901 research outputs found

    Portal venous pressure variation during hepatectomy: a prospective study

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    Excessive portal venous pressure in the liver remnant is an independent factor in the occurrence of posthepatectomy liver failure and small-for-size syndrome. The baseline portal pressure prior to hepatectomy was not considered previously. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of portal pressure change during hepatectomy on the patient outcome.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desafios e Aplicações da Realidade Aumentada Móvel na Educação

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    A Realidade Aumentada móvel pode ser aplicada em diversas áreas do conhecimento, dentre elas, podemos destacar o uso da tecnologia na educação. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma análise das aplicações de Realidade Aumentada móvel para educação, considerando as áreas da educação que têm sido beneficiadas e o levantamento dos desafios da área. Foram analisados 83 trabalhos que apresentaram pesquisas com foco na aplicação da Realidade Aumentada móvel para educação. Percebemos que as aplicações relacionadas às áreas da biologia e história foram as mais abordadas nos trabalhos analisados, além disso, a Realidade Aumentada móvel foi utilizada na educação para melhorar a representação de objetos espaciais e simplificar os conceitos à eles associados, além de melhorar a colaboração e interação dos estudantes

    Automatic simulation models generation of warehouses with milk runs and pickers

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    To help a company of the Bosch Group to reduce its costs (both in time and space) with its supermarket, a micro simulation model was developed in Simio. Particularly, the tool is able to model pickers riding milk runs to collect containers of products, from a supermarket, to satisfy the needs of the production lines. Practitionaer may benefit from this tool, since it is able to model different supermarket scenario, for instance different storage strategies. Additionally, the supermarket itself is automatically created, through an Add-in of Simio that was developed in C#, which implements the API of Simio. Conclusions and future work are discussed.This work has been co-supported by SI I&DT project in joint-promotion nº 36265/2013 (HMIEXCEL 2013-2015 Project) and by FCT Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia in the scope of the project: PEst-OE/EEI/UI0319/2014.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using simio to automatically create 3d warehouses and compare different storage strategies

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    This paper focuses on a simulation based approach to reduce warehouse costs. At an early stage, the tool needs to be able to generate different types of warehouses. To accomplish this, a Simio add-in was built in C#, using the Simio API, where the user only needs to insert the layout data on an excel spreadsheet. Afterwards, the created warehouse is capable of modelling different storage strategies and compare them. The obtained results indicate that the proposed strategy is able to reduce the picking time in about 15% and the number of stops per milk run in 50%. Moreover, it was found that the strategy currently in use needs 35% more space than the proposed one.This work has been co-supported by SI I&DT project in joint-promotion nº 36265/2013 (HMIEXCEL - 2013-2015 Project) and by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia in the scope of the project: PEstOE/EEI/UI0319/2014.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Simulation model generation for warehouse management: Case study to test different storage strategies

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    A simulation model generator was developed to help a company of the Bosch Group to reduce costs in time and space with its warehouse. The simulation models are automatically created in Simio and can simulate pickers riding milk runs to collect containers from the warehouse, to satisfy the needs of production lines, assisting warehouse management by testing different storage strategies. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to present the developed generator and to use it in a case study, to test different storage policies for the company. The generator was validated, as was the simulation model automatically created. With this tool, some suggestions could be made to the company in question. Namely, it was shown that it would not be possible to maintain the FIFO rule and, at the same time, eliminate the upper floor of all racks for ergonomic reasons. To allow this, the rate of replacing containers should be synchronised with the needs of production lines. Alternatively, it was also shown that the performance of the warehouse would improve by dividing it into zones allocated to each milk run.This work has been supported by QREN: FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: PDE/BDE/114566/2016 – AESI: Advanced Engineering Systems for Industry doctoral programme

    3D microsimulation of milkruns and pickers in warehouses using SIMIO

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    To help the Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal in Ferreiros, Braga to reduce its costs (both in time and space) with its warehouse, a micro simulation model is being developed in Simio. Particularly, the tool needs to be able to model pickers riding milkruns to collect containers of products, from a warehouse, to satisfy the needs of the production lines. In this sense, the storage strategy used on the warehouse, the quantity of requests a picker gets per shift, the time between shifts, the number of types of products, the arrival rate of requests, and the number of milkruns and pickers needs to be adjustable. Additionally, to design the corridors of the warehouse in a configurable way, an Add-in in C#, using the API of Simio, is being developed. Thus, this paper intends to document the first part of the simulation model developed, which consists on the pickers receiving requests and riding their milkruns to collect the respective containers from the warehouse. Five different Simio models compose the main simulation model. Conclusions and future work are discussed.This work has been co-supported by SI I&DT project in joint-promotion nº 36265/2013 (HMIEXCEL - 2013-2015 Project) and by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia in the scope of the project: PEst-OE/EEI/UI0319/2014

    A Vaccine Encoding Conserved Promiscuous HIV CD4 Epitopes Induces Broad T Cell Responses in Mice Transgenic to Multiple Common HLA Class II Molecules

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    Current HIV vaccine approaches are focused on immunogens encoding whole HIV antigenic proteins that mainly elicit cytotoxic CD8+ responses. Mounting evidence points toward a critical role for CD4+ T cells in the control of immunodeficiency virus replication, probably due to cognate help. Vaccine-induced CD4+ T cell responses might, therefore, have a protective effect in HIV replication. In addition, successful vaccines may have to elicit responses to multiple epitopes in a high proportion of vaccinees, to match the highly variable circulating strains of HIV. Using rational vaccine design, we developed a DNA vaccine encoding 18 algorithm-selected conserved, “promiscuous” (multiple HLA-DR-binding) B-subtype HIV CD4 epitopes - previously found to be frequently recognized by HIV-infected patients. We assessed the ability of the vaccine to induce broad T cell responses in the context of multiple HLA class II molecules using different strains of HLA class II- transgenic mice (-DR2, -DR4, -DQ6 and -DQ8). Mice displayed CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses of significant breadth and magnitude, and 16 out of the 18 encoded epitopes were recognized. By virtue of inducing broad responses against conserved CD4+ T cell epitopes that can be recognized in the context of widely diverse, common HLA class II alleles, this vaccine concept may cope both with HIV genetic variability and increased population coverage. The vaccine may thus be a source of cognate help for HIV-specific CD8+ T cells elicited by conventional immunogens, in a wide proportion of vaccinees

    Caracterização das trocas térmicas de aço médio-carbono resfriado sob concentrações distintas de polivinilpirolidona

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    A têmpera é um procedimento térmico que busca a obtenção da microestrutura martensítica, visando melhoria nas propriedades dos materiais metálicos. O tratamento ocorre pelo aquecimento da peça, até que austenita seja obtida na sua composição, seguido de resfriamento, que deve ser rápido, impedindo que o carbono seja difundido no material. Esse resfriamento ocorre geralmente pela imersão do corpo sob alta temperatura em fluidos refrigerantes. Nesse sentido, existe a necessidade de taxas de resfriamento elevadas do corpo, provocadas pelo contato com o fluido, minimizando rapidamente sua temperatura. Atualmente, os fluidos poliméricos diluídos em água vêm sendo utilizados para esse tratamento, posto que apresentam avanços em relação às demais classes de fluidos. Esses fluidos variam de forma relevante os níveis de transferência de calor, conforme a concentração é alterada na solução. Neste trabalho, as variações de temperaturas e taxas de variação térmica entre corpo e fluido foram avaliadas, empregando quatro concentrações de solução polimérica de polivinilpirolidona (PVP), com percentuais entre 10 e 25%

    Campanha de levantamento ecológico, sedimentar e hidrodinâmico da área afeta à ponte pedonal de acesso à Praia do Barril

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    O presente relatório técnico-científico foi elaborado no âmbito de uma prestação de serviços realizada pelo Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIMA) da Universidade do Algarve, à empresa Pedras D´El Rei-Gestão e Turismo, S.A., no âmbito do projeto de construção da nova ponte pedonal de acesso à praia do Barril.N/