681 research outputs found

    Incorporating Intercultural Communication Skills into Taiwanese University EFL Classrooms

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    Teaching intercultural communication to Taiwanese university EFL students is crucial in preparing them to navigate the complexities of a globalized world. This article explores the challenges faced by Taiwanese EFL students in developing intercultural communication skills and provides strategies for effectively addressing these challenges. The article begins by discussing the limited exposure to authentic cultural contexts that Taiwanese EFL students often encounter and the implications for their intercultural competence (Chen & Starosta, 2000). It then highlights the tendency to prioritize language proficiency over cultural understanding in EFL programs, emphasizing the importance of integrating cultural content into language lessons (Kramsch, 1993). Additionally, the cultural differences in communication styles between Taiwanese culture and English-speaking countries are examined, underscoring the need for explicit instruction on cultural communication norms and strategies (Hofstede, 1980). The article also provides a theoretical overview, incorporating the Intercultural Communication Competence Model, Cultural Dimensions Framework, Communication Accommodation Theory, and Face Negotiation Theory to inform instructional practices (Byram, 1997; Giles, 1973; Ting-Toomey, 1994). Furthermore, it explores the significance of incorporating self-awareness and reflective practices in fostering intercultural competence (Lustig & Koester, 2013). The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of developing cultural awareness, empathy, and effective communication skills in Taiwanese EFL students to enable them to engage with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. By addressing the challenges and utilizing appropriate teaching strategies, educators can facilitate the development of intercultural communication skills among Taiwanese EFL students, equipping them for successful intercultural interactions in an interconnected world.

    Coral skeleton P/Ca proxy for seawater phosphate: Multi-colony calibration with a contemporaneous seawater phosphate record

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    A geochemical proxy for surface ocean nutrient concentrations recorded in coral skeleton could provide new insight into the connections between sub-seasonal to centennial scale nutrient dynamics, ocean physics, and primary production in the past. Previous work showed that coralline P/Ca, a novel seawater phosphate proxy, varies synchronously with annual upwelling-driven cycles in surface water phosphate concentration. However, paired contemporaneous seawater phosphate time-series data, needed for rigorous calibration of the new proxy, were lacking. Here we present further development of the P/Ca proxy in Porites lutea and Montastrea sp. corals, showing that skeletal P/Ca in colonies from geographically distinct oceanic nutrient regimes is a linear function of seawater phosphate (PO4 SW) concentration. Further, high-resolution P/Ca records in multiple colonies of Pavona gigantea and Porites lobata corals grown at the same upwelling location in the Gulf of Panama were strongly correlated to a contemporaneous time-series record of surface water PO4 SW at this site (r2 = 0.7–0.9). This study supports application of the following multi-colony calibration equations to down-core records from comparable upwelling sites, resulting in ±0.2 and ±0.1 lmol/kg uncertainties in PO4 SW reconstructions from P. lobata and P. gigantea, respectively.P/Ca Porites lobata (lmol/mol) = (21.1 ? 2.4)PO4 SW (lmol/kg) + (14.3 ? 3.8)P/Ca Pavona gigantea (lmol/mol) = (29.2 ? 1.4)PO4 SW (lmol/kg) + (33.4 ? 2.7)Inter-colony agreement in P/Ca response to PO4 SW was good (±5–12% about mean calibration slope), suggesting that species-specific calibration slopes can be applied to new coral P/Ca records to reconstruct past changes in surface ocean phosphate. However, offsets in the y-intercepts of calibration regressions among co-located individuals and taxa suggest that biologically-regulated “vital effects” and/or skeletal extension rate may also affect skeletal P incorporation. Quantification of the effect of skeletal extension rate on P/Ca could lead to corrected calibration equations and improved inter-colony P/Ca agreement. Nevertheless, the efficacy of the P/Ca proxy is thus supported by both broad scale correlation to mean surface water phosphate and regional calibration against documented local seawater phosphate variations

    The genomic basis of host and vector specificity in non-pathogenic trypanosomatids

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    Trypanosoma theileri, a non-pathogenic parasite of bovines, has a predicted surface protein architecture that likely aids survival in its mammalian host. Their surface proteins are encoded by genes which account for ∼10% of their genome. A non-pathogenic parasite of sheep, Trypanosoma melophagium, is transmitted by the sheep ked and is closely related to T. theileri. To explore host and vector specificity between these species, we sequenced the T. melophagium genome and transcriptome and an annotated draft genome was assembled. T. melophagium was compared to 43 kinetoplastid genomes, including T. theileri. T. melophagium and T. theileri have an AT biased genome, the greatest bias of publicly available trypanosomatids. This trend may result from selection acting to decrease the genomic nucleotide cost. The T. melophagium genome is 6.3Mb smaller than T. theileri and large families of proteins, characteristic of the predicted surface of T. theileri, were found to be absent or greatly reduced in T. melophagium. Instead, T. melophagium has modestly expanded protein families associated with the avoidance of complement-mediated lysis. We propose that the contrasting genomic features of these species is linked to their mode of transmission from their insect vector to their mammalian host. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper

    Monomorphic trypanozoon:Towards reconciling phylogeny and pathologies

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    Trypanosoma brucei evansi and T. brucei equiperdum are animal infective trypanosomes conventionally classified by their clinical disease presentation, mode of transmission, host range, kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) composition and geographical distribution. Unlike other members of the subgenus Trypanozoon, they are non-tsetse transmitted and predominantly morphologically uniform (monomorphic) in their mammalian host. Their classification as independent species or subspecies has been long debated and genomic studies have found that isolates within T. brucei evansi and T. brucei equiperdum have polyphyletic origins. Since current taxonomy does not fully acknowledge these polyphyletic relationships, we re-analysed publicly available genomic data to carefully define each clade of monomorphic trypanosome. This allowed us to identify, and account for, lineage-specific variation. We included a recently published isolate, IVM-t1, which was originally isolated from the genital mucosa of a horse with dourine and typed as T. equiperdum. Our analyses corroborate previous studies in identifying at least four distinct monomorphic T. brucei clades. We also found clear lineage-specific variation in the selection efficacy and heterozygosity of the monomorphic lineages, supporting their distinct evolutionary histories. The inferred evolutionary position of IVM-t1 suggests its reassignment to the T. brucei evansi type B clade, challenging the relationship between the Trypanozoon species, the infected host, mode of transmission and the associated pathological phenotype. The analysis of IVM-t1 also provides, to our knowledge, the first evidence of the expansion of T. brucei evansi type B, or a fifth monomorphic lineage represented by IVM-t1, outside of Africa, with important possible implications for disease diagnosis

    Stratospheric processes: Observations and interpretation

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    Explaining the observed ozone trends discussed in an earlier update and predicting future trends requires an understanding of the stratospheric processes that affect ozone. Stratospheric processes occur on both large and small spatial scales and over both long and short periods of time. Because these diverse processes interact with each other, only in rare cases can individual processes be studied by direct observation. Generally the cause and effect relationships for ozone changes were established by comparisons between observations and model simulations. Increasingly, these comparisons rely on the developing, observed relationships among trace gases and dynamical quantities to initialize and constrain the simulations. The goal of this discussion of stratospheric processes is to describe the causes for the observed ozone trends as they are currently understood. At present, we understand with considerable confidence the stratospheric processes responsible for the Antarctic ozone hole but are only beginning to understand the causes of the ozone trends at middle latitudes. Even though the causes of the ozone trends at middle latitudes were not clearly determined, it is likely that they, just as those over Antarctica, involved chlorine and bromine chemistry that was enhanced by heterogeneous processes. This discussion generally presents only an update of the observations that have occurred for stratospheric processes since the last assessment (World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 1990), and is not a complete review of all the new information about stratospheric processes. It begins with an update of the previous assessment of polar stratospheres (WMO, 1990), followed by a discussion on the possible causes for the ozone trends at middle latitudes and on the effects of bromine and of volcanoes

    Point-of-Care Testing in Rural and Remote Australia: An Emerging Technology to Address Global Health Challenges, Crises and Security

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    Point-of-care (POC) testing enables rapid pathology results to be utilised in primary care settings for timely clinical decision-making and treatment during a patient consultation and can contribute to public health surveillance and responses. Large-scale POC testing networks (supporting 100 or more rural and remote health services) now operate for chronic, acute and infectious diseases across the length and breadth of Australia. Sound operator training, quality management and digital connectivity systems, in addition to strong clinical and cultural governance, underpin these networks, mitigate risks to patient safety, and facilitate scalability. Real-world examples from our Australian-based POC testing networks highlight how contemporary global health problems, such as diabetes, acute medical crises and the COVID-19 pandemic response can be addressed by the judicious application of POC testing in primary care settings. The recent role POC testing played in supporting First Nations communities of Australia during the pandemic serves as a template for and provides learned experiences that can be translated or adapted to other countries should or when future global security issues arise. The potential to use POC testing as an adjunctive diagnostic tool to support and enhance global health security needs to be balanced against the limitations of using this innovative technology

    Deposition of impurity metals during campaigns with the JET ITER-like Wall

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    Post mortem analysis shows that mid and high atomic number metallic impurities are present in deposits on JET plasma facing components with the highest amount of Ni and W, and therefore the largest sink, being found at the top of the inner divertor. Sources are defined as “continuous” or “specific”, in that “continuous” sources arise from ongoing erosion from plasma facing surfaces and “specific” are linked with specific events which decrease over time until they no longer act as a source. This contribution evaluates the sinks and estimates sources, and the balance gives an indication of the dominating processes. Charge exchange neutral erosion is found to be the main source of nickel, whereas erosion of divertor plasma facing components is the main source of tungsten. Specific sources are shown to have little influence over the global mid- and high-Z impurity concentrations in deposits.Peer reviewe