3,024 research outputs found

    A nonparametric analysis of the Cournot model

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    An observer makes a number of observations of an industry producing a homogeneous good. Each observation consists of the market price, the output of individual firms and perhaps information on each firm's production cost. We provide various tests (typically, linear programs) with which the observer can determine if the data set is consistent with the hypothesis that firms in this industry are playing a Cournot game at each observation. When cost information is wholly or partially unavailable, these tests could potentially be used to derive cost information on the firms. This paper is a contribution to the literature that aims to characterize (in various contexts) the restrictions that a data set must satisfy for it to be consistent with Nash outcomes in a game. It is also inspired by the seminal result of Afriat (and the subsequent literature) which addresses similar issues in the context of consumer demand, though one important technical difference from most of these results is that the objective functions of firms in a Cournot game are not necessarily quasiconcave

    A Nonparametric Analysis of the Cournot Model

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    An observer makes a number of observations of an industry producing a homogeneous good. Each observation consists of the market price, the output of individual rms and perhaps information on each rm's production cost. We provide various tests (typically, linear programs) with which the observer can determine if the data set is consistent with the hypothesis that rms in this industry are playing a Cournot game at each observation. When cost information is wholly or partially unavailable, these tests could potentially be used to derive cost information on the rms. This paper is a contribution to the literature that aims to characterize (in various contexts) the restrictions that a data set must satisfy for it to be consistent with Nash outcomes in a game. It is also inspired by the seminal result of Afriat (and the subsequent literature) which addresses similar issues in the context of consumer demand, though one important technical di erence from most of these results is that the objective functions of rms in a Cournot game are not necessarily quasiconcave. Keywords:

    103 Atypical Progressive Bulbar Palsy presenting with Dropped Head

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    Introduction: Typical amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) presents on neurological examination with specific signs of upper and lower motor neuron degeneration (Brooks et al, 1995), which can account for 85% of patients with ALS (Turner and Talbot, 2013). There are different types of clinical presentations, including progressive bulbar palsy (PBP), Limb-onset ALS, progressive muscular atrophy (PMA) and upper motor neuron (UMN) predominant ALS. PBP has mainly brainstem signs. There are a few case reports of dropped head syndrome in ALS, mainly in patients with the limb involvement variant. Methods: Case report Results: A 56 year old right-handed male, presented to the clinic with four months of dysphagia to liquids and solids, neck pain and progressive neck weakness causing constant drop head. No dysarthria or other neurological symptoms, no dyspnea. Neurological examination: Cranial Nerve (CN) CN XII: Nasal voice, bilateral atrophy of the tongue with tremor and fasciculations. Motor: Diffuse atrophy and decreased tone of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezii bilaterally, strength: 2/5 in neck flexors and extensors. Sensory: Hypoesthesia of the tongue. The rest of his neurological examination was normal. Labs: Routine blood work, thyroid function tests, collagen vascular work-up, and protein electrophoresis were normal. Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) and Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies (AChR Ab) were negative. Brain and Spinal Cord MRI: Showed mild brainstem, cerebellar and cervical spinal atrophy. Conclusions: Patients with ALS initially present with symptoms localized to the limbs or bulbar muscles. A very small percentage 1-2% of ALS patients had neck muscle weakness with head drop (Jokelainen et al, 1977; Gourie-Devi et al, 2003). However, in all the previously reported cases, the patients had limb involvement at the time of presentation which was absent in this case, and the head drop occurred after the onset of symptoms (Lange et al, 1986; Katz et al; 1996). Dropped head syndrome can be seen in inflammatory myopathies, myasthenia gravis, facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy, nemaline myopathy and carnitine deficiency (Umapathy et al, 2003) but ALS should also be considered in patients with atypical presentations

    Epidemiology and control of Salmonella in the pork production chain: the approach in a high prevalence country (Spain)

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    The present study summarises the insights yielded by different studies focused on the epidemiology of the infection by Salmonella through the pig production (breeders, finishers and post-farm stages). The final objective is to determine the best strategies for successful control of Salmonella in a highly prevalent country such as Spain. The study in breeders evidenced a high seroprevalence. There were differences among some of the 10 most common serotypes detected in breeders compared to previous studies in finishers, although the two most common were shared by both populations. Type of feed and type of floor were the factors associated to the presence of Salmonella. A Salmonella Typhimurium inactivated vaccine and two organic acids demonstrated to be good tools to reduce the prevalence in finishers. Finally a study of the contamination in post-farm stages evidenced the high contamination of transport, lairage and the contamination of the slaughter line, accounting for 70% of carcass cross-contamination

    Radiative rates and opacity calculations in Ce II-IV Multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock radiative parameters for emission lines in Ce II-IV ions and cerium opacity calculations for kilonovae

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    Large-scale calculations of atomic structures and radiative properties have been carried out for singly, doubly- and trebly ionized cerium. For this purpose, the purely relativistic multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) method was used, taking into account the effects of valence-valence and core-valence electronic correlations in detail. The results obtained were then used to calculate the expansion opacities characterizing the kilonovae observed as a result of neutron star mergers. Comparisons with previously published experimental and theoretical studies have shown that the results presented in this work are the most complete currently available, in terms of quantity and quality, concerning the atomic data and monochromatic opacities for Ce II, Ce III and Ce IV ions.Comment: Submitted to MNRA

    Magnetic transitions in Pr2NiO4 single crystal

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    The magnetic properties of a stoichiometric Pr2NiO4 single crystal have been examined by means of the temperature dependence of the complex ac susceptibility and the isothermal magnetization in fields up to 200 kOe at T=4.2 K. Three separate phases have been identified and their anisotropic character has been analyzed. A collinear antiferromagnetic phase appears first between TN = 325 K and Tc1 = 115 K, where the Pr ions are polarized by an internal magnetic field. At Tc1 a first modification of the magnetic structure occurs in parallel with a structural phase transition (Bmab to P42/ncm). This magnetic transition has a first‐order character and involves both the out‐of‐plane and the in‐plane spin components (magnetic modes gx and gxcyfz, respectively). A second magnetic transition having also a first‐order character is also clearly identified at Tc2 = 90 K which corresponds to a spin reorientation process (gxcyfz to cxgyaz magnetic modes). It should be noted as well that the out‐of‐phase component of χac shows a peak around 30 K which reflects the coexistence of both magnetic configurations in a wide temperature interval. Finally, two field‐induced transitions have been observed at 4.2 K when the field is directed along the c axis. We propose that the high‐field anomaly arises from a metamagnetic transition of the weak ferromagnetic component, similarly to La2CuO4

    How Effective is Anti-Phishing Training for Children?:(Distinguished Paper Award)

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    User training is a commonly used method for preventing victimization from phishing attacks. In this study, we focus on training children, since they are active online but often overlooked in interventions. We present an experiment in which children at Dutch primary schools received an anti-phishing training. The subjects were subsequently tested for their ability to distinguish phishing from non-phishing. A control group was used to control for external effects. Furthermore, the subjects received a re-test after several weeks to measure how well the children retained the training. The training improved the children's overall score by 14%. The improvement was mostly caused by an increased score on the questions where they had to detect phishing. The score on recognizing legitimate emails was not affected by the training. We found that the improved phishing score returned to pre-training levels after four weeks. Conversely, the score of recognition of legitimate emails increased over time. After four weeks, trained pupils scored significantly better in recognizing legitimate emails than their untrained counterparts. Age had a positive effect on the score (i.e., older children scored higher than younger ones); but sex had no significant influence. In conclusion, educating children to improve their ability to detect phishing works in the short term only. However, children go to school regularly, making it easier to educate them than adults. An increased focus on the cybersecurity of children is essential to improve overall cybersecurity in the future

    La Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos en Venezuela: anotaciones sobre sus fundamentos, estado actual y perspectivas

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    El propósito de este aporte es analizar reflexivamente algunos aspectos del decurso histórico de la Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos (EJA) en Venezuela. Para este esfuerzo se hurgó, brevemente, en las orientaciones doctrinarias del proyecto pedagógico venezolano actual, atendiendo a las contribuciones del maestro Simón Rodríguez y El Libertador, Simón Bolívar, como pilares fundamentales en el entramado teleológico de dicho proyecto. Asimismo, se exponen las bases políticas y jurídicas de la educación del país, el panorama de garantías sociales que ofrece el marco constitucional vigente, que sirve de fundamento a las políticas educativas en general y, en particular, a la Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos (EJA). Finalmente, se describen algunos programas que atienden en la actualidad las necesidades educativas de este vigoroso colectivo social

    Una biblioteca privada zaragozana de principios del siglo xv: los libros de Miguel Rubio, canónigo del Pilar

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    Este trabajo trata de reconstruir la biblioteca de Miguel Rubio, canónigo zaragozano de la Baja Edad Media, partiendo de una serie de documentos conservados en diferentes archivos de la ciudad. La identificación de los libros del canónigo Rubio a partir de dos inventarios diferenciados permite obtener una visión de sus intereses culturales e instrumentos de trabajo que se enmarca en la historia del libro bajomedieval hispano.This paper aims to reconstruct the library of Miguel Rubio, a medieval canon from Zaragoza, on the basis of several notarial documents kept in different archives. The identification of Rubio’s books, listed in two separate archives, gives us an insight into his cultural interests and working instruments related to late medieval Spanish book history