259 research outputs found

    Efeitos da adubação foliar com fitoreguladores na produtividade do amendoinzeiro (Araehis hypogaea L. cv. Tatu - 53)

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    The effects of the application of a macronutrient foliar spray combined with micronutrients and growth regulators (Unifol) on peanut grown in a soil with high fertility were investigated. A control without fertilizer and a soil fertilization (250 kg/ha) with NPK 9-30-16 were also established. Other treatments were as follows: Unifol fertilizer (18-12 16) applied 23 days after germination: Unifol (18-12-6) applied at the beginning of flowering; Unifol (18-12-6) applied during flowering, and Unifol (18-12-6) applied 23 days after germination plus Unifol (7-23-7) at the beginning of flowering. No significant differences were found amongst treatments, but certain treatments showed higher productivity e given Unifol fertilizer (18-12-6) applied 23 days after germination plus Unifol (7-23-7) at the flower anthesis. In this treatment, the number of pods, weight of seeds and production of seeds were higher. Best production of forage occurred in the treatment receiving soil fertilization.Para se verificar o efeito da aplicação de adubo foliar com fitoreguladores na produtividade do amendoinzeiro cultivar Tatu - 53, realizou-se ensaio em condições de campo, em uma Terra Roxa Estruturada, na Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias de Jaboticabal (SP). 0 experimento constou da aplicação, em diferentes épocas, do adubo foliar Unifol com fitoreguladores nas formulações (18-12-6) e (7-23-7) para NPK. Para isto efetuaram - se os tratamentos controle sem adubação, adubação no solo de 250 kg/ha da fórmula (9-30--16), Unifol (18-12-6) aplicado 23 dias após a emergência, Unifol (18-12-6) aplicado no início do florescimento, Unifol (18-12-6) aplicado em pleno florescimento e Unifol (18-12-6) aplicado 23 dias após a emergência + Unifol (7-23-7) no início do florescimento. Devido a fertilidade do solo utilizado, não se verificaram diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos. Observou - se porém uma tendência de aumento no numero de vagens, peso de 100 sementes e produção de sementes, quando se aplicou Unifol (18-12-6) 23 dias após a emergência + Unifol (7-23 -7) no início do florescimento. Aplicação e NPK (9-30-16) na concentração de 250 kg/ha, por ocasião do plantio, tendeu a aumentar a produção de sementes e o peso da palhada do amendoinzeiro

    Comportamento e controle do gafanhoto RHAMMATOCERUS SCHISTOCERCOIDES (REHN, 1906) no Mato Grosso.

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    - Ern setembro de 1984, verificou-se uma explosão populacional da especie do gafanhoto Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Rehn, 1906) no estado de Mato Grosso. 0 estudo da biologia em condicoes de laboratorio, casa de vegetario e campo revelou que a postura ocorre ern outubro-novembro e as ninfas emergern ern novembro-dezembro. Cada instar tem, em media, 26 dias, havendo cinco instares nas condicoes de Mato Grosso e seis instares nas condicoes do Distrito Federal. Transformarn-se ern adultos ern abril, n-ligratn ern agosto-setembro, e o acasalamento ocorre em setembro-outubro. Preferência alimentar: 0 R. schistocercoides prefere, ern primeiro lugar, gramineas nativas do cerrado e campo sujo, seguindo-se as culturas de arroz, cana-de-acucar, milho, sorgo, pastagens e, por firn, soja e feijão. Controle quimico: Foram testados para, o Controle do gafanhoto adulto os inseticidas: fenitrothion, malathion, carbaril, esfenvarelate e fenvarelate. 0 carbaril e os piretroides não foram eficientes nas clonagens testadas. 0 fenitrothion e o malathion mostraram acima de 98% da eficiencia nas dosagens de 300 g do i.a. e 800 g do i.a. por ha, respectivamente. Posteriormente se testou o fenitrothion dflufdo ern 61eo de algodão (50%), mostrando uma eficiência de 95% na dosagern de 150 g do La. por ha.Título em inglês: Behavior and control of the locust RHAMMATOCERUS SCHISTOCERCOIDES (REHN, 1906) in Mato Grosso, Brazil

    Cultura do algodoeiro no Estado de Mato Grosso.

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    La gestion démocratique des écoles: de l´autogouvernement à l’émergence d’une post-démocratie gestionnaire?

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    O autor assinala três elementos básicos que têm sido historicamente associados à gestão democrática das escolas: eleição, colegialidade, participação na decisão. A combinação ou rejeição de algumas dessas diferentes dimensões, em contextos sociais específicos, pode resultar em várias concepções de gestão democrática das escolas, desde o autogoverno até à possível ascensão de uma pós-democracia gestionária.The author points out three basic elements that have been historically associated with the democratic management of schools: election, collegiality, participation in decision-making. The combination or the rejection of some of those different dimensions in specific social contexts may result in various conceptions of democratic management of schools, from selfgovernment to the possible rise of a managerial post-democracyL’auteur souligne trois éléments de base qui ont été historiquement associés à la gestion démocratique des écoles: l’élection, la collégialité, la participation à la décision. La combinaison ou le rejet de certaines de ces différentes dimensions, dans des contextes sociaux spécifiques, peuvent entraîner des diverses conceptions de la gestion démocratique des écoles, de l’autogouvernement à l’émergence d’une post-démocratie gestionnaire(undefined

    Diabetes related risk factors did not explain the increased risk for urinary incontinence among women with diabetes. The Norwegian HUNT/EPINCONT study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous studies have shown an association between diabetes mellitus (DM) and urinary incontinence (UI) in women, especially severe UI. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether diabetes related variables could explain this association.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study is part of the EPINCONT study, which is based on the large Nord-Trøndelag Health Study 2 (HUNT 2), performed in the county of Nord-Trøndelag, Norway, during the years 1995 - 1997. Questions on diabetes and UI were answered by a total of 21 057 women aged 20 years and older. Of these 685 were identified as having diabetes, and thus comprise the population of our study. A variety of clinical and biochemical variables were recorded from the participants.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Blood-glucose, HbA1c, albumine:creatinine ratio (ACR), duration of diabetes, diabetes treatment, type of diabetes, cholesterol and triglycerides did not significantly differ in women with and without UI in crude analyses. However, the diabetic women with UI had more hospitalizations during the last 12 months, more homecare, and a higher prevalence of angina and use of oestrogene treatment (both local and oral/patch). After adjusting for age, BMI, parity and smoking, there were statistically significant associations between any UI and angina (OR 1.89; 95% CI: 1.22 - 2.93), homecare (OR 1.72; 95% CI: 1.02 - 2.89), and hospitalization during the last 12 months (OR 1.67; 95% CI: 1.18 - 2.38). In adjusted analyses severe UI was also significantly associated with the same variables, and also with diabetes drug treatment (OR 2.10; 95% CI: 1.07 - 4.10) and stroke (OR 2.47; 95% CI: 1.09 - 5.59).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>No single diabetes related risk factor seems to explain the increased risk for UI among women with diabetes. However, we found associations between UI and some clinical correlates of diabetes.</p

    Evidence for an Epigenetic Mechanism by which Hsp90 Acts as a Capacitor for Morphological Evolution

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    Morphological alterations have been shown to occur in Drosophila melanogaster when function of Hsp90 (heat shock 0-kDa protein 1α, encoded by Hsp83) is compromised during development1. Genetic selection maintains the altered phenotypes in subsequent generations1. Recent experiments have shown, however, that phenotypic variation still occurs in nearly isogenic recombinant inbred strains of Arabidopsis thaliana2. Using a sensitized isogenic D. melanogaster strain, iso-KrIf-1, we confirm this finding and present evidence supporting an epigenetic mechanism for Hsp90’s capacitor function, whereby reduced activity of Hsp90 induces a heritably altered chromatin state. The altered chromatin state is evidenced by ectopic expression of the morphogen wingless in eye imaginal discs and a corresponding abnormal eye phenotype, both of which are epigenetically heritable in subsequent generations, even when function of Hsp90 is restored. Mutations in nine different genes of the trithorax group that encode chromatin-remodeling proteins also induce the abnormal phenotype. These findings suggest that Hsp90 acts as a capacitor for morphological evolution through epigenetic and genetic mechanisms

    The Extrachromosomal EAST Protein of Drosophila Can Associate with Polytene Chromosomes and Regulate Gene Expression

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    The EAST protein of Drosophila is a component of an expandable extrachromosomal domain of the nucleus. To better understand its function, we studied the dynamics and localization of GFP-tagged EAST. In live larval salivary glands, EAST-GFP is highly mobile and localizes to the extrachromosomal nucleoplasm. When these cells are permeabilized, EAST-GFP rapidly associated with polytene chromosomes. The affinity to chromatin increases and mobility decreases with decreasing salt concentration. Deleting the C-terminal residues 1535 to 2301 of EAST strongly reduces the affinity to polytene chromosomes. The bulk of EAST-GFP co-localizes with heterochromatin and is absent from transcriptionally active chromosomal regions. The predominantly chromosomal localization of EAST-GFP can be detected in non-detergent treated salivary glands of pupae as they undergo apoptosis, however not in earlier stages of development. Consistent with this chromosomal pattern of localization, genetic evidence indicates a role for EAST in the repression of gene expression, since a lethal east mutation is allelic to the viable mutation suppressor of white-spotted. We propose that EAST acts as an ion sensor that modulates gene expression in response to changing intracellular ion concentrations

    Solution structure of the N-terminal dsRBD of Drosophila ADAR and interaction studies with RNA

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    Adenosine deaminases that act on RNA (ADAR) catalyze adenosine to inosine (A-to-I) editing in double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) substrates. Inosine is read as guanosine by the translation machinery; therefore A-to-I editing events in coding sequences may result in recoding genetic information. Whereas vertebrates have two catalytically active enzymes, namely ADAR1 and ADAR2, Drosophila has a single ADAR protein (dADAR) related to ADAR2. The structural determinants controlling substrate recognition and editing of a specific adenosine within dsRNA substrates are only partially understood. Here, we report the solution structure of the N-terminal dsRNA binding domain (dsRBD) of dADAR and use NMR chemical shift perturbations to identify the protein surface involved in RNA binding. Additionally, we show that Drosophila ADAR edits the R/G site in the mammalian GluR-2 pre-mRNA which is naturally modified by both ADAR1 and ADAR2. We then constructed a model showing how dADAR dsRBD1 binds to the GluR-2 R/G stem-loop. This model revealed that most side chains interacting with the RNA sugar-phosphate backbone need only small displacement to adapt for dsRNA binding and are thus ready to bind to their dsRNA target. It also predicts that dADAR dsRBD1 would bind to dsRNA with less sequence specificity than dsRBDs of ADAR2. Altogether, this study gives new insights into dsRNA substrate recognition by Drosophila ADAR