591 research outputs found

    Parametric pumping at finite frequency

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    We report on a first principles theory for analyzing the parametric electron pump at a finite frequency. The pump is controlled by two pumping parameters with phase difference ϕ\phi. In the zero frequency limit, our theory predicts the well known result that the pumped current is proportional to sinϕ\sin\phi. For the more general situation of a finite frequency, our theory predicts a non-vanishing pumped current even when the two driving forces are in phase, in agreement with the recent experimental results. We present the physical mechanism behind the nonzero pumped current at ϕ=0\phi=0, which we found to be due to photon-assisted processes

    A failure study of the railway rail serviced for heavy cargo trains

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    AbstractIn this case study, a failed railway rail which was used for heavy cargo trains was investigated in order to find out its root cause. The macroscopic beach marks and microscopic fatigue striations were not observed by macro and microscopic observations. The chevron patterns were observed by macro observations. The crack origin was at the tip of chevron patterns. The fan-shaped patterns, cleavage step and the river patterns were observed at the crack origin, which demonstrated the feature of cleavage fracture. The metallurgical structures at the crack origin were pearlite and ferrite networks. The crack is supposed to be initiated from the weaker ferrite networks. Given all of that, the failed railway rail is considered to be caused by overload. It is of great importance to improve the welding technology, and control the load of train in order to prevent similar failure in future

    Elastic and electronic properties of fluorite RuO₂ from first principle

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    The elastic, thermodynamic, and electronic properties of fluorite RuO₂ under high pressure are investigated by plane-wave pseudopotential density functional theory. The optimized lattice parameters, elastic constants, bulk modulus, and shear modulus are consistent with other theoretical values. The phase transition from modified fluorite-type to fluorite is 88 GPa (by localized density approximation, LDA) or 115.5 GPa (by generalized gradient approximation, GGA). The Young's modulus and Lamé's coefficients are also studied under high pressure. The structure turned out to be stable for the pressure up to 120 GPa by calculating elastic constants. In addition, the thermodynamic properties, including the Debye temperature, heat capacity, thermal expansion coefficient, Grüneisen parameter, and Poisson's ratio, are investigated. A small band gap is found in the electronic structure of fluorite RuO₂ and the bandwidth increases with the pressure. Also, the present mechanical and electronic properties demonstrate that the bonding nature is a combination of covalent, ionic, and metallic contributions.Пружнi, термодинамiчнi та електричнi властивостi флюориту RuO₂ при високому тиску дослiджуються за допомогою теорiї функцiоналу густини з плоскохвильовим псевдопотенцiалом. Оптимiзованi параметри гратки, пружнi сталi, об’ємний модуль i модуль зсуву узгоджуються з iншими теоретичними значеннями. Фазовий перехiд з модифiкованого флюориту до флюориту є при 88 GPa (наближення локальної густини, LDA), чи при 115.5 GPa (узагальнене градiєнтне наближення, GGA). Також дослiджено модуль Юнга i коефiцiєнти Ламе при високих тисках. Структура є стабiльною для тискiв до 120 GPa, якщо обчислювати пружнi сталi. Крiм того, дослiджено термодинамiчнi властивостi, включаючи температуру Дебая, теплоємнiсть, коефiцiєнт теплового розширення, параметр Грюнайзена i коефiцiєнт Пуассона. В електроннiй структурi флюориту RuO₂ знайдено малу зонну щiлину i ширина зони зростає iз тиском. Також, представленi механiчнi та електроннi властивостi демонструють, що природа зв’язування є комбiнацiєю ковалентного, iонного i металiчного вкладiв

    Parametric quantum spin pump

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    We investigate a non-adiabatic parametric quantum pump consists of a nonmagnetic scattering region connected by two ferromagnetic leads. The presence of ferromagnetic leads allows electrons with different spins to experience different potential landscape. Using this effect we propose a quantum spin pump that drives spin-up electrons to flow in one direction and spin-down electrons to flow in opposite direction. As a result, the spin pump can deliver a spin current with vanishing charge current

    A genome-wide study of lipid response to fenofibrate in Caucasians: a combined analysis of the GOLDN and ACCORD studies

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    Fibrates are commonly prescribed for hypertriglyceridemia but also lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and raise high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). Large inter-individual variation in lipid response suggests that some persons may benefit more than others and genetic studies could help identify those persons

    Non-adiabatic charge pump: an exact solution

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    We derived a general and exact expression of current for quantum parametric charge pumps in the non-adiabatic regime at finite pumping frequency and finite driving amplitude. The non-perturbative theory predicts a remarkable plateau structure in the pumped current due to multi-photon assisted processes in a double-barrier quantum well pump involving only a {\it single} pumping potential. It also predicts a current reversal as the resonant level of the pump crosses the Fermi energy of the leads

    Theory of spin-polarized bipolar transport in magnetic p-n junctions

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    The interplay between spin and charge transport in electrically and magnetically inhomogeneous semiconductor systems is investigated theoretically. In particular, the theory of spin-polarized bipolar transport in magnetic p-n junctions is formulated, generalizing the classic Shockley model. The theory assumes that in the depletion layer the nonequilibrium chemical potentials of spin up and spin down carriers are constant and carrier recombination and spin relaxation are inhibited. Under the general conditions of an applied bias and externally injected (source) spin, the model formulates analytically carrier and spin transport in magnetic p-n junctions at low bias. The evaluation of the carrier and spin densities at the depletion layer establishes the necessary boundary conditions for solving the diffusive transport equations in the bulk regions separately, thus greatly simplifying the problem. The carrier and spin density and current profiles in the bulk regions are calculated and the I-V characteristics of the junction are obtained. It is demonstrated that spin injection through the depletion layer of a magnetic p-n junction is not possible unless nonequilibrium spin accumulates in the bulk regions--either by external spin injection or by the application of a large bias. Implications of the theory for majority spin injection across the depletion layer, minority spin pumping and spin amplification, giant magnetoresistance, spin-voltaic effect, biasing electrode spin injection, and magnetic drift in the bulk regions are discussed in details, and illustrated using the example of a GaAs based magnetic p-n junction.Comment: 36 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    Single step process for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes and metal/alloy-filled multiwalled carbon nanotubes

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    A single-step approach for the synthesis of multi-walled nanotubes (MWNT) filled with nanowires of Ni/ternary Zr based hydrogen storage alloy has been illustrated. We also demonstrate the generation of CO-free hydrogen by methane decomposition over alloy hydride catalyst. The present work also highlights the formation of single-walled nanotubes (SWNT) and MWNTs at varying process conditions. These carbon nanostructures have been characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution TEM (HRTEM), Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and Raman spectroscopy. This new approach overcomes the existing multi-step process limitation, with possible impact on the development of future fuel cell, nano-battery and hydrogen sensor technologies

    Measurement of the ratios of the Z/G* + >= n jet production cross sections to the total inclusive Z/G* cross section in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV

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    We present a study of events with Z bosons and jets produced at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in ppbar collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV. The data sample consists of nearly 14,000 Z/G* -> e+e- candidates corresponding to the integrated luminosity of 0.4 fb-1 collected using the D0 detector. Ratios of the Z/G* + >= n jet cross sections to the total inclusive Z/G* cross section have been measured for n = 1 to 4 jet events. Our measurements are found to be in good agreement with a next-to-leading order QCD calculation and with a tree-level QCD prediction with parton shower simulation and hadronization.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, slightly modified, submitted to Phys. Lett.