1,945 research outputs found

    Transcritical flow of a stratified fluid: The forced extended Korteweg-de Vries model

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    Transcritical, or resonant, flow of a stratified fluid over an obstacle is studied using a forced extended Korteweg-de Vries model. This model is particularly relevant for a two-layer fluid when the layer depths are near critical, but can also be useful in other similar circumstances. Both quadratic and cubic nonlinearities are present and they are balanced by third-order dispersion. We consider both possible signs for the cubic nonlinear term but emphasize the less-studied case when the cubic nonlinear term and the dispersion term have the same-signed coefficients. In this case, our numerical computations show that two kinds of solitary waves are found in certain parameter regimes. One kind is similar to those of the well-known forced Korteweg-de Vries model and occurs when the cubic nonlinear term is rather small, while the other kind is irregularly generated waves of variable amplitude, which may continually interact. To explain this phenomenon, we develop a hydraulic theory in which the dispersion term in the model is omitted. This theory can predict the occurence of upstream and downstream undular bores, and these predictions are found to agree quite well with the numerical computations. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.published_or_final_versio

    Seasonal oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus benthic cycling along an impacted Baltic Sea estuary: regulation and spatial patterns

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    The regulatory roles of temperature, eutrophication and oxygen availability on benthic nitrogen (N) cycling and the stoichiometry of regenerated nitrogen and phosphorus (P) were explored along a Baltic Sea estuary affected by treated sewage discharge. Rates of sediment denitrification, anammox, dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA), nutrient exchange, oxygen (O-2) uptake and penetration were measured seasonally. Sediments not affected by the nutrient plume released by the sewage treatment plant (STP) showed a strong seasonality in rates of O-2 uptake and coupled nitrification-denitrification, with anammox never accounting for more than 20 % of the total dinitrogen (N-2) production. N cycling in sediments close to the STP was highly dependent on oxygen availability, which masked temperature-related effects. These sediments switched from low N loss and high ammonium (NH4 (+)) efflux under hypoxic conditions in the fall, to a major N loss system in the winter when the sediment surface was oxidized. In the fall DNRA outcompeted denitrification as the main nitrate (NO3 (-)) reduction pathway, resulting in N recycling and potential spreading of eutrophication. A comparison with historical records of nutrient discharge and denitrification indicated that the total N loss in the estuary has been tightly coupled to the total amount of nutrient discharge from the STP. Changes in dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) released from the STP agreed well with variations in sedimentary N-2 removal. This indicates that denitrification and anammox efficiently counterbalance N loading in the estuary across the range of historical and present-day anthropogenic nutrient discharge. Overall low N/P ratios of the regenerated nutrient fluxes impose strong N limitation for the pelagic system and generate a high potential for nuisance cyanobacterial blooms

    Single cell analyses reveal contrasting life strategies of the two main nitrifiers in the ocean

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    Nitrification, the oxidation of ammonia via nitrite to nitrate, is a key process in marine nitrogen (N) cycling. Although oceanic ammonia and nitrite oxidation are balanced, ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) vastly outnumber the main nitrite oxidizers, the bacterial Nitrospinae. The ecophysiological reasons for this discrepancy in abundance are unclear. Here, we compare substrate utilization and growth of Nitrospinae to AOA in the Gulf of Mexico. Based on our results, more than half of the Nitrospinae cellular N-demand is met by the organic-N compounds urea and cyanate, while AOA mainly assimilate ammonium. Nitrospinae have, under in situ conditions, around four-times higher biomass yield and five-times higher growth rates than AOA, despite their ten-fold lower abundance. Our combined results indicate that differences in mortality between Nitrospinae and AOA, rather than thermodynamics, biomass yield and cell size, determine the abundances of these main marine nitrifiers. Furthermore, there is no need to invoke yet undiscovered, abundant nitrite oxidizers to explain nitrification rates in the ocean

    Nitrate respiration and diel migration patterns of diatoms are linked in sediments underneath a microbial mat

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    Diatoms are among the few eukaryotes known to store nitrate (NO3−) and to use it as an electron acceptor for respiration in the absence of light and O2. Using microscopy and 15N stable isotope incubations, we studied the relationship between dissimilatory nitrate/nitrite reduction to ammonium (DNRA) and diel vertical migration of diatoms in phototrophic microbial mats and the underlying sediment of a sinkhole in Lake Huron (USA). We found that the diatoms rapidly accumulated NO3− at the mat-water interface in the afternoon and 40% of the population migrated deep into the sediment, where they were exposed to dark and anoxic conditions for ~75% of the day. The vertical distribution of DNRA rates and diatom abundance maxima coincided, suggesting that DNRA was the main energy generating metabolism of the diatom population. We conclude that the illuminated redox-dynamic ecosystem selects for migratory diatoms that can store nitrate for respiration in the absence of light. A major implication of this study is that the dominance of DNRA over denitrification is not explained by kinetics or thermodynamics. Rather, the dynamic conditions select for migratory diatoms that perform DNRA and can outcompete sessile denitrifiers

    Working with Children with Learning Disabilities and/or who Communicate Non-verbally: Research experiences and their implications for social work education, increased participation and social inclusion

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    Social exclusion, although much debated in the UK, frequently focuses on children as a key 'at risk' group. However, some groups, such as disabled children, receive less consideration. Similarly, despite both UK and international policy and guidance encouraging the involvement of disabled children and their right to participate in decision-making arenas, they are frequently denied this right. UK based evidence suggests that disabled children's participation lags behind that of their non-disabled peers, often due to social work practitioners' lack of skills, expertise and knowledge on how to facilitate participation. The exclusion of disabled children from decision-making in social care processes echoes their exclusion from participation in society. This paper seeks to begin to address this situation, and to provide some examples of tools that social work educators can introduce into pre- and post-qualifying training programmes, as well as in-service training. The paper draws on the experiences of researchers using non-traditional qualitative research methods, especially non-verbal methods, and describes two research projects, focusing on the methods employed to communicate with and involve disabled children, the barriers encountered and lessons learnt. Some of the ways in which these methods of communication can inform social work education are explored alongside wider issues of how and if increased communication can facilitate greater social inclusion

    Purple sulfur bacteria fix N-2 via molybdenum-nitrogenase in a low molybdenum Proterozoic ocean analogue

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    Biological N-2 fixation was key to the expansion of life on early Earth. The N-2-fixing microorganisms and the nitrogenase type used in the Proterozoic are unknown, although it has been proposed that the canonical molybdenum-nitrogenase was not used due to low molybdenum availability. We investigate N-2 fixation in Lake Cadagno, an analogue system to the sulfidic Proterozoic continental margins, using a combination of biogeochemical, molecular and single cell techniques. In Lake Cadagno, purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) are responsible for high N-2 fixation rates, to our knowledge providing the first direct evidence for PSB in situ N-2 fixation. Surprisingly, no alternative nitrogenases are detectable, and N-2 fixation is exclusively catalyzed by molybdenum-nitrogenase. Our results show that molybdenum-nitrogenase is functional at low molybdenum conditions in situ and that in contrast to previous beliefs, PSB may have driven N-2 fixation in the Proterozoic ocean. N-2 fixation was key to the expansion of life on Earth, but which organisms fixed N-2 and if Mo-nitrogenase was functional in the low Mo early ocean is unknown. Here, the authors show that purple sulfur bacteria fix N-2 using Mo-nitrogenase in a Proterozoic ocean analogue, despite low Mo conditions

    Small sinking particles control anammox rates in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone

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    Anaerobic oxidation of ammonium (anammox) in oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) is a major pathway of oceanic nitrogen loss. Ammonium released from sinking particles has been suggested to fuel this process. During cruises to the Peruvian OMZ in April–June 2017 we found that anammox rates are strongly correlated with the volume of small particles (128–512 ”m), even though anammox bacteria were not directly associated with particles. This suggests that the relationship between anammox rates and particles is related to the ammonium released from particles by remineralization. To investigate this, ammonium release from particles was modelled and theoretical encounters of free-living anammox bacteria with ammonium in the particle boundary layer were calculated. These results indicated that small sinking particles could be responsible for ~75% of ammonium release in anoxic waters and that free-living anammox bacteria frequently encounter ammonium in the vicinity of smaller particles. This indicates a so far underestimated role of abundant, slow-sinking small particles in controlling oceanic nutrient budgets, and furthermore implies that observations of the volume of small particles could be used to estimate N-loss across large areas

    Spatial and temporal patterns of pore water chemistry in the inter-tidal zone of a high energy beach

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    Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is a ubiquitous source of meteoric fresh groundwater and recirculating seawater to the coastal ocean. Due to the hidden distribution of SGD, as well as the hydraulic- and stratigraphy-driven spatial and temporal heterogeneities, one of the biggest challenges to date is the correct assessment of SGD-driven constituent fluxes. Here, we present results from a 3-dimensional seasonal sampling campaign of a shallow subterranean estuary in a high-energy, meso-tidal beach, Spiekeroog Island, Northern Germany. We determined beach topography and analyzed physico-chemical and biogeochemical parameters such as salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, Fe(II) and dissolved organic matter fluorescence (FDOM). Overall, the highest gradients in pore water chemistry were found in the cross-shore direction. In particular, a strong physico-chemical differentiation between the tidal high water and low water line was found and reflected relatively stable in- and exfiltrating conditions in these areas. Contrastingly, in between, the pore water compositions in the existing foreshore ridge and runnel system were very heterogeneous on a spatial and temporal scale. The reasons for this observation may be the strong morphological changes that occur throughout the entire year, which affect the exact locations and heights of the ridge and runnel structures and associated flow paths. Further, seasonal changes in temperature and inland hydraulic head, and the associated effect on microbial mediated redox reactions likely overprint these patterns. In the long-shore direction the pore water chemistry varied less than the along the cross-shore direction. Variation in long-shore direction was probably occurring due to topography changes of the ridge-runnel structure and a physical heterogeneity of the sediment, which produced non-uniform groundwater flow conditions. We conclude that on meso-tidal high energy beaches, the rapidly changing beach morphology produces zones with different approximations to steady-state conditions. Therefore, we suggest that zone-specific endmember sampling is the optimal strategy to reduce uncertainties of SGD-driven constituent fluxes
