463 research outputs found

    La traduzione simultanea del film: produzione e percezione

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    I testi analizzati sono il risultato delle registrazioni raccolte durante un festival cinematografico svoltosi nell'estate del 1995, quindi in una situazione di lavoro reale; ciò ha permesso di concentrarsi non solo sulla produzione dell'interpretazione simultanea, ma anche sulla sua percezione, mediante un questionario distribuito al pubblico. L'analisi è stata limitata a testi che gli interpreti avevano avuto la possibilità di preparare in anticipo rispetto alla proiezione, avendo essi ricevuto le liste dialoghi circa due settimane prima dell'inizio del festival, per poter meglio evidenziare le differenze fra interpretazione di film e di conferenza, differenze che si riscontrano non solo nelle caratteristiche dei testi da tradurre, ma soprattutto nel contesto dell'atto comunicativo e dei rapporti fra coloro che vi partecipano

    Influence of Maternal Care on Behavioural Development of Domestic Dogs (Canis Familiaris) Living in a Home Environment

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    Maternal care has been shown to affect the development of the brain, behaviour, social skills and emotional systems of the young of many mammalian species including dogs. The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of maternal care on the behavioural responses of family dog puppies towards environmental and social stimuli. In order to do this, maternal care (licking puppy’s ano-genital area, licking the puppy, nursing and mother-puppy contact) during the first three weeks after birth was assessed in 12 litters of domestic dog puppies reared in home environments (total = 72 puppies). The behavioural responses of puppies were assessed in an arena and an isolation test, which were performed when the puppies were two-month old. Data were analysed using principal components analysis and projection to latent structures regression. A systematic relationship was found between maternal care and behaviour in both tests. In the arena test, maternal care was found to be positively associated with approach to the stranger, attention oriented to the stranger, time spent near the enclosure, yawning, whining and yelping (R2Y = 0.613, p = 8.2 × 10−9). Amount of maternal care was negatively associated with the number of squares crossed and the time spent individually playing with the rope. In the isolation test, the amount of maternal care was positively associated with standing posture, paw lifting, and howling, and it was negatively associated with yawning, lying down and nose licking (R2Y = 0.507, p = 0.000626). These results suggest that the amount of maternal care received during early life influences the pattern of behavioural responses and coping strategies of puppies at two-months of age. On the basis of these findings it could be speculated that early maternal care contributes to adaption to the environment in which family puppies are developing, with particular regard to social relationships with people

    Guimarães Rosa’s poetics and the sertão

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    Guimarães Rosa and James Joyce are very frequently compared due to the experimental nature of their work. This paper argues, however, that there are significant differences in their experimentalism and that Rosa engages in a long-standing tradition in Brazilian literature that explores and at the same time challenges the potentialities of regional culture. His work configures a dialectical interplay between erudite and popular sources, oral and written language, modern and traditional forms. The sertão – the backlands – as envisaged by him is shaped as a landscape which is both imaginary and real, concrete and symbolic, geographical and cultural.Guimarães Rosa and James Joyce are very frequently compared due to the experimental nature of their work. This paper argues, however, that there are significant differences in their experimentalism and that Rosa engages in a long-standing tradition in Brazilian literature that explores and at the same time challenges the potentialities of regional culture. His work configures a dialectical interplay between erudite and popular sources, oral and written language, modern and traditional forms. The sertão – the backlands – as envisaged by him is shaped as a landscape which is both imaginary and real, concrete and symbolic, geographical and cultural

    Marhall, Oliver. English, Irish and Irish-American Letters in Nineteenth-Century

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    Marhall, Oliver. English, Irish and Irish-American Letters in Nineteenth-Century Brasil: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004

    Use of the event tree to assess the risk reduction obtained from rockfall protection devices

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    Abstract. The paper presents and discusses a procedure for the evaluation of the collective risk that can affect a road subjected to rockfalls, with and without protection measures, by means of the event tree analysis. This tool is useful to show designers whether the rockfall protection structures are located in the correct positions, whether they are the correct technological choice and what level of reduction of risk can be obtained. Different design options can therefore be compared on the same bases


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    The paper will present the extraction of information from a laser scanning survey aimed to support historical studies on the Sangallo's house in Florence. In order to verify some study's hypothesis related to the building history and constructive techniques, high resolution models were needed. The meaning of "resolution" applied to 3D scanning will be briefly discussed stressing the difference between resolution and accuracy. Starting from the analysis of technical specifications of the used instruments, the expected performance of the model is described. The results obtained from acquired data are shown and the paper will conclude proposing some answers to the historian's questions

    Influence of morning maternal care on the behavioural responses of 8-week-old Beagle puppies to new environmental and social stimuli

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    In mammals, maternal care represents a major constituent of the early-life environment and its influence on individual development has been documented in rodents, non-human primates, humans and recently in adult dogs. The quality and quantity of mother-offspring interactions exerts a multilevel regulation upon the physiological, cognitive, and behavioural development of the offspring. For example, in rats variations in maternal behaviour, such as mother-pup body contact and the amount of licking towards pups in the nest during the early days after parturition, influences the endocrine, emotional, and behavioural responses to stress in the offspring. This produces long-term consequences, which may remain into adulthood and can be transmitted to subsequent generations. Literature about maternal care in dogs and its effect on puppy behaviour is still scarce, although the topic is receiving a growing interest. The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of morning maternal care on behavioural responses of puppies to new environmental and social stimuli. In order to achieve this, maternal care (licking, ano-genital licking, nursing and mother-puppy contact) was assessed in eight litters of domestic dogs living in standard rearing conditions during the first three weeks post-partum. Puppies were subjected to two behavioural tests (arena and isolation tests) at 58-60 days of age, and their behavioural responses were video recorded and analysed. Data was analysed using multivariate analyses (PCA, PLS).During the isolation test, a higher level of maternal care was associated with more exploration and a higher latency to emit the first yelp; on the contrary, a lower level of maternal care was associated with increased locomotion, distress vocalisations and destructive behaviours directed at the enclosure.These results, comparable to those reported in laboratory rat models and to some extent to those recently reported in dog literature, highlight the importance of maternal care on the behavioural development of domestic dog puppies


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    «Abstracción» es la tercera carta de una serie que el teólogo y filósofo alemán de origen italiano Romano Guardini escribió y publicó en la revista Die Schildgenossen (Los compañeros del escudo) de 1923 a 1925, y que recogió en el libro Briefe vom Comer See (1927). El arquitecto Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969) subrayó este texto en su copia personal del libro y reprodujo los pasajes más relevantes en el «Cuaderno de Notas» (Notizheft) que redactó de 1927 a 1928 y que forma el fundamento de su pensamiento arquitectónico. Se publican en facsímil las páginas 25-31 del ejemplar de Briefe vom Comer See perteneciente a la biblioteca personal de Mies van der Rohe, con los subrayados que Mies realizó en la misma. Este libro se encuentra depositado en la Daley Library de la University of Illinois at Chicago [Special Collections/ 3rd floor. Signatura (Call Number): cb478 .g8 1927]. El texto que se presenta en español es una versión revisada de la traducción realizada por Víctor Bazterrica (Cartas del Lago de Como, San Sebastián, Editorial Dinor, 1957, pp. 33-41). © Katholische Akademie de Baviera, para Romano Guardini, Die Technik und der Mensch. Briefe vom Comer See. Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag, Maguncia, Alemania. © De las imágenes: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Collection, Daley Library, University of Illinois at Chicago (usa)


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    First paragraph: In the Mexican film Cronos (1993), a mysterious device designed to provide its owner with eternal life resurfaces after four hundred years, leaving a trail of destruction in its path. When opened, the device stabs the handler and the incision stimulates youthful vigour and a vampire’s need for blood. Directed by Guillermo del Toro, who would go on to make the Gothic horror films Devil’s Backbone (2001), Pan’s Labyrinth (2006) and the American mainstream vampire superhero action movie Blade II (2002), Cronos is part of a tradition of vampire narratives in the American tropics that stretches from the civatateo of Aztec mythology to the tale of the azeman in Surinam to the oral stories of the peuchen in Chile to the lobisomem of Brazilian folklore to the soucouyant and volant in the Anglophone and Francophone Caribbean. But Cronos is also part of a significant Gothic cinematic tradition in the tropics of the Americas that includes, among many others, vampire films such as Vampiros (2004) by the Puerto Rican director Eduardo Ortíz, Sangre eternal (Eternal Blood, 2002) by Jorge Olguin from Chile, as well as the Columbian films Pura sangre (Pure Blood, 1982) by Luis Ospina and Carne de tu carne (Flesh of Your Flesh, 1983) by Carlos Mayolo. In fact, Mayolo refers to his vampire movie and his haunting work La mansión de Araucaíma (The Manor of Araucaíma 1986) as ‘Gótico tropical’ (tropical Gothic) films that revolve around ‘la estructura del gótico’, a gothic structure in a tropical setting (9)