36 research outputs found

    Complete Genome Sequence of the Novel Cellulolytic, Anaerobic, Thermophilic Bacterium Herbivorax saccincola Type Strain GGR1, Isolated from a Lab Scale Biogas Reactor as Established by Illumina and Nanopore MinION Sequencing

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    Pechtl A, Rückert C, Maus I, et al. Complete Genome Sequence of the Novel Cellulolytic, Anaerobic, Thermophilic Bacterium Herbivorax saccincola Type Strain GGR1, Isolated from a Lab Scale Biogas Reactor as Established by Illumina and Nanopore MinION Sequencing. Genome Announcements. 2018;6(6): e01493-17.The cellulolytic bacterium Herbivorax saccincola strain GGR1, which represents the type strain of this species, was isolated from the in vivo enriched cellulose-binding community of a lab scale thermophilic biogas reactor. Here, we report the complete genome sequence of H. saccincola GGR1T, the first isolated member of the genus Herbivorax

    Speciation analysis of iodine and bromine at picogram-per-gram levels in polar ice

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    Iodine and bromine species participate in key atmospheric reactions including the formation of cloud con- densation nuclei and ozone depletion. We present a novel method coupling a high-performance liquid chromatogra- phy with ion chromatography and inductively coupled plas- ma mass spectrometry, which allows the determination of iodine (I) and bromine (Br) species (IO3−, I−, Br−, BrO3−) at the picogram-per-gram levels presents in Antarctic ice. Chromatographic separation was achieved using an ION- PAC® AS16 Analytical Column with NaOH as eluent. Detection limits for I and Br species were 5 to 9 pg g−1 with an uncertainty of less than 2.5% for all considered species. Inorganic iodine and bromine species have been determined in Antarctic ice core samples, with concentrations close to the detection limits for iodine species, and approximately 150 pg g−1 for Br−. Although iodate (IO3−) is the most abundant iodine species in the atmosphere, only the much rarer iodide (I−) species was present in Antarctic Holocene ice. Bromine was found to be present in Antarctic ice as Br−

    Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

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    SummaryHemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is a triad of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and acute renal failure. The atypical form of HUS is a disease characterized by complement overactivation. Inherited defects in complement genes and acquired autoantibodies against complement regulatory proteins have been described. Incomplete penetrance of mutations in all predisposing genes is reported, suggesting that a precipitating event or trigger is required to unmask the complement regulatory deficiency. The underlying genetic defect predicts the prognosis both in native kidneys and after renal transplantation. The successful trials of the complement inhibitor eculizumab in the treatment of atypical HUS will revolutionize disease management

    New insights into early Neolithic economy and management of animals in southern and central Europe revealed using lipid residue analyses of pottery

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    Analyses of organic residues preserved in ceramic potsherds enable the identification of foodstuffs processed in archaeological vessels. Differences in the isotopic composition of fatty acids allow differentiation of non-ruminant and ruminant fats, as well as adipose and dairy fats. This paper investigates the trends in milk use in areas where sheep and goats are dominant in the faunal assemblage and in some sites from the Linearbandkeramik culture. Sites include: Colle Santo Stefano, Abruzzo, Italy, and the Oldest to Young Linearbandkeramik sites of Zwenkau, Eythra and Brodau, Saxony, and Wang and Niederhummel, Bavaria, Germany. More than 160 potsherds were investigated including cooking pots, bowls, jars, and ceramic sieves. The lipid residues presented provide direct evidence for the processing of ruminant and non-ruminant commodities at Zwenkau and Eythra, despite the absence of faunal remains at the sites. No dairy residues were detected in potsherds from LBK sites, except in a ceramic sieve at Brodau. Lipids from non-ruminant and ruminant fats, including from dairy fats, were detected at the site of Colle Santo Stefano showing a reliance on dairy products during the first half of the sixth millennium at this site; where sheep and goats were the major domestic animals

    Ambush Marketing im Sport : wie Nicht-Sponsoren Sportveranstaltungen zur Markenkommunikation nutzen

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    Insbesondere internationale sportliche Großereignisse wie Fußball-Welt- und Europameisterschaften oder Olympische Spiele bilden für zahlreiche Unternehmen die ideale Plattform, um ihr Markenmanagement und ihre kommunikative Zielgruppenansprache in ein attraktives sportliches Umfeld einzubetten. Sport-Event-Veranstalter verkaufen deshalb privilegierte Vermarktungsrechte ihres Events an offizielle Sponsoren, die im Gegenzug exklusive Möglichkeiten erwerben, das Event werblich für sich zu nutzen. Ambush Marketing dagegen kennzeichnet die Vorgehensweise von Unternehmen, die keine Vermarktungsrechte an einer Veranstaltung besitzen, aber dennoch durch ihre Marketingmaßnahmen in unterschiedlicher Art und Weise eine Verbindung zu diesem Event aufbauen. Der Grat zwischen der Verletzung von Sponsorenrechten und kreativ-innovativer Kommunikationspolitik ist dabei oft sehr schmal, weswegen Ambush Marketing kontrovers diskutiert…diskutiert wird