37 research outputs found


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    Limbah dapur menjadi salah satu permasalahan sampah yang saat ini dihadapi oleh masyarakat langsung dari sumbernya yang berdampak pada pencemaran lingkungan dan berpotensi pada timbulnya masalah kesehatan pada masyarakat Desa Sampali Percut Sei Tuan. Masyarakat Desa Sampali Percut Sei Tuan masih mengelola sampah secara konvensional, rumah tangga menunggu petugas sampah untuk datang mengutip sampah mereka. Maka dibutuhkan strategi efektif melalui daur ulang sampah sayur yang sering cepat membusuk dengan menjadikannya sebagai kompos. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode 1) penyuluhan dan demo langsung 2) diskusi tanya jawab langsung dengan masyarakat. Masyarakat terlibat langsung dalam pengumpulan bahan kompos hingga proses pembuatan menjadi kompos, sehingga masyarakat langsung menerima edukasi dan praktek pembuatannya. Kegiatan berjalan dengan lancar dan masyarakat Desa Percut Sei Tuan sangat senang. Harapan mereka adalah kegiatan ini akan berlanjut dalam bentuk pendampingan pemberdayaan masyarakat produktif dalam kegiatan daur ulang sampah khususnya untuk membantu pemerintah Desa dalam pengelolaan sampah

    Rancang Aplikasi Penjualan Online Perlengkapan Anak pada CV. Permata

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    CV.Permata is a child store with the name of Nikita Baby Shop. CV. Permata located in Gotong Royong street No. 25E, Babat Lamongan. In 2015, sales of CV. Permata instability.CV. Permata must be expanding their sales to get more profit. Based on interviews, CV. Permata do not want to using social media such as facebook and instagram to selling their products. The shortage of facebook and instagram, customers got difficult to booking the products. Of the CV. Permata problem, CV. Permata need online shop application that have add to cart features, product catalogue features, best seller report, most buyer report, product stock report, etc. With this application is expected to provide information data member, best seller report, most buyer report, product stock report with the aim of providing information to help CV.Permata sales

    Relationship Between Farmer’s Characteristics with the Motivation of Goat Milking in the Girikerto Village Turi District Sleman Regency

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    This research aimed to determine the relationship between farmer characteristics including age, education level, farming experience, side income, number of dependent family member, and farmer's business scale with the motivation of goat milking in Girikerto Village, Turi District, Sleman Regency. The type of this research was quantitative explanatory, that was the type of research explaining the nature of the relationship and examining the relationship between farmer characteristics with milking motivation. The research method used a household survey of farmers with the help of questionnaires. The number of respondent’s sample used was 56 goat farmers with provisions using the Slovin formula. Sampling technique used Simple Random Sampling. Data were analyzed by Product Moment correlation. The results showed that the variables of age, farming experience, and business scale had a significant relationship with the motivation of goat milking, while the variables of education, side job and a number of dependents had no significant relationship with the motivation of milking. Farmer’s motivation to milk goats could be increased in line with increasing the age and experience of farmers. The motivation of milking goats could also be increased by increasing the number of livestock ownership, especially the ownership of lactating goats

    The provenance of Borneo's enigmatic alluvial diamonds:A case study from Cempaka, SE Kalimantan

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    Gem-quality diamonds have been found in several alluvial deposits across central and southern Borneo. Borneo has been a known source of diamonds for centuries, but the location of their primary igneous source remains enigmatic. Many geological models have been proposed to explain their distribution, including: the diamonds were derived from a local diatreme; they were brought to the surface through ophiolite obduction or exhumation of UHP metamorphic rocks; they were transported long distances southward via major Asian river systems; or, they were transported from the Australian continent before Borneo was rifted from its northwestern margin in the Late Jurassic. To assess these models, we conducted a study of the provenance of heavy minerals from Kalimantan's Cempaka alluvial diamond deposit. This involved collecting U–Pb isotopic data, fission track and trace element geochemistry of zircon as well as major element geochemical data of spinels and morphological descriptions of zircon and diamond. The results indicate that the Cempaka diamonds were likely derived from at least two sources, one which was relatively local and/or involved little reworking, and the other more distal which records several periods of reworking. The distal diamond source is interpreted to be diamond-bearing pipes that intruded the basement of a block that: (1) rifted from northwest Australia (East Java or SW Borneo) and the diamonds were recycled into its sedimentary cover, or: (2) were emplaced elsewhere (e.g. NW Australia) and transported to a block (e.g. East Java or SW Borneo). Both of these scenarios require the diamonds to be transported with the block when it rifted from NW Australia in the Late Jurassic. The local source could be diamondiferous diatremes associated with eroded Miocene high-K alkaline intrusions north of the Barito Basin, which would indicate that the lithosphere beneath SW Borneo is thick (~ 150 km or greater). The ‘local’ diamonds could also be associated with ophiolitic rocks that are exposed in the nearby Meratus Mountains

    Studi tentang seni lukis Sobrat

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    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui latar belakang penciptaan katya Sobrat pada masa jaman Pita Maha sampai sekarang dan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh unsur seni lukis Bali tradisional dan barat modern terdapat pada karyanya. Pada karya Sobrat, unsur-unsur tema, bentuk, bahan dan teknik seni modern lebih menonjol dari pada seni modern lebih menonjol dari pada seni lukis Bali tradisional dan kemenonjolan tersebut ada hubungannya dengan faktor pendidikan yang diterimanya dari Rudolf Bonnet. Tema pada seni lukisnya menceritakan tentang kehidupan sehari-hari dan tentang tradisional, bahkan yang digunakan sudah modern seperti kanvas dan cat minyak serta teknis modern yang ada pada karyanya yaitu komposisi ruang, anatomi manusia dan perspektif.xii, 130 hal. : ill. ; 30 c