169 research outputs found

    O Mestrado Profissional em Ensino e os Produtos Educacionais: A Pesquisa na Formação Docente

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    A efetivação de um processo educativo que promova um ensino com qualidade na escola é viabilizado quando se considera o contexto de atuação profissional e a pesquisa como elementos fundamentais da formação docente. Assim, diferenciam-se os percursos formativos que atribuem importância à pesquisa e o cenário profissional dos professores como elementos essenciais do ato educativo. Os Mestrados Profissionais em Ensino surgem como possibilidade de integrar na formação docente o contexto profissional e a pesquisa na elaboração de produtos educacionais que visam atender as demandas profissionais. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se analisar os produtos educacionais de um Mestrado Profissional em Ensino da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, em Londrina, e suas contribuições na formação docente pela pesquisa. Na análise dos produtos aplicados no ano de 2015, percebeu-se contribuição com a articulação entre formação docente, pesquisa e contexto de atuação profissional, em que os produtos educacionais materializaram as pesquisas desenvolvidas durante a formação dos professores, além de proporcionarem a produção de novos conhecimentos. Por conseguinte, a reflexão sobre a formação dos professores ganha espaços nas discussões a respeito dos mestrados profissionais em ensino, em que a pesquisa a partir do contexto de atuação profissional deve ser eixo central. &nbsp

    A case-control collapsing analysis identifies epilepsy genes implicated in trio sequencing studies focused on de novo mutations

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    Trio exome sequencing has been successful in identifying genes with de novo mutations (DNMs) causing epileptic encephalopathy (EE) and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Here, we evaluate how well a case-control collapsing analysis recovers genes causing dominant forms of EE originally implicated by DNM analysis. We performed a genome-wide search for an enrichment of "qualifying variants" in protein-coding genes in 488 unrelated cases compared to 12,151 unrelated controls. These "qualifying variants" were selected to be extremely rare variants predicted to functionally impact the protein to enrich for likely pathogenic variants. Despite modest sample size, three known EE genes (KCNT1, SCN2A, and STXBP1) achieved genome-wide significance (p<2.68×10−6). In addition, six of the 10 most significantly associated genes are known EE genes, and the majority of the known EE genes (17 out of 25) originally implicated in trio sequencing are nominally significant (p<0.05), a proportion significantly higher than the expected (Fisher’s exact p = 2.33×10−17). Our results indicate that a case-control collapsing analysis can identify several of the EE genes originally implicated in trio sequencing studies, and clearly show that additional genes would be implicated with larger sample sizes. The case-control analysis not only makes discovery easier and more economical in early onset disorders, particularly when large cohorts are available, but also supports the use of this approach to identify genes in diseases that present later in life when parents are not readily available

    The role of cancer predisposition syndrome in children and adolescents with very rare tumours

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    Germline predisposing pathogenic variants (GPVs) are present in approximately 8 to 10% of children with all cancer types. Very rare tumours (VRTs) represent many different diseases, defined with an annual incidence < 2 / 1,000,000, and correspond to 11% of all cancers in patients aged 0-14 years. Some of these VRTs, including cancer typical for adults, develop in children with a cancer predisposition syndrome (CPS). Classically, three situations lead to consider this association: Some patients develop a VRT for which histology itself strongly suggests a GPV related to a CPS; others are referred for germline genetic testing because of a family or personal history and finally, a systematic molecular genomic tumour analysis, reveals a PV typical to a CPS. Depending on the samples tested and type of analysis performed, information can be directly available about the germline status of such a PV. Depicting the association between CPS and VRT is clinically important as some of these tumour types require adapted therapy, sometimes in the frontline setting, and the proposal of a specific surveillance programme to detect other malignancies. The diagnosis of CPS necessitates a careful familial evaluation and genetic counselling regarding the risks faced by the child or other family members. The aim of this paper is to propose a literature review of solid VRTs occurring in paediatric and young adult patients associated with CPSs

    Description of diffusive and propagative behavior on fractals

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    The known properties of diffusion on fractals are reviewed in order to give a general outlook of these dynamic processes. After that, we propose a description developed in the context of the intrinsic metric of fractals, which leads us to a differential equation able to describe diffusion in real fractals in the asymptotic regime. We show that our approach has a stronger physical justification than previous works on this field. The most important result we present is the introduction of a dependence on time and space for the conductivity in fractals, which is deduced by scaling arguments and supported by computer simulations. Finally, the diffusion equation is used to introduce the possibility of reaction-diffusion processes on fractals and analyze their properties. Specifically, an analytic expression for the speed of the corresponding travelling fronts, which can be of great interest for application purposes, is derived

    Human neutralizing antibodies to cold linear epitopes and subdomain 1 of the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein

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    Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants diminishes the efficacy of vaccines and antiviral monoclonal antibodies. Continued development of immunotherapies and vaccine immunogens resilient to viral evolution is therefore necessary. Using coldspot-guided antibody discovery, a screening approach that focuses on portions of the virus spike glycoprotein that are both functionally relevant and averse to change, we identified human neutralizing antibodies to highly conserved viral epitopes. Antibody fp.006 binds the fusion peptide and cross-reacts against coronaviruses of the four genera, including the nine human coronaviruses, through recognition of a conserved motif that includes the S2´ site of proteolytic cleavage. Antibody hr2.016 targets the stem helix and neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 variants. Antibody sd1.040 binds to subdomain 1, synergizes with antibody rbd.042 for neutralization and, like fp.006 and hr2.016, protects mice expressing human ACE2 against infection when present as bispecific antibody. Thus, coldspot-guided antibody discovery reveals donor-derived neutralizing antibodies that are cross-reactive with Orthocoronavirinae, including SARS-CoV-2 variants

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do arroz: XI. Marcha de absorção de micronutrientes pela variedade IAC-47

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    Dry matter yield and uptake of B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn by the rice variety IAC-47 were studied under controlled conditions, namely, by growing plants in nutrient solution and by falcing samples for analyses in set physiological periods. It was observed that only the curves describing dry matter production and accumulation of B and Fe was verified.A produção de matéria seca e a absorção de micronutrientes (B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn) pelo arroz var. IAC-47 foram estudadas usando-se plantas cultivadas em solução nutritiva. Verificou-se que: enquanto as curvas que descrevem o crescimento e a acumulação de B e Fe mostram tendência sigmóide, as demais não o fazem, evidência de redistribuição foi observada somente nos casos do B (diminuição no conteúdo foliar) e no do Fe (diminuição no conteúdo da raiz)

    Natural Transformation of Helicobacter pylori Involves the Integration of Short DNA Fragments Interrupted by Gaps of Variable Size

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    Helicobacter pylori are gram-negative bacteria notable for their high level of genetic diversity and plasticity, features that may play a key role in the organism's ability to colonize the human stomach. Homeologous natural transformation, a key contributor to genomic diversification, has been well-described for H. pylori. To examine the mechanisms involved, we performed restriction analysis and sequencing of recombination products to characterize the length, fragmentation, and position of DNA imported via natural transformation. Our analysis revealed DNA imports of small size (1,300 bp, 95% confidence limits 950–1850 bp) with instances of substantial asymmetry in relation to selectable antibiotic-resistance markers. We also observed clustering of imported DNA endpoints, suggesting a possible role for restriction endonucleases in limiting recombination length. Additionally, we observed gaps in integrated DNA and found evidence suggesting that these gaps are the result of two or more separate strand invasions. Taken together, these observations support a system of highly efficient short-fragment recombination involving multiple recombination events within a single locus

    Claudin-1 Is a p63 Target Gene with a Crucial Role in Epithelial Development

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    The epidermis of the skin is a self-renewing, stratified epithelium that functions as the interface between the human body and the outer environment, and acts as a barrier to water loss. Components of intercellular junctions, such as Claudins, are critical to maintain tissue integrity and water retention. p63 is a transcription factor essential for proliferation of stem cells and for stratification in epithelia, mutated in human hereditary syndromes characterized by ectodermal dysplasia. Both p63 and Claudin-1 null mice die within few hours from birth due to dehydration from severe skin abnormalities. These observations suggested the possibility that these two genes might be linked in one regulatory pathway with p63 possibly regulating Claudin-1 expression. Here we show that silencing of ΔNp63 in primary mouse keratinocytes results in a marked down-regulation of Claudin-1 expression (−80%). ΔNp63α binds in vivo to the Claudin-1 promoter and activates both the endogenous Claudin-1 gene and a reporter vector containing a –1.4 Kb promoter fragment of the Claudin-1 gene. Accordingly, Claudin-1 expression was absent in the skin of E15.5 p63 null mice and natural p63 mutant proteins, specifically those found in Ankyloblepharon–Ectodermal dysplasia–Clefting (AEC) patients, were indeed altered in their capacity to regulate Claudin-1 transcription. This correlates with deficient Claudin-1 expression in the epidermis of an AEC patient carrying the I537T p63 mutation. Notably, AEC patients display skin fragility similar to what observed in the epidermis of Claudin-1 and p63 null mice. These findings reinforce the hypothesis that these two genes might be linked in a common regulatory pathway and that Claudin-1 may is an important p63 target gene involved in the pathogenesis of ectodermal dysplasias
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