2,936 research outputs found

    Wses Position Paper On Vascular Emergency Surgery

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    Trauma, both blunt and penetrating, is extremely common worldwide, as trauma to major vessels. The management of these patients requires specialized surgical skills and techniques of the trauma surgeon. Furthermore few other surgical emergencies require immediate diagnosis and treatment like a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (rAAA). Mortality of patients with a rAAA reaches 85 %, with more than half dying before reaching the hospital. These are acute events demanding immediate intervention to save life and limb and precluding any attempt at transfer or referral. It is the purpose of this position paper to discuss neck, chest, extremities and abdominal trauma, bringing to light recent evidence based data as well as expert opinions; besides, in this paper we present a review of the recent literature on rAAA and we discuss the rationale for transfer to referral center, the role of preoperative imaging and the pros and cons of Endoluminal repair of rAAA (REVAR) versus Open Repair (OR).1

    A reliable measure of similarity based on dependency for short time series: an application to gene expression networks

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    Abstract Background Microarray techniques have become an important tool to the investigation of genetic relationships and the assignment of different phenotypes. Since microarrays are still very expensive, most of the experiments are performed with small samples. This paper introduces a method to quantify dependency between data series composed of few sample points. The method is used to construct gene co-expression subnetworks of highly significant edges. Results The results shown here are for an adapted subset of aSaccharomyces cerevisiaegene expression data set with low temporal resolution and poor statistics. The method reveals common transcription factors with a high confidence level and allows the construction of subnetworks with high biological relevance that reveals characteristic features of the processes driving the organism adaptations to specific environmental conditions. Conclusion Our method allows a reliable and sophisticated analysis of microarray data even under severe constraints. The utilization of systems biology improves the biologists ability to elucidate the mechanisms underlying celular processes and to formulate new hypotheses

    Effect of temperature on the oxidation of soybean biodiesel

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    This paper proposes to examine the effect of temperature on the oxidation behavior of biodiesel. Soybean biodiesel was oxidized at different temperatures (room temperature, 60, and 110 °C), and the increase in primary and secondary oxidation products was determined based on the peroxide and anisidine values, respectively, during the induction period (IP). The results indicated that the evolution of hydroperoxides followed zero-order reaction kinetics during the IP at all temperatures, and their rate of formation was exponentially affected by temperature. It was also deduced that temperature influenced the ratio between primary and secondary oxidation products formation, which decreased as the temperature increased. Additionally, it was possible to predict the oxidation behavior of the soybean biodiesel at room temperature by an exponential model fitted to the IP values at different temperatures (70, 80, 90, 100, and 110 °C) using the Rancimat apparatus.The authors are grateful to the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) for their financial support and to the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level or Education Personnel (CAPES) for a scholarship (Process n° BEX 6667/12-0).Peer Reviewe

    Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Fatty Acids from Cultured and Commercial Phytoplankton Species

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    (1) Background: The extraction of fatty acids from microalgae and cyanobacteria is mostly performed with organic solvents and laborious procedures. Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) can be a more effective and environmentally friendly process than traditional extraction (TE), which uses a large volume of solvent and conduction heating. Freshwater phytoplankton inhabits diverse aquatic environments and is a promising source of fatty acids and green precursors in the synthesis of biofuel, including cyanobacterial biomass. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the potential of MAE to extract fatty acids from a Chlorella sp. microalga and two cyanobacteria, namely, Arthrospira sp. and Sphaerospermopsis torques-reginae, for biodiesel production. For this purpose, the lipid content and fatty acid profile of these strains were compared after treating biomass with the two extraction methods. (2) Methods: MAE and TE were used as extraction procedures; gas chromatography\u2013mass spectrometry was used to assess the fatty acid profiles, and X-ray spectroscopy was used to analyze biomass. (3) Results: Although the fatty acid profile of the oil obtained by TE showed higher concentrations of fatty acids, the MAE method was able to extract more types of fatty acids. The variety of fatty acids extracted by the MAE, especially those with unsaturated chains, allowed for better quality biodiesel, presenting advantages over previous methods and studies. According to the analyses, essential fatty acids 16:0, 16:1, and 18:2 were found to be abundant in both cyanobacterial strains and in microalga, showing potential for biofuel production. Additionally, metal composition was determined as its content may indicate potential pro-oxidant influence in biofuel production. (4) Conclusions: MAE is a useful and green strategy to extract fatty acids from freshwater phytoplankton. Cyanobacteria can also be a beneficial source of fatty acids for biodiesel synthesis

    On energy debt: Managing consumption on evolving software

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    This paper introduces the concept of energy debt: a new metric, reflecting the implied cost in terms of energy consumption over time, of choosing a flawed implementation of a software system rather than a more robust, yet possibly time consuming, approach. A flawed implementation is considered to contain code smells, known to have a negative influence on the energy consumption. Similar to technical debt, if energy debt is not properly addressed, it can accumulate an energy "interest". This interest will keep increasing as new versions of the software are released, and eventually reach a point where the interest will be higher than the initial energy debt. Addressing the issues/smells at such a point can remove energy debt, at the cost of having already consumed a significant amount of energy which can translate into high costs. We present all underlying concepts of energy debt, bridging the connection with the existing concept of technical debt and show how to compute the energy debt through a motivational example.This work is financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project UIDB/50014/2020. The first author is also financed by FCT grant SFRH/BD/132485/2017. The last author is also supported by operation Centro-01-0145-FEDER-000019 - C4 - Centro de Competências em Cloud Computing, cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Programa Operacional Regional do Centro (Centro 2020), in the scope of the Sistema de Apoio à Investigação Científica e Tecnológica - Programas Integrados de IC&DT

    Auditory processing assessment in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    INTRODUCTION: The obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a respiratory disorder that occurs during sleep and it is relatively common in children. AIM: The goal of this paper is to verify if there is a relationship between the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and auditory processing. METHOD: In order to do that, three groups of children ranging in age from 5 to 11 were studied, including a normal group. Twenty subjects who made up the study group were submitted to ear, nose and throat (ENT) exams and to polysomnography (PSG), and were divided in two groups: GROUP I (RO) comprised of 10 children who presented oral breathing and displayed normal PSG, and GROUP II (SAS) comprised of 10 children who presented oral breathing and displayed abnormal PSG. Their performance was compared to the performance of the third group - GROUP III (REN) comprised of 10 children who did not refer ENT difficulties. All the subjects completed a basic audiometric assessment as well as an auditory processing diagnosis. RESULTS: The analyses of the results revealed a statistically significant difference in ENT exams related to the turbinate and the palatine tonsils. Group II presented a higher incidence of turbinate hypertrophy levels II and III (p < 0.001) and palatine tonsils hypertrophy grades III and IV (p 0.007). Regarding the auditory processing assessment, a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001) was obtained in the dichotic digits test. Group II performed worse than group III. Also, for the non-verbal sequence memory test, Group II obtained a worse result (p < 0.022) than Group I. CONCLUSIONS: Subjects with OSAS obtained worse results in auditory processing tests.INTRODUÇÃO: síndrome da apnéia/hipopnéia obstrutiva do sono (SAHOS) é uma desordem de respiração durante o sono e tem sido descrita como uma condição relativamente comum em crianças. OBJETIVO: Verificar se existe relação entre a presença da Síndrome da Apnéia/Hipopnéia Obstrutiva do Sono e alteração de processamento auditivo. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 3 grupos de crianças na faixa etária de 5 a 11 anos, incluindo um grupo controle. Vinte indivíduos que constituíram o grupo de estudo foram submetidos à avaliação otorrinolaringológica e ao exame de polissonografia (PSG) e foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo I (RO) constituído por 10 indivíduos respiradores orais e PSG normal e Grupo II (SAS) constituído por 10 indivíduos respiradores orais e PSG alterado. O desempenho destes indivíduos foi comparado a um terceiro grupo - Grupo III (REN) composto de 10 crianças sem queixas otorrinolaringológicas. Todos os sujeitos foram submetidos à avaliação audiológica básica e à avaliação do PA. RESULTADOS: Quanto à avaliação otorrinolaringológica, houve diferença estatisticamente significante no que se refere à avaliação dos cornetos nasais e das tonsilas palatinas. No grupo II, verificou-se maior número de indivíduos com hipertrofia de cornetos nasais grau II e III (p < 0,001) e com hipertrofia de tonsila palatina grau III e IV (p 0,007). Em relação à avaliação de PA, os resultados mostraram que houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p < 0,001) no teste dicótico de dígitos, tendo o grupo II apresentado pior desempenho do que o grupo III e, no resultado do teste de memória para sons não-verbais em seqüência (p < 0,022), tendo o grupo II apresentado pior desempenho do que o grupo I. CONCLUSÃO: A presença da SAHOS relacionou-se positivamente com a alteração de processamento auditivo.UNIFESP/ EPMUNICAMP FCMUNIFESP / EPM Departamento de PsicobiologiaUNIFESP / EPM Departamento de FonoaudiologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) - UNIFESPUNIFESPUNIFESP/ EPMUNIFESP, / EPM Depto. de PsicobiologiaUNIFESP, / EPM Depto. de FonoaudiologiaUNIFESP, - UNIFESPSciEL

    A second new species for the rare dipsadid genus Caaeteboia Zaher et al., 2009 (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) from the Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil

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    Caaeteboia is a rare and elusive monotypic genus of Neotropical snake, being one of the least known dipsadids of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Here, we assess the morphological and genetic diversity of this genus, comparing these results with several other genera of Xenodontinae. Our combined results revealed the presence of an unknown species from the northeastern portion of the Atlantic Forest. The new species is distributed throughout the enclaves of coastal open forests mixed with savanna-like habitat, locally known as “Floresta de Tabuleiro”, and submontane ombrophilous forests in the Brazilian states of Paraíba and Pernambuco. This new species is easily distinguished from C. amarali by its lower number of dorsal, ventral, and subcaudal scales, and a remarkable dark lateral stripe from the nostril up to the anterior third of the body. The new species extends the distribution of the genus in approximately 700 kilometers northwards, reinforcing the importance of the conservation of small remnants of Atlantic Forest in northeastern Brazil, which still harbor high levels of endemicity and diversity.Caaeteboia é um gênero de serpente raro e monotípico da região Neotropical, sendo um dos dipsadídeos menos conhecidos da Floresta Atlântica brasileira. Neste trabalho, avaliamos a diversidade morfológica e genética desse gênero, comparando-o com outros gêneros de Xenodontinae. Nossos resultados combinados revelaram a presença de uma espécie desconhecida da porção nordeste da Floresta Atlântica. A nova espécie se distribui ao longo dos enclaves de florestas abertas costeiras misturadas com habitats savânicos, conhecidos localmente por “Florestas de Tabuleiro”, e florestas ombrófilas submontanas nos estados da Paraíba e de Pernambuco. Essa nova espécie é distinguida de C. amarali pelo menor número de escamas dorsais, ventrais e subcaudais, e por uma evidente linha escura lateral desde o focinho até o terço anterior do corpo. A nova espécie amplia a distribuição do gênero para aproximadamente 700 quilômetros ao norte, e reforça a importância da conservação dos pequenos remanescentes de Floresta Atlântica no nordeste do Brasil, os quais ainda abrigam altos níveis de endemismo e diversidade.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    A second new species for the rare dipsadid genus Caaeteboia Zaher et al., 2009 (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) from the Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil

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    Caaeteboia is a rare and elusive monotypic genus of Neotropical snake, being one of the least known dipsadids of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Here, we assess the morphological and genetic diversity of this genus, comparing these results with several other genera of Xenodontinae. Our combined results revealed the presence of an unknown species from the northeastern portion of the Atlantic Forest. The new species is distributed throughout the enclaves of coastal open forests mixed with savanna-like habitat, locally known as “Floresta de Tabuleiro”, and submontane ombrophilous forests in the Brazilian states of Paraíba and Pernambuco. This new species is easily distinguished from C. amarali by its lower number of dorsal, ventral, and subcaudal scales, and a remarkable dark lateral stripe from the nostril up to the anterior third of the body. The new species extends the distribution of the genus in approximately 700 kilometers northwards, reinforcing the importance of the conservation of small remnants of Atlantic Forest in northeastern Brazil, which still harbor high levels of endemicity and diversity.Caaeteboia é um gênero de serpente raro e monotípico da região Neotropical, sendo um dos dipsadídeos menos conhecidos da Floresta Atlântica brasileira. Neste trabalho, avaliamos a diversidade morfológica e genética desse gênero, comparando-o com outros gêneros de Xenodontinae. Nossos resultados combinados revelaram a presença de uma espécie desconhecida da porção nordeste da Floresta Atlântica. A nova espécie se distribui ao longo dos enclaves de florestas abertas costeiras misturadas com habitats savânicos, conhecidos localmente por “Florestas de Tabuleiro”, e florestas ombrófilas submontanas nos estados da Paraíba e de Pernambuco. Essa nova espécie é distinguida de C. amarali pelo menor número de escamas dorsais, ventrais e subcaudais, e por uma evidente linha escura lateral desde o focinho até o terço anterior do corpo. A nova espécie amplia a distribuição do gênero para aproximadamente 700 quilômetros ao norte, e reforça a importância da conservação dos pequenos remanescentes de Floresta Atlântica no nordeste do Brasil, os quais ainda abrigam altos níveis de endemismo e diversidade.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin


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    A agrobiodiversidade engloba toda diversidade biológica manejada pelos agricultores/as para produção agrícola, seus saberes e práticas ancestrais associados. Neste trabalho, investigou-se a agrobiodiversidade e suas implicações na soberania alimentar de diferentes comunidades tradicionais do norte mineiro, utilizando os quintais como foco de estudo. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas em domicílios e nos respectivos quintais amostrados, reuniões e grupos focais em cada comunidade parceira, a saber: quilombola de Malhada Grande (Catuti/MG), vazanteira do Pau Preto (Matias Cardoso/MG), geraizeira do Sobrado (Rio Pardo de Minas/MG) e caatingueira do Touro (Serranópolis de Minas/MG). Em geral, segundo os parceiros, o “quintal” engloba: local ao redor da casa com plantio, criação de animais, trato diário, podendo ou não haver árvores. Nele encontram-se diferentes espaços, como a horta onde se cultivam plantas de ciclo curto. A importância local dos quintais para diversos fins foi revelada nos depoimentos, como no autossustento, permutas/partilhas de plantas e frutos, uso medicinal e loci de relações familiares e comunitárias. Registraram-se 133 etnoespécies, distribuídas em 126 espécies e 46 famílias botânicas, nos agroecossistemas de quintais estudados. Entre os diferentes usos alimentares elencados(83), organizou-se 15 categorias de preparo e consumo, nas quais se destacaram (i)consumo in natura e (ii)bebidas,  pela maior riqueza de etnoespécies. A disponibilidade temporal dessa agrobiodiversidade é marcada pela sazonalidade, que define um ciclo anual fundamental: tempo das águas e tempo das secas; representando seis meses corridos de chuvas e estiagem, respectivamente.  Em cada tempo do ciclo, as fases intermediárias revelaram maior porcentagem de etnoespécies/comunidade em produção, denotando etnoespécies e etnovariedades sazonalmente específicas, adaptadas ao clima semiárido regional. Conclui-se que os quintais, ambientes manejados, representam extensão cultural de tradições alimentares locais, revelam agrobiodiversidade notavelmente rica, cuja conservação e valorização são algumas das diversas estratégias agroalimentares que comunidades tradicionais têm para manter e garantir a alimentação, fundamentais na soberania alimentar