101 research outputs found


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    A máxima de que a informação é a alma do negócio nunca foi tão atual. A cada dia aumenta a necessidade de as empresas tomarem decisões estratégicas com base nos dados históricos e informações em tempo real. Transformar dados em inteligência empresarial é o que se propõe com o Business Intelligence, um processo composto por um conjunto de ferramentas que podem ser utilizados por empesas de qualquer segmento do mercado. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é conceituar o Business Intelligence, abordar sua estrutura de extração de dados através do ETL; sua organização e consolidação por meio do Data Warehouse e Data Mart, e a mineração dos dados utilizando ferramentas de Text Mining e Data Mining. Entender suas funcionalidades e aplicações, analisar casos de utilização a fim de compreender seus benefícios práticos como ferramenta de apoio à tomada de decisões estratégicas

    Desenvolvimento de ferramentas e indicadores de gestão em saúde: experiência da segurança do paciente

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    The aim was to demonstrate the use of quality and safety management indicators for fall risk. Descriptive case report on the use and results of quality management tools. The setting is a clinical ward of a tertiary care hospital located in the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Data were collected in April/2023. The pre-test assertiveness rate was 87% and 89% for the post-test, however for analysis of the indicator identification of the risk of falling, it was significantly high for inadequacy, on the general average 90.48% of the beds, and after raising awareness via online training and monitoring, there was a drastic and relatively important change to 84.56% of beds and patients identified appropriately. The prevention and reduction of risk factors are challenges in the management of nursing care in the broad health ecosystem. Quality as a right must be implemented by associating accessible technological resources and tools that can measure and quantify objectives aligned with institutional practices.Objetivou-se demonstrar o uso de indicadores de gestão de qualidade e segurança do risco de queda. Relato de caso descritivo sobre uso e resultados de ferramentas de gestão da qualidade. O cenário é uma enfermaria clínica de um hospital de nível de atenção terciário localizado na capital do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram coletados em abril/2023. A taxa de assertividade do pré-teste foi de 87% e para o pós-teste de 89%, contudo para análise do indicador identificação do risco de queda que era significativamente alta para inadequação, na média geral 90,48% dos leitos, e após a sensibilização via treinamento online e do monitoramento, houve uma mudança drástica e relativamente importante para 84,56% de leitos e pacientes identificados de maneira adequadas. A prevenção e redução de fatores de riscos são desafios na gestão da assistência de enfermagem no amplo ecossistema da saúde. A qualidade como direito deve ser implementado associando recursos tecnológicos acessíveis e com ferramentas que possam mensurar e quantificar objetivos alinhados com as práticas institucionais

    Epidural hematoma in children

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    Neste trabalho, os autores apresentam sua experiência em 44 casos de hematoma extradural na infância. Houve predomínio do sexo masculino com 33 casos. As principais causas foram queda acidental e acidentes de trânsito. O quadro clínico principal foi cefaléia, seguida de vômitos, hemiparesia, anisocoria, convulsões e, em 2 casos, anemia. A localização mais comum foi a região temporal, seguida da fossa posterior e, em apenas 1 caso, bilateral. O exame de raios X simples de crânio demonstrou traço de fratura em 32 casos e a tomografia computadorizada foi positiva em todos pacientes. Lesões intradurais associadas estavam presentes em 8 casos. O tratamento cirúrgico foi realizado em 40 casos e o conservador, em 4. O resultado do tratamento foi excelente em 36 casos, regular em 4 e o óbito ocorreu em 4. Os casos que tiveram o diagnóstico precoce apresentavam bom nível de consciência na admissão, em que o tratamento cirúrgico realizado precocemente e na ausência de lesões intradurais associadas cursaram com bom prognóstico._________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The authors present their experience in the treatment of 44 cases of epidural hematoma in infants. There was a predominance in males (33:11 male/female ratio). Accidental falls and traffic accidents were the most frequent causes of trauma. The main clinical manifestation were headaches, followed by vomiting, hemiparesis, anisocoria and seizures; anemia were found in two cases. The most frequent place for these hematomas was the temporal region, followed by the posterior fossa; in only one case it was bilateral. Signs of bone fracture were found in the plain X-ray in 32 cases and the CT scans revealed the lesion in all patients. Intradural lesions were associated in eight cases. Surgical treatment was performed in 40 patients and four patients were conservatively treated. The results of the treatment were excellent in 36 cases, fair in 4 and 4 patients died. The main prognostic factors for these patients were their alertness at the admission, early surgical treatment and absence of associated intradural lesions

    Prevalence of cleft lip and palate in Brazilian children 2011 - 2015

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    Cleft lip and cleft palate are birth defects of complex etiology. The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of cleft lip and palate in Brazilian children. An ecological and descriptive study, based on data from the Live Birth Information System (SINASC / DATASUS) between years 2011 and 2015 in the cities of João Pessoa, Campina Grande, Patos, Cajazeiras, and Sousa (State of Paraíba) was developed. Information on the presence of congenital anomalies and cleft lip and palate, gender of neonate, birth-weight (<2.5kg and ≥2.5kg) and mother's age were collected. Data were tabulated with Microsoft Excel software and presented through descriptive statistics (absolute and percentage distributions). In the study period, there were 206367 cases of live birth, with 1916 cases of children with congenital anomalies of which 109 (5.7%) had cleft lip and palate, predominantly males (66%). Regarding birth-weight, 27.5% had <2.5kg. The majority of mothers aged 20-29 years (45.9%). The city of Campina Grande concentrated the highest number of cases (50.5%), with prevalence of 7.36 cases per ten thousand live births. The frequency of cleft lip and palate was 5.2 per 10000 live births. Male children with normal birth-weight are the most affected by cleft lip and palate.Key words: Epidemiology; Cleft Lip; Cleft Palate; Congenital Abnormalitie

    The use of a new calcium mesoporous silica nanoparticle versus calcium and/or fluoride products in reducing the progression of dental erosion

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    Objective: There is increasingly common the consumption more times a day of foods and acidic drinks in the diet of the population. The present study aimed to evaluate and compare the effects of a calcium mesoporous silica nanoparticle single application of other calcium and/or fluoride products in reducing the progression of dental erosion. Methodology: Half of the eroded area was covered of 60 blocks of enamel, after which the block was submitted to the following treatments: (Ca2+-MSN), casein phosphopeptide–amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP); CPP-ACP/F-(900 ppm F−); titanium tetrafluoride (TiF4 1%) (positive control); sodium fluoride (NaF 1.36%) (positive control); and Milli-Q® water (negative control) before being submitted to a second erosive challenge. A surface analysis was performed via a three-dimensional (3D) noncontact optical profilometry to assess the volumetric roughness (Sa) and tooth structure loss (TSL) and and through scanning electron microscopy (MEV). An analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s test were performed. Results: Regarding Sa, all experimental groups exhibited less roughness than the control (p<0.05). The TSL analysis revealed that the Ca2+-MSN and NaF groups were similar (p>0.05) and more effective in minimizing tooth loss compared with the other groups (p<0.05). Conclusions: The Ca2+-MSN and NaF treatments were superior compared with the others and the negative control

    The use of telemedicine to support Brazilian primary care physicians in managing eye conditions : the TeleOftalmo Project

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    Purpose: To determine whether teleophthalmology can help physicians in assessing and managing eye conditions and to ascertain which clinical conditions can be addressed by teleophthalmology in primary care setting. Methods: We evaluated the resolution capacity of TeleOftalmo, strategy implemented in the public health system of southern Brazil. Resolution capacity was defined as the ability to fully address patients’ eye complaints in primary care with remote assistance from ophthalmologists. Data from tele-eye reports were collected over 14 months. Resolution capacity was compared across different age groups and different ocular conditions. Results: Overall, 8,142 patients had a tele-eye report issued in the study period. Resolution capacity was achieved in 5,748 (70.6%) patients. When stratified into age groups, the lowest capacity was 43.1% among subjects aged �65 years, while the highest was 89.7% among subjects aged 13–17 years (p<0.001). Refractive error (70.3%) and presbyopia (56.3%) were the most prevalent conditions followed by cataract (12.4%) and suspected glaucoma (7.6%). Resolution capacity was higher in cases of refractive error, presbyopia, spasm of accommodation and lid disorders than in patients diagnosed with other condition (p<0.001). Conclusions: With telemedicine support, primary care physicians solved over two-thirds of patients’ eye or vision complaints. Refractive errors had high case resolution rates, thus having a great impact on reducing the number of referrals to specialty care. Teleophthalmology adoption in primary-care settings as part of the workup of patients with eye or vision complaints promotes a more effective use of specialty centers and will hopefully reduce waiting times for specialty referral

    Didactic Sequence for Teaching Exponential Function

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    This paper presents a methodological proposal for the teaching of exponential function, resulting from the application of a didactic sequence involving exponential function, where evidence of learning and the consolidation and application of mathematical concepts in problem solving were identified and analyzed. The Didactic Engineering of Michèle Artigue (1988) was used as a research methodology. As theoretical contributions that guided and enabled the development of the research, we chose the use of Mathematical Investigation in the classroom; Didactic Sequence in the conception of Zabala (1999); the Articulated Units of Conceptual Reconstruction proposed by Cabral (2017) and assumptions of Vygotsky\u27s theory. A didactic sequence composed of five UARC\u27s was elaborated to work the exponential function, with a view to minimizing the difficulties naturally imposed by the content to be explained. Microgenetic analysis of verbal interactions between teacher and students was used to analyze the results of the application. The results show that the students participating in the experiment showed evidence of learning, recorded during the process, and began to have a good understanding of the concepts and properties related to the topic, in addition to a good performance in carrying out the activities, facts that corroborate the potential of the didactic sequence proposed herein