545 research outputs found

    Short-lived brominated hydrocarbons – observations in the source regions and the tropical tropopause layer

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    We conducted measurements of the five important short-lived organic bromine species in the marine boundary layer (MBL). Measurements were made in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes (Sylt Island, North Sea) in June 2009 and in the tropical Western Pacific during the TransBrom ship campaign in October 2009. For the one-week time series on Sylt Island, mean mixing ratios of CHBr3, CH2Br2, CHBr2Cl and CH2BrCl were 2.0, 1.1, 0.2, 0.1 ppt, respectively. We found maxima of 5.8 and 1.6 ppt for the two main components CHBr3 and CH2Br2. Along the cruise track in the Western Pacific (between 41° N and 13° S) we measured mean mixing ratios of 0.9, 0.9, 0.2, 0.1 and 0.1 ppt for CHBr3, CH2Br2, CHBrCl2, CHBr2Cl and CH2BrCl. Air samples with coastal influence showed considerably higher mixing ratios than the samples with open ocean origin. Correlation analyses of the two data sets yielded strong linear relationships between the mixing ratios of four of the five species (except for CH2BrCl). Using a combined data set from the two campaigns and a comparison with the results from two former studies, rough estimates of the molar emission ratios between the correlated substances were: 9/1/0.35/0.35 for CHBr3/CH2Br2/CHBrCl2/CHBr2Cl. Additional measurements were made in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) above Teresina (Brazil, 5° S) in June 2008, using balloon-borne cryogenic whole air sampling technique. Near the level of zero clear-sky net radiative heating (LZRH) at 14.8 km about 2.25 ppt organic bromine was bound to the five short-lived species, making up 13% of total organic bromine (17.82 ppt). CH2Br2 (1.45 ppt) and CHBr3 (0.56 ppt) accounted for 90% of the budget of short-lived compounds in that region. Near the tropopause (at 17.5 km) organic bromine from these substances was reduced to 1.35 ppt, with 1.07 and 0.12 ppt attributed to CH2Br2 and CHBr3, respectively

    Soft Photons from Off-shell Particles in a Hot Plasma

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    Considering the propagation of off-shell particles in the framework of thermal field theory, we present the general formalism for the calculation of the production rate of soft photons and dileptons from a hot plasma. This approach is illustrated with an electrodynamic plasma. The photon production rate from strongly interacting quarks in the quark-gluon plasma, which might be formed in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, is calculated in the previously unaccessible regime of photon energies of the order of the plasma temperature within an effective field theory incorporating dynamical chiral symmetry breaking.Comment: 8 pages in RevTeX format, 3 figures uuencoded postscript added. Also available by anonymous ftp at ftp://tpri6c.gsi.de/pub/phenning/qh95ga

    Two regularizations - two different models of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio

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    Two variants of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model -- the model with 4-dimensional cutoff and the model with dimensionally-analytical regularization -- are systematically compared. It is shown that they are, in essence, two different models of light-quark interaction. In the mean-field approximation the distinction becomes apparent in a behavior of scalar amplitude near the threshold. For 4-dimensional cutoff the pole term can be extracted, which corresponds to sigma-meson. For dimensionally-analytical regularization the singularity of the scalar amplitude is not pole, and this singularity is quite disappeared at some value of the regularization parameter. Still more essential distinction of these models exists in the next-to-leading order of mean-field expansion. The calculations of meson contributions in the quark chiral condensate and in the dynamical quark mass demonstrate, that these contributions though their relatively smallness can destabilize the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with 4-dimensional cutoff. On the contrary, the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with dimensionally-analytical regularization is stabilized with the next-to-leading order, i.e. the value of the regularization parameter shifts to the stability region, where these contributions decrease.Comment: 14 pages; Journal version; parameter fixing procedure is modifie

    The cryogenic system for the SLAC E158 experiment

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    E158 is a fixed target experiment at SLAC in which high energy (up to 48 GeV) polarized electrons are scattered off the unpolarized electrons in a 1.5 m long liquid hydrogen target. The total volume of liquid hydrogen in the system is 47.1. The beam can deposit as much as 700 W into the liquid hydrogen. Among the requirements for the system are: that density fluctuations in the liquid hydrogen be kept to a minimum, that the target can be moved out of the beam line while cold and replaced to within 2 mm and that the target survive lifetime radiation doses of up to 1×106 Gy. The cryogenic system for the experiment consists of the target itself, the cryostat containing the target, a refurbished CTI 4000 refrigerator providing more than 1 kW of cooling at 20 K and associated transfer lines and valve boxes. This paper discusses the requirements, design, construction, testing and operation of the cryogenic system. The unique features of the design associated with hydrogen safety and the high radiation field in which the target resides are also covered

    Modelling marine emissions and atmospheric distributions of halocarbons and dimethyl sulfide: the influence of prescribed water concentration vs. prescribed emissions

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    Marine-produced short-lived trace gases such as dibromomethane (CH2Br2), bromoform (CHBr3), methyliodide (CH3I) and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) significantly impact tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry. Describing their marine emissions in atmospheric chemistry models as accurately as possible is necessary to quantify their impact on ozone depletion and Earth's radiative budget. So far, marine emissions of trace gases have mainly been prescribed from emission climatologies, thus lacking the interaction between the actual state of the atmosphere and the ocean. Here we present simulations with the chemistry climate model EMAC (ECHAM5/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry) with online calculation of emissions based on surface water concentrations, in contrast to directly prescribed emissions. Considering the actual state of the model atmosphere results in a concentration gradient consistent with model real-time conditions at the ocean surface and in the atmosphere, which determine the direction and magnitude of the computed flux. This method has a number of conceptual and practical benefits, as the modelled emission can respond consistently to changes in sea surface temperature, surface wind speed, sea ice cover and especially atmospheric mixing ratio. This online calculation could enhance, dampen or even invert the fluxes (i.e. deposition instead of emissions) of very short-lived substances (VSLS). We show that differences between prescribing emissions and prescribing concentrations (−28 % for CH2Br2 to +11 % for CHBr3) result mainly from consideration of the actual, time-varying state of the atmosphere. The absolute magnitude of the differences depends mainly on the surface ocean saturation of each particular gas. Comparison to observations from aircraft, ships and ground stations reveals that computing the air–sea flux interactively leads in most of the cases to more accurate atmospheric mixing ratios in the model compared to the computation from prescribed emissions. Calculating emissions online also enables effective testing of different air–sea transfer velocity (k) parameterizations, which was performed here for eight different parameterizations. The testing of these different k values is of special interest for DMS, as recently published parameterizations derived by direct flux measurements using eddy covariance measurements suggest decreasing k values at high wind speeds or a linear relationship with wind speed. Implementing these parameterizations reduces discrepancies in modelled DMS atmospheric mixing ratios and observations by a factor of 1.5 compared to parameterizations with a quadratic or cubic relationship to wind spee

    Pion damping width from SU(2) x SU(2) NJL model

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    Within the framework of the NJL model, we investigate the modification of the pion damping width in a hot pion gas for temperatures ranging from 0 to 180 MeV. The pion is found to broaden noticeably at T > 60 MeV. Near the chiral phase transition T ~ 180 MeV, the pion width is saturated and amounts to 70 MeV. The main contribution to the width comes from pion-pion collisions. Other contributions are found negligibly small.Comment: LaTeX2e, 13 pages, 2 figure

    High-resolution FTIR spectroscopy and analysis of the Ka = 0 ← 1 subbands of the fundamentals ν3 and ν6 of the dimer (HF)2

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    We report new far-infrared spectra of (HF)2 obtained by high resolution long-path Fourier Transform-Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The origins of the two tunneling components of the Ka= 0 ← 1 subband of the in-plane symmetric bending fundamental ν3 were found to be at 450.4546 cm−1 (Γt: A+ ← B+) and at 451.4583 cm−1 (B+ ← A+), and of the Ka= 0 ← 1 subband of the out-of-plane bending fundamental ν6 at 382.0802 cm−1 (A+ ← A+) and at 383.2245 cm−1 (B+ ← B+). The Ka= 0 term values with respect to the ground state Γt = A+ term are 486.9442 cm−1 for the A+ and 486.8834 cm−1 for the B+ tunneling levels of ν3. They are 417.5053 cm−1 for the A− and 419.7140 cm−1 for the B− vibration-tunneling sublevels of ν6. The results are discussed in relation to full-dimensional quantum dynamics and predictions based on recent ab initio calculations and our empirically refined potential energy hypersurfaces. Graphical abstract

    ESS Target Moderator Cryogenic Plant : Process Design

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    The European Spallation Source (ESS) project is a neutron spallation source facility currently under construction outside Lund, Sweden. The ESS accelerator will deliver a 5 MW proton beam to a spallation target at 2.0 GeV with a nominal current of 62.5 mA to generate fast neutrons. The cooling of the spallation target with liquid hydrogen circulating in the cryogenic moderator system (CMS) transforms these fast neutrons to slow neutrons which compose the useful radiation. The liquid hydrogen itself is cooled by a helium refrigeration cycle, the target moderator cryogenic plant (TMCP) providing cooling capacity in a wide range of 2.3-31.8 kW at 15-20 K. TMCP\u27s maximum cooling capacity of 31.8 kW will make it the world\u27s largest plant of its kind. The TMCP project is challenging in many ways. The heat load of the CMS has to be removed precisely all the time by the TMCP. In addition the TMCP has to meet highly dynamic requirements as the heat load ceases quickly in case the proton beam trips off. Furthermore transitions within the wide cooling capacity range have to be achieved seamlessly. In this talk the progress of the TMCP engineering is summarized. Process design, control strategies, machine concept and layout are presented

    Hydrogen production by chemical-looping reforming in a circulating fluidized bed reactor using Ni-based oxygen carriers

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    7 pages, 11 figures,.- Available online November 18, 2008.This work presents the experimental results obtained during auto-thermal chemical-looping reforming (CLR) in a 900 Wth circulating fluidized bed reactor under continuous operation using methane as fuel. Two oxygen carriers based on NiO and supported on γ-Al2O3 and α-Al2O3 were used during more than 50 h of operation with each oxygen carrier. During operation the effect of different operating variables, like fuel reactor temperature, H2O/CH4 molar ratio and solid circulation rate, on CH4 conversion and gas product distribution was analyzed. It was found that in all operating conditions CH4 conversion was very high (>98%) and the most important variable affecting to the gas product distribution was the solid circulation rate, that is, NiO/CH4 molar ratio. Similar gas product distribution was obtained working with both oxygen carriers although at different NiO/CH4 molar ratios. The oxygen carrier of NiO on α-Al2O3 needed lower NiO/CH4 molar ratio to reach the same gas product composition than the oxygen carrier of NiO on γ-Al2O3. Working at optimal operating conditions, 2.5 moles of H2 per mol of CH4 could be obtained in this process. During operation the oxygen carrier particles maintained their physical and chemical properties. These results suggest that these oxygen carriers could have a high durability, being suitable oxygen carriers for a CLR system. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work was partially supported by the European Commission, under the 6th Framework Programme (CACHET Project, Contract no. 019972), and from the CCP2 (CO2 Capture Project), a partnership of BP, Chevron, Conoco-Phillips, Eni Technology, Norsk Hydro, Shell, Suncor, and Petrobras. M. Ortiz thanks Diputación General de Aragon for the F.P.I. fellowship.Peer Reviewe

    Epitaxial Lead Chalcogenides on Si for Mid-IR Detectors and Emitters Including Cavities

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    Lead chalcogenide (IV-VI narrow-gap semiconductor) layers on Si or BaF2(111) substrates are employed to realize two mid-infrared optoelectronic devices for the first time. A tunable resonant cavity enhanced detector is realized by employing a movable mirror. Tuning is across the 4μm to 5.5μm wavelength range, and linewidth is <0.1μm. Due to the thin (0.3μm) PbTe photodiode inside the cavity, a higher sensitivity at higher operating temperatures was achieved as compared to conventional thick photodiodes. The second device is an optically pumped vertical external-cavity surface-emitting laser with PbTe-based gain layers. It emits at ∼5μm wavelength and with output power up to 50mW pulsed, or 3mW continuous wave at 100