2,299 research outputs found

    Festival Nacional de Teatro, Cali 1996: En busca de la identidad

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    Festival Nacional de Teatro, Cali 1996: En busca de la identida

    Teatro infantil en Colombia

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    Teatro infantil en Colombi

    Los festivales de teatro: Una llamada

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    Los festivales de teatro: Una llamad

    Teatro en Colombia

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    Teatro en Colombi

    Rehabilitació i canvi d'ús d'un edifici situat al carrer Consell de Cent 435 de Barcelona

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    El present Projecte Final de Carrera , tracta sobre la rehabilitació d’un edifici plurifamiliar ubicat a l’Eixample de Barcelona i sobre el seu posterior canvi d’ús. L’edifici està situat al carrer Consell de Cent 435, en una zona qualificada per equipaments públics. Consta de planta baixa amb un local i una guarderia i dues plantes pis de dues vivendes per replà. Es pretén intervenir en el local de planta baixa transformant-lo en un petit teatre i convertir les dues plantes de vivendes en un Centre Cívic. L’edifici data de 1872 però ha patit diverses reformes des de llavors. Les vivendes es troben en bon estat de conservació al igual que el terrat, però s’haurà de rehabilitar tot l’espai que compren el local, ja que presenta diverses lesions. Com que l’edifici no reuneix les condicions establides per la Llei sobre les condicions d’habitabilitat i accessibilitat, amb aquest projecte pretenem dur a terme les reformes i rehabilitacions corresponents per tal de que l’edifici reuneixi els requisits exigits per la normativa en els edificis públics de nova construcció. La rehabilitació i la reforma es faran de manera que afectin el mínim possible a l’estructura, tot i que en alguns casos serà inevitable. Es conservaran plenament els elements més significatius de l’edifici com són la façana principal i el vestíbul d’entrada. La voluntat final del projecte és la rehabilitació i reforma de l’edifici per adaptar-lo a les seves noves funcions. L’objectiu final és donar un espai d’oci els veïns del barri del qual ara no disposen

    Science Fiction and the Victorian Crisis of Faith: Secularization of Biblical Narratives in H.G. Wells' The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896) and The War of the Worlds (1898)

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    In this study we will analyze H.G. Wells’ science-fictional works The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896) and The War of the Worlds (1898) and their secularization of Biblical narratives and tropes with the intention of disclosing the latent ideological conflicts which underly these works and their relation to the Victorian crisis of faith; testing the hypothesis that this religious crisis had a definite impact in the development of the speculative novel

    La dirección en la empresa de trabajo asociado: una revisión de estudios empíricos

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    The difficulty in running a self-managed firm has been one of the arguments used in economics literature to prove the non-viability of the model. People who are sufficiently talented and willing both to manage worker-owners and to assume processes of collective decision-making are a scant resource, one which would involve unsustainable incentives for these companies with their own peculiar characteristics. However, the development of self-managed firms has demonstrated that such a task is possible, a fact with gives the lie to the argument of non-viability. This work systematically draws together the findings of empirical studies from a range of disciplines on managerial work and its peculiarities with regard to other kinds of businesses, in a European Community country with a significant presence of self-run firms. The work is structured into four parts, the first being a delimitation of the subject, object and theoretical framework. The second part sets out the conclusions obtained on the figure of the manager at a level of values, knowledge and management style. The third section goes into detail on the context in which managers must carry out their work and collaborate in the governance of associated work firms. The fourth part deals with findings concerning how managers of this type of firm promote action, either directly or indirectly, by delegating to other people. Finally, the scope of the ideas set out is evaluated, and possible lines of interest are formulated.Direction, management, manager, associated work, Spain.

    Modas de gestión en el siglo XX y modelo cooperativo: convergencias implícitas hacia una empresa de alto rendimiento

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    In this study we endeavour to expose the falseness of a certain sense of underlying inferiority in the company model advocated by the social economy. We will do so by describing and analysing certain “recent” management trends whose origins run from the end of the Second World War to the close of the 20th century and which can be grouped into four tendencies. Teamwork training in the ‘forties, self-managed teams in the ‘eighties and the internal marketing in the ‘nineties could be seen as trends that lean towards democracy. We could classify participation in profits and various collective incentive mechanisms (through profits or shares) as tendencies with a slant towards economic participation. Quality circles and total quality management could be considered trends that lie within a tendency towards excellence, in the sense that they require everyone’s involvement. Lastly, we would group trends such as values-based management and corporate social responsibility within a tendency that places particular emphasis on values. Our hypothesis is clear: the business approach represented by the “specific” management model employed in cooperative enterprises entails an implicit convergence of these tendencies and trends due to their particular emphasis on achieving the objectives of social and economic participation. By assuming this convergence, be it only in part, we would have to question the unfounded nature of democracy and participation, and the “competitive disadvantage” of the alternative model and its unacknowledged originality.Management trends, quality, values, participation, economic democracy, excellence, cooperatives.