43 research outputs found

    Shot noise of Coulomb drag current

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    We work out a theory of shot noise in a special case. This is a noise of the Coulomb drag current excited under the ballistic transport regime in a one-dimensional nanowire by a ballistic non-Ohmic current in a nearby parallel nanowire. We predict sharp oscillation of the noise power as a function of gate voltage or the chemical potential of electrons. We also study dependence of the noise on the voltage V across the driving wire. For relatively large values of V the noise power is proportional to V^2.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Antiferromagnetic resonance in ferroborate NdFe3_3(BO3_3)$_4

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    The AFMR spectra of the NdFe3_3(BO3_3)4_4 crystal are measured in a wide range of frequencies and temperatures. It is found that by the type of magnetic anisotropy the compound is an "easy-plane" antiferromagnet with a weak anisotropy in the basal plane. The effective magnetic parameters are determined: anisotropy fields Ha1H_{a1}=1.14 kOe and Ha2H_{a2}=60 kOe and magnetic excitation gaps Δν1\Delta\nu_1=101.9 GHz and Δν2\Delta \nu_2=23.8 GHz. It is shown that commensurate-incommensurate phase transition causes a shift in resonance field and a considerable change in absorption line width. At temperatures below 4.2 K nonlinear regimes of AFMR excitation at low microwave power levels are observed

    Current-induced highly dissipative domains in high Tc thin films

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    We have investigated the resistive response of high Tc thin films submitted to a high density of current. For this purpose, current pulses were applied into bridges made of Nd(1.15)Ba(1.85)Cu3O7 and Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8. By recording the time dependent voltage, we observe that at a certain critical current j*, a highly dissipative domain develops somewhere along the bridge. The successive formation of these domains produces stepped I-V characteristics. We present evidences that these domains are not regions with a temperature above Tc, as for hot spots. In fact this phenomenon appears to be analog to the nucleation of phase-slip centers observed in conventional superconductors near Tc, but here in contrast they appear in a wide temperature range. Under some conditions, these domains will propagate and destroy the superconductivity within the whole sample. We have measured the temperature dependence of j* and found a similar behavior in the two investigated compounds. This temperature dependence is just the one expected for the depairing current, but the amplitude is about 100 times smaller.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, Revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Measurement of the beam-helicity asymmetry in photoproduction of π0η pairs on carbon, aluminum, and lead

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    The beam-helicity asymmetry was measured, for the first time, in photoproduction of π0η pairs on carbon, aluminum, and lead, with the A2 experimental setup at MAMI. The results are compared to an earlier measurement on a free proton and to the corresponding theoretical calculations. The Mainz model is used to predict the beam-helicity asymmetry for the nuclear targets. The present results indicate that the photoproduction mechanism for π0η pairs on nuclei is similar to photoproduction on a free nucleon. This process is dominated by the D33 partial wave with the ηΔ(1232) intermediate state

    Measurement of the decay η′ →π0π0η at MAMI

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    An experimental study of the η′→π0π0η→6γ decay has been conducted with the best up-to-date statistical accuracy, by measuring η′ mesons produced in the γp→η′p reaction with the A2 tagged-photon facility at the Mainz Microtron, MAMI. The results obtained for the standard parametrization of the η′→π0π0η matrix element are consistent with the most recent results for η′→ππη decays, but have smaller uncertainties. The available statistics and experimental resolution allowed, for the first time, an observation of a structure below the π+π- mass threshold, the magnitude and sign of which, checked within the framework of the nonrelativistic effective-field theory, demonstrated good agreement with the cusp that was predicted based on the ππ scattering length combination, a0-a2, extracted from K→3π decays

    A chromosome-level Amaranthus cruentus genome assembly highlights gene family evolution and biosynthetic gene clusters that may underpin the nutritional value of this traditional crop

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    Traditional crops historically provided accessible and affordable nutrition to millions of rural dwellers but have been neglected, with most modern agricultural systems over reliant on a small number of internationally-traded crops. Traditional crops are typically well-adapted to local agro-ecological conditions and many are nutrient-dense. They can play a vital role in local food systems through enhanced nutrition (especially where diets are dominated by starch crops), food security and livelihoods for smallholder farmers, and a climate-resilient and biodiverse agriculture. Using short-read, long-read and phased sequencing technologies we generated a high-quality chromosome-level genome assembly for Amaranthus cruentus, an under-researched crop with micronutrient- and protein-rich leaves and gluten-free seed, but lacking improved varieties, with respect to productivity and quality traits. The 370.9 MB genome demonstrates a shared whole genome duplication with a related species, Amaranthus hypochondriacus. Comparative genome analysis indicates chromosomal loss and fusion events following genome duplication that are common to both species, as well as fission of chromosome 2 in A. cruentus alone, giving rise to a haploid chromosome number of 17 (versus 16 in A. hypochondriacus). Genomic features potentially underlying the nutritional value of this crop include two A. cruentus-specific genes with a likely role in phytic acid synthesis (an anti-nutrient), expansion of ion transporter gene families, and identification of biosynthetic gene clusters conserved within the amaranth lineage. The A. cruentus genome assembly will underpin much-needed research and global breeding efforts to develop improved varieties for economically viable cultivation and realisation of the benefits to global nutrition security and agrobiodiversity

    First measurement of the polarization observable E and helicity-dependent cross sections in single π0 photoproduction from quasi-free nucleons

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    The double-polarization observable E and the helicity-dependent cross sections σ1/2 and σ3/2 have been measured for the first time for single π0 photoproduction from protons and neutrons bound in the deuteron at the electron accelerator facility MAMI in Mainz, Germany. The experiment used a circularly polarized photon beam and a longitudinally polarized deuterated butanol target. The reaction products, recoil nucleons and decay photons from the π0 meson were detected with the Crystal Ball and TAPS electromagnetic calorimeters. Effects from nuclear Fermi motion were removed by a kinematic reconstruction of the π0N final state. A comparison to data measured with a free proton target showed that the absolute scale of the cross sections is significantly modified by nuclear final-state interaction (FSI) effects. However, there is no significant effect on the asymmetry E since the σ1/2 and σ3/2 components appear to be influenced in a similar way. Thus, the best approximation of the two helicity-dependent cross sections for the free neutron is obtained by combining the asymmetry E measured with quasi-free neutrons and the unpolarized cross section corrected for FSI effects under the assumption that the FSI effects are similar for neutrons and protons

    19. “Repulsion” of nuclear levels

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