3,966 research outputs found

    Quantitative analysis of electronic transport through weakly-coupled metal/organic interfaces

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    Using single-crystal transistors, we have performed a systematic experimental study of electronic transport through oxidized copper/rubrene interfaces as a function of temperature and bias. We find that the measurements can be reproduced quantitatively in terms of the thermionic emission theory for Schottky diodes, if the effect of the bias-induced barrier lowering is included. Our analysis emphasizes the role of the coupling between metal and molecules, which in our devices is weak due to the presence of an oxide layer at the surface of the copper electrodes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Psychological characteristics assessment Involved in youth sports managers’ performance

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    El propósito de este estudio ha sido evaluar las características psicológicas implicadas en el desempeño del colectivo de jóvenes gestores deportivos. Para la identificación de las variables psicológicas fue utilizado un procedimiento analítico de naturaleza inductiva donde los jóvenes participantes informaron de su experiencia como gestores deportivos en un formato de grupos de discusión. La información recogida sirvió como base para la elaboración del Cuestionario de Competencia Personal de Jóvenes Gestores Deportivos (CPJGD). Este instrumento presenta una alta consistencia interna (α = 0,72) y está compuesto por 14 items distribuidos en tres factores: compromiso con el rol de gestor deportivo; interés controlado; y persistencia hacia un objetivo. Finalmente se argumentan las implicaciones de los resultados de este estudio en la formación permanente y capacitación profesional de este colectivo de jóvenes gestores deportivosThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychological characteristics involved in the performance of a group of young sport managers. To identify the psychological variables, an analytical procedure of an inductive nature was used, where young participants reported their experience as sport managers in a discussion group context. The information gathered served as basis for the development of the questionnaire of “personal competence of young sport managers”. This instrument has got a high internal consistency (α = 0.72) and comprises 14 items distributed in three factors: commitment to the role of “dynamicers”; controlled interest; and persistence toward a goal. Eventually, we discussed the implications of the results of this study on lifelong learning and training of this group of young sport manager

    Sparse ellipsometry: portable acquisition of polarimetric SVBRDF and shape with unstructured flash photography

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    Ellipsometry techniques allow to measure polarization information of materials, requiring precise rotations of optical components with different configurations of lights and sensors. This results in cumbersome capture devices, carefully calibrated in lab conditions, and in very long acquisition times, usually in the order of a few days per object. Recent techniques allow to capture polarimetric spatially-varying reflectance information, but limited to a single view, or to cover all view directions, but limited to spherical objects made of a single homogeneous material. We present sparse ellipsometry, a portable polarimetric acquisition method that captures both polarimetric SVBRDF and 3D shape simultaneously. Our handheld device consists of off-the-shelf, fixed optical components. Instead of days, the total acquisition time varies between twenty and thirty minutes per object. We develop a complete polarimetric SVBRDF model that includes diffuse and specular components, as well as single scattering, and devise a novel polarimetric inverse rendering algorithm with data augmentation of specular reflection samples via generative modeling. Our results show a strong agreement with a recent ground-truth dataset of captured polarimetric BRDFs of real-world objects

    Measurement report: In situ observations of deep convection without lightning during the tropical cyclone Florence 2018

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    Hurricane Florence was the sixth named storm in the Atlantic hurricane season 2018. It caused dozens of deaths and major economic damage. In this study, we present in situ observations of trace gases within tropical storm Florence on 2 September 2018, after it had developed a rotating nature, and of a tropical wave observed close to the African continent on 29 August 2018 as part of the research campaign CAFE Africa (Chemistry of the Atmosphere: Field Experiment in Africa) with HALO (High Altitude and LOng Range Research Aircraft). We show the impact of deep convection on atmospheric composition by measurements of the trace gases nitric oxide (NO), ozone (O3_{3}), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen peroxide (H2_{2}O2_{2}), dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and methyl iodide (CH3_{3}I) and by the help of color-enhanced infrared satellite imagery taken by GOES-16. While both systems, i.e., the tropical wave and the tropical storm, are deeply convective, we only find evidence for lightning in the tropical wave using both in situ NO measurements and data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN)

    Universality in Turbulence: an Exactly Soluble Model

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    The present note contains the text of lectures discussing the problem of universality in fully developed turbulence. After a brief description of Kolmogorov's 1941 scaling theory of turbulence and a comparison between the statistical approach to turbulence and field theory, we discuss a simple model of turbulent advection which is exactly soluble but whose exact solution is still difficult to analyze. The model exhibits a restricted universality. Its correlation functions contain terms with universal but anomalous scaling but with non-universal amplitudes typically diverging with the growing size of the system. Strict universality applies only after such terms have been removed leaving renormalized correlators with normal scaling. We expect that the necessity of such an infrared renormalization is a characteristic feature of universality in turbulence.Comment: 31 pages, late


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    Los Papilomavirus (PV) son pequeños virus de DNA de la familia Papovaviridae queinfectan una gran variedad de vertebrados incluyendo al hombre. Miden 50 nm dediámetro, carecen de membrana, y su cápside tiene forma icosahédrica compuesta por72 capsómeros (Ver Figura 1).Figura 1. Microscopia electrónica del Papilomavirus HumanoA pesar de su amplia distribución, muestran un alto grado de tropismo celular, es decirúnicamente infectan epitelios secos (piel) y mucosas (orales y genitales) induciendo laformación de lesiones benignas (verrugas o papilomas), y en asociación con ciertoscofactores (1) pueden producir carcinomas.Zur Hausen H. en 1976 (2) fue el primero en relacionar y estudiar al PapilomavirusHumano (PVH) y su participación en carcinogénesis, posteriormente diversos estudiosclínicos, epidemiológicos y moleculares lo establecen como el principal agenteetiológico del cáncer Cervicouterino (CaCU). Recientemente se ha demostrado que másdel 95% de las mujeres con carcinoma cervical están infectadas con algún tipo de PVH(3

    Wave propagation in linear electrodynamics

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    The Fresnel equation governing the propagation of electromagnetic waves for the most general linear constitutive law is derived. The wave normals are found to lie, in general, on a fourth order surface. When the constitutive coefficients satisfy the so-called reciprocity or closure relation, one can define a duality operator on the space of the two-forms. We prove that the closure relation is a sufficient condition for the reduction of the fourth order surface to the familiar second order light cone structure. We finally study whether this condition is also necessary.Comment: 13 pages. Phys. Rev. D, to appea

    Thermal Imaging at Plant Level to Assess the Crop-water Status in Almond Trees (cv. Guara) Under Deficit Irrigation Strategies

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    Almond (Prunnus dulcis Mill.) has been traditionally associated to marginal land cultivation and rain-fed agriculture in South Spain. However, in the last years, this crop is being progressively introduced in more productive agricultural areas within the Guadalquivir river basin, where the available water resources are not enough to satisfy the adequate crop-water requirements. Considering this limitation, a more precise irrigation scheduling to maximize the yield is required. Infrared thermal imaging emerges as alternative to other traditional methodologies to assess the crop-water status, especially when deficit irrigation (DI) strategies are being applied. The aim of this study was to define the methodology to assess the almond water status by means of thermal information. The trial was conducted during 2014, during the kernel-filling period, in an almond experimental orchard (SW Spain), with 5-year-old trees, subjected to three irrigation regimes: i) a full-irrigation treatment (C-100), which received 100% of ETC; ii) a regulated deficit irrigation (RDI-50), which received 100% of ETC except during the kernel filling period, when this treatment was irrigated with 50% of ETC; iii) and a low-frequency deficit irrigation treatment (LFDI), which received 100% of ETC except during the kernel filling period, when it was subjected to continuous periods of irrigation-restriction, defined in terms of the threshold values of shaded leaf water potential (Ψleaf). Three daily curves of canopy temperature (TC), stomatal conductance to water vapour (gs) and Ψleaf with measurements at 8:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:00 and 20:00 were developed. Additionally, Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI), temperature difference between canopy and the surrounding air (ΔTcanopy-air), and the relative index to stomatal conductance (IG) obtained at different scales (canopy and row) were estimated. Significant correlations of infrared thermal information vs. Ψleaf and gs were obtained (p ≤ 0.05 and p ≤ 0.01), in particular, by using the thermal readings taken at 11:30, 14:30 at 17:30 h, especially robust were the relationships obtained between TC and CWSI with Ψleaf at 11:30 h; and between TC and CWSI with gs, and Ψleaf at 14:30 h. Finally, considering the infrared thermal monitoring procedure (readings at tree and row level), similar values of TC were obtained, and therefore, the images taken at row level offered a better information with a higher feasibility in terms of image processing.European Commission. Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional AVA.AVA201601.1

    Thermally-activated cation ordering in ZnGa2Se4 single crystals studied by Raman scattering, optical absorption, and ab initio calculations

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    Order-disorder phase transitions induced by thermal annealing have been studied in the ordered-vacancy compound ZnGa2Se4 by means of Raman scattering and optical absorption measurements. The partially disordered as-grown sample with tetragonal defect stannite (DS) structure and I (4) over bar 2m space group has been subjected to controlled heating and cooling cycles. In situ Raman scattering measurements carried out during the whole annealing cycle show that annealing the sample to 400 degrees C results in a cation ordering in the sample, leading to the crystallization of the ordered tetragonal defect chalcopyrite (DC) structure with I (4) over bar space group. On decreasing temperature the ordered cation scheme of the DC phase can be retained at ambient conditions. The symmetry of the Raman-active modes in both DS and DC phases is discussed and the similarities and differences between the Raman spectra of the two phases emphasized. The ordered structure of annealed samples is confirmed by optical absorption measurements and ab initio calculations, that show that the direct bandgap of DC-ZnGa2Se4 is larger than that of DS-ZnGa2Se4.This study was supported by the Spanish government MEC under grants MAT2010-21270-C04-01/03/04 and MAT2010-19837-C06-06, by MALTA Consolider Ingenio 2010 project (CSD2007-00045), and by the Vicerrectorado de Investigacion y Desarrollo of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV2011-0914 PAID-05-11 and UPV2011-0966 PAID-06-11). EP-G, AM, and PR-H acknowledge computing time provided by Red Espanola de Supercomputacion (RES) and MALTA-Cluster. Finally, the authors would also like to acknowledge M C Moron for stimulating discussions and revision of the present manuscript.Vilaplana Cerda, RI.; Gomis Hilario, O.; Pérez-González, E.; Ortiz, HM.; Manjón Herrera, FJ.; Rodríguez-Hernández, P.; Muñoz, A.... (2013). Thermally-activated cation ordering in ZnGa2Se4 single crystals studied by Raman scattering, optical absorption, and ab initio calculations. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 25(16):165802-1-165802-11. https://doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/25/16/165802S165802-1165802-112516Bernard, J. E., & Zunger, A. (1988). Ordered-vacancy-compound semiconductors: PseudocubicCdIn2Se4. Physical Review B, 37(12), 6835-6856. doi:10.1103/physrevb.37.6835Jiang, X., & Lambrecht, W. R. L. (2004). Electronic band structure of ordered vacancy defect chalcopyrite compounds with formulaII−III2−VI4. Physical Review B, 69(3). doi:10.1103/physrevb.69.035201Yahia, I. S., Fadel, M., Sakr, G. B., & Shenouda, S. S. (2010). Memory switching of ZnGa2Se4 thin films as a new material for phase change memories (PCMs). Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 507(2), 551-556. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.08.021Yahia, I. S., Fadel, M., Sakr, G. B., Yakuphanoglu, F., Shenouda, S. S., & Farooq, W. A. (2011). 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    Continuation of the exponentially small transversality for the splitting of separatrices to a whiskered torus with silver ratio

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    We study the exponentially small splitting of invariant manifolds of whiskered (hyperbolic) tori with two fast frequencies in nearly-integrable Hamiltonian systems whose hyperbolic part is given by a pendulum. We consider a torus whose frequency ratio is the silver number Ω=21\Omega=\sqrt{2}-1. We show that the Poincar\'e-Melnikov method can be applied to establish the existence of 4 transverse homoclinic orbits to the whiskered torus, and provide asymptotic estimates for the tranversality of the splitting whose dependence on the perturbation parameter ε\varepsilon satisfies a periodicity property. We also prove the continuation of the transversality of the homoclinic orbits for all the sufficiently small values of ε\varepsilon, generalizing the results previously known for the golden number.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure