60 research outputs found

    Investigating the potential to retrieve cloud droplet number concentration from ship-based measurements of spectral solar radiance during EUREC4A

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    Ship-based cloud remote sensing observations made onboard R/V Meteor during the ElUcidating the RolE of Cloud-Circulation Coupling in ClimAte, EUREC4A, campaign are presented and used to calculate cloud droplet number concentrations. The calculation is based on cloud liquid water path LWP and droplet effective radius reff retrieved from spectral measurements of transmitted solar radiance. It is shown that measurement uncertainties and retrieval assumptions impact the accuracy of the results. A case study indicates that the retrieval of LWP and reff is most affected by 3D-radiative effects in case of shallow cumulus and drizzle, which violates the adiabatic theory and plan-parallel geometry on which the radiative transfer simulations of the retrieval are based. Depending on the cloud thickness, the retrieval of reff might suffers from ambiguity. These retrieval uncertainties and their implications on the estimated cloud droplet number concentration are investigated by a sensitivity study. The analysis showed that most of the uncertainty is introduced by reff, whereas LWP contributes significantly to the uncertainty only for thin clouds. Therefore, it is concluded that only selected cloud cases, which do not violate the retrieval assumption, such as stratiform cloud layers, are suited to apply the retrieval approach in further studies.Fernerkundungsmessungen von Wolken auf dem Forschungsschiff R/V Meteor wĂ€hrend der ElUcidating the RolE of Cloud-Circulation Coupling in ClimAte, EUREC4A, Kampagnewerden vorgestellt und zur Berechnung der Tröpfchenanzahlkonzentration verwendet. Die Berechnung basiert auf Messungen des FlĂŒssigwasserpfads LWP und dem effektiven Tröpfchenradius reff, welche aus spektralen Messungen der transmittierten solaren Strahldichte abgeleitet wurden. Es wird gezeigt, dass Messunsicherheiten und Annahmen bei der Ableitung der Wolkeneigenschaften die Genauigkeit der Ergebnisse beeinflussen. Eine Fallstudie zeigt, dass die Ableitung von LWP und reff am stĂ€rksten durch 3-dimensionale Strahlungseffekte von flachen Cumuli und Nieselregen beeinflusst wird. Beides wiederspricht den Idealisierungen von adiabatischen Wolken und einer planparallelen Geometrie, auf denen die Strahlungstransfersimulationen des Verfahrens beruhen. AbhĂ€ngig von der Wolkendicke kann die Ableitung von reff zusĂ€tzlich durch Mehrdeutigkeiten beeinflusst sein

    Evaluation of micro rain radar-based precipitation classification algorithms to discriminate between stratiform and convective precipitation

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    In this paper, we present two micro rain radar-based approaches to discriminate between stratiform and convective precipitation. One is based on probability density functions (PDFs) in combination with a confidence function, and the other one is an artificial neural network (ANN) classification. Both methods use the maximum radar reflectivity per profile, the maximum of the observed mean Doppler velocity per profile and the maximum of the temporal standard deviation (±15 min) of the observed mean Doppler velocity per profile from a micro rain radar (MRR). Training and testing of the algorithms were performed using a 2-year data set from the JĂŒlich Observatory for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE). Both methods agree well, giving similar results. However, the results of the ANN are more decisive since it is also able to distinguish an inconclusive class, in turn making the stratiform and convective classes more reliable.</p

    The DACAPO-PESO campaign: Dynamics, Aerosol, Cloud and Precipitation Observations in the Pristine Environment of the Southern Ocean: An overview

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    This article gives an overview of the DACAPO-PESO field experiment, which has taken place in Punta Arenas, Chile, from November 2018 to November 2021, and showcases first exciting research results that have already emerged from it.In diesem Artikel wird ein Überblick ĂŒber das DACAPO-PESO Experiment gegeben, welches von November 2018 bis November 2021 in Punta Arenas, Chile, stattgefunden hat. Außerdem werden erste spannende Forschungsergebnisse vorgestellt, die bereits daraus gewonnen wurden

    In-situ observations of young contrails – overview and selected results from the CONCERT campaign

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    Lineshaped contrails were detected with the research aircraft Falcon during the CONCERT – CONtrail and Cirrus ExpeRimenT – campaign in October/November 2008. The Falcon was equipped with a set of instruments to measure the particle size distribution, shape, extinction and chemical composition as well as trace gas mixing ratios of sulfur dioxide (SO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;), reactive nitrogen and halogen species (NO, NO&lt;sub&gt;y&lt;/sub&gt;, HNO&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;, HONO, HCl), ozone (O&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;) and carbon monoxide (CO). During 12 mission flights over Europe, numerous contrails, cirrus clouds and a volcanic aerosol layer were probed at altitudes between 8.5 and 11.6 km and at temperatures above 213 K. 22 contrails from 11 different aircraft were observed near and below ice saturation. The observed NO mixing ratios, ice crystal and soot number densities are compared to a process based contrail model. On 19 November 2008 the contrail from a CRJ-2 aircraft was penetrated in 10.1 km altitude at a temperature of 221 K. The contrail had mean ice crystal number densities of 125 cm&lt;sup&gt;−3&lt;/sup&gt; with effective radii &lt;i&gt;r&lt;/i&gt;&lt;sub&gt;eff&lt;/sub&gt; of 2.6 ÎŒm. The presence of particles with &lt;i&gt;r&lt;/i&gt;&gt;50 ÎŒm in the less than 2 min old contrail suggests that natural cirrus crystals were entrained in the contrail. Mean HONO/NO (HONO/NO&lt;sub&gt;y&lt;/sub&gt;) ratios of 0.037 (0.024) and the fuel sulfur conversion efficiency to H&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;SO&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt; (&amp;epsilon;&lt;sub&gt;&lt;i&gt;S&lt;/i&gt;↓&lt;/sub&gt;) of 2.9 % observed in the CRJ-2 contrail are in the range of previous measurements in the gaseous aircraft exhaust. On 31 October 2010 aviation NO emissions could have contributed by more than 40% to the regional scale NO levels in the mid-latitude lowest stratosphere. The CONCERT observations help to better quantify the climate impact from contrails and will be used to investigate the chemical processing of trace gases on contrails

    Constraints on simulated past Arctic amplification and lapse rate feedback from observations

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    The Arctic has warmed more rapidly than the global mean during the past few decades. The lapse rate feedback (LRF) has been identified as being a large contributor to the Arctic amplification (AA) of climate change. This particular feedback arises from the vertically non-uniform warming of the troposphere, which in the Arctic emerges as strong near-surface and muted free-tropospheric warming. Stable stratification and meridional energy transport are two characteristic processes that are evoked as causes for this vertical warming structure. Our aim is to constrain these governing processes by making use of detailed observations in combination with the large climate model ensemble of the sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). We build on the result that CMIP6 models show a large spread in AA and Arctic LRF, which are positively correlated for the historical period of 1951–2014. Thus, we present process-oriented constraints by linking characteristics of the current climate to historical climate simulations. In particular, we compare a large consortium of present-day observations to co-located model data from subsets that show a weak and strong simulated AA and Arctic LRF in the past. Our analyses suggest that the vertical temperature structure of the Arctic boundary layer is more realistically depicted in climate models with weak (w) AA and Arctic LRF (CMIP6/w) in the past. In particular, CMIP6/w models show stronger inversions in the present climate for boreal autumn and winter and over sea ice, which is more consistent with the observations. These results are based on observations from the year-long Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition in the central Arctic, long-term measurements at the Utqiaġvik site in Alaska, USA, and dropsonde temperature profiling from aircraft campaigns in the Fram Strait. In addition, the atmospheric energy transport from lower latitudes that can further mediate the warming structure in the free troposphere is more realistically represented by CMIP6/w models. In particular, CMIP6/w models systemically simulate a weaker Arctic atmospheric energy transport convergence in the present climate for boreal autumn and winter, which is more consistent with fifth generation reanalysis of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ERA5). We further show a positive relationship between the magnitude of the present-day transport convergence and the strength of past AA. With respect to the Arctic LRF, we find links between the changes in transport pathways that drive vertical warming structures and local differences in the LRF. This highlights the mediating influence of advection on the Arctic LRF and motivates deeper studies to explicitly link spatial patterns of Arctic feedbacks to changes in the large-scale circulation

    The Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH)

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    The Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) had a Special Observing Period (SOP) that ran from November 16, 2018 to February 15, 2019, a period chosen to span the austral warm season months of greatest operational activity in the Antarctic. Some 2200 additional radiosondes were launched during the 3-month SOP, roughly doubling the routine program, and the network of drifting buoys in the Southern Ocean was enhanced. An evaluation of global model forecasts during the SOP and using its data has confirmed that extratropical Southern Hemisphere forecast skill lags behind that in the Northern Hemisphere with the contrast being greatest between the southern and northern polar regions. Reflecting the application of the SOP data, early results from observing system experiments show that the additional radiosondes

    Atmospheric and Surface Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms Determining Arctic Amplification: A Review of First Results and Prospects of the (AC)3 Project

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    Mechanisms behind the phenomenon of Arctic amplification are widely discussed. To contribute to this debate, the (AC)3 project has been established in 2016. It comprises modeling and data analysis efforts as well as observational elements. The project has assembled a wealth of ground-based, airborne, ship-borne, and satellite data of physical, chemical, and meteorological properties of the Arctic atmosphere, cryosphere, and upper ocean that are available for the Arctic climate research community. Short-term changes and indications of long-term trends in Arctic climate parameters have been detected using existing and new data
