10 research outputs found

    Ermittlung von RNA/Protein-Komplexen mittels Grad-seq

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    Complex formation between macromolecules constitutes the foundation of most cellular processes. Most known complexes are made up of two or more proteins interacting in order to build a functional entity and therefore enabling activities which the single proteins could otherwise not fulfill. With the increasing knowledge about noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) it has become evident that, similar to proteins, many of them also need to form a complex to be functional. This functionalization is usually executed by specific or global RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) that are specialized binders of a certain class of ncRNAs. For instance, the enterobacterial global RBPs Hfq and ProQ together bind >80 % of the known small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs), a class of ncRNAs involved in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. However, identification of RNA-protein interactions so far was performed individually by employing low-throughput biochemical methods and thereby hindered the discovery of such interactions, especially in less studied organisms such as Gram-positive bacteria. Using gradient profiling by sequencing (Grad-seq), the present thesis aimed to establish high-throughput, global RNA/protein complexome resources for Escherichia coli and Streptococcus pneumoniae in order to provide a new way to investigate RNA-protein as well as protein-protein interactions in these two important model organisms. In E. coli, Grad-seq revealed the sedimentation profiles of 4,095 (∼85 % of total) transcripts and 2,145 (∼49 % of total) proteins and with that reproduced its major ribonucleoprotein particles. Detailed analysis of the in-gradient distribution of the RNA and protein content uncovered two functionally unknown molecules—the ncRNA RyeG and the small protein YggL—to be ribosomeassociated. Characterization of RyeG revealed it to encode for a 48 aa long, toxic protein that drastically increases lag times when overexpressed. YggL was shown to be bound by the 50S subunit of the 70S ribosome, possibly indicating involvement of YggL in ribosome biogenesis or translation of specific mRNAs. S. pneumoniae Grad-seq detected 2,240 (∼88 % of total) transcripts and 1,301 (∼62 % of total) proteins, whose gradient migration patterns were successfully reconstructed, and thereby represents the first RNA/protein complexome resource of a Gram-positive organism. The dataset readily verified many conserved major complexes for the first time in S. pneumoniae and led to the discovery of a specific interaction between the 3’!5’ exonuclease Cbf1 and the competence-regulating ciadependent sRNAs (csRNAs). Unexpectedly, trimming of the csRNAs by Cbf1 stabilized the former, thereby promoting their inhibitory function. cbf1 was further shown to be part of the late competence genes and as such to act as a negative regulator of competence.Makromoleküle, die Komplexe bilden, sind die Grundlage der meisten zellulären Prozesse. Die meisten bekannten Komplexe bestehen aus zwei oder mehr Proteinen, die interagieren, um eine funktionelle Einheit zu bilden. Diese Interaktionen ermöglichen Funktionen, die die einzelnen Proteine nicht erfüllen könnten. Wachsende wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse über nichtkodierende RNAs (ncRNAs) haben gezeigt, dass, analog zu Proteinen, auch viele ncRNAs Komplexe bilden müssen, um ihre Funktionen ausüben zu können. Diese Funktionalisierung wird normalerweise von spezifischen oder globalen RNA-bindenden Proteinen (RBPs), die auf eine bestimmte Klasse an ncRNAs spezialisiert sind, durchgeführt. So binden beispielsweise die in Enterobakterien verbreiteten globalen RBPs Hfq und ProQ zusammen >80 % der bekannten kleinen regulatorischen RNAs (sRNAs)—eine Klasse der ncRNAs, die in die posttranskriptionelle Genexpressionsregulation involviert ist. RNA-Protein-Interaktionen wurden bisher anhand einzelner Moleküle und mithilfe von biochemischen Methoden mit niedrigem Durchsatz identifiziert, was die Entdeckung solcher Interaktionen erschwert hat. Dies gilt insbesondere für Organismen, die seltener Gegenstand der Forschung sind, wie beispielsweise grampositive Bakterien. Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit war es, mittels gradient profiling by sequencing (Grad-seq) globale Hochdurchsatzkomplexomdatensätze der RNA-ProteinInteraktionen in Escherichia coli und Streptococcus pneumoniae zu generieren. Diese Datensätze ermöglichen es auf eine neue Art und Weise RNA-Protein- und ProteinProtein-Interaktionen in diesen wichtigen Modellorganismen zu untersuchen. Die E. coli Grad-seq-Daten beinhalten die Sedimentationsprofile von 4095 Transkripten (∼85 % des Transkriptoms) und 2145 Proteinen (∼49 % des Proteoms), mit denen die wichtigsten Ribonukleoproteine reproduziert werden konnten. Die detaillierte Analyse der Verteilung von RNAs und Proteinen im Gradienten zeigte, dass zwei Moleküle, deren Funktionen bisher unbekannt waren—die ncRNA RyeG und das kleine Protein YggL—ribosomenassoziiert sind. Durch weitere Charakterisierung konnte gezeigt werden, dass RyeG für ein toxisches Protein mit einer Länge von 48 Aminosäuren kodiert, das bei Überexpression die Latenzphase drastisch verlängert. Für YggL konnte eine Interaktion mit der 50S Untereinheit von 70S Ribosomen nachgewiesen werden, was auf eine potenzielle Funktion in der Biogenese von Ribosomen oder bei der Translation bestimmter mRNAs hindeutet. Die S. pneumoniae Grad-seq Daten beinhalten 2240 Transkripte (∼88 % des Transkriptoms) und 1301 Proteine (∼62 % des Proteoms), deren Migrationsprofile im Gradienten erfolgreich rekonstruiert werden konnten. Dieser RNA/ProteinKomplexomdatensatz eines grampositiven Organismus ermöglichte erstmalig die Verifizierung der wichtigsten konservierten Komplexe von S. pneumoniae. Weiterhin konnte eine spezifische Interaktion der 3’!5’-Exonuklease Cbf1 mit den ciadependent sRNAs (csRNAs), die an der Regulation von Kompetenz beteiligt sind, nachgewiesen werden. Überraschenderweise stabilisiert das von Cbf1 durchgeführte Kürzen der csRNAs die selbigen, was deren inhibitorische Funktion unterstützt. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass cbf1 eines der späten Kompetenzgene ist und als solches als negativer Regulator der Kompetenz agiert

    Global snapshots of bacterial RNA networks.

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    While bacteria were long thought to rely primarily on transcriptional control, it is now well established that they also use numerous small RNAs to regulate mRNA translation and stability. There has recently been a surge in studies, including one by Waters et al (2017) in this issue of The EMBO Journal, that have used clever variations of the RNA‐seq technique to comprehensively map small RNA–target networks

    Global snapshots of bacterial RNA

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    Bacterial RNA Biology on a Genome Scale.

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    Bacteria are an exceedingly diverse group of organisms whose molecular exploration is experiencing a renaissance. While the classical view of bacterial gene expression was relatively simple, the emerging view is more complex, encompassing extensive post-transcriptional control involving riboswitches, RNA thermometers, and regulatory small RNAs (sRNAs) associated with the RNA-binding proteins CsrA, Hfq, and ProQ, as well as CRISPR/Cas systems that are programmed by RNAs. Moreover, increasing interest in members of the human microbiota and environmental microbial communities has highlighted the importance of understudied bacterial species with largely unknown transcriptome structures and RNA-based control mechanisms. Collectively, this creates a need for global RNA biology approaches that can rapidly and comprehensively analyze the RNA composition of a bacterium of interest. We review such approaches with a focus on RNA-seq as a versatile tool to investigate the different layers of gene expression in which RNA is made, processed, regulated, modified, translated, and turned over

    Trans-Acting Small RNAs and Their Effects on Gene Expression in and Escherichia coli and Salmonella.

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    The last few decades have led to an explosion in our understanding of the major roles that small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) play in regulatory circuits and the responses to stress in many bacterial species. Much of the foundational work was carried out with Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. The studies of these organisms provided an overview of how the sRNAs function and their impact on bacterial physiology, serving as a blueprint for sRNA biology in many other prokaryotes. They also led to the development of new technologies. In this chapter, we first summarize how these sRNAs were identified, defining them in the process. We discuss how they are regulated and how they act and provide selected examples of their roles in regulatory circuits and the consequences of this regulation. Throughout, we summarize the methodologies that were developed to identify and study the regulatory RNAs, most of which are applicable to other bacteria. Newly updated databases of the known sRNAs in E. coli K-12 and S. enterica Typhimurium SL1344 serve as a reference point for much of the discussion and, hopefully, as a resource for readers and for future experiments to address open questions raised in this review

    A Small Number of Low-abundance Bacteria Dominate Plant Species-specific Responses during Rhizosphere Colonization

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    Plant growth can be affected by soil bacteria. In turn, plants are known to influence soil bacteria through rhizodeposits and changes in abiotic conditions. We aimed to quantify the phylotype richness and relative abundance of rhizosphere bacteria that are actually influenced in a plant species-specific manner and to determine the role of the disproportionately large diversity of low-abundance bacteria belonging to the rare biosphere (<0.1 relative abundance) in this process. In addition, we aimed to determine whether plant phylogeny has an influence on the plant species-specific rhizosphere bacterial community. For this purpose, 19 herbaceous plant species from five different plant orders were grown in a common soil substrate. Bacterial communities in the initial soil substrate and the established rhizosphere soils were compared by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Only a small number of bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs, 97% sequence identity) responded either positively (ca. 1%) or negatively (ca. 1%) to a specific plant species. On average, 91% of plant-specific positive response OTUs comprised bacteria belonging to the rare biosphere, highlighting that low-abundance populations are metabolically active in the rhizosphere. In addition, lowabundance OTUs were in terms of their summed relative abundance major drivers of the bacterial phyla composition across the rhizosphere of all tested plant species. However, no effect of plant phylogeny could be observed on the established rhizosphere bacterial communities, neither when considering differences in the overall established rhizosphere communities nor when considering plant species-specific responders only. Our study provides a quantitative assessment of the effect of plants on their rhizosphere bacteria across multiple plant orders. Plant species-specific effects on soil bacterial communities involved only 18–111 bacterial OTUs out of several 1000s; this minority may potentially impact plant growth in plant–bacteria interactions.publishe

    Grad-seq shines light on unrecognized RNA and protein complexes in the model bacterium Escherichia coli.

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    Stable protein complexes, including those formed with RNA, are major building blocks of every living cell. Escherichia coli has been the leading bacterial organism with respect to global protein-protein networks. Yet, there has been no global census of RNA/protein complexes in this model species of microbiology. Here, we performed Grad-seq to establish an RNA/protein complexome, reconstructing sedimentation profiles in a glycerol gradient for ∼85% of all E. coli transcripts and ∼49% of the proteins. These include the majority of small noncoding RNAs (sRNAs) detectable in this bacterium as well as the general sRNA-binding proteins, CsrA, Hfq and ProQ. In presenting use cases for utilization of these RNA and protein maps, we show that a stable association of RyeG with 30S ribosomes gives this seemingly noncoding RNA of prophage origin away as an mRNA of a toxic small protein. Similarly, we show that the broadly conserved uncharacterized protein YggL is a 50S subunit factor in assembled 70S ribosomes. Overall, this study crucially extends our knowledge about the cellular interactome of the primary model bacterium E. coli through providing global RNA/protein complexome information and should facilitate functional discovery in this and related species

    Grad-seq in a Gram-positive bacterium reveals exonucleolytic sRNA activation in competence control.

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    RNA-protein interactions are the crucial basis for many steps of bacterial gene expression, including post-transcriptional control by small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs). In stark contrast to recent progress in the analysis of Gram-negative bacteria, knowledge about RNA-protein complexes in Gram-positive species remains scarce. Here, we used the Grad-seq approach to draft a comprehensive landscape of such complexes in Streptococcus pneumoniae, in total determining the sedimentation profiles of ~ 88% of the transcripts and ~ 62% of the proteins of this important human pathogen. Analysis of in-gradient distributions and subsequent tag-based protein capture identified interactions of the exoribonuclease Cbf1/YhaM with sRNAs that control bacterial competence for DNA uptake. Unexpectedly, the nucleolytic activity of Cbf1 stabilizes these sRNAs, thereby promoting their function as repressors of competence. Overall, these results provide the first RNA/protein complexome resource of a Gram-positive species and illustrate how this can be utilized to identify new molecular factors with functions in RNA-based regulation of virulence-relevant pathways

    Sponges and Predators in the Small RNA World

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    International audienceMost noncoding small RNAs (sRNAs) that regulate gene expression do so by base-pairing with mRNAs, affecting their translation and/or stability. Regulators as evolutionarily distant as the trans-encoded sRNAs of bacteria and the microRNAs (miRNAs) of higher eukaryotes share the property of targeting short sequence segments that occur in multiple copies in bacterial and eukaryotic transcriptomes. This target promiscuity has major implications for sRNA function. On the one hand, it allows the sRNA to coordinately control several different targets and thus be at the center of regulatory networks. On the other hand, it allows the existence of target mimics or decoys that divert the sRNA/miRNA away from bona fide targets and thus serve as mechanisms to regulate the regulator. In addition, by competing for pairing with the same sRNA, bona fide targets establish a cross talk that can impact on each other's expression levels. Here we review evidence that target mimicry and competition are important components of the regulatory architecture of bacterial sRNA networks