45 research outputs found

    Reinforcement contribution to the behavior of low-rise concrete walls

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    Based on steel strains recorded during shake table tests of six wall specimens, the effect and contribution of steel reinforcement to peak shear strength and displacement capacity of low-rise concrete walls is assessed and discussed. The experimental program included four variables such as wall geometry, concrete type, web steel ratio and type of web reinforcement. Wall response was assessed through effective steel strains in vertical reinforcement, efficiency factors of wall reinforcement, contribution of web horizontal reinforcement to wall shear strength, and the effect of type of web reinforcement to wall displacement

    Materiales de construcción a base de lodos residuales

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    Reducción de la contaminación ambiental generada por lodos provenientes de una PTAP aprovechándolos en la elaboración de morteros y concretos para construcciones civile

    Cerebral venous system anatomy. Imaging findings

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    El sistema venoso cerebral se divide en tres grandes grupos: sistema venoso profundo, superficial y senos durales. Se empieza a desarrollar a partir de la sexta semana de gestación y culmina su formación cerca de la semana 16. Es importante reconocer la anatomía venosa del cerebro en las diferentes modalidades diagnósticas, a fin de identificar las estructuras y territorios vasculares venosos del parénquima cerebral, con el propósito de interpretar adecuadamente las imágenes y realizar la correlación clínica al momento de enfrentarse a un paciente con patología cerebral de etiología venosa.Cerebral venous system is divided into three main groups: deep venous system, superficial venous system and dural sinuses. Its development begins from sixth week of gestation and finishes its formation around 16th week. It is important to recognize brain venous anatomy throughout different diagnostic modalities to identify venous vascular structures and territories of the cerebral parenchyma, in order to properly interpret the images and perform clinical correlation for patients with cerebral pathology of venous etiolog

    Guías de laboratorio de física de campos: Una ruta de aprendizaje al trabajo experimental en la Universidad de la Costa

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    Aprovechando la flexibilidad proporcionada por el carácter experimental de la Universidad de la Costa, los docentes del laboratorio de física de campos iniciaron la construcción de un libro experimental para el laboratorio de física de campos. Con el fin de estimular a los estudiantes en la investigación e innovación, a través de la manipulación de los instrumentos del laboratorio usando las nuevas tecnologías proporcionadas por los equipos del laboratorio de física de campos, con la ayuda del software Capstone, y los actuales equipos del laboratorio de la compañía PASCO. Felizmente, luego de un gran esfuerzo, dedicación y experiencias adquiridas en el aula del laboratorio de física de campo, se concluye con este libro experimental. Una de las principales ventajas de usar nuestra experiencia de docencia en la redacción de este texto de laboratorio de física de campo fue la selección adecuada de las experiencias, ya que en los experimentos y conceptos discutidos en este material están las bases de los conocimientos en física de campo que los estudiantes de pregrado en ingeniería deben adquirir para capacitarse adecuadamente para actuar tanto en el área científica como tecnológica. Por tanto, el texto está adaptado para guiar al estudiante en la obtención de datos a través de las mediciones y análisis de gráficos con el propósito de demostrar y comprender los principios básicos relacionados con la asignatura de física de campos. Así, el estudiante por medio de la experimentación pueda desarrollar y aplicar técnicas que le sean de utilidad en sus proyectos y labores futuras

    Consecución de empleo y generación de dinero para las familias del sector del 20 de julio

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    Imágenes - Fuente Propia. Tablas - Fuentes PropiasEl presente trabajo es un proceso de participación de los estudiantes de la UNAD, donde generan un proceso social a partir de una organización sin ánimo de lucro, donde buscamos mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas del sector del 20 de julio, ya sean formales o informales, dándoles herramientas de organización y de producción, ayudándoles a multiplicar sus ventas para combatir el problema del desempleo de la ilegalidad y buscamos mejorar el medio ambiente con un proceso de reciclaje que estaremos realizando. Cabe anotar que los emprendimientos sociales son organizaciones que aplican estrategias de mercado para alcanzar un objetivo social. El principal objetivo de las empresas sociales es generar beneficios para impulsar sus objetivos sociales o medioambientales.This work is a process of participation of the students of the UNAD, where they generate a social process from a non-profit organization, where we seek to improve the quality of life of the people of the July 20 sector, whether they are formal or informal, giving them organizational and production tools, helping them to multiply their sales to combat the problem of illegal unemployment and we seek to improve the environment with a recycling process that we will be carrying out. It should be noted that social enterprises are organizations that apply market strategies to achieve a social objective. The main objective of social enterprises is to generate profits to further their social or environmental objectives

    Intercellular Trafficking of Gold Nanostars in Uveal Melanoma Cells for Plasmonic Photothermal Therapy

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    Efficient plasmonic photothermal therapies (PPTTs) using non-harmful pulse laser irradiation at the near-infrared (NIR) are a highly sought goal in nanomedicine. These therapies rely on the use of plasmonic nanostructures to kill cancer cells while minimizing the applied laser power density. Cancer cells have an unsettled capacity to uptake, retain, release, and re-uptake gold nanoparticles, thus offering enormous versatility for research. In this work, we have studied such cell capabilities for nanoparticle trafficking and its impact on the effect of photothermal treatments. As our model system, we chose uveal (eye) melanoma cells, since laser-assisted eye surgery is routinely used to treat glaucoma and cataracts, or vision correction in refractive surgery. As nanostructure, we selected gold nanostars (Au NSs) due to their high photothermal efficiency at the near-infrared (NIR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum. We first investigated the photothermal effect on the basis of the dilution of Au NSs induced by cell division. Using this approach, we obtained high PPTT efficiency after several cell division cycles at an initial low Au NS concentration (pM regime). Subsequently, we evaluated the photothermal effect on account of cell division upon mixing Au NS-loaded and non-loaded cells. Upon such mixing, we observed trafficking of Au NSs between loaded and non-loaded cells, thus achieving effective PPTT after several division cycles under low irradiation conditions (below the maximum permissible exposure threshold of skin). Our study reveals the ability of uveal melanoma cells to release and re-uptake Au NSs that maintain their plasmonic photothermal properties throughout several cell division cycles and re-uptake. This approach may be readily extrapolated to real tissue and even to treat in situ the eye tumor itself. We believe that our method can potentially be used as co-therapy to disperse plasmonic gold nanostructures across affected tissues, thus increasing the effectiveness of classic PPTT

    Supramolecular zippers elicit interbilayer adhesion of membranes producing cell death

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    11 pags, 6 figsBackground: The fluorescent dye 10-N-nonyl acridine orange (NAO) is widely used as a mitochondrial marker. NAO was reported to have cytotoxic effects in cultured eukaryotic cells when incubated at high concentrations. Although the biochemical response of NAO-induced toxicity has been well identified, the underlying molecular mechanism has not yet been explored in detail. Methods: We use optical techniques, including fluorescence confocal microscopy and lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) both in model membranes built up as giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) and cultured cells. These experiments are complemented with computational studies to unravel the molecular mechanism that makes NAO cytotoxic. Results: We have obtained direct evidence that NAO promotes strong membrane adhesion of negatively charged vesicles. The attractive forces are derived from van der Waals interactions between anti-parallel H-dimers of NAO molecules from opposing bilayers. Semi-empirical calculations have confirmed the supramolecular scenario by which anti-parallel NAO molecules form a zipper of bonds at the contact region. The membrane remodeling effect of NAO, as well as the formation of H-dimers, was also confirmed in cultured fibroblasts, as shown by the ultrastructure alteration of the mitochondrial cristae. Conclusions: We conclude that membrane adhesion induced by NAO stacking accounts for the supramolecular basis of its cytotoxicity. General significance: Mitochondria are a potential target for cancer and gene therapies. The alteration of the mitochondrial structure by membrane remodeling agents able to form supramolecular assemblies via adhesion properties could be envisaged as a new therapeutic strategy.This work was supported by the ERC Starting Grant “mitochon” (ERC-StG-2013 338133) and the ERC Proof of Concept “mitozippers” (ERC-PoC-2017 780440), FIS2015-70339-C2-1-R from MINECO (I. L-M.and F.M.), FIS2015-70339-C2-2-R (M.P.L. and C.G.) and S2013/MIT-2807 from the Madrid Regional Government (F.M. and A. G-M.)

    Supramolecular zippers elicit interbilayer adhesion of membranes producing cell death

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    Background: The fluorescent dye 10-N-nonyl acridine orange (NAO) is widely used as a mitochondrial marker. NAO was reported to have cytotoxic effects in cultured eukaryotic cells when incubated at high concentrations. Although the biochemical response of NAO-induced toxicity has been well identified, the underlying molecular mechanism has not yet been explored in detail. Methods: We use optical techniques, including fluorescence confocal microscopy and lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) both in model membranes built up as giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) and cultured cells. These experiments are complemented with computational studies to unravel the molecular mechanism that makes NAO cytotoxic. Results: We have obtained direct evidence that NAO promotes strong membrane adhesion of negatively charged vesicles. The attractive forces are derived from van der Waals interactions between anti-parallel H-dimers of NAO molecules from opposing bilayers. Semi-empirical calculations have confirmed the supramolecular scenario by which anti-parallel NAO molecules form a zipper of bonds at the contact region. The membrane remodeling effect of NAO, as well as the formation of H-dimers, was also confirmed in cultured fibroblasts, as shown by the ultrastructure alteration of the mitochondrial cristae. Conclusions: We conclude that membrane adhesion induced by NAO stacking accounts for the supramolecular basis of its cytotoxicity. General significance: Mitochondria are a potential target for cancer and gene therapies. The alteration of the mitochondrial structure by membrane remodeling agents able to form supramolecular assemblies via adhesion properties could be envisaged as a new therapeutic strategy

    Therapeutic Management and Long-Term Outcome of Hy-Perthyroidism in Patients with Antithyroid-Induced Agranu-Locytosis: A Retrospective, Multicenter Study

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    Background: Antithyroid drug-induced agranulocytosis (AIA) (neutrophils <500/mu L) is a rare but serious complication in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Methodology: Adult patients with AIA who were followed up at 12 hospitals in Spain were retrospectively studied. A total of 29 patients were studied. The etiology of hyperthyroidism was distributed as follows: Graves' disease (n = 21), amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (n = 7), and hyperfunctioning multinodular goiter (n = 1). Twenty-one patients were treated with methimazole, as well as six patients with carbimazole and two patients with propylthiouracil. Results: The median (IQR) time to development of agranulocytosis was 6.0 (4.0-11.5) weeks. The most common presenting sign was fever accompanied by odynophagia. All of the patients required admission, reverse isolation, and broad-spectrum antibiotics; moreover, G-CSF was administered to 26 patients (89.7%). Twenty-one patients received definitive treatment, thirteen patients received surgery, nine patients received radioiodine, and one of the patients required both treatments. Spontaneous normalization of thyroid hormone values occurred in six patients (four patients with amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis and two patients with Graves' disease), and two patients died of septic shock secondary to AIA. Conclusions: AIA is a potentially lethal complication that usually appears around 6 weeks after the initiation of antithyroid therapy. Multiple drugs are required to control hyperthyroidism before definitive treatment; additionally, in a significant percentage of patients (mainly in those treated with amiodarone), hyperthyroidism resolved spontaneously

    Seasonal analysis of the atmosphere during five years by using microwave radiometry over a mid-latitude site

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    This work focuses on the analysis of the seasonal cycle of temperature and relative humidity (RH) profiles and integrated water vapor (IWV) obtained from microwave radiometer (MWR) measurements over the mid-latitude city of Granada, southern Spain. For completeness the study, the maximum atmospheric boundary layer height (ABLHmax) is also included. To this end, we have firstly characterized the HATPRO-RPG MWR errors using 55 co-located radiosondes (RS) by means of the mean-bias (biasbar) profile and the standard deviation (SDbias) profile classified under all-weather conditions and cloud-free conditions. This characterization pointed out that temperature from HATPRO-MWR presents a very low biasbar respects RS mostly below 2.0 km agl, ranging from positive to negative values under all-weather conditions (from 1.7 to -0.4 K with SDbias up to 3.0 K). Under cloud-free conditions, the bias was very similar to that found under all-weather conditions (1.8 to -0.4 K) but with smaller SDbias (up to 1.1 K). The same behavior is also seen in this lower part (ground to 2.0 km agl) for RH. Under all-weather conditions, the mean RH bias ranged from 3.0 to -4.0% with SDbias between 10 and 16.3% while under cloud-free conditions the bias ranged from 2.0 to -0.4% with SDbias from 0.5 to 13.3%. Above 2.0 km agl, the SDbias error increases considerably up to 4 km agl (up to -20%), and then decreases slightly above 7.0 km agl (up to -5%). In addition, IWV values from MWR were also compared with the values obtained from the integration of RS profiles, showing a better linear fit under cloud-free conditions (R2 = 0.96) than under all-weather conditions (R2 = 0.82). The mean bias under cloud-free conditions was -0.80 kg/m2 while for all-weather conditions it was -1.25 kg/m2. Thus, the SDbiasfor all the statistics (temperature, RH and IWV) of the comparison between MWR and RS presented higher values for all-weather conditions than for cloud-free conditions ones. It points out that the presence of clouds is a key factor to take into account when MWR products are used. The second part of this work is devoted to a seasonal variability analysis over five years, leading us to characterize thermodynamically the troposphere over our site. This city atmosphere presents a clear seasonal cycle where temperature, ABLHmax and IWV increase from winter to summer and decrease in autumn, meanwhile RH decreases along the warmer seasons. This city presents cold winters (mean daily maximum temperature: 10.6 ± 1.1 °C) and dry/hot summers (mean daily maximum temperature of 28.8 ± 0.9 °C and mean daily maximum of surface RH up to 55.0 ± 6.0%) at surface (680 m asl). Moreover, considering temporal trends, our study pointed out that only temperature and RH showed a linear increase in winters with a mean-rate of (0.5 ± 0.1) °C/year and (3.4 ± 1.7) %/year, respectively, from ground to 2.0 km agl, meanwhile IWV presented a linear increase of 1.0 kg·m-2/year in winters, 0.78 kg·m-2/year in summers and a linear decrease in autumns of -0.75 kg·m-2/year.Andalusia Regional Government through project P12-RNM-2409Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through projects CGL2013-45410-R, CGL2015-73250-JIN and CGL2016-81092-RJuan de la Cierva grant IJCI-2016-3000