285 research outputs found

    Die Engagementelite:zur Rekrutierung ehrenamtlicher Führungskräfte in gemeinnützigen Organisationen

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    Ehrenamtliche Führungskräfte gemeinnütziger Organisationen sind gesellschaftliche Eliten. Diese These soll mit der Dissertation „Die Engagementelite“ zunächst in Auseinandersetzung mit Forschungsliteratur der Bereiche Eliteforschung, Dritte-Sektor Forschung und Engagementforschung untermauert werden. In den anschließenden statistischen Auswertungen werden die Rekrutierungswege ehrenamtlicher Führungskräfte hinsichtlich ihrer zeitlichen Strukturen, ihrer Aussagekraft über Muster sozialer Ungleichheit im bürgerschaftlichen Engagement und der Differenzen zwischen den einzelnen Bereichen des Dritte Sektors untersucht. Dabei zeigt sich u.a. eine Differenz in der sozialstrukturellen Einbettung der Engagementeliten danach, ob sie in Bereichen des Dritten Sektors aktiv sind, die vorwiegend Dienstleistungen für externe Nachfrage (z.B. freie Wohlfahrtspflege) oder eigene Mitglieder (z.B. Sport) erbringen oder in Bereichen der politischen Interessenvermittlung (z.B. Umwelt- und Naturschutz)

    A Low Noise and High Dynamic Charge Sensitive Amplifier-Shaper associated with Silicon Strip Detector for Compton Camera in hadrontherapy

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    submitted to conference record of IEEE NSS-MIC, Anaheim USA, 29 october-3 november 2012International audienceA 8 channel Front End Electronics (FEE) circuit has been designed and fabricated in 0.35 μm CMOS process from Austria Micro System to be coupled with the Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) of the Compton Camera for quality control of hadrontherapy. Each channel includes a Charge Sensitive Amplifier (CSA) followed by two parallel CR-RC shapers. Slow and fast shapers, with 1 μs and 15 ns shaping time, are used to measure the energy and to time stamp all events respectively. The two sides of the SSD are read thanks to a configurable system for holes and electrons. The CSA presents an open loop gain of 67 dB and 90 degrees phase margin assuring a high stability. The circuit has been successfully tested. The test results are in good agreement with analytic and simulation calculations. Here, we describe the principles and present measured performances of the prototype. A high linearity over the range of 3E3 to 3E6 electrons is reached with a conversion gain of 3.6 mV/fC. The circuit achieves an ENC (Equivalent Noise Charge) of 412 electrons rms. 75% of the total noise is generated by the small value of the feedback resistor chosen to avoid pile up phenomenon due to the 1E5 hits/s occupancy rate. A cross-talk of 2 % was measured, 99% of which is due to the power supply disturbances. The power supply dissipation is 21 mW/channel for 3.3 V supply voltage. The area of this design is 2871×1881 μm2 including pads

    Double di ffential fragmentation cross sections measurements of 95 MeV/u 12C on thin targets for hadrontherapy

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    During therapeutic treatment with heavy ions like carbon, the beam undergoes nuclear fragmentation and secondary light charged particles, in particular protons and alpha particles, are produced. To estimate the dose deposited into the tumors and the surrounding healthy tissues, an accurate prediction on the fluences of these secondary fragments is necessary. Nowadays, a very limited set of double di ffential carbon fragmentation cross sections are being measured in the energy range used in hadrontherapy (40 to 400 MeV/u). Therefore, new measurements are performed to determine the double di ffential cross section of carbon on di erent thin targets. This work describes the experimental results of an experiment performed on May 2011 at GANIL. The double di ffential cross sections and the angular distributions of secondary fragments produced in the 12C fragmentation at 95 MeV/u on thin targets (C, CH2, Al, Al2O3, Ti and PMMA) have been measured. The experimental setup will be precisely described, the systematic error study will be explained and all the experimental data will be presented.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Instrumentation pour le suivi en ligne des traitements par hadronthérapie

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    National audienceInstrumentation for on-line monitoring of hadrontherapy treatments Localization of the dose deposited in the patient is a key point for the hadrontherapy cancer treatment. Different modalities of on-line control are explored, motivating acquisition systems and detectors developments, such as a Compton gamma camera, a proton trajectometer and a beam hodoscope

    Comparison of two analysis methods for nuclear reaction measurements of 12C +12C interactions at 95 MeV/u for hadrontherapy

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    During therapeutic treatment with heavier ions like carbon, the beam undergoes nuclear fragmentation and secondary light charged particles, in particular protons and alpha particles, are produced. To estimate the dose deposited into the tumors and the surrounding healthy tissues, the accuracy must be higher than (±\pm3% and±\pm1 mm). Therefore, measurements are performed to determine the double differential cross section for different reactions. In this paper, the analysis of data from 12C +12C reactions at 95 MeV/u are presented. The emitted particles are detected with \DeltaEthin-\DeltaEthick-E telescopes made of a stack of two silicon detectors and a CsI crystal. Two different methods are used to identify the particles. One is based on graphical cuts onto the \DeltaE-E maps, the second is based on the so-called KaliVeda method using a functional description of \DeltaE versus E. The results of the two methods will be presented in this paper as well as the comparison between both

    Discriminative stimulus effects of pentobarbital in pigeons

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    Pigeons were trained to discriminate the IM injection of pentobarbital (5 or 10 mg/kg) from saline in a task in which 20 consecutive pecks on one of two response keys produced access to mixed grain. Pentobarbital (1.0–17.8 mg/kg) produced a dose-related increase in the percentage of the total session responses that occurred on the pentobarbital-appropriate key. The concomitant administration of bemegride (5.6–17.8 mg/kg) antagonized the discriminative control of behavior exerted by the training dose of pentobarbital. Benzodiazepines, diazepam (1.0 mg/kg) and clobazam (3.2 mg/kg), and barbiturates, methohexital (10 mg/kg), phenobarbital (56 mg/kg), and barbital (56 mg/kg), produced responding on the pentobarbital-appropriate key similar to that produced by pentobarbital. In contrast, narcotics such as morphine, ethylketazocine, cyclazocine, and SKF-10,047, at doses up to and including those that markedly suppressed response rates, produced responding predominantly on the saline-appropriate key. Similarly, the anticonvulsants, valproate, phenytoin, and ethosuximide occasioned only saline-appropriate behavior, indicating that not all anticonvulsants share discriminative stimulus effects with pentobarbital. Muscimol, a direct GABA agonist, and baclofen, a structural analogue of GABA, also failed to produce pentobarbital-appropriate responding. Ketamine, dextrorphan, and ethanol (0.3–3.2 g/kg, orally) produced intermediate levels of pentobarbital-appropriate responding, suggesting that the discriminative effects of these drugs may be somewhat like those of pentobarbital.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46416/1/213_2004_Article_BF00433247.pd

    Wyniki leczenia topiramatem padaczki u osób w podeszłym wieku

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    Cele. Ocena skuteczności, tolerancji i jakości życia u starszych pacjentów z padaczką, leczonych topiramatem. Metody. Otwarte, trwające rok badanie kliniczne z elastycznym dawkowaniem. Wyniki. Przebadano 107 pacjentów (średni wiek 69 lat; 53% mężczyzn) przez okres 273 &#177; 141 dni. Średnia dawka, którą osiąga- no ostatecznie w monoterapii, wynosiła 98 mg/dobę - w porównaniu z 153 mg/dobę w ramach leczenia wspomagającego. Średnia skumulowana miesięczna częstość napadów padaczkowych zmniejszyła się z 3,7 &#177; 15 do 1,6 &#177; 7,7 (n = 101; p < 0,0001). U 78% pacjentów z napadami padaczkowymi w momencie rozpoczęcia badania (n = 102) osiągnięto przynajmniej 50-procentową redukcję częstości napadów, 44% nie miało napadów w okresie badania. Całkowita punktacja w skali jakości &#348;ycia osób z padaczką (QOLIE-31) poprawiła się z 57 &#177; 17 na 68 &#177; 18 (n = 64; p < 0,0001). Najczęściej zgłaszanymi zdarzeniami niepożądanymi były drgawki, zawroty głowy i zmęczenie. Wnioski. Pacjenci w starszym wieku leczeni topiramatem osiągali wyraźne zmniejszenie liczby napadów padaczkowych i istotną poprawę w zakresie licznych aspektów jakości życia przy dobrej tolerancji leku

    Targeting a Versatile Actuator for EU-DEMO: Real Time Monitoring of Pellet Delivery to Facilitate Burn Control

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    Core particle fueling, an essential task in the European demonstration fusion power plant EU-DEMO, relies on adequate pellet injection. However, pellets are fragile objects, and their delivery efficiency can hardly be assumed to be unity. Exploring kinetic control of the EU-DEMO1 scenario indicates that such missed-out pellets do cause a considerable problem for keeping a burning plasma. Missed-out pellets can cause a severe drop of plasma density that in turn results in a potential drastic loss of burn power. Efforts are under way at the ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) tokamak aiming to provide real-time monitoring of pellet arrival and announcement of missed-out cases to the control systems. To further optimize the controllers, system identification experiments have been performed to identify the dynamic response of the system to the actuator