417 research outputs found


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    Miguel MOREY, Pequeñas doctrinas de la soleda

    A Quality Model for Actionable Analytics in Rapid Software Development

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    Background: Accessing relevant data on the product, process, and usage perspectives of software as well as integrating and analyzing such data is crucial for getting reliable and timely actionable insights aimed at continuously managing software quality in Rapid Software Development (RSD). In this context, several software analytics tools have been developed in recent years. However, there is a lack of explainable software analytics that software practitioners trust. Aims: We aimed at creating a quality model (called Q-Rapids quality model) for actionable analytics in RSD, implementing it, and evaluating its understandability and relevance. Method: We performed workshops at four companies in order to determine relevant metrics as well as product and process factors. We also elicited how these metrics and factors are used and interpreted by practitioners when making decisions in RSD. We specified the Q-Rapids quality model by comparing and integrating the results of the four workshops. Then we implemented the Q-Rapids tool to support the usage of the Q-Rapids quality model as well as the gathering, integration, and analysis of the required data. Afterwards we installed the Q-Rapids tool in the four companies and performed semi-structured interviews with eight product owners to evaluate the understandability and relevance of the Q-Rapids quality model. Results: The participants of the evaluation perceived the metrics as well as the product and process factors of the Q-Rapids quality model as understandable. Also, they considered the Q-Rapids quality model relevant for identifying product and process deficiencies (e.g., blocking code situations). Conclusions: By means of heterogeneous data sources, the Q-Rapids quality model enables detecting problems that take more time to find manually and adds transparency among the perspectives of system, process, and usage.Comment: This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of a paper to be published by IEEE in the 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) 2018. The final authenticated version will be available onlin

    Student's approach to linear programming modeling

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    This study aims to understand how students acquire the ability to model linear programming (LP) problems. Our motivation is to improve LP teaching through the employment of better teaching methods and modeling languages.Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Student's approach to linear programming modeling

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    This study aims to understand how students acquire the ability to model linear programming (LP) problems. Our motivation is to improve LP teaching through the employment of better teaching methods and modeling languages.Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Tess, entre el drama y la violencia: Interpretación de un devenir mujer en el siglo victoriano

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    In this text, I approach a reading of the film Tess, made by Roman Polanski in 1979, as a trace of traces that describe, not without a certain critical realism, the game of truths about a woman in agricultural England of the Victorian century, in its second half. A reality that perhaps still is ours today, as children of modernity in its decline and as women challenged and subjectified in a bundle of relationships and possibilities that highlight and dispute the truths about themselves, in an ontological view of our present.En este texto, abordo una lectura del filme Tess, realizado por Roman Polanski en 1979, como trazo de huellas que describen, no sin cierto realismo crítico, el juego de las verdades sobre una mujer en la Inglaterra agrícola del siglo victoriano, en su segunda mitad. Realidad que quizás aún hoy es la nuestra, como hijos de la modernidad en su ocaso y como mujeres interpeladas y subjetivadas en un haz de relaciones y posibilidades que ponen en relieve y disputa las verdades acerca de sí, en una mirada ontológica de nuestro presente.Neste texto, abordo uma leitura do filme Tess, realizado por Roman Polanski em 1979, como um vestígio de traços que descrevem, não sem certo realismo crítico, o jogo de verdades sobre uma mulher na Inglaterra agrícola do século vitoriano, em seu segundo metade. Uma realidade que talvez ainda seja nossa hoje, como filhas da modernidade em declínio e como mulheres desafiadas e subjetivadas em um feixe de relações e possibilidades que evidenciam e disputam as verdades sobre si mesmas, numa visão ontológica do nosso presente

    Cine, Filosofía y Educación: experiencias de formación, de la historia y del arte en films de F. Truffaut, V. de Sica y G. Tornatore

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    Interpretamos aquí tres films clásicos del cine italiano y francés, en consideración a la Infancia y sus modos de formación y pensamiento: Los Cuatrocientos Golpes (Truffaut), Ladrones de Bicicletas (De Sica) y Cinema Paradiso (Tornatore). Realizamos una inversión de una hipótesis de Giorgio Agamben, según la cual en nuestro tiempo la Infancia no accede a la posibilidad de una experiencia (Agamben). A través de relatos donde la Infancia hace una experiencia con la historia, con la formación y con el arte, emergen cuestiones tales como la experiencia de formación, la experiencia histórica, la experiencia del arte. En este caso abordamos el tema desde el nexo entre Cine y Filosofía. De la lectura de los tres films, se concluye otra premisa agambeniana: la afirmación de la experiencia en los tres filmes confirman otra premisa del autor, a saber, que la política constituye la vida, y que toda experiencia (de formación, de la historia, del arte) deviene tal en un acontecimiento estético por el cual quien piensa y vive la experiencia, lo hace en un dispositivo de vida y poder con el que construye con el que participa de la Historia

    La importancia de la diversificación en la conformación de un portafolio de inversión en Colombia a partir del año 2009

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    La diversificación es importante en la conformación de un portafolio de inversión en Colombia a partir del año 2009, porque sin ella el capital invertido estaría expuesto a un mayor riesgo. La diversificación es necesaria para establecer qué activos son los más apropiados para conformar el portafolio de inversión, en la medida en que se permita, de acuerdo a los movimientos propios del mercado, minimizar las pérdidas del mismo. Con la diversificación se gestiona el riesgo. Un portafolio está expuesto a diferentes tipos de riesgo, tales como: Riesgo de mercado (tasa interés, inflación y tasa cambio), riesgo de crédito, liquidez, operacional, legal, entre otros. Para mitigar el efecto de estos riesgos sobre el portafolio, se pueden llevar a cabo diferentes metodologías y pautas para alcanzar la diversificación. Una de ellas es basada en la teoría de frontera eficiente de Markowitz que indica que una cartera es eficiente si proporciona la máxima rentabilidad posible para un riesgo dado o, de forma equivalente, si presenta el menor riesgo posible para un nivel determinado de rentabilidad. La diversificación eficiente es posible realizarla con herramientas estadísticas como la correlación, entre más débil sea esta entre dos activos, mayor será la probabilidad de cubrimiento del riesgo. La diversificación es importante y necesaria para todo tipo de inversionista llámese conservador, moderado y/o agresivo. Cada uno de ellos está enfrentado a cierto nivel de riesgo y por consiguiente debe gestionarlo y la mejor manera de hacerlo es diversificando su portafolio. En Colombia existen una serie de instrumentos financieros que permiten conformar un portafolio, dependiendo de su naturaleza, los hay de renta fija, renta variable, divisas y derivados. Dentro del grupo de renta fija se negocian los TES (Títulos de deuda pública), los bonos estatales y privados, los papeles comerciales y CDT´s entre otros. Con este abanico de posibilidades de inversión, es viable conformar un portafolio diversificado en Colombia. En síntesis, teniendo en cuenta el tipo de inversionista, los instrumentos de inversión disponibles, la presencia de los diferentes riesgos, las herramientas estadísticas y la relación entre rentabilidad y riesgo, es posible minimizar las pérdidas del portafolio conformado. Este proceso es diversificar, y el no hacerlo es dejar el capital “desprotegido” y susceptible a pérdidas cuantiosas no realizar la diversificación equivale a decir que invertir es igual que “apostar” sin medir las consecuencias. Es así como se establece la importancia de la diversificación en la conformación de un portafolio de inversión en Colombia.The diversification is important in the conformation of a portfolio of investment in Colombia as of year 2009, because without her the invested capital would be exposed to a major risk. Diversification is necessary to establish what assets are the most appropriate to make up for the investment portfolio to the extent that it is permitted, to the movements of the markets of the market, minimize the losses of it. By diversification risk can be managed. A portfolio is exposed to different types of risk, such as: Market risk (interest rate, inflation and exchange rate) credit risk, operational, legal liquidity, among others. To mitigate the effect of these risks on the portfolio, different methodologies and guidelines can be carried out to get diversification. One of them is based on the theory Markowitz efficient and provides maximum possible pro for a determined or an equivalent form if presents the least possible risk for a determined level of profitability. Efficient diversification is possible with statistical tools like correlation, the weaker this one it is between two assets the greater the probability of the hedging of the risk. Diversification is important and necessary for all types of investor, let it be called conservative, moderate or aggressive. Each one of them is facing certain level of risk and must work on it and the best way of doing it is diversifying his portfolio. There are in Colombia several financing instruments that allow you to build a portfolio, depending on its nature, there are those of fixed income, variable income, remittances and derivates. In the fixed revenue group TES, are traded government and private bonds, commercial legal motes and CDT's among others. With this range of investment possibilities, it is viable to make up for a diversified portfolio in Colombia. In brief, taking in to account the type of investor, the available instrument too is the presence of the different risk, the statistical too is and the relation between profitability and risk, it is possible to minimize the losses of the portfolio being made up. This process is to diversify and not to do, it is to leave the capital unprotected and susceptible to lots of losses by not executing the diversification it is the same as to retting not measuring the consequences this is how importance is established in diversification at the moment of conformation in at investment portfolio in Colombia

    Las medidas provisionales para Colombia : entre el cumplimiento y la eficacia

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    Desde la óptica de protecci6n de los derechos humanos en el nivel interamericano, este artículo pretende mostrar que pueden resultar más trascendentales las medidas provisionales que las sentencias de reparaci6n. Esto se debe a su vocación tutelar y a su impacto expansivo hacia un Estado democrático de Derecho. No obstante, entre el cumplimiento y la eficacia de las medidas tutelares que dicta la Corte lDH se transita un recorrido, a veces pendular, en el que el SIDH debe ponderar entre la debida diligencia, el efecto útil, el principio de complementariedad y el de subsidiariedad. Come resultado de ese ejercicio tenemos que el cumplimiento no es binario, sino que tiene matices.From the point of view of the protection of human rights at the Inter-American level, this article aims to show that provisional measures may be more trascendental than sentecnes of reparation. This is due to its protective vocation and its expansive impact towards a democratic State of Law. However, between the compliance with and the effectiveness of the protective measures issued by the Inter-American Human Ricghts System must weigh between due diligence, useful effect, the principle of complementarity and that of subsidiarity. As a result of this exercise, we have that compliance is not binary, but rather has nuances.Magíster en Derecho de Estado con énfasis en Derecho PúblicoMaestrí

    Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: Where We Are and Where We Should Go

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    En este trabajo nos proponemos brindar una conceptualización de la Educación Sexual Integral e identificar argumentos basados en el Derecho Internacional de Derechos Humanos que deberían definir su alcance y la extensión de las obligaciones de los Estados de la región. En particular, identificaremos cinco estándares vinculados a la educación sexual y su regulación normativa; a saber: a) legalidad, b) integralidad, c) transversalidad, d) formación docente y e) rol de las familias. A nuestro entender, estos estándares constituyen indicadores que deben ser considerados por cualquier política pública de Educación Sexual Integral. Basado en ello, nos proponemos analizar críticamente la normativa en materia de educación sexual que existe en quince países de la región. Esto, con el fin de identificar aspectos que podrían ser relevantes a la hora de diseñar una política pública de Educación Sexual Integral que sea acorde a los estándares internacionales de derechos humanos en la materia.In this paper we propose to provide a concept of Comprehensive Sexual Education and identify arguments based on International Human Rights Law that shoulddefine its scope and the extension of the obligations of the States in the region. In particular, we will identify five standards linked to sex education and its normative regulation; namely: a) legality, b) comprehensiveness, c) transversality, d) teacher training and e) role of families. In our opinion, these standards constitute indicators that should be considered by any public policy of Comprehensive Sexual Education. Based on this, we propose to critically analyze the regulations on sex education that exist in fifteen countries of the region. This, in order to identify aspects that could be relevant when designing a public policy of Comprehensive Sexual Education that is in accordance with international human rights standards in the matter.Fil: Ronconi, Liliana Mabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Espiñeira, Brenda Daiana. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Guzmán, Soledad. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Carbon nanotube filters for removal of air pollutants from mobile sources

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    The aim of this work was the assessment of the removal of air pollutants from mobile sources by commercial carbon nanotubes (CNTs). For this, the nanomaterial was characterized by different techniques: SEM, EDS, TEM, XRD, BET, and Raman. Subsequently, the CNTs were packed in a stainless steel filters which was designed from different prototypes that were developed during the investigation.The aim of this work was the assessment of the removal of air pollutants from mobile sources by commercial carbon nanotubes (CNTs). For this, the nanomaterial was characterized by different techniques: SEM, EDS, TEM, XRD, BET, and Raman. Subsequently, the CNTs were packed in a stainless steel filters which was designed from different prototypes that were developed during the investigation