184 research outputs found

    Effects of the galactic winds on the stellar metallicity distribution of dwarf spheroidal galaxies

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    To study the effects of galactic winds on the stellar metallicity distributions and on the evolution of Draco and Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxies, we compared the predictions of several chemical evolution models, adopting different prescriptions for the galactic winds, with the photometrically-derived stellar metallicity distributions of both galaxies. The chemical evolution models for Draco and Ursa Minor, which are able to reproduce several observational features of these two galaxies, such as the several abundance ratios, take up-to-date nucleosynthesis into account for intermediate-mass stars and supernovae of both types, as well as the effect of these objects on the energetics of the systems. For both galaxies, the model that best fits the data contains an intense continuous galactic wind, occurring at a rate proportional to the star formation rate. Models with a wind rate assumed to be proportional only to the supernova rate also reproduce the observed SMD, but do not match the gas mass, whereas the models with no galactic winds fail to reproduce the observed SMDs. In the case of Ursa Minor, the same model as in previous works reproduces the observed distribution very well with no need to modify the main parameters of the model. The model for Draco, on the other hand, is slightly modified. The observed SMD requires a model with a lower supernova type Ia thermalization efficiency (ηSNeIa\eta_{SNeIa} = 0.5 instead of ηSNeIa\eta_{SNeIa} = 1.0) in order to delay the galactic wind, whereas all the other parameters are kept the same. The model results, compared to observations, strongly suggest that intense and continuous galactic winds play a very important role in the evolution of local dSphs.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Asttronomy & Astrophysic

    The mass loss process in dwarf galaxies from 3D hydrodynamical simulations: the role of dark matter and starbursts

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    Theoretical Λ\LambdaCDM cosmological models predict a much larger number of low mass dark matter haloes than has been observed in the Local Group of galaxies. One possible explanation is the increased difficulty of detecting these haloes if most of the visible matter is lost at early evolutionary phases through galactic winds. In this work we study the current models of triggering galactic winds in dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSph) from supernovae, and study, based on 3D hydrodynamic numerical simulations, the correlation of the mass loss rates and important physical parameters as the dark matter halo mass and its radial profile, and the star formation rate. We find that the existence of winds is ubiquitous, independent on the gravitational potential. Our simulations revealed that the Rayleigh-Taylor Instability (RTI) may play a major role on pushing matter out of these systems, even for very massive haloes. The instability is responsible for 5 - 40% of the mass loss during the early evolution of the galaxy, being less relevant at t>200t > 200Myrs. There is no significant difference in the mass loss rates obtained for the different dark matter profiles studied (NFW and logarithmic). We have also found a correlation between the mass loss rate and both the halo mass and the rate of supernovae, as already reported in previous works. Besides, the epoch in which most of the baryon galactic matter is removed from the galaxy varies depending on the SN rate and gravitational potential. The later, combined to the importance of the RTI in each model, may change our understanding about the chemical evolution of dwarf galaxies, as well as in the heavy element contamination of the intergalactic medium at high redshifts.Comment: MNRAS, accepte

    The Evolution of Barium and Europium in Local Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies

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    By means of a detailed chemical evolution model, we follow the evolution of barium and europium in four Local Group Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies, in order to set constraints on the nucleosynthesis of these elements and on the evolution of this type of galaxies compared with the Milky Way. The model, which is able to reproduce several observed abundance ratios and the present day total mass and gas mass content of these galaxies, adopts up to date nucleosynthesis and takes into account the role played by supernovae of different types (II, Ia) allowing us to follow in detail the evolution of several chemical elements (H, D, He, C, N, O, Mg, Si, S, Ca, Fe, Ba and Eu). By assuming that barium is a neutron capture element produced in low mass AGB stars by s-process but also in massive stars (in the mass range 10 - 30 M⊙M_{\odot}) by r-process, during the explosive event of supernovae of type II, and that europium is a pure r-process element synthesized in massive stars also in the range of masses 10 - 30 M⊙M_{\odot}, we are able to reproduce the observed [Ba/Fe] and [Eu/Fe] as functions of [Fe/H] in all four galaxies studied. We confirm also the important role played by the very low star formation efficiencies (ν\nu = 0.005 - 0.5 Gyr−1^{-1}) and by the intense galactic winds (6-13 times the star formation rate) in the evolution of these galaxies. These low star formation efficiencies (compared to the one for the Milky Way disc) adopted for the Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies are the main reason for the differences between the trends of [Ba/Fe] and [Eu/Fe] predicted and observed in these galaxies and in the metal-poor stars of our Galaxy. Finally, we provide predictions for Sagittarius galaxy for which data of only two stars are available.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The metal-poor Knee in the Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

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    We present alpha-element abundances of Mg, Si, and Ti for a large sample of field stars in two outer fields of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy (dSph), obtained with VLT/GIRAFFE (R~16,000). Due to the large fraction of metal-poor stars in our sample, we are able to follow the alpha-element evolution from [Fe/H]=-2.5 continuously to [Fe/H]=-0.7 dex. For the first time we are able to resolve the turnover from the Type II supernovae (SNe) dominated, alpha-enhanced plateau down to subsolar [alpha/Fe] values due to the onset of SNe Ia, and thus to trace the chemical enrichment efficiency of the galaxy. Our data support the general concept of an alpha-enhanced plateau at early epochs, followed by a well-defined "knee", caused by the onset of SNe Ia, and finally a second plateau with sub-solar [alpha/Fe] values. We find the position of this knee to be at [Fe/H]=-1.9 and therefore significantly more metal-poor than expected from comparison with other dSphs and standard evolutionary models. Surprisingly, this value is rather comparable to the knee in Sculptor, a dSph about 10 times less luminous than Fornax. Using chemical evolution models, we find that both the position of the knee as well as the subsequent plateau at sub-solar level can hardly be explained unless the galaxy experienced several discrete star formation events with a drastic variation in star formation efficiency, while a uniform star formation can be ruled out. One possible evolutionary scenario is that Fornax experienced one or several major accretion events from gas-rich systems in the past, so that its current stellar mass is not indicative of the chemical evolution environment at ancient times. If Fornax is the product of several smaller building blocks, this may also have implications of the understanding on the formation process of dSphs in general.Comment: 10 pages, 6 Figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The IGIMF and other IMFs in dSphs: : the case of Sagittarius

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ©: 2015 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reservedWe have studied the effects of various initial mass functions (IMFs) on the chemical evolution of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy (Sgr). In particular, we tested the effects of the integrated galactic initial mass function (IGIMF) on various predicted abundance patterns. The IGIMF depends on the star formation rate and metallicity and predicts less massive stars in a regime of low star formation, as it is the case in dwarf spheroidals. We adopted a detailed chemical evolution model following the evolution of α-elements, Fe and Eu, and assuming the currently best set of stellar yields. We also explored different yield prescriptions for the Eu, including production from neutron star mergers. Although the uncertainties still present in the stellar yields and data prevent us from drawing firm conclusions, our results suggest that the IGIMF applied to Sgr predicts lower [α/Fe] ratios than classical IMFs and lower [hydrostatic/explosive] α-element ratios, in qualitative agreement with observations. In our model, the observed high [Eu/O] ratios in Sgr is due to reduced O production, resulting from the IGIMF mass cut-off of the massive oxygen-producing stars, as well as to the Eu yield produced in neutron star mergers, a more promising site than core-collapse supernovae, although many uncertainties are still present in the Eu nucleosynthesis. We find that a model, similar to our previous calculations, based on the late addition of iron from the Type Ia supernova time-delay (necessary to reproduce the shape of [X/Fe] versus [Fe/H] relations) but also including the reduction of massive stars due to the IGIMF, better reproduces the observed abundance ratios in Sgr than models without the IGIMF.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Chemical Evolution of Dwarf Spheroidal and Blue Compact Galaxies

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    We studied the chemical evolution of Dwarf Spheroidal (dSph) and Blue Compact Galaxies (BCGs) by means of comparison between the predictions of chemical evolution models and several observed abundance ratios. Detailed models with up to date nucleosynthesis taking into account the role played by supernovae of different types (II, Ia) were developed for both types of galaxies allowing us to follow the evolution of several chemical elements. The models are specified by the prescriptions of the star formation (SF) and galactic wind efficiencies chosen to reproduce the main features of these galaxies. We also investigated a possible connection in the evolution of dSph and BCGs and compared the predictions of the models to the abundance ratios observed in Damped Lyman alpha Systems (DLAs). The main conclusions are: i) the observed distribution of [alpha/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] in dSph is mainly a result of the SF rate coupled with the wind efficiency; ii) a low SF efficiency and a high wind efficiency are required to reproduce the observational data for dSph; iii) the low gas content of these galaxies is the result of the combined action of gas consumption by SF and gas removal by galactic winds; iv) the BCGs abundance ratios are reproduced by models with 2 to 7 bursts of SF with low efficiencies ; v) the low values of N/O observed in BCGs are the natural result of a bursting SF; vi) a connection between dSph and BCGs in an unified evolutionary scenario is unlikely; vii) the models for the dSph and BCGs imply different formation scenarios for the DLAs; viii) a suitable amount of primary N produced in massive stars can be perhaps an explanation for the low plateau in the [N/α\alpha] distribution observed in DLAs, if real.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Predicted Metallicity Distribution of Stars in Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies

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    We predict the metallicity distribution of stars and the age-metallicity relation for 6 Dwarf Spheroidal (dSph) galaxies of the Local Group by means of a chemical evolution model which is able to reproduce several observed abundance ratios and the present day total mass and gas content of these galaxies. The model adopts up to date nucleosynthesis and takes into account the role played by supernovae of different types (II, Ia) allowing us to follow in detail the evolution of several chemical elements (H, D, He, C, N, O, Mg, Si, S, Ca, and Fe). Each galaxy model is specified by the prescriptions of the star formation rate and by the galactic wind efficiency chosen to reproduce the main features of these galaxies. These quantities are constrained by the star formation histories of the galaxies as inferred by the observed color-magnitude diagrams (CMD). The main conclusions are: i) 5 of the 6 dSphs galaxies are characterized by very low star formation efficiencies (ν=0.005−0.5Gyr−1\nu = 0.005 - 0.5 Gyr ^{-1}) with only Sagittarius having a higher one (ν=1.0−5.0Gyr−1\nu = 1.0 - 5.0 Gyr ^{-1}); ii) the wind efficiency is high for all galaxies, in the range wiw_i = 6 - 15; iii) a high wind efficiency is required in order to reproduce the abundance ratios and the present day gas mass of the galaxies; iv) the predicted age-metallicity relation implies that the stars of the dSphs reach solar metallicities in a time-scale of the order of 2 - 6 Gyr; v) the metallicity distributions of stars in dSphs exhibit a peak around [Fe/H] ∼\sim -1.8 to -1.5 dex, with the exception of Sagittarius ([Fe/H] ∼\sim -0.8 dex); iv) the predicted metallicity distributions of stars suggest that the majority of stars in dSphs are formed in a range of metallicity in agreement with the one of the observed stars.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Multi-Element Abundance Measurements from Medium-Resolution Spectra. III. Metallicity Distributions of Milky Way Dwarf Satellite Galaxies

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    We present metallicity distribution functions (MDFs) for the central regions of eight dwarf satellite galaxies of the Milky Way: Fornax, Leo I and II, Sculptor, Sextans, Draco, Canes Venatici I, and Ursa Minor. We use the published catalog of abundance measurements from the previous paper in this series. The measurements are based on spectral synthesis of iron absorption lines. For each MDF, we determine maximum likelihood fits for Leaky Box, Pre-Enriched, and Extra Gas (wherein the gas supply available for star formation increases before it decreases to zero) analytic models of chemical evolution. Although the models are too simplistic to describe any MDF in detail, a Leaky Box starting from zero metallicity gas fits none of the galaxies except Canes Venatici I well. The MDFs of some galaxies, particularly the more luminous ones, strongly prefer the Extra Gas Model to the other models. Only for Canes Venatici I does the Pre-Enriched Model fit significantly better than the Extra Gas Model. The best-fit effective yields of the less luminous half of our galaxy sample do not exceed 0.02 Z_sun, indicating that gas outflow is important in the chemical evolution of the less luminous galaxies. We surmise that the ratio of the importance of gas infall to gas outflow increases with galaxy luminosity. Strong correlations of average [Fe/H] and metallicity spread with luminosity support this hypothesis.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ; minor corrections in v3; corrected typographical errors in Tables 1 and 3 in v

    The S2 Stream:the shreds of a primitive dwarf galaxy

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    We present a multi-instrument chemical analysis of the stars in the metal-poor S2 halo stream using both high- and low-resolution spectroscopy, complemented with a re-analysis of the archival data to give a total sample of 62 S2 members. Our high-resolution program provides alpha-elements (C, Mg, Si, Ca and Ti), iron-peak elements (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni), n-process elements (Sr, Ba) and other elements such us Li, Na, Al, and Sc for a subsample of S2 objects. We report coherent abundance patterns over a large metallicity spread (~1dex) confirming that the S2 stream was produced by a disrupted dwarf galaxy. The S2's alpha-elements display a mildly decreasing trend with increasing metallicity which can be interpreted as a "knee" at [Fe/H]<-2. However, even at the high end of [Fe/H], S2's [alpha/Fe] ratios do not climb down from the halo plateau, signaling prehistoric enrichment pattern with minimal SN Ia contribution. At the low metallicity end, the n-capture elements in S2 are dominated by r-process production: several stars are Ba-enhanced but unusually extremely poor in Sr. Moreover, some of the low-[Fe/H] stars appear to be carbon-enhanced. We interpret the observed abundance patterns with the help of chemical evolution models that demonstrate the need for modest star-formation efficiency and low wind efficiency confirming that the progenitor of S2 was a primitive dwarf galaxy.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS. Comments are welcome
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