500 research outputs found

    Nucleosynthesis of light element isotopes in evolved stars experiencing extended mixing

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    We present computations of nucleosynthesis in red giants and asymptotic giant branch stars of Population I experiencing extended mixing. The assumed physical cause for mass transport is the buoyancy of magnetized structures, according to recent suggestions. The peculiar property of such a mechanism is to allow for both fast and slow mixing phenomena, as required for reproducing the spread in Li abundances displayed by red giants and as discussed in an accompanying paper. We explore here the effects of this kind of mass transport on CNO and intermediatemass nuclei and compare the results with the available evidence from evolved red giants and from the isotopic composition of presolar grains of AGB origin. It is found that a good general accord exists between predictions and measurements; in this framework we also show which type of observational data best constrains the various parameters. We conclude that magnetic buoyancy, allowing for mixing at rather different speeds, can be an interesting scenario to explore for explaining together the abundances of CNO nuclei and of Li.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, proceeding of 'The Origin of the Elements Heavier than Fe' September 24-28, 2008, Torino, Italy. PASA (accepted for publication

    Extra-Mixing in Luminous Cool Red Giants. Hints from Evolved Stars with and without Li

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    We present an analysis of Li abundances in low mass stars (LMS) during the Red Giant Branch (RGB) and Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stages, based on a new determination of their luminosities and evolutionary status. By applying recently suggested models for extra-mixing, induced by magnetic buoyancy, we show that both Li-rich and Li-poor stars can be accounted for. The simplest scenario implies the development of fast instabilities on the RGB, where Li is produced. When the fields increase in strength, buoyancy slows down and Li is destroyed. 3He is consumed, at variable rates. The process continues on the AGB, where however moderate mass circulation rates have little effect on Li due to the short time available. O-rich and C-rich stars show different histories of Li production/destruction, possibly indicative of different masses. More complex transport schemes are allowed by magnetic buoyancy, with larger effects on Li, but most normal LMS seem to show only the range of Li variation discussed here.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Sizing of integrated solar photovoltaic and electrolysis systems for clean hydrogen production

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    This work presents a method to design an optimised system that combines electrolysers and solar photovoltaic panels for sustainable hydrogen production. Given the daily and seasonal variations of the electricity output vs. a stable hydrogen demand, power exchange to/from the electric grid and hydrogen storage systems are considered. The aim is to determine the optimal size of the PV field, the electrolyser, and the storage, for a given hydrogen demand, by minimising the cost of the hydrogen produced

    Mid Infrared Photometry of Mass-Losing AGB Stars

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    We present ground-based mid-infrared imaging for 27 M-, S- and C-type Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars. The data are compared with those of the database available thanks to the IRAS, ISO, MSX and 2MASS catalogues. Our goal is to establish relations between the IR colors, the effective temperature TeffT_{eff}, the luminosity LL and the mass loss rate M˙\dot M, for improving the effectiveness of AGB modelling. Bolometric (absolute) magnitudes are obtained through distance compilations, and by applying previously-derived bolometric corrections; the variability is also studied, using data accumulated since the IRAS epoch. The main results are: i) Values of LL and M˙\dot M for C stars fit relations previously established by us, with Miras being on average more evolved and mass losing than Semiregulars. ii) Moderate IR excesses (as compared to evolutionary tracks) are found for S and M stars in our sample: they are confirmed to originate from the dusty circumstellar environment. iii) A larger reddening characterizes C-rich Miras and post-AGBs. In this case, part of the excess is due to AGB models overestimating TeffT_{eff} for C-stars, as a consequence of the lack of suitable molecular opacities. This has a large effect on the colors of C-rich sources and sometimes disentangling the photospheric and circumstellar contributions is difficult; better model atmospheres should be used in stellar evolutionary codes for C stars. iv) The presence of a long-term variability at mid-IR wavelengths seems to be limited to sources with maximum emission in the 8 -- 20 ÎŒ\mum region, usually Mira variables (1/3 of our sample). Most Semiregular and post-AGB stars studied here remained remarkably constant in mid-IR over the last twenty years.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal - 35 pages (in preprint), 9 figures, 5 table

    Mass loss in AGB stars from infrared colors

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    Abstract. We have selected a wide database of mid infrared observations for AGB stars from both ground-based and space-borne observatories, with the aim of characterizing the efficient mass loss mechanisms leading to the formation of their extended dusty envelopes and of planetary nebulae. Our sample includes more than 250 sources in our Galaxy, distributed along the evolutionary sequence that gradually changes the spectral characteristics of M giants, forming MS, S and then C-stars. Thanks to a re-analysis of existing estimates of mass loss at radio frequencies and to improved measurements of distance (often provided by the Hipparcos mission), we compile a homogeneous set of corrected mass loss rates and of mid-infrared colors. We show the existence of clear correlations suggesting that mass loss can be inferred from photometric colors in mid infrared, once these have been suitably calibrated. This provides a tool to predict the efficiency of stellar winds for other less known sources, and is a decisive step in view of the determination of observationally based criteria for including mass loss in stellar models. In this paper we discuss in particular, as an example, our sample of C-rich stars

    Structural Performance of Reinforced Concrete Flat Plate Buildings Subjected to Fire

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    El siguiente artĂ­culo se propone estudiar la poesĂ­a de Luis HernĂĄndez a partir de los problemas que surgen al intentar estudiar su obra reunida. Antes que ser valorada como una poesĂ­a “inacabada”, la deliberada asistematicidad de su poĂ©tica debe ser entendida como el resultado de un calculado y consciente ejercicio artĂ­stico, cuyas fuentes filosĂłficas tradicionalmente han pugnado por una ontologĂ­a del movimiento frente a una metafĂ­sica de la permanencia. Bajo esta perspectiva, la obra de HernĂĄndez se revela como un “plano de inmanencia”, desde el cual acontece el sentido de su poesĂ­a en el quehacer de la escritura.The article aims to study Luis HernĂĄndez’ poetry from the point of view of the problems that emerge when trying to analyze his Complete Works. Rather than being assessed as “unfinished”, the deliberate and unsystematic appearance of his poetic, should rather be understood as the result of a calculated and conscious artistic practice that stems from philosophical trends which traditionally have fostered an ontology of movement against a metaphysics of permanence. Under this view, HernĂĄndez work shows up as “plane of immanence” from where sense becomes an event for the creative writing process.El segĂŒent article es proposa estudiar la poesia de Luis HernĂĄndez a partir dels problemes que sorgeixen al tractar d’estudiar la seva obra reunida. Abans de ser valorada com una poesia “incabada”, la deliberada asistematicitat de la seva poĂštica deu ser entesa com el resultat d’un calculat i conscient exercici artĂ­stic, fonts filosĂČfiques de les quals han pugnat tradicionalment per una ontologia del moviment davant una metafĂ­sica de la permanĂšncia. Sota aquesta perspectiva, l’obra d’HernĂ ndez es revela com un “pla d’inmanĂšncia”, des del qual esdevĂ© el sentit de la seva poesia en el afer de l’escriptura

    CSF parvalbumin levels reflect interneuron loss linked with cortical pathology in multiple sclerosis

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    INTRODUCTION AND METHODS: In order to verify whether parvalbumin (PVALB), a protein specifically expressed by GABAergic interneurons, could be a MS-specific marker of grey matter neurodegeneration, we performed neuropathology/molecular analysis of PVALB expression in motor cortex of 40 post-mortem progressive MS cases, with/without meningeal inflammation, and 10 control cases, in combination with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) assessment. Analysis of CSF PVALB and neurofilaments (Nf-L) levels combined with physical/cognitive/3TMRI assessment was performed in 110 naïve MS patients and in 32 controls at time of diagnosis. RESULTS: PVALB gene expression was downregulated in MS (fold change = 3.7 ± 1.2, P < 0.001 compared to controls) reflecting the significant reduction of PVALB+ cell density in cortical lesions, to a greater extent in MS patients with high meningeal inflammation (51.8, P < 0.001). Likewise, post-mortem CSF-PVALB levels were higher in MS compared to controls (fold change = 196 ± 36, P < 0.001) and correlated with decreased PVALB+ cell density (r = -0.64, P < 0.001) and increased MHC-II+ microglia density (r = 0.74, P < 0.01), as well as with early age of onset (r = -0.69, P < 0.05), shorter time to wheelchair (r = -0.49, P < 0.05) and early age of death (r = -0.65, P < 0.01). Increased CSF-PVALB levels were detected in MS patients at diagnosis compared to controls (P = 0.002). Significant correlation was found between CSF-PVALB levels and cortical lesion number on MRI (R = 0.28, P = 0.006) and global cortical thickness (R = -0.46, P < 0.001), better than Nf-L levels. CSF-PVALB levels increased in MS patients with severe cognitive impairment (mean ± SEM:25.2 ± 7.5 ng/mL) compared to both cognitively normal (10.9 ± 2.4, P = 0.049) and mild cognitive impaired (10.1 ± 2.9, P = 0.024) patients. CONCLUSIONS: CSF-PVALB levels reflect loss of cortical interneurons in MS patients with more severe disease course and might represent an early, new MS-specific biomarker of cortical neurodegeneration, atrophy, and cognitive decline

    The Magnetised Bellows of Betelgeuse

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    We present calculations for a magnetised hybrid wind model for Betelegeuse (α−\alpha - Orionis). The model is a direct application of our previously derived theory, combining a canonical Weber-Davis (WD) stellar wind with dust grains in the envelope of an AGB star \citep[see][]{Thirumalai2010}. The resulting hybrid picture provides a mechanism for solving the problem of lifting stellar material up from the photosphere \citep[e.g.][] {Harper2009,Guandalini2006,Jura1984} and into the circumstellar envelope. It also predicts wind velocities in agreement with current estimates. Our approach reveals that magnetic fields in supergiant stars like Betelgeuse \citep[see][]{Auriere2010}, may play a vital role in determining the nature of the stellar outflow and consequently, opens a new avenue of investigation in the field of hybrid stellar winds.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Breast milk butyrate as protective factor against food allergy

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    Conflicting evidences suggest a role for breast milk as pro- tective factor against food allergy. The major short chain fatty acids, butyrate produced by gut microbiota exerts positive effect on immune system. We aimed to see whether butyrate concen- tration in human milk is able to prevent food allergy in an animal model of cow milk allergy. Mature breast milk butyrate concentration from 40 healthy women (aged 21–42 yrs) was assessed by gas chromatography. 4- Week-old female C3H/HeOuJ mice were sensitized by oral route with -lactoglobulin (BLG, 20 mg) plus cholera toxin (CT, 10 g) as an adjuvant in the presence or absence of butyrate. Acute aller- gic skin response,anaphylactic symptom score, body temperature, intestinal permeability, anti-BLG IgE, IL-4 and IL-10 production were assessed soon after oral challenge. Mean butyrate concen- tration in breast milk was 0.75 mM (SD ± 0.15). Based on this concentration a daily dose of 30 mg/kg body weight was calculated. The same butyrate concentration was able to significantly prevent acute allergic skin response, anaphylactic symptom score, body temperature decrease, intestinal permeability increase, anti-BLG IgE, IL-4 and IL-10 production in CMA animal model (p < .05). Our data suggest a pivotal role for butyrate as an effective human milk component in food allergy prevention
