structurally intact, dysfunction resolves over time contributing to the rapid early behavioral improvement observed in aphasic stroke patients. Our results demonstrate that diaschisis and its resolution might be a relevant mechanism of early loss and recovery of language function in acute stroke patients

    Nova planilha de sistematização da produção (Nova PSP): ferramenta de apoio no diagnóstico e intervenção em unidades de produção familiar com atividade leiteira.

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    Definição do problema; Proposta de um novo instrumento de análise de sistemas de produção com atividade leiteira; Método de construção participativa da planilha; Características e funcionalidades da nova PSPbitstream/item/177970/1/DT-156-impresso.pdf; bitstream/item/223509/1/PSP-Leite-versao-7.2.xls

    Antigenic diversity is generated by distinct evolutionary mechanisms in African trypanosome species

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    Antigenic variation enables pathogens to avoid the host immune response by continual switching of surface proteins. The protozoan blood parasite Trypanosoma brucei causes human African trypanosomiasis ("sleeping sickness") across sub-Saharan Africa and is a model system for antigenic variation, surviving by periodically replacing a monolayer of variant surface glycoproteins (VSG) that covers its cell surface. We compared the genome of Trypanosoma brucei with two closely related parasites Trypanosoma congolense and Trypanosoma vivax, to reveal how the variant antigen repertoire has evolved and how it might affect contemporary antigenic diversity. We reconstruct VSG diversification showing that Trypanosoma congolense uses variant antigens derived from multiple ancestral VSG lineages, whereas in Trypanosoma brucei VSG have recent origins, and ancestral gene lineages have been repeatedly co-opted to novel functions. These historical differences are reflected in fundamental differences between species in the scale and mechanism of recombination. Using phylogenetic incompatibility as a metric for genetic exchange, we show that the frequency of recombination is comparable between Trypanosoma congolense and Trypanosoma brucei but is much lower in Trypanosoma vivax. Furthermore, in showing that the C-terminal domain of Trypanosoma brucei VSG plays a crucial role in facilitating exchange, we reveal substantial species differences in the mechanism of VSG diversification. Our results demonstrate how past VSG evolution indirectly determines the ability of contemporary parasites to generate novel variant antigens through recombination and suggest that the current model for antigenic variation in Trypanosoma brucei is only one means by which these parasites maintain chronic infections

    Previsão de indicadores econômicos individuais na pecuária leiteira.

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    O presente trabalho objetivou a obtenção de um modelo preditivo e didático capaz de representar a influência dos indicadores de desempenho da produção leiteira nos aspectos econômicos da atividade.SBIAGRO

    Охранно-пожарная сигнализация: монтаж, обслуживание, работа

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    Актуальность статьи связана с необходимостью противопожарной защиты в организациях и на предприятиях посредством проектирования и монтажа автоматических установок пожарной сигнализации.The relevance of the article is related to the need for fire protection in organizations and enterprises through the design and installation of automatic fire alarm systems

    Indicadores de sustentabilidade para unidades de produção familiar com atividade leiteira.

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    Resumo Existe uma grande preocupação em relação ao êxodo rural e à redução do número de produtores de leite no Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo deste trabalho foi construir um instrumento de avaliação da sustentabilidade de unidades de produção familiar com atividade leiteira. A equipe interinstitucional da Rede Leite se mobilizou por mais de dois anos para chegar a um conjunto mínimo de indicadores, a partir de descritores e pontos críticos identificados nos sistemas produtivos, que tornasse operacional o conceito de sustentabilidade. O instrumento final consta de 12 indicadores e apresenta potencial para avaliar a sustentabilidade, identificar pontos fortes, fracos, riscos e oportunidades, subsidiando a extensão rural, pesquisa, programas de desenvolvimento e políticas públicas. Palavras-chave: Rede Leite, pesquisa-desenvolvimento, instrumento, descrito

    Indicadores de sustentabilidade na visão de agricultores familiares como instrumento para gestão de unidades de produção com pecuária de leite.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi construir de forma participativa um instrumento de gestão de unidades de produção de base familiar com pecuária de leite, constituído por indicadores de sustentabilidade. O trabalho foi conduzido no âmbito do Programa Rede Leite, na região noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul, tendo como base teórico-metodológica a Pesquisa-Desenvolvimento.Organizadores Lírio José Reichert, Pedro Selvino Neumann, Lovois de Andrade Miguel

    Professionalism, Golf Coaching and a Master of Science Degree: A commentary

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    As a point of reference I congratulate Simon Jenkins on tackling the issue of professionalism in coaching. As he points out coaching is not a profession, but this does not mean that coaching would not benefit from going through a professionalization process. As things stand I find that the stimulus article unpacks some critically important issues of professionalism, broadly within the context of golf coaching. However, I am not sure enough is made of understanding what professional (golf) coaching actually is nor how the development of a professional golf coach can be facilitated by a Master of Science Degree (M.Sc.). I will focus my commentary on these two issues

    Estrutura fundiária e uso da terra em propriedades leiteiras localizadas no Rio Grande do Sul.

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    A atividade leiteira é uma fonte importante de renda para os agricultores no Rio Grande do Sul, sendo frequentemente acompanhada de outras atividades agrícolas e/ou pecuárias.Claudia Cristina Gulias Gomes, editora técnica