154 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial activity of the marine actinomycetes

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    Antibacterial activity of 107 marine actinomycetes isolated form near sea shore sediment and seawater from Konkan   coast of Maharashtra was studied. A total 107 actinomycetes were subjected to primary screening by perpendicular streak method against various test microorganisms. Among 107 actinomycetes 22,14,34,14,07,52,27 and 6 number of actinomycetal  isolates were antagonistic against Bacillus  subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus vulgaris ,Escherichia  coli, Klebsiella aerogenes , Pseudomonas  aeruginosa.,Candida albicans  and  Aspergillus. niger respectively. Out of 107 actinomycetal isolates 13 isolates showing maximum antagonistic activities that were subjected for the secondary screening by agar well method. Finally 0 5 isolates were selected for further study on the basis of maximum zone of inhibition and broad spectrum activity. Selected 05 isolates were inoculated in glucose soybean broth 7 days at 300C and antibacterial substances were extracted with ethyl acetate.T L C of the ethyl acetate extract was carried out using N butanol : acetic acid : water  ( 4:1:5 ) as a solvent system. Spots were observed under UV light and in iodine chamber. Bioautograhy of ethyl acetate extract of selected 05 isolates were carried using test organisms B. subtilus and P. vulgaris. Inhibition zones were observed and they were associated with the purple spots at the chromatograms as detected under UV light. This may indicate the same compound was responsible for the antibacterial activity of the actinomycetes.Finaly one potent   actinomycetal isolate (GA-22) was selected and itñ€ℱs morphological, cultural, physiological and biochemical characters was studied.   It was found that biochemically GA-22 was very active marine actinomycetes it was able to produce variety of enzymes and utilize number of sugars


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    In this paper the effect of first nozzle pressure on various yarn properties of Murata twin spun yarn was been studied by keeping second nozzle pressure constant.100% viscose yarn was been prepared on Murata twin spinner with first and second nozzle combinations 1.8 Kg/cm2 & 5Kg/cm2, 2kg/cm2 & 5kg/cm2 and 2.2kg/cm2 & 5kg/cm2 respectively.1 denier viscose fiber of 40 mm was used to prepare the yarn on MTS. The two parallel wounded yarns are then twisted together on TFO. For assessing the effect of nozzle pressure on yarn, various properties like imperfection, breaking elongation and tenacity were been tested

    Dynamic Habitat Disturbance and Ecological Resilience (DyHDER): Modeling Population Responses to Habitat Condition

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    Understanding how populations respond to spatially heterogeneous habitat disturbance is as critical to conservation as it is challenging. Here, we present a new, free, and open‐source metapopulation model: Dynamic Habitat Disturbance and Ecological Resilience (DyHDER), which incorporates subpopulation habitat condition and connectivity into a population viability analysis framework. Modeling temporally dynamic and spatially explicit habitat disturbance of varying magnitude and duration is accomplished through the use of habitat time‐series data and a mechanistic approach to adjusting subpopulation vital rates. Additionally, DyHDER uses a probabilistic dispersal model driven by site‐specific habitat suitability, density dependence, and directionally dependent connectivity. In the first application of DyHDER, we explore how fragmentation and projected climate change are predicted to impact a well‐studied Bonneville cutthroat trout metapopulation in the Logan River (Utah, USA). The DyHDER model predicts which subpopulations are most susceptible to disturbance, as well as the potential interactions between stressors. Further, the model predicts how populations may be expected to redistribute following disturbance. This information is valuable to conservationists and managers faced with protecting populations of conservation concern across landscapes undergoing changing disturbance regimes. The DyHDER model provides a valuable and generalizable new tool to explore metapopulation resilience to spatially and temporally dynamic stressors for a diverse range of taxa and ecosystems

    Global commitments to conserving and monitoring genetic diversity are now necessary and feasible

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    Global conservation policy and action have largely neglected protecting and monitoring genetic diversity—one of the three main pillars of biodiversity. Genetic diversity (diversity within species) underlies species’ adaptation and survival, ecosystem resilience, and societal innovation. The low priority given to genetic diversity has largely been due to knowledge gaps in key areas, including the importance of genetic diversity and the trends in genetic diversity change; the perceived high expense and low availability and the scattered nature of genetic data; and complicated concepts and information that are inaccessible to policymakers. However, numerous recent advances in knowledge, technology, databases, practice, and capacity have now set the stage for better integration of genetic diversity in policy instruments and conservation efforts. We review these developments and explore how they can support improved consideration of genetic diversity in global conservation policy commitments and enable countries to monitor, report on, and take action to maintain or restore genetic diversity

    Genetic diversity targets and indicators in the CBD post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework must be improved

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    The 196 parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will soon agree to a post-2020 global framework for conserving the three elements of biodiversity (genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity) while ensuring sustainable development and benefit sharing. As the most significant global conservation policy mechanism, the new CBD framework has far-reaching consequences- it will guide conservation actions and reporting for each member country until 2050. In previous CBD strategies, as well as other major conservation policy mechanisms, targets and indicators for genetic diversity (variation at the DNA level within species, which facilitates species adaptation and ecosystem function) were undeveloped and focused on species of agricultural relevance. We assert that, to meet global conservation goals, genetic diversity within all species, not just domesticated species and their wild relatives, must be conserved and monitored using appropriate metrics. Building on suggestions in a recent Letter in Science (Laikre et al., 2020) we expand argumentation for three new, pragmatic genetic indicators and modifications to two current indicators for maintaining genetic diversity and adaptive capacity of all species, and provide guidance on their practical use. The indicators are: 1) the number of populations with effective population size above versus below 500, 2) the proportion of populations maintained within species, 3) the number of species and populations in which genetic diversity is monitored using DNA-based methods. We also present and discuss Goals and Action Targets for post-2020 biodiversity conservation which are connected to these indicators and underlying data. These pragmatic indicators and goals have utility beyond the CBD; they should benefit conservation and monitoring of genetic diversity via national and global policy for decades to come. Previous article in issu

    Simulated Effects of Recruitment Variability, Exploitation, and Reduced Habitat Area on the Muskellunge Population in Shoepack Lake, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota

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    The genetically unique population of muskellunge Esox masquinongy inhabiting Shoepack Lake in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota, is potentially at risk for loss of genetic variability and long-term viability. Shoepack Lake has been subject to dramatic surface area changes from the construction of an outlet dam by beavers Castor canadensis and its subsequent failure. We simulated the long-term dynamics of this population in response to recruitment variation, increased exploitation, and reduced habitat area. We then estimated the effective population size of the simulated population and evaluated potential threats to long-term viability, based on which we recommend management actions to help preserve the long-term viability of the population. Simulations based on the population size and habitat area at the beginning of a companion study resulted in an effective population size that was generally above the threshold level for risk of loss of genetic variability, except when fishing mortality was increased. Simulations based on the reduced habitat area after the beaver dam failure and our assumption of a proportional reduction in population size resulted in an effective population size that was generally below the threshold level for risk of loss of genetic variability. Our results identified two potential threats to the long-term viability of the Shoepack Lake muskellunge population, reduction in habitat area and exploitation. Increased exploitation can be prevented through traditional fishery management approaches such as the adoption of no-kill, barbless hook, and limited entry regulations. Maintenance of the greatest possible habitat area and prevention of future habitat area reductions will require maintenance of the outlet dam built by beavers. Our study should enhance the long-term viability of the Shoepack Lake muskellunge population and illustrates a useful approach for other unique populations

    Hypertrophy of mature xenopus muscle fibres in culture induced by synergy of albumin and insulin

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    The aim of this study was to investigate effects of albumin and insulin separately as well as in combination on mature muscle fibres during long-term culture. Single muscle fibres were dissected from m. iliofibularis of Xenopus laevis and attached to a force transducer in a culture chamber. Fibres were cultured in a serum-free medium at slack length (mean sarcomere length 2.3 Όm) for 8 to 22 days. The medium was supplemented with (final concentrations): (1) bovine insulin (6 nmol/L or 200-600 nmol/L), (2) 0.2% bovine albumin or (3) 0.2% bovine albumin in combination with insulin (120 nmol/L). In culture medium with insulin, 50% of the muscle fibres became in-excitable within 7-12 days, whereas the other 50% were stable. Caffeine contractures of in-excitable muscle fibres produced 80.4±2.4% of initial peak tetanic force, indicating impaired excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling in in-excitable fibres. In the presence of albumin, all cultured muscle fibres were stable for at least 10 days. Muscle fibres cultured in medium with insulin or albumin exclusively did not hypertrophy or change the number of sarcomeres in series. In contrast, muscle fibres cultured with both albumin and insulin showed an increase in tetanic force and fibre cross-sectional area of 19.6±2.8% and 32.5±4.9%, respectively, (means±SEM.; P=0.007) after 16.3±1.7 days, whereas the number of sarcomeres in series remained unchanged. We conclude that albumin prevents muscle fibre damage and preserves E-C coupling in culture. Furthermore, albumin is important in regulating muscle fibre adaptation by a synergistic action with growth factors like insulin. © 2008 The Author(s)

    ÎČ-Hydroxy-ÎČ-Methylbutyrate (HMB) Normalizes Dexamethasone-Induced Autophagy-Lysosomal Pathway in Skeletal Muscle

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    Dexamethasone-induced muscle atrophy is due to an increase in protein breakdown and a decrease in protein synthesis, associated with an over-stimulation of the autophagy-lysosomal pathway. These effects are mediated by alterations in IGF-1 and PI3K/Akt signaling. In this study, we have investigated the effects of ÎČ-Hydroxy-ÎČ-methylbutyrate (HMB) on the regulation of autophagy and proteosomal systems. Rats were treated during 21 days with dexamethasone as a model of muscle atrophy. Co-administration of HMB attenuated the effects promoted by dexamethasone. HMB ameliorated the loss in body weight, lean mass and the reduction of the muscle fiber cross-sectional area (shrinkage) in gastrocnemius muscle. Consequently, HMB produced an improvement in muscle strength in the dexamethasone-treated rats. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms responsible for these effects, rat L6 myotubes were used. In these cells, HMB significantly attenuated lysosomal proteolysis induced by dexamethasone by normalizing the changes observed in autophagosome formation, LC3 II, p62 and Bnip3 expression after dexamethasone treatment. HMB effects were mediated by an increase in FoxO3a phosphorylation and concomitant decrease in FoxO transcriptional activity. The HMB effect was due to the restoration of Akt signaling diminished by dexamethasone treatment. Moreover, HMB was also involved in the regulation of the activity of ubiquitin and expression of MurF1 and Atrogin-1, components of the proteasome system that are activated or up-regulated by dexamethasone. In conclusion, in vivo and in vitro studies suggest that HMB exerts protective effects against dexamethasone-induced muscle atrophy by normalizing the Akt/FoxO axis that controls autophagy and ubiquitin proteolysis.This project has been funded by Abbott Nutrition R&D
