813 research outputs found

    Electronic structure investigation of the cubic inverse perovskite Sc3AlN

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    The electronic structure and chemical bonding of the recently discovered inverse perovskite Sc3AlN, in comparison to ScN and Sc metal have been investigated by bulk-sensitive soft x-ray emission spectroscopy. The measured Sc L, N K, Al L1, and Al L2,3 emission spectra are compared with calculated spectra using first principle density-functional theory including dipole transition matrix elements. The main Sc 3d - N 2p and Sc 3d - Al 3p chemical bond regions are identified at -4 eV and -1.4 eV below the Fermi level, respectively. A strongly modified spectral shape of 3s states in the Al L2,3 emission from Sc3AlN in comparison to pure Al metal is found, which reflects the Sc 3d - Al 3p hybridization observed in the Al L1 emission. The differences between the electronic structure of Sc3AlN, ScN, and Sc metal are discussed in relation to the change of the conductivity and elastic properties.Comment: 11 pages, 5 picture

    Quality assessment of atmospheric surface fields over the Baltic Sea from an ensemble of regional climate model simulations with respect to ocean dynamics

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    Climate model results for the Baltic Sea region from an ensemble of eight simulations using the Rossby Centre Atmosphere model version 3 (RCA3) driven with lateral boundary data from global climate models (GCMs) are compared with results from a downscaled ERA40 simulation and gridded observations from 1980-2006. The results showed that data from RCA3 scenario simulations should not be used as forcing for Baltic Sea models in climate change impact studies because biases of the control climate significantly affect the simulated changes of future projections. For instance, biases of the sea ice cover in RCA3 in the present climate affect the sensitivity of the model's response to changing climate due to the ice-albedo feedback. From the large ensemble of available RCA3 scenario simulations two GCMs with good performance in downscaling experiments during the control period 1980-2006 were selected. In this study, only the quality of atmospheric surface fields over the Baltic Sea was chosen as a selection criterion. For the greenhouse gas emission scenario A1B two transient simulations for 1961-2100 driven by these two GCMs were performed using the regional, fully coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean model RCAO. It was shown that RCAO has the potential to improve the results in downscaling experiments driven by GCMs considerably, because sea surface temperatures and sea ice concentrations are calculated more realistically with RCAO than when RCA3 has been forced with surface boundary data from GCMs. For instance, the seasonal 2 m air temperature cycle is closer to observations in RCAO than in RCA3 downscaling simulations. However, the parameterizations of air-sea fluxes in RCAO need to be improved

    Slep av laksesmolt fra Storelva som avbÞtende tiltak mot estuarine blandsoner - SmoltÄrgang 2016

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    I handlingsplanen for kalking av Storelva er estuarine blandsoner anfÞrt som en utfordring for laksebestanden i elva. Inntil videre betraktes fangst av nedvandrende smolt med pÄfÞlgende sleping ut fjorden som en del av kalkingsstrategien. Saliniteten i NÊvestadfjorden vÄren 2016 var pÄ et nivÄ der aluminium er pÄ en slik tilstandsform at en forventer akkumulering pÄ gjeller til utvandrende laksesmolt. Dette vil fÞre til redusert sjÞoverlevelse til naturlig utvandrende smolt. Det ble derfor gjennomfÞrt syv slep med til sammen 1878 laksesmolt vÄren 2016. Det ble fanget laksesmolt ved to lokaliteter gjennom hele utvandringsperioden. Fangstene i elvemunningen er de hÞyeste siden 2009, mens fangstene ved Fosstveit er noe lavere. Lave fangster ved Fosstveit skyldes antagelig en betydelig innskrenking av gyte- og oppvekstomrÄder oppstrÞms pÄ grunn av vandringshinderet som er etablert ved Nes Verk. Fangst og slep av laksesmolt er tidkrevende og krever personell med kunnskap og erfaring med denne type arbeid. Vi vil likevel anbefale dette som tiltak siden behandling av elvevannet med silikat vil vÊre betydelig mer kostnadskrevende.Fylkesmannen i Aust- og Vest-Agde

    Bonding mechanism in the nitrides Ti2AlN and TiN: an experimental and theoretical investigation

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    The electronic structure of nanolaminate Ti2AlN and TiN thin films has been investigated by bulk-sensitive soft x-ray emission spectroscopy. The measured Ti L, N K, Al L1 and Al L2,3 emission spectra are compared with calculated spectra using ab initio density-functional theory including dipole transition matrix elements. Three different types of bond regions are identified; a relatively weak Ti 3d - Al 3p bonding between -1 and -2 eV below the Fermi level, and Ti 3d - N 2p and Ti 3d - N 2s bonding which are deeper in energy observed at -4.8 eV and -15 eV below the Fermi level, respectively. A strongly modified spectral shape of 3s states of Al L2,3 emission from Ti2AlN in comparison to pure Al metal is found, which reflects the Ti 3d - Al 3p hybridization observed in the Al L1 emission. The differences between the electronic and crystal structures of Ti2AlN and TiN are discussed in relation to the intercalated Al layers of the former compound and the change of the materials properties in comparison to the isostructural carbides.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures; http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.76.19512

    Coping with a changing environment: The effects of early life stress

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    Ongoing rapid domestication of Atlantic salmon implies that individuals are subjected to evolutionarily novel stressors encountered under conditions of artificial rearing, requiring new levels and directions of flexibility in physiological and behavioural coping mechanisms. Phenotypic plasticity to environmental changes is particularly evident at early life stages. We investigated the performance of salmon, previously subjected to an unpredictable chronic stress (UCS) treatment at an early age (10 month old parr), over several months and life stages. The UCS fish showed overall higher specific growth rates compared with unstressed controls after smoltification, a particularly challenging life stage, and after seawater transfer. Furthermore, subjecting fish to acute stress at the end of the experiment, we found that UCS groups had an overall lower hypothalamic catecholaminergic and brain stem serotonergic response to stress compared with control groups. In addition, serotonergic activity was negatively correlated with final growth rates, which implies that serotonin responsive individuals have growth disadvantages. Altogether, our results may imply that a subdued monoaminergic response in stressful farming environments may be beneficial, because in such situations individuals may be able to reallocate energy from stress responses into other life processes, such as growth

    Prediction of Outcome After Endovascular Embolectomy in Anterior Circulation Stroke Using Biomarkers

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    Stroke is a major public health problem that can cause a long-term disability or death due to brain damage. Serious stroke is frequently caused by a large vessel occlusion in the anterior circulation, which should be treated by endovascular embolectomy if possible. In this study, we investigated the use of the brain damage biomarkers tau, NFL, NSE, GFAp, and S100B to understand the progression of nervous tissue damage and their relationship to outcome in such stroke after endovascular treatment. Blood samples were taken from 90 patients pre-treatment and 2 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h and 3 months after endovascular treatment. Stroke-related neurological deficit was estimated using the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) at admission and at 24 h. Neurological outcome was evaluated at 3 months. After stroke, tau, NFL, GFAp and S100B increased in a time dependent manner, while NSE remained constant over time. At 3 months, tau and GFAp levels were back to normal whereas NFL was still high. Tau, NFL and GFAp correlated well to outcome, as well as to infarct volume and NIHSS at 24 h. The best time for prediction of poor outcome was different for each biomarker. However, the combination of NIHSS at 24 h with either tau, NFL or GFAp at 48 h gave the best prediction. The use of biomarkers in the early setting after endovascular treatment of stroke will lead to a simplified and standardized way to estimate the nervous tissue damage and possibly complement the clinical judgement in foreseeing the need of rehabilitation measures

    Sustainable wastewater management in Indonesia's fish processing industry: Bringing governance into scenario analysis

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    The government of Indonesia has pledged to meet ambitious greenhouse gas mitigation goals in its Nationally Determined Contribution as well as reduce water pollution through its water management policies. A set of technologies could conceivably help achieving these goals simultaneously. However, the installation and widespread application of these technologies will require knowledge on how governance affects the implementation of existing policies as well as cooperation across sectors, administrative levels, and stakeholders. This paper integrates key governance variables--involving enforcement capacity, institutional coordination and multi-actor networks--into an analysis of the potential impacts on greenhouse gases and chemical oxygen demand in seven wastewater treatment scenarios for the fish processing industry in Indonesia. The analysis demonstrates that there is an increase of 24% in both CH4 and CO2 emissions between 2015 and 2030 in the business-as-usual scenario due to growth in production volumes. Interestingly, in scenarios focusing only on strengthening capacities to enforce national water policies, expected total greenhouse gas emissions are about five times higher than in the business-as-usual in 2030; this is due to growth in CH4 emissions during the handling and landfilling of sludge, as well as in CO2 generated from the electricity required for wastewater treatment. In the scenarios where there is significant cooperation across sectors, administrative levels, and stakeholders to integrate climate and water goals, both estimated chemical oxygen demand and CH4 emissions are considerably lower than in the business-as-usual and the national water policy scenarios
