492 research outputs found

    Інновації в архітектурі України: 3D-друковані будинки

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    The development of the latest technological trends in the 21st century which is justly called the age of information technologies, the strengthening of the role of innovations in the engineering sector lead to the revolution in architecture and the construction industry. It is 3D printing that has greatly influenced the field of architecture. Designers and engineers can easily create structural models based on their ideas. 3D printing allows architects to develop prototyping skills. This method is also used for producing add-ons to help them from conceptualization and iteration to actual construction. Exploring this area of technology in the laboratory of polymer materials of KNUTD, we aim to tell a wide audience about the possibilities of 3D printing in order to emphasize the attractiveness and advantages of this new technology for manufacturing companies of Ukraine.Розвиток новітніх технологічних трендів 21 століття, який по праву називають століттям інформаційних технологій, підсилення ролі інновацій у інженерній практиці призводять до революційних процесів у архітектурі та будівельній промисловості. Саме 3D-друк надзвичайно вплинув на сферу архітектури. Дизайнери та інженери можуть легко створювати структурні моделі на основі своїх уявлень. 3D-друк дозволяє архітекторам розвивати навички створення прототипів. Цей метод також використовується для виробництва добавок для концептуалізації та здійснення ітерацій у фактичному будівництві. Досліджуючи цю сферу технологій в лабораторії полімерних матеріалів КНУТД, ми прагнемо проінформувати широку аудиторію фахівців про можливості 3D-друку та наголосити на привабливості та перевагах цієї новітньої технології для виробничих підприємств України

    The problem of resource conservation within the life cycle of nonwoven materials

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    Intensive development of scientific and technological progress and rapid population growth over the past century have led to the fact that the world has accumulated a huge amount of unused waste [1]. At present, textile waste is generated at all light industry enterprises. Such wastes are generated in huge quantities and are not accepted by procurement organizations, but are taken out for disposal, thereby deteriorating the ecological condition of the country. Therefore, there is an important scientific and technical problem, which is to develop technological processes using textile waste. In order to solve this problem, it is extremely important to gain an insight into the special technical and technological solutions in this field. They are the combining of different methods of forming and bonding fibrous webs, additional processing and processing of nonwovens, as well as the creation of modern small plants for the production of goods that are in limited demand. Nonwovens offer new opportunities to address global challenges related to climate change, the use of local raw materials and the provision of their production. The theme of resource conservation runs through all stages of the life cycle of nonwovens, from the raw materials used to make them to the disposal of used products

    Novel antibodies against RCD-8 as a tool to study processing bodies

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    Aim. To develop the model system for processing bodies (PBs) state monitoring and accomplish it in the future as a possible read-out of mTOR activity in mammalian cells. Methods. In course of this study we raised polyclonal antibodies against one of the PBs scaffold proteins – RCD-8 and employed cell imaging technique. Results. It has been shown that the obtained antibodies recognize the intracellular structures, namely PBs. The detected protein co-localized with known marker of PBs – DCP1a, and partly with marker of SGs – CPEB. Conclusions. Based on changes of PBs number and size in cells after exposure to known inductors or inhibitors of PB formation we prove the specificity of generated antibodies and possibility of their application for studies on the processing bodies dynamics controlled by mTOR-dependent signalin

    New records to the vascular flora of Kazakhstan (Central Asia)

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    The paper presents distributional data for seven species new for the flora of Kazakhstan: Atriplex gardneri var. aptera(A. Nelson) S. L. Welsh. & Crompton, Cardamine hirsuta L., Carduus acanthoides L., Galega orientalis Lam., Silene csereiBaumg., Didymophysa fedtschenkoana Regel and Acinos arvensis (Lam.) Dandy. Didymophysa fedtschenkoana is a native ele-ment in the Kazakh flora; the other species should be treated as alien, expansively spreading or invasive in this part of Asia. A list of localities of the species in Kazakhstan and their habitat preferences are presented

    Creative communicative behavior as a means of creative self-realization of the individual

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    The aim of the investigation is to designate a problem of formation of creative communicative behaviour of graduates mastering at “Creative Economics” through the system of vocational training. Methods. The research is constructed on the review and the comparative analysis of works of the foreign and Russian scientists dealing with the subject of creativeness, psychology of creativity and studying of communicative behaviour. Results and scientific novelty. The article explains the need to prepare students for the development of creativity. Concept definition «creative formation» is given; the system of requirements shown to educational process corresponding to it is designated. Research positions in the field of creativeness studying, different lines of thought to its interpretation and directions of scientific search of the decision of a problem of formation of creative communicative behaviour are considered. Complexity of a problem is connected with the crudity of theories and techniques of the system, and complex description of communicative behaviour of this or that generality and absence of a common opinion concerning the issue that it is still uncertain, which scientific representatives should be engaged in this field. The authors suppose that studying of communicative behaviour is a synthetic philological and socially-anthropological perspective scientific direction. On the one hand, the description of communicative behaviour is a component of the description of any language as cultural-historical phenomenon; on the other, the given behaviour is based on the certain developed and standard social norms. This behaviour can be implemented in oral and written speech of participants of process of communications, and also in nonverbal displays of dialogue, and may serve as a means of self-realisation of the person. The problem of vocational training system is to create conditions for development of skills of such behaviour. The future experts as potential members of the general creative process should be ready to observance of available norms and traditions of dialogue and at the same time should possess ability to refuse the fixed, trivial representations while analysing and making decisions of actual workplace issues. Practical significance. The research materials can be useful for teachers of the higher school, experts in the field of creativity psychology, post-graduate students, and facilitators of independent activity of trainees at high schools Цель статьи – обозначить проблему формирования креативного коммуникативного поведения у выпускников системы профессионального образования, которым предстоит трудиться в условиях «креативной экономики». Методы. Работа построена на обзоре и сравнительном анализе трудов зарубежных и отечественных ученых, занимавшихся проблемами креативности, психологией творчества и изучением коммуникативного поведения. Результаты и научная новизна. Утверждается необходимость подготовки студентов вузов к проявлению креативности. Дается определение понятия «креативное образование»; характеризуется система требований, предъявляемая к соответствующему ему учебному процессу. Рассматриваются исследовательские позиции в области изучения креативности, разные подходы к ее толкованию и направления научного поиска решения проблемы формирования креативного коммуникативного поведения. Сложность проблемы связана с неразработанностью теории и методики системного и комплексного описания коммуникативного поведения той или иной общности и отсутствием единого мнения по поводу того, представители какой науки должны этим заниматься. С точки зрения авторов, изучение коммуникативного поведения – синтетическое филологическое и социально-антропологическое перспективное научное направление. С одной стороны, описание коммуникативного поведения – составная часть описания любого языка как культурно-исторического феномена; с другой – данное поведение основано на определенных сложившихся общепринятых социальных нормах. Оно реализуется в устной и письменной речи участников процесса коммуникации, а также в невербальных проявлениях общения и служит средством самореализации личности. Задача системы профессионального образования – создать условия для освоения навыков такого поведения. Будущие специалисты как потенциальные субъекты общего творческого процесса должны быть готовы к соблюдению имеющихся норм и традиций общения и вместе с тем должны обладать способностью отказаться от фиксированных, тривиальных представлений при анализе и решении актуальных производственных проблем. Практическая значимость. Материал статьи может быть интересен преподавателям высшей школы, специалистам в области психологии творчества, аспирантам иорганизаторам самостоятельной деятельности обучающихся вузов

    An algebraic method of classification of S-integrable discrete models

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    A method of classification of integrable equations on quad-graphs is discussed based on algebraic ideas. We assign a Lie ring to the equation and study the function describing the dimensions of linear spaces spanned by multiple commutators of the ring generators. For the generic case this function grows exponentially. Examples show that for integrable equations it grows slower. We propose a classification scheme based on this observation.Comment: 11 pages, workshop "Nonlinear Physics. Theory and Experiment VI", submitted to TM

    Classification of integrable discrete Klein-Gordon models

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    The Lie algebraic integrability test is applied to the problem of classification of integrable Klein-Gordon type equations on quad-graphs. The list of equations passing the test is presented containing several well-known integrable models. A new integrable example is found, its higher symmetry is presented.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to Physica Script


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    Pengembangan lembar kerja (LK) merupakan suatu hal yang dapat mendukung proses kegiatan belajar mengajar di dunia pendidikan. Lembar Kerja  yang dibuat secara efektif dan sistematis serta fleksibel dapat membantu mahasiswa untuk belajar lebih efektif, aktif secara mandiri maupun berkelompok, sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemandirian, keaktifan dan motivasi mahasiswa dalam proses pembelajaran pada mata kuliah program komputer. Lembar kerja yang dibuat biasanya hanya dapat diselesaikan dengan cara konvensional saja, yaitu siswa mengerjakan secara tertulis permasalahan-permasalahan yang terdapat pada lembar kerja tersebut, sehingga mahasiswa hanya terfokus pada kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memecahkan masalah saja sehingga kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan kritis mahasiswa kurang berkembang. Lembar kerja yang dikembangkan pada penelttian ini yaitu lembar kerja yang tidak hanya memfokuskan mahasiswa dalam penyelesaian masalah matematika saja, tetapi untuk merangsang kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kreatif mahasiswa dalam memecahkan masalah-masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang dapat diselesaikan dengan bantuan Software Microsoft  Excel.  Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan lembar kerja berbasis masalah pada perkuliahan program komputer dengan bantuan Ms. Excel  dan mengetahui self regulated learning mahasiswa dalam memecahkan masalah matematika pada mata kuliah program komputer dengan bantuan Ms. Excel. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode pengembangan atau research and Development. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa program studi pendidikan matematika angkatan 2016 dan peneliti mengambil 1 kelas untuk dijadikan subjek penelitian sebanyak 42 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini meliputi soal tes hasil belajar dan angket self regulated learning (SRL). Tes hasil belajar dan angket self regulated learning dianalisis secara kualitatif.  Keywords: Lembar Kerja, Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah, Self regulated learning, dan Microsoft  Excel

    Influence of povidone-yodine on the sensitivity of clinical isolates of <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i> to antibiotics

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    Introduction. Cross-resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics against the background of the use of biocides in subinhibitory concentrations is an urgent problem of modern health care. The aim of the work is to study the effect of povidone-iodine on the sensitivity of clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae to antibiotics. Materials and methods. The work analyzed the effect of povidone-iodine at subinhibitory concentrations on changes in the sensitivity of clinical isolates of K. pneumoniae (n = 9) to antibacterial agents (n = 15). Adaptation of bacteria to povidone-iodine was carried out using periodic cultivation of microorganisms, which was carried out in 96-well culture plates for suspension cultures (non-treated) without stirring. The sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics was assessed using an automatic analyzer Vitek2Compact (BioMerieux) using AST-204 charts. Results. During the adaptation of clinical isolates of K. pneumoniae to povidone-iodine, an increase in the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics was shown. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of 11 antibacterial agents in relation to the studied cultures decreased by an average of 2.3523.2 times compared with the control values. Under the experimental conditions, the sensitivity of the studied cultures increased to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid by 2 8 times, piperacillin/tazobactam by 2 32 times, ceftazidime by 4 16 times, ami-kacin 2 16 times, ertapenem 2.08.0 times, meropinem 28 times, cefepim 4 64 times, ciprofloxacin 4 16 times, gentamicin 2 8 times, norfloxacin 28 times, nitrofurantoin 24 times. An increase in the level of sensitivity to antibiotics was found in 50100% of the studied clinical bacterial isolates. A similar effect has not been established for ampicillin, cefotaxime, imipenem, and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. It should be noted that under the conditions of the experiment, intraspecific heterogeneity of clinical isolates of K. pneumoniae was revealed in terms of the level of acquired sensitivity to antibacterial agents. Discussion. Our results are not described in the scientific literature and require further study and explanation


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    В данной статье анализируются первые результаты проведения ежегодных Всероссийских сетевых конкурсов студенческих проектов "Профессиональное завтра" с участием студентов с ограниченными возможностями здоровья (ОВЗ) и инвалидностью. Представлена основная информация о конкурсе и его организаторах с 2018 года по настоящее время. Кроме того, авторами статьи предложены рекомендации для организаторов конкурса по улучшению его проведения в будущем.This article analyzes the first results of the annual All-Russian network competition of student projects "Professional Tomorrow" with the participation of students with disabilities. Basic information about the contest and its organizers from 2018 to the present is presented. In addition, the authors of the article proposed recommendations for the organizers of the competition to improve its conduct in the future