102 research outputs found

    Estudio de la comunidad de crustáceos asociados al alga invasora Aspa- ragopsis armata Harvey, 1855 del litoral de la Península Ibérica.

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    We studied the community of crustaceans associated to the seaweed Asparagopsis armata along the coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Nineteen stations were selected along the Cantabrian, Atlantic and Mediterranean coast. In the intertidal, five physicochemical parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, pH and turbidity) were measured at each station; algae samples were collected (three replicates of 20x20 cm), and its coverage was estimated (five grids of 50x50 cm). Crustaceans were the dominant group (over 80% in number of specimens) followed by annelids, molluscs and echinoderms. We identified a total of 60 crustacean species (38 gammarids, seven caprellids, nine isopods, four decapods and two tanaids). The caprellids and gammarids were dominant in number. Although univariate analysis showed no significant differences regarding the number of species, abundance, diversity and evenness of Pielou among stations, the multivariate analysis showed different species composition. According to the canonical correspondence analysis, the biomass of algae, as well as the oxygen concentration, pH and salinity were the variables that best explained the distribution of species. The number of crustacean species found on A. armata in this study is similar to that recorded in the literature for other native algae.Se estudió la comunidad de crustáceos asociados al alga Asparagopsis armata en el litoral de la península Ibérica. Se seleccionaron un total de 19 estaciones situadas a lo largo de toda la costa cantábrica, atlántica y mediterránea En cada estación se midieron cinco parámetros fisicoquímicos (temperatura, oxígeno disuelto, salinidad, pH y turbidez), se recolectaron muestras del alga (tres réplicas de 20x20 cm), y se estimó su cobertura (cinco cuadrículas de 50x50 cm) en el intermareal. Los crustáceos fueron el grupo dominante (más del 80% en número de individuos), seguido de anélidos, moluscos y equinodermos. Se identificaron 60 especies de crustáceos (38 gammáridos, siete caprélidos, nueve isópodos, cuatro decápodos y dos tanaidáceos). Los gammáridos y los caprélidos fueron dominantes en número. Aunque los análisis univariantes no reflejaron diferencias significativas en el número de especies, abundancia, diversidad de Shannon y equitatividad de Pielou entre las distintas estaciones, los multivariantes mostraron diferencias en la composición de especies. Según el análisis canónico de correspondencias, la biomasa de alga, la concentración de oxígeno, el pH y la salinidad fueron las variables que mejor explicaron la distribución de las especies. El número de especies de crustáceos encontrado sobre A. armata en este estudio es similar a los registrados en la literatura para otras algas autóctonas

    Coordination university teaching from the students‘ perception

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    [ES] La implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y la configuración de los nuevos planes de estudio en el contexto universitario han situado el aprendizaje cooperativo como una de las modalidades idóneas para la formación del alumnado universitario. Sin embargo, esta oportunidad para iniciar prácticas cooperativas en el aula universitaria no se corresponde con actuaciones docentes en el mismo sentido. El profesorado universitario sigue anclado en una cultura fundamentalmente individualista y balcanizada. En este artículo se presenta una experiencia de innovación y mejora de la calidad docente desarrollada en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Córdoba. La innovación se concreta en dos materias de la titulación de Magisterio: Organización del Centro Escolar y Didáctica General. Los objetivos pretendidos en este trabajo han sido: por una parte, en relación con el alumnado universitario, mostrar una visión holística del conocimiento a través de propuestas didácticas basadas en el trabajo colaborativo y, por otra parte, en relación con nuestra propia formación como docentes universitarios, la creación y consolidación de una comunidad de prácticas en la que confluyen tareas de planificación, desarrollo y evaluación de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje relativas a estas materias. El artículo describe el proceso de configuración del equipo docente, el plan de trabajo diseñado y, finalmente, las valoraciones del alumnado sobre la experiencia. En este último sentido, los resultados indican que los estudiantes consideran la propuesta didáctica como un elemento positivo y relevante en su formación como futuros y futuras docentes. Igualmente, la coordinación entre el profesorado universitario implicado ha sido una de las dimensiones más valoradas.[EN] The European Space of Higher Education and the configuration of the new university curricula have placed cooperative learning as one of the best methods for training of university students. However, this opportuniy to initiate cooperative practices in the university classroom performance does not correspond to teachers in the same direction. The faculty is anchored in a culture fundamentally individualistic and balkanized. This article presents an experience of innovation and improvement of the quality of teaching developed in the Faculty of Education at the University of Cordoba. Innovation focuses on two subjetcs of the degree of Education: School Organization and General Teaching. The objectives pursued in this study were: firstly, in relation to university students, showing a holistic view of knowledge through a set of educational proposals based on collaborative work and, secondly, in relation to our own training as teachers university, the creation and consolidation of a community of practice of a convergence planning, development and evaluation of teaching-learning processes relating to these matters. The article describes the setup of the faculty, the work plan designed and, finally, assessments of students about the experience. In the latter sense, the results indicate that students valued the teaching proposal as a positive and relevant training as future teachers. Similarly, coordination between the involved faculty has been one of the most valued dimensions.Fuentes-Guerra Soldevilla, M.; García Cabrera, MDM.; Llorent García, VJ.; Olivares García, MÁ. (2012). La coordinación docente universitaria desde la percepción del alumnado. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 10(2):395-409. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2012.611539540910

    Valoración de resultados y perfil psicosocial de un programa de rehabilitación de personas con drogodependencias

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    Se describen los resultados y el perfil psicosocial de las personas atendidas durante los últimos 3 años en un programa de rehabilitación en drogodependencias del Proyecto Hombre en Málaga. La muestra seleccionada ha sido de 96 personas entre 18 y 56 años (M=31.31, DT=14.20), el 83.3% hombres y 16.7% mujeres. El porcentaje de altas terapéuticas se sitúa en el 22.9%. Se han estudiado las diversas características psicosociales, relacionándolas con la probabilidad de alta, abandono o recaída en adicciones. Se detallan los resultados y análisis estadísticos en torno a características personales, familiares y de consumo. Se ha encontrado como factor fundamental relacionado con los abandonos: el policonsumo, el abuso emocional y físico, y especialmente la cantidad de conflictos familiares. Se sugieren orientaciones terapéuticas que mejoren los resultados y resuelvan los conflictos familiares que podrían ser un factor importante en las recaídas y abandonos del programa

    Time to diagnosis and associated costs of an outpatient vs inpatient setting in the diagnosis of lymphoma: a retrospective study of a large cohort of major lymphoma subtypes in Spain

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    Background: Mainly because of the diversity of clinical presentations, diagnostic delays in lymphoma can be excessive. The time spent in primary care before referral to the specialist may be relatively short compared with the interval between hospital appointment and diagnosis. Although studies have examined the diagnostic intervals and referral patterns of patients with lymphoma, the time to diagnosis of outpatient compared to inpatient settings and the costs incurred are unknown. Methods: We performed a retrospective study at two academic hospitals to evaluate the time to diagnosis and associated costs of hospital-based outpatient diagnostic clinics or conventional hospitalization in four representative lymphoma subtypes. The frequency, clinical and prognostic features of each lymphoma subtype and the activities of the two settings were analyzed. The costs incurred during the evaluation were compared by microcosting analysis. Results: A total of 1779 patients diagnosed between 2006 and 2016 with classical Hodgkin, large B-cell, follicular, and mature nodal peripheral T-cell lymphomas were identified. Clinically aggressive subtypes including large B-cell and peripheral T-cell lymphomas were more commonly diagnosed in inpatients than in outpatients (39.1 vs 31.2% and 18.9 vs 13.5%, respectively). For each lymphoma subtype, inpatients were older and more likely than outpatients to have systemic symptoms, worse performance status, more advanced Ann Arbor stages, and high-risk prognostic scores. The admission time for diagnosis (i.e. from admission to excisional biopsy) of inpatients was significantly shorter than the time to diagnosis of outpatients (12.3 [3.3] vs 16.2 [2.7] days; P < .001). Microcosting revealed a mean cost of (sic)4039.56 (513.02) per inpatient and of (sic)1408.48 (197.32) per outpatient, or a difference of (sic)2631.08 per patient. Conclusions: Although diagnosis of lymphoma was quicker with hospitalization, the outpatient approach seems to be cost-effective and not detrimental. Despite the considerable savings with the latter approach, there may be hospitalization-associated factors which may not be properly managed in an outpatient unit (e.g. aggressive lymphomas with severe symptoms) and the cost analysis did not account for this potentially added value. While outcomes were not analyzed in this study, the impact on patient outcome of an outpatient vs inpatient diagnostic setting may represent a challenging future research

    Patrones de abundancia de la macrofauna asociada a macroalgas marinas a largo de la Península Ibérica

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    macroalgae were studied on a spatial scale along the Iberian Peninsula. Nineteen stations and four dominant algae were selected (intertidal zone: Corallina elongata and Asparagopsis armata; subtidal zone: Stypocaulon scoparium and Cladostephus spongiosus). Five environmental factors were also considered (seawater temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and pH). The Atlantic coast was characterized by lower temperature and conductivity as well as higher values of oxygen and turbidity than the Mediterranean coast. A total of 106274 macrofaunal specimens were sorted and examined (68% arthropods, 27% molluscs, 4% annelids and 1% echinoderms). Crustaceans were the dominant group in all the macroalgae (ca. 80% in C. elongata and A. armata, ca. 50% in S. scoparium and C. spongiosus) followed by molluscs, which were more abundant in the subtidal algae (ca. 40%) than in intertidal ones (ca.10%). Abundance patterns of macrofauna along the Iberian Peninsula were similar in the four studied algae. Most of crustaceans belonged to the order Amphipoda, which showed high densities (>1000 ind/1000 ml algae) along the whole Peninsula; isopods showed the highest abundances in the Atlantic, while tanaids, cumaceans and decapods were more abundant in the Mediterranean. Among molluscs, gasteropods showed highest abundances along the Atlantic coasts, whereas bivalves showed higher densities along the MediterraneanSe llevó a cabo un estudio espacial de los patrones de abundancia y distribución de la macrofauna asociada a macroalgas a lo largo de la Península Ibérica. Se seleccionaron 19 estaciones y 4 algas dominantes (zona intermareal: Corallina elongata y Asparagopsis armata; zona submareal: Stypocaulon scoparium y Cladostephus spongiosus). Se consideraron también cinco variables ambientales (temperatura del agua, conductividad, oxígeno disuelto, turbidez y pH). La costa atlántica se caracterizó por valores más bajos de temperatura y conductividad, y más altos de oxígeno y turbidez. Se examinaron 106274 individuos de la macrofauna (68% artrópodos, 27% moluscos, 4% anélidos y 1% equinodermos). Los crustáceos fueron dominantes en todas las macroalgas (alrededor del 80% en C. elongata y A. armata, y en torno al 50% en S. scoparium y C. spongiosus), seguidos por los moluscos, que fueron más abundantes en el submareal (40%) que en el intermareal (10%). Los patrones de abundancia de la macrofauna a lo largo de la Península Ibérica fueron similares en las cuatro algas estudiadas. La mayoría de los crustáceos pertenecieron al orden Amphipoda, que mostró densidades muy altas (>1000 ind/1000 ml alga) en toda la Península; los isópodos mostraron las mayores densidades en el Atlántico, mientras que los tanaidáceos, cumáceos y decápodos fueron más abundantes en el Mediterráneo. Entre los moluscos, los gasterópodos mostraron abundancias mayores en el Atlántico, mientras que los bivalvos dominaron en el Mediterráneo. Teniendo en cuenta que todas las estaciones seleccionadas no tenían influencia antrópica importante, los patrones de abundancia obtenidos podrían explicarse en base a diferencias naturales en la temperatura del agua, oxígeno, conductividad y turbidez, existiendo un gradiente transicional entre taxones de aguas más cálidas (del norte de Africa y del Mediterráneo) y taxones de aguas más frías (del Mar del Norte y el Ártico)

    The Harvey–Bradshaw Index adapted to a mobile application compared with In-clinic assessment: the MediCrohn Study

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    [Abstract] Objectives: Mobile apps are useful tools in e-health and self-management strategies in disease monitoring. We evaluated the Harvey–Bradshaw index (HBI) mobile app self-administered by the patient to see if its results agreed with HBI in-clinic assessed by a physician. Methods: Patients were enrolled in a 4-month prospective study with clinical assessments at months 1 and 4. Patients completed mobile app HBI and within 48 h, HBI was performed by a physician (gold standard). HBI scores characterized Crohn's disease (CD) as remission <5 or active ≥5. We determined agreement per item and total HBI score and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). Bland–Altman plot was performed. HBI changes in disease activity from month 1 to month 4 were determined. Results: A total of 219 patients were enrolled. All scheduled assessments (385 pairs of the HBI questionnaire) showed a high percentage of agreement for remission/activity (92.4%, κ = 0.796), positive predictive value (PPV) for remission of 98.2%, and negative predictive value of 76.7%. High agreement was also found at month 1 (93.15%, κ = 0.82) and month 4 (91.5%, κ = 0.75). Bland–Altman plot was more uniform when the HBI mean values were <5 (remission). ICC values were 0.82, 0.897, and 0.879 in all scheduled assessments, 1 and 4 months, respectively. Conclusions: We found a high percentage of agreement between patients' self-administered mobile app HBI and in-clinic physician assessment to detect CD activity with a remarkably high PPV for remission. The mobile app HBI might allow a strict control of inflammation by remote monitoring and flexible follow-up of CD patients. Reduction of sanitary costs could be possible

    Late presentation of chronic HBV and HCV patients seeking first time specialist care in Spain: a 2-year registry review

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    Chronic viral hepatitis infection affects an estimated 325 million people globally. People who initiate treatment after significant disease progression face increased risk of severe liver complications and death. Data are scarce on the characteristics and risk factors of people who present late to care in Spain and globally. Data were collected from January 2018 to December 2019 to report late presentation (LP) to specialist care at 11 large university hospitals in Spain to assess related risk factors using a multivariable logistic regression model. 2290 (CHB = 505, CHC = 1785) patients were analysed, with 581 (25.2%) presenting late. Hepatitis C patients more frequently reported LP compared to hepatitis B patients (28.1% vs 15.0%; p < 0.001). Older age (p < 0.001), being male (p < 0.001), being Spanish-born (p < 0.001), and having an unknown origin of referral (p = 0.08) were associated with a higher likelihood of LP. Advanced liver disease was identified in 533 (23%) patients and late-stage liver disease in 124 (5.4%). LP, including with irreversible liver damage, to viral hepatitis specialist care is frequent in Spain, despite being a country with unrestricted treatment access. Initiatives to reduce LP should specifically target men, older individuals, foreign-born populations for CHB, and Spanish nationals for CHC.AP, TMW, JVL acknowledge support to ISGlobal from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2019–2023” Programme (CEX2018-000806-S), and support from the Government of Catalonia through the CERCA Programme. CAP acknowledges support from the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Social Fund as an AGAUR-funded PhD fellow

    Bartonella Endocarditis in Spain: Case Reports of 21 Cases

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    Blood culture negative endocarditis (BCNE) is frequent in infective endocarditis (IE). One of the causes of BCNE is fastidious microorganisms, such as Bartonella spp. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiologic, clinical characteristics, management and outcomes of patients with Bartonella IE from the “Spanish Collaboration on Endocarditis-Grupo de Apoyo al Manejo de la Endocarditis infecciosa en España (GAMES)”cohort. Here we presented 21 cases of Bartonella IE. This represents 0.3% of a total of 5590 cases and 2% of the BCNE from the GAMES cohort. 62% were due to Bartonella henselae and 38% to Bartonella quintana. Cardiac failure was the main presenting form (61.5% in B. hensalae, 87.5% in B. quintana IE) and the aortic valve was affected in 85% of the cases (76% in B. henselae, 100% in B. quintana IE). Typical signs such as fever were recorded in less than 40% of patients. Echocardiography showed vegetations in 92% and 100% of the patients with B. henselae and B. quintana, respectively. Culture was positive only in one patient and the remaining were diagnosed by serology and PCR. PCR was the most useful tool allowing for diagnosis in 16 patients (100% of the studied valves). Serology, at titers recommended by guidelines, only coincided with PCR in 52.4%. Antimicrobial therapy, in different combinations, was used in all cases. Surgery was performed in 76% of the patients. No in-hospital mortality was observed. One-year mortality was 9.4%. This article remarks the importance for investigating the presence of Bartonella infection as causative agent in all BCNE since the diagnosis needs specific microbiological tools and patients could benefit of a specific treatment