276 research outputs found

    The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: radiative heating by OB stars

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    Radiative feedback can influence subsequent star formation. We quantify the heating from OB stars in the local star-forming regions in the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) Gould Belt Survey. Dust temperatures are calculated from 450/850 ÎŒm flux ratios from SCUBA-2 observations at the JCMT assuming a fixed dust opacity spectral index ÎČ = 1.8. Mean dust temperatures are calculated for each submillimetre clump along with projected distances from the main OB star in the region. Temperature versus distance is fitted with a simple model of dust heating by the OB star radiation plus the interstellar radiation field and dust cooling through optically thin radiation. Classifying the heating sources by spectral type, O-type stars produce the greatest clump average temperature rises and largest heating extent, with temperatures of over 40 K and significant heating out to at least 2.4 pc. Early-type B stars (B4 and above) produce temperatures of over 20 K and significant heating over 0.4 pc. Late-type B stars show a marginal heating effect within 0.2 pc. For a given projected distance, there is a significant scatter in clump temperatures that is due to local heating by other luminous stars in the region, projection effects, or shadowing effects. Even in these local, ‘low-mass’ star-forming regions, radiative feedback is having an effect on parsec scales, with 24 per cent of the clumps heated to at least 3 K above the 15 K base temperature expected from heating by only the interstellar radiation field, and a mean dust temperature for heated clumps of 24 K

    Goonhilly: a new site for e-MERLIN and the EVN

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    The benefits for the e-MERLIN and EVN arrays of using antennae at the satellite communication station at Goonhilly in Cornwall are discussed. The location of this site - new to astronomy - will provide an almost equal distribution of long baselines in the east-west- and north-south directions, and opens up the possibility to get significantly improved observations of equatorial fields with e-MERLIN. These additional baselines will improve the sensitivity on a set of critical spatial scales and will increase the angular resolution of e-MERLIN by a factor of two. e-MERLIN observations, including many allocated under the e-MERLIN Legacy programme, will benefit from the enhanced angular resolution and imaging capability especially for sources close to or below the celestial equator (where ESO facilities such as ALMA will operate) of including the Goonhilly telescopes. Furthermore, the baselines formed between Goonhilly and the existing stations will close the gap between the baselines of e-MERLIN and those of the European VLBI Network (EVN) and therefore enhance the legacy value of e-MERLIN datasets.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figue

    The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: the effect of molecular contamination in SCUBA-2 observations of Orion A

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    Thermal emission from cold dust grains in giant molecular clouds can be used to probe the physical properties, such as density, temperature and emissivity in star-forming regions. We present the SCUBA-2 shared-risk observations at 450 ÎŒ\mum and 850 ÎŒ\mum of the Orion A molecular cloud complex taken at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). Previous studies showed that molecular emission lines can contribute significantly to the measured fluxes in those continuum bands. We use the HARP 12^{12}CO J=3-2 integrated intensity map for Orion A in order to evaluate the molecular line contamination and its effects on the SCUBA-2 maps. With the corrected fluxes, we have obtained a new spectral index α\alpha map for the thermal emission of dust in the well-known integral-shaped filament. Furthermore, we compare a sample of 33 sources, selected over the Orion A molecular cloud complex for their high 12^{12}CO J=3-2 line contamination, to 27 previously identified clumps in OMC-4. This allows us to quantify the effect of line contamination on the ratio of 850 ÎŒ\mum to 450 ÎŒ\mum flux densities and how it modifies the deduced spectral index of emissivity ÎČ\beta for the dust grains. We also show that at least one Spitzer-identified protostellar core in OMC-5 has a 12^{12}CO J=3-2 contamination level of 16 %. Furthermore, we find the strongest contamination level (44 %) towards a young star with disk near OMC-2. This work is part of the JCMT Gould Belt Legacy Survey.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS

    The Physical and Chemical Structure of Hot Molecular Cores

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    We have made self-consistent models of the density and temperature profiles of the gas and dust surrounding embedded luminous objects using a detailed radiative transfer model together with observations of the spectral energy distribution of hot molecular cores. Using these profiles we have investigated the hot core chemistry which results when grain mantles are evaporated, taking into account the different binding energies of the mantle molecules, as well a model in which we assume that all molecules are embedded in water ice and have a common binding energy. We find that most of the resulting column densities are consistent with those observed toward the hot core G34.3+0.15 at a time around 104^4 years after central luminous star formation. We have also investigated the dependence of the chemical structure on the density profile which suggests an observational possibility of constraining density profiles from determination of the source sizes of line emission from desorbed molecules.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Expanding e-MERLIN with the Goonhilly Earth Station

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    A consortium of universities has recently been formed with the goal of using the decommissioned telecommunications infrastructure at the Goonhilly Earth Station in Cornwall, UK, for astronomical purposes. One particular goal is the introduction of one or more of the ~30-metre parabolic antennas into the existing e-MERLIN radio interferometer. This article introduces this scheme and presents some simulations which quantify the improvements that would be brought to the e-MERLIN system. These include an approximate doubling of the spatial resolution of the array, an increase in its N-S extent with strong implications for imaging the most well-studied equatorial fields, accessible to ESO facilities including ALMA. It also increases the overlap between the e-MERLIN array and the European VLBI Network. We also discuss briefly some niche science areas in which an e-MERLIN array which included a receptor at Goonhilly would be potentially world-leading, in addition to enhancing the existing potential of e-MERLIN in its role as a Square Kilometer Array pathfinder instrument.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of "Astronomy with megastructures: Joint science with the E-ELT and SKA", 10-14 May 2010, Crete, Greece (Eds: Isobel Hook, Dimitra Rigopoulou, Steve Rawlings and Aris Karastergiou

    APECS - The Atacama Pathfinder Experiment Control System

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    APECS is the distributed control system of the new Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) telescope located on the Llano de Chajnantor at an altitude of 5107 m in the Atacama desert in northern Chile. APECS is based on Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) software and employs a modern, object-oriented design using the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) as the middleware. New generic device interfaces simplify adding instruments to the control system. The Python based observer command scripting language allows using many existing software libraries and facilitates creating more complex observing modes. A new self-descriptive raw data format (Multi-Beam FITS or MBFITS) has been defined to store the multi-beam, multi-frequency data. APECS provides an online pipeline for initial calibration, observer feedback and a quick-look display. APECS is being used for regular science observations in local and remote mode since August 2005.Comment: 4 pages, A&A, accepte

    The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: radiative heating by OB stars

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    This is the final version. Available from Oxford University Press via the DOI in this recordRadiative feedback can influence subsequent star formation. We quantify the heating from OB stars in the local starforming regions in the JCMT Gould Belt survey. Dust temperatures are calculated from 450/850 ”m flux ratios from SCUBA-2 observations at the JCMT assuming a fixed dust opacity spectral index ÎČ = 1.8. Mean dust temperatures are calculated for each submillimetre clump along with projected distances from the main OB star in the region. Temperature vs. distance is fit with a simple model of dust heating by the OB star radiation plus the interstellar radiation field and dust cooling through optically thin radiation. Classifying the heating sources by spectral type, O-type stars produce the greatest clump average temperature rises and largest heating extent, with temperatures over 40 K and significant heating out to at least 2.4 pc. Early-type B stars (B4 and above) produce temperatures of over 20 K and significant heating over 0.4 pc. Late-type B stars show a marginal heating effect within 0.2 pc. For a given projected distance, there is a significant scatter in clump temperatures that is due to local heating by other luminous stars in the region, projection effects, or shadowing effects. Even in these local, ‘low-mass’ star-forming regions, radiative feedback is having an effect on parsec scales, with 24% of the clumps heated to at least 3 K above the 15 K base temperature expected from heating by only the interstellar radiation field, and a mean dust temperature for heated clumps of 24 K.Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC

    Interferometric multi-wavelength (sub)millimeter continuum study of the young high-mass protocluster IRAS05358+3543

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    The young massive star-forming region IRAS05358+3543 was observed at high-spatial resolution in the continuum emission at 3.1 and 1.2mm with the Plateau de Bure Interferometer, and at 875 and 438mum with the Submillimeter Array. We resolve at least four continuum sub-sources that are likely of protostellar nature. Two of them are potentially part of a proto-binary system with a projected separation of 1700AU. Additional (sub)mm continuum peaks are not necessarily harboring protostars but maybe caused by the multiple molecular outflows. The spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the sub-sources show several features. The main power house mm1, which is associated with CH3OH maser emission, a hypercompact HII region and a mid-infrared source, exhibits a typical SED with a free-free emission component at cm and long mm wavelengths and a cold dust component in the (sub)mm part of the spectrum (spectral index between 1.2mm and 438mum alpha~3.6). The free-free emission corresponds to a Lyman continuum flux of an embedded 13Msun B1 star. The coldest source of the region, mm3, has alpha~3.7 between 1.2mm and 875mum, but has lower than expected fluxes in the shorter wavelength 438mum band. This turnover of the Planck-function sets an upper limit on the dust temperature of mm3 of approximately 20K. The uv-data analysis of the density structure of individual sub-cores reveals distributions with power-law indices between 1.5 and 2. This resembles the density distributions of the larger-scale cluster-forming clump as well as those from typical low-mass cores.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for Astronomy and Astrophysics, a high-resolution version of the paper is also available at http://www.mpia.de/homes/beuther/papers.htm

    Optical and Near Infrared Study of the Cepheus E outflow, a very low excitation object

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    We present images and spectra of the Cepheus E (Cep E) region at both optical and infrared wavelengths. Only the brightest region of the southern lobe of the Cep E outflow reveals optical emission, suggesting that the extinction close to the outflow source plays an important r\^ole in the observed difference between the optical and IR morphologies. Cep E is a unique object since it provides a link between the spectroscopic properties of the optical Herbig-Haro (HH) objects and those of deeply embedded outflows.Comment: Accepted Astron. J., 8 files: paper, tables plus 6 figure
