182 research outputs found

    Detecting web requirements conflicts and inconsistencies under a model-based perspective

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    Web requirements engineering is an essential phase in the software project life cycle for the project results. This phase covers different activities and tasks that in many situations, depending on the analyst’s experience or intuition, help getting accurate specifications. One of these tasks is the conciliation of requirements in projects with different groups of users. This article presents an approach for the systematic conciliation of requirements in big projects dealing with a model-based approach. The article presents a possible implementation of the approach in the context of the NDT (Navigational Development Techniques) Methodology and shows the empirical evaluation in a real project by analysing the improvements obtained with our approach. The paper presents interesting results that demonstrate that we can get a reduction in the time required to find conflicts between requirements, which implies a reduction in the global development costs.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Detecting web requirements conflicts and inconsistencies under a model-based perspective

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    Web requirements engineering is an essential phase in the software project life cycle for the project results. This phase covers different activities and tasks that in many situations, depending on the analyst’s experience or intuition, help getting accurate specifications. One of these tasks is the conciliation of requirements in projects with different groups of users. This article presents an approach for the systematic conciliation of requirements in big projects dealing with a model-based approach. The article presents a possible implementation of the approach in the context of the NDT (Navigational Development Techniques) Methodology and shows the empirical evaluation in a real project by analysing the improvements obtained with our approach. The paper presents interesting results that demonstrate that we can get a reduction in the time required to find conflicts between requirements, which implies a reduction in the global development costs.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    U B V R I Photometry of Stellar Structures throughout the Disk of the Barred Galaxy NGC 3367

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    We report new detailed surface U, B, V, R, and I photometry of 81 stellar structures in the disk of the barred galaxy NGC 3367. The images show many different structures indicating that star formation is going on in the most part of the disk. NGC 3367 is known to have a very high concentration of molecular gas distribution in the central regions of the galaxy and bipolar synchrotron emission from the nucleus with two lobes (at 6 kpc) forming a triple structure similar to a radio galaxy. We have determined the U, B, V, R, and I magnitudes and U - B, B - V, U - V, and V - I colors for the central region (nucleus), a region which includes supernovae 2003 AA, and 79 star associations throughout NGC 3367. Estimation of ages of star associations is very difficult due to several factors, among them: filling factor, metallicity, spatial distribution of each structure and the fact that we estimated the magnitudes with a circular aperture of 16 pixels in diameter, equivalent to 6.81.46''.8\sim1.4 kpc. However, if the colors derived for NGC 3367 were similar to the colors expected of star clusters with theoretical evolutionary star tracks developed for the LMC and had a similar metallicity, NGC 3367 show 51 percent of the observed structures with age type SWB I (few tens of Myrs), with seven sources outside the bright surface brightness visible disk of NGC 3367.Comment: Accepted for publication (abr 2007) in The Astronomical Journal (July 2007 issue

    La crisis mundial del sector salud y la respuesta Colombiana

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    En la última década viene creciendo la preocupación mundial por el tema de la salud. su impacto sobre el desarrollo de las naciones, su ñnancíacíón y la eficiencia en su funcionamiento. Es así como las diferentes autoridades económicas del mundo comenzaron a cuestionar los sistemas de ñnanctamíento y el funcionamiento de los sectores de prestación de servicios de salud en todo el orbe por su tendencia ínflacíonarta. su ineficiencia económica y el poco impacto que la mayoría de ellos lograban sobre el estado de salud de la población

    Els espais altimontans pirenaics orientals a l'Antiguitat : 10 anys d'estudis en arqueologia del paisatge del GIAP-ICAC

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    En aquest treball s'ofereix una panoràmica dels estudis realitzats pel Grup d'Investigació en Arqueologia del Paisatge (GIAP) als espais altimontans pirenaics orientals en els darrers 10 anys. Des d'un enfocament multidisciplinari en el marc de l'arqueologia del paisatge, els resultats obtinguts permeten trencar amb la visió tradicional d'aquestes àrees muntanyenques a l'Antiguitat, mostrant la seva intensa explotació i una forta antropització que ja comença en el període Neolític.This work offers an overview about the studies conducted by the Grup d'Investigació en Arqueologia del Paisatge (GIAP) in the Eastern Pyrenees high mountain areas during the last ten years. From a multidisciplinary approach within the framework of landscape archaeology, the results obtained make it possible to break with the traditional vision of these mountainous areas in antiquity, showing their intense exploitation and strong anthropization, already beginning in the Neolithic period

    Anàlisi del metabolisme ambiental de nuclis turístics litorals : el cas de Menorca

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    L'objectiu del present estudi és l'anàlisi del metabolisme energètic associat a nuclis turístics litorals de l'illa de Menorca (Mediterrani occidental) i el grau d'autosuficiència a partir d'energies renovables. La caracterització dels nuclis i la definició del perfil del turista s'ha realitzat mitjançant SIG i informació de qualitat a partir d'enquestes. Els principals resultats mostren que els nuclis turístics de Menorca tenen unes emissions associades entre 213 i 318 kg de CO2 per estada. De mitjana, el recorregut del turista fins a la illa (mobilitat externa) és de 1334 km (representant el 80% de les emissions), mentre que la mobilitat interna durant l'estada és de 22 km. A diari, cada turista consumeix entre 8 i 26 kWh d'electricitat, consum que es podria satisfer en un 100% amb la instal·lació de sistemes fotovoltaics a les cobertes del nucli.El objetivo del presente estudio es el análisis del metabolismo energético asociado a los núcleos turísticos litorales de la isla de Menorca (Mediterráneo occidental) y el grado de autosuficiencia a partir de energías renovables. La caracterización de los núcleos y la definición del perfil del turista se ha realizado mediante el SIG e información de cualidad obtenida de las entrevistas. Los principales resultados muestran que los núcleos turísticos de Menorca tienen unas emisiones asociadas de entre 213 y 318 kg de CO2 por estancia. De media, el recorrido del turista para llegar en la isla (movilidad externa) es de 1334 km (el cual representa el 80% de las emisiones totales), mientras que la movilidad interna durante la estancia es de 22 km. A diario, cada turista consume entre 8 i 26 kWh de electricidad, consumo que se podría satisfacer en un 100% con la instalación de sistemas fotovoltaicos en las cubiertas del núcleo.The aim of the present study is the analysis of the energetic metabolism related to the costal tourism nuclei on the island of Minorca (western Mediterranean) and the self-sufficient degree based on renewable energy. The characterization of the nuclei and the definition of tourism profile has been created using GIS and quality information from the interviews. The main results show that the tourism nuclei of Minorca have associated emissions between 213 and 318 kg of CO2 on stay. On average, the tourism route to arrive on the island ( external mobility) is 1334 km ( theese represents the 80% of the emissions), while the internal mobility during the stay is 22km. Every day, each tourist consumes between 8 and 26 kWh of electricity, that consum could be satisfied in a 100% with the installation of photovoltaic systems on the roofs of the nuclei.Lo scopo del presente articolo è l'analisi del metabolismo energetico nei nuclei turistici costieri dell'isola di Minorca (Mediterraneo occidentale) e il grado d'autosufficienza energetica basata sulle energie rinnovabili. La caratterizzazione dei nuclei e la definizione del profilo del turista si è sviluppato con l'utilizzo del GIS e attraverso informazioni di qualità ricavate dalle interviste. I principali risultati mostrano che nei nuclei turistici di Minorca ogni turista ha delle emissioni associate di 213 e 318 kg di CO2 per ogni periodo di soggiorno. In media, il percorso del tursita fino all'isola (mobilità esterna) è di 1334 km (rappresentando l'80% delle emissioni totali), mentre la mobilità interna durante il periodo di soggiorno è di 22 km. Quotidianamente, ogni turista consuma fra 8 e 26 kWh d'elletricità; tale quantità energètica potrebbe essere soddisfata al 100% dall'installazione d'impianti fotovoltaici sui tetti del nucleo

    Does Socioeconomic Status Influence the Risk of Subclinical Atherosclerosis?: A Mediation Model

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    BACKGROUND: Socioeconomic status (SES)-education, income level, and occupation-is associated with cardiovascular risk. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to investigate the association between SES and subclinical atherosclerosis and the potential mechanisms involved. METHODS: SES, lifestyle habits (smoking, dietary patterns, physical activity, and hours of sleep), traditional risk factors, and subclinical atherosclerosis extent were prospectively assessed in 4,025 individuals aged 40 to 54 years without known cardiovascular disease enrolled in the PESA (Progression of Early Subclinical Atherosclerosis) study. After factors associated with atherosclerosis were identified, a multiple mediation model was created to quantify the effect of SES on subclinical atherosclerosis as explained by lifestyle behaviors. RESULTS: Although education level was significantly associated with the presence of atherosclerosis, no differences were found according to income level in this population. Participants with lower education presented with a higher risk of generalized atherosclerosis than those with higher education (odds ratio: 1.46; 95% confidence interval: 1.15 to 1.85; p = 0.002). Lifestyle behaviors associated with both education level and atherosclerosis extent were: smoking status, number of cigarettes/day, and dietary pattern, which explained 70.5% of the effect of SES on atherosclerosis. Of these, tobacco habit (smoking status 35% and number of cigarettes/day 32%) accounted for most of the explained differences between groups, whereas dietary pattern did not remain a significant mediator in the multiple mediation model. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the relative economic homogeneity of the cohort, lower education level is associated with increased subclinical atherosclerosis, mainly mediated by the higher and more frequent tobacco consumption. Smoking cessation programs are still needed, particularly in populations with lower education level.The PESA study is cofunded equally by the Fundación Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC), Madrid, Spain; and Banco Santander, Madrid, Spain. The study also receives funding from the Institute of Health Carlos III (PI15/02019) and the European Regional Development Fund. The CNIC is supported by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505). This work is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No707642; and from the American Heart Association under grantnumber14SFRN20490315. Dr. Bueno has received research funding from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PIE16/00021), AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Janssen, and Novartis; has received consulting fees from Abbott, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bristol-Myers Squibb-Pfizer, and Novartis; and has received speaking fees or support for attending scientific meetings from AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bristol-Myers Squibb-Pfizer, Ferrer, Novartis, Servier, and MEDSCAPE-the heart.org.S

    Sirolimus-Eluting Versus Paclitaxel-Eluting Stent Implantation for the Percutaneous Treatment of Left Main Coronary Artery Disease A Combined RESEARCH and T-SEARCH Long-Term Analysis

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    ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to investigate the long-term clinical and angiographic profile of sirolimus-eluting stent (SES) versus paclitaxel-eluting stent (PES) in patients undergoing percutaneous intervention for left main (LM) coronary disease.BackgroundThe long-term clinical and angiographic impact of SES as opposed to PES implantation in this subset of patients is unknown.MethodsFrom April 2002 to March 2004, 110 patients underwent percutaneous intervention for LM stenosis at our institution; 55 patients were treated with SES and 55 with PES. The two groups were well balanced for all baseline characteristics.ResultsAt a median follow-up of 660 days (range 428 to 885), the cumulative incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events was similar (25% in the SES group vs. 29%, in the PES group; hazard ratio 0.88 [95% confidence interval 0.43 to 1.82]; p = 0.74), reflecting similarities in both the composite death/myocardial infarction (16% in the SES group and 18% in the PES group) and target vessel revascularization (9% in the SES group and 11% in the PES group). Angiographic in-stent late loss (mm), evaluated in 73% of the SES group and in 77% of the PES group, was 0.32 ± 74 in the main and 0.36 ± 0.59 in the side branch in the SES group vs. 0.46 ± 0.57 (p = 0.36) and 0.52 ± 0.42 (p = 0.41) in the PES group, respectively.ConclusionsIn consecutive patients undergoing percutaneous LM intervention, PES may perform closely to SES both in terms of angiographic and long-term clinical outcome

    Characterization of Local Attitudes Toward Immigration Using Social Media

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    Migration is a worldwide phenomenon that may generate different reactions in the population. Attitudes vary from those that support multiculturalism and communion between locals and foreigners, to contempt and hatred toward immigrants. Since anti-immigration attitudes are often materialized in acts of violence and discrimination, it is important to identify factors that characterize these attitudes. However, doing so is expensive and impractical, as traditional methods require enormous efforts to collect data. In this paper, we propose to leverage Twitter to characterize local attitudes toward immigration, with a case study on Chile, where immigrant population has drastically increased in recent years. Using semi-supervised topic modeling, we situated 49K users into a spectrum ranging from in-favor to against immigration. We characterized both sides of the spectrum in two aspects: the emotions and lexical categories relevant for each attitude, and the discussion network structure. We found that the discussion is mostly driven by Haitian immigration; that there are temporal trends in tendency and polarity of discussion; and that assortative behavior on the network differs with respect to attitude. These insights may inform policy makers on how people feel with respect to migration, with potential implications on communication of policy and the design of interventions to improve inter-group relations.Comment: 8 pages, accepted at Latin American Web Congress 2019 (co-located with The Web Conference