655 research outputs found

    CDEK: Clinical Drug Experience Knowledgebase

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    The Clinical Drug Experience Knowledgebase (CDEK) is a database and web platform of active pharmaceutical ingredients with evidence of clinical testing as well as the organizations involved in their research and development. CDEK was curated by disambiguating intervention and organization names from ClinicalTrials.gov and cross-referencing these entries with other prominent drug databases. Approximately 43% of active pharmaceutical ingredients in the CDEK database were sourced from ClinicalTrials.gov and cannot be found in any other prominent compound-oriented database. The contents of CDEK are structured around three pillars: active pharmaceutical ingredients (n = 22 292), clinical trials (n = 127 223) and organizations (n = 24 728). The envisioned use of the CDEK is to support the investigation of many aspects of drug development, including discovery, repurposing opportunities, chemo- and bio-informatics, clinical and translational research and regulatory sciences


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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73937/1/j.1749-6632.1967.tb14694.x.pd

    Integrin-mediated cell adhesion activates mitogen-activated protein kinases.

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    Integrins can function as signal-transducing receptors capable of modulating cell growth and gene expression (Juliano, R. L., and Haskill, S. (1993) J. Cell Biol. 120, 577-585; Hynes, R. O. (1992) Cell 69, 11-25). An early event in integrin signaling in fibroblasts and other cells involves activation of pp125FAK, a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase (Hanks, S. K., Calalb, M. B., Harper, M. C., and Patel, S. K. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 89, 8487-8491; Schaller, M. D., Borgman, C. A., Cobb, B. S., Vines, R. R., Reynolds, A. B., and Parsons, J. T. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 89, 5192-5196). Here we report a novel aspect of integrin-mediated signal transduction. We demonstrate that adhesion of cells to substrata coated with extracellular matrix proteins, or with a synthetic peptide containing the RGD sequence, can cause activation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases in 3T3 or REF52 fibroblasts. Activation of MAP kinases seems to depend on integrin engagement rather than simply on cell attachment. Thus, MAP kinases are activated when cells adhere to substrata coated with the integrin ligands fibronectin or laminin, but not when cells adhere to poly-D-lysine, a nonspecific adhesion-promoting polypeptide. Treatment of cells with cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of actin microfilament assembly, almost completely blocks adhesion-induced MAP kinase activation, indicating a critical role for the cytoskeleton. In REF52 cells, we have observed that activation of MAP kinases is accompanied by redistribution of the protein to the nucleus, suggesting that the activated kinases may impinge on factors regulating gene expression. Thus, integrin-mediated cell adhesion seems a sufficient stimulus to cause activation and nuclear translocation of MAP kinases. This may have important implications for the regulation of cell growth and differentiation by the extracellular matrix

    Dynamic interaction of PTP mu with multiple cadherins in vivo

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    There is a growing body of evidence to implicate reversible tyrosine phosphorylation as an important mechanism in the control of the adhesive function of cadherins. We previously demonstrated that the receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP mu associates with the cadherin-catenin complex in various tissues and cells and, therefore, may be a component of such a regulatory mechanism (Brady-Kalnay, S.M., D.L. Rimm, and N.K. Tonks. 1995. J. Cell Biol. 130:977-986). In this study, we present further characterization of this interaction using a variety of systems. We observed that PTP mu interacted with N-cadherin, E-cadherin, and cadherin-4 (also called R-cadherin) in extracts of rat lung. We observed a direct interaction between PTP mu, and E-cadherin after coexpression in Sf9 cells. In WC5 cells, which express a temperature-sensitive mutant form of v-Src, the complex between PTP mu and E-cadherin was dynamic, and conditions that resulted in tyrosine phosphorylation of E-cadherin were associated with dissociation of PTP mu from the complex. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that the COOH-terminal 38 residues of the cytoplasmic segment of E-cadherin was required for association with PTP mu in WC5 cells. Zondag et al. (Zondag, G., W. Moolenaar, and M. Gebbink. 1996. J. Cell Biol. 134: 1513-1517) have asserted that the association we observed between PTP mu and the cadherin-catenin complex in immunoprecipitates of the phosphatase arises from nonspecific cross-reactivity between BK2, our antibody to PTP mu, and cadherins. In this study we have confirmed our initial observation and demonstrated the presence of cadherin in immunoprecipitates of PTP mu. obtained with three antibodies that recognize distinct epitopes in the phosphatase. In addition, we have demonstrated directly that the anti-PTP mu antibody BK2 that we used initially did not cross-react with cadherin. Our data reinforce the observation of an interaction between PTP mu, and E-cadherin in vitro and in vivo, further emphasizing the potential importance of reversible tyrosine phosphorylation in regulating cadherin function

    A Database of Domain Definitions for Proteins with Complex Interdomain Geometry

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    Protein structural domains are necessary for understanding evolution and protein folding, and may vary widely from functional and sequence based domains. Although, various structural domain databases exist, defining domains for some proteins is non-trivial, and definitions of their domain boundaries are not available. Here, we present a novel database of manually defined structural domains for a representative set of proteins from the SCOP “multi-domain proteins” class. (http://prodata.swmed.edu/multidom/). We consider our domains as mobile evolutionary units, which may rearrange during protein evolution. Additionally, they may be visualized as structurally compact and possibly independently folding units. We also found that representing domains as evolutionary and folding units do not always lead to a unique domain definition. However, unlike existing databases, we retain and refine these “alternate” domain definitions after careful inspection of structural similarity, functional sites and automated domain definition methods. We provide domain definitions, including actual residue boundaries, for proteins that well known databases like SCOP and CATH do not attempt to split. Our alternate domain definitions are suitable for sequence and structure searches by automated methods. Additionally, the database can be used for training and testing domain delineation algorithms. Since our domains represent structurally compact evolutionary units, the database may be useful for studying domain properties and evolution

    An extracellular steric seeding mechanism for Eph-ephrin signaling platform assembly

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    Erythropoetin-producing hepatoma (Eph) receptors are cell-surface protein tyrosine kinases mediating cell-cell communication. Upon activation, they form signaling clusters. We report crystal structures of the full ectodomain of human EphA2 (eEphA2) both alone and in complex with the receptor-binding domain of the ligand ephrinA5 (ephrinA5 RBD). Unliganded eEphA2 forms linear arrays of staggered parallel receptors involving two patches of residues conserved across A-class Ephs. eEphA2-ephrinA5 RBD forms a more elaborate assembly, whose interfaces include the same conserved regions on eEphA2, but rearranged to accommodate ephrinA5 RBD. Cell-surface expression of mutant EphA2s showed that these interfaces are critical for localization at cell-cell contacts and activation-dependent degradation. Our results suggest a 'nucleation' mechanism whereby a limited number of ligand-receptor interactions 'seed' an arrangement of receptors which can propagate into extended signaling arrays

    Mobility, Expansion and Management of a Multi-Species Scuba Diving Fishery in East Africa

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    Background: Scuba diving fishing, predominantly targeting sea cucumbers, has been documented to occur in an uncontrolled manner in the Western Indian Ocean and in other tropical regions. Although this type of fishing generally indicates a destructive activity, little attention has been directed towards this category of fishery, a major knowledge gap and barrier to management. Methodology and Principal Findings: With the aim to capture geographic scales, fishing processes and social aspects the scuba diving fishery that operate out of Zanzibar was studied using interviews, discussions, participant observations and catch monitoring. The diving fishery was resilient to resource declines and had expanded to new species, new depths and new fishing grounds, sometimes operating approximately 250 km away from Zanzibar at depths down to 50 meters, as a result of depleted easy-access stock. The diving operations were embedded in a regional and global trade network, and its actors operated in a roving manner on multiple spatial levels, taking advantage of unfair patron-client relationships and of the insufficient management in Zanzibar. Conclusions and Significance: This study illustrates that roving dynamics in fisheries, which have been predominantly addressed on a global scale, also take place at a considerably smaller spatial scale. Importantly, while proposed management of the sea cucumber fishery is often generic to a simplified fishery situation, this study illustrates

    CASTAway : An asteroid main belt tour and survey

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    CASTAway is a mission concept to explore our Solar System's main asteroid belt. Asteroids and comets provide a window into the formation and evolution of our Solar System and the composition of these objects can be inferred from space-based remote sensing using spectroscopic techniques. Variations in composition across the asteroid populations provide a tracer for the dynamical evolution of the Solar System. The mission combines a long-range (point source) telescopic survey of over 10,000 objects, targeted close encounters with 10-20 asteroids and serendipitous searches to constrain the distribution of smaller (e.g. 10 m) size objects into a single concept. With a carefully targeted trajectory that loops through the asteroid belt, CASTAway would provide a comprehensive survey of the main belt at multiple scales. The scientific payload comprises a 50 cm diameter telescope that includes an integrated low-resolution (R = 30-100) spectrometer and visible context imager, a thermal (e.g. 6-16 mu m) imager for use during the flybys, and modified star tracker cameras to detect small (similar to 10 m) asteroids. The CASTAway spacecraft and payload have high levels of technology readiness and are designed to fit within the programmatic and cost caps for a European Space Agency medium class mission, while delivering a significant increase in knowledge of our Solar System. (C) 2017 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    The Combined Effects of Amino Acid Substitutions and Indels on the Evolution of Structure within Protein Families

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    BACKGROUND: In the process of protein evolution, sequence variations within protein families can cause changes in protein structures and functions. However, structures tend to be more conserved than sequences and functions. This leads to an intriguing question: what is the evolutionary mechanism by which sequence variations produce structural changes? To investigate this question, we focused on the most common types of sequence variations: amino acid substitutions and insertions/deletions (indels). Here their combined effects on protein structure evolution within protein families are studied. RESULTS: Sequence-structure correlation analysis on 75 homologous structure families (from SCOP) that contain 20 or more non-redundant structures shows that in most of these families there is, statistically, a bilinear correlation between the amount of substitutions and indels versus the degree of structure variations. Bilinear regression of percent sequence non-identity (PNI) and standardized number of gaps (SNG) versus RMSD was performed. The coefficients from the regression analysis could be used to estimate the structure changes caused by each unit of substitution (structural substitution sensitivity, SSS) and by each unit of indel (structural indel sensitivity, SIDS). An analysis on 52 families with high bilinear fitting multiple correlation coefficients and statistically significant regression coefficients showed that SSS is mainly constrained by disulfide bonds, which almost have no effects on SIDS. CONCLUSIONS: Structural changes in homologous protein families could be rationally explained by a bilinear model combining amino acid substitutions and indels. These results may further improve our understanding of the evolutionary mechanisms of protein structures